/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Bug 587970 - Provide ability "Update all now" within 'Available Updates' screen var gManagerWindow; var gProvider; function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); gProvider = new MockProvider(); gProvider.createAddons([{ id: "addon1@tests.mozilla.org", name: "addon 1", version: "1.0", applyBackgroundUpdates: AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE }, { id: "addon2@tests.mozilla.org", name: "addon 2", version: "2.0", applyBackgroundUpdates: AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE }, { id: "addon3@tests.mozilla.org", name: "addon 3", version: "3.0", applyBackgroundUpdates: AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE }]); open_manager("addons://updates/available", function(aWindow) { gManagerWindow = aWindow; run_next_test(); }); } function end_test() { close_manager(gManagerWindow, finish); } add_test(function() { var list = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("updates-list"); is(list.childNodes.length, 0, "Available updates list should be empty"); var emptyNotice = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("empty-availableUpdates-msg"); is_element_visible(emptyNotice, "Empty notice should be visible"); var updateSelected = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("update-selected-btn"); is_element_hidden(updateSelected, "Update Selected button should be hidden"); info("Adding updates"); gProvider.createInstalls([{ name: "addon 1", version: "1.1", existingAddon: gProvider.addons[0] }, { name: "addon 2", version: "2.1", existingAddon: gProvider.addons[1] }, { name: "addon 3", version: "3.1", existingAddon: gProvider.addons[2] }]); function wait_for_refresh() { if (list.childNodes.length == 3 && list.childNodes[0].mManualUpdate && list.childNodes[1].mManualUpdate && list.childNodes[2].mManualUpdate) { run_next_test(); } else { info("Waiting for pane to refresh"); setTimeout(wait_for_refresh, 10); } } info("Waiting for pane to refresh"); setTimeout(wait_for_refresh, 10); }); add_test(function() { var list = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("updates-list"); is(list.childNodes.length, 3, "Available updates list should have 2 items"); var item1 = get_addon_element(gManagerWindow, "addon1@tests.mozilla.org"); isnot(item1, null, "Item for addon1@tests.mozilla.org should be in list"); var item2 = get_addon_element(gManagerWindow, "addon2@tests.mozilla.org"); isnot(item2, null, "Item for addon2@tests.mozilla.org should be in list"); var item3 = get_addon_element(gManagerWindow, "addon3@tests.mozilla.org"); isnot(item3, null, "Item for addon3@tests.mozilla.org should be in list"); var emptyNotice = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("empty-availableUpdates-msg"); is_element_hidden(emptyNotice, "Empty notice should be hidden"); var updateSelected = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("update-selected-btn"); is_element_visible(updateSelected, "Update Selected button should be visible"); is(updateSelected.disabled, false, "Update Selected button should be enabled by default"); is(item1._includeUpdate.checked, true, "Include Update checkbox should be checked by default for addon1"); is(item2._includeUpdate.checked, true, "Include Update checkbox should be checked by default for addon2"); is(item3._includeUpdate.checked, true, "Include Update checkbox should be checked by default for addon3"); info("Unchecking Include Update checkbox for addon1"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(item1._includeUpdate, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow); is(item1._includeUpdate.checked, false, "Include Update checkbox should now be be unchecked for addon1"); is(updateSelected.disabled, false, "Update Selected button should still be enabled"); info("Unchecking Include Update checkbox for addon2"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(item2._includeUpdate, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow); is(item2._includeUpdate.checked, false, "Include Update checkbox should now be be unchecked for addon2"); is(updateSelected.disabled, false, "Update Selected button should still be enabled"); info("Unchecking Include Update checkbox for addon3"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(item3._includeUpdate, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow); is(item3._includeUpdate.checked, false, "Include Update checkbox should now be be unchecked for addon3"); is(updateSelected.disabled, true, "Update Selected button should now be disabled"); info("Checking Include Update checkbox for addon2"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(item2._includeUpdate, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow); is(item2._includeUpdate.checked, true, "Include Update checkbox should now be be checked for addon2"); is(updateSelected.disabled, false, "Update Selected button should now be enabled"); info("Checking Include Update checkbox for addon3"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(item3._includeUpdate, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow); is(item3._includeUpdate.checked, true, "Include Update checkbox should now be be checked for addon3"); is(updateSelected.disabled, false, "Update Selected button should now be enabled"); var installCount = 0; var listener = { onDownloadStarted: function(aInstall) { isnot(aInstall.existingAddon.id, "addon1@tests.mozilla.org", "Should not have seen a download start for addon1"); }, onInstallEnded: function(aInstall) { if (++installCount < 2) return; gProvider.installs[0].removeTestListener(listener); gProvider.installs[1].removeTestListener(listener); gProvider.installs[2].removeTestListener(listener); // Installs are started synchronously so by the time an executeSoon is // executed all installs that are going to start will have started executeSoon(function() { is(gProvider.installs[0].state, AddonManager.STATE_AVAILABLE, "addon1 should not have been upgraded"); is(gProvider.installs[1].state, AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLED, "addon2 should have been upgraded"); is(gProvider.installs[2].state, AddonManager.STATE_INSTALLED, "addon3 should have been upgraded"); run_next_test(); }); } } gProvider.installs[0].addTestListener(listener); gProvider.installs[1].addTestListener(listener); gProvider.installs[2].addTestListener(listener); info("Clicking Update Selected button"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(updateSelected, { }, gManagerWindow); }); add_test(function() { var updateSelected = gManagerWindow.document.getElementById("update-selected-btn"); is(updateSelected.disabled, true, "Update Selected button should be disabled"); var item1 = get_addon_element(gManagerWindow, "addon1@tests.mozilla.org"); isnot(item1, null, "Item for addon1@tests.mozilla.org should be in list"); is(item1._includeUpdate.checked, false, "Include Update checkbox should not have changed"); info("Checking Include Update checkbox for addon1"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(item1._includeUpdate, 2, 2, { }, gManagerWindow); is(item1._includeUpdate.checked, true, "Include Update checkbox should now be be checked for addon1"); is(updateSelected.disabled, false, "Update Selected button should now not be disabled"); run_next_test(); });