/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; const Cu = Components.utils; // Cannot use Services.appinfo here, or else xpcshell-tests will blow up, as // most tests later register different nsIAppInfo implementations, which // wouldn't be reflected in Services.appinfo anymore, as the lazy getter // underlying it would have been initialized if we used it here. if ("@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1" in Cc) { let runtime = Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime); if (runtime.processType != Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) { // Refuse to run in child processes. throw new Error("You cannot use the AddonManager in child processes!"); } } Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); const MOZ_COMPATIBILITY_NIGHTLY = !['aurora', 'beta', 'release', 'esr'].includes(AppConstants.MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL); const PREF_BLOCKLIST_PINGCOUNTVERSION = "extensions.blocklist.pingCountVersion"; const PREF_DEFAULT_PROVIDERS_ENABLED = "extensions.defaultProviders.enabled"; const PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED = "extensions.update.enabled"; const PREF_EM_LAST_APP_VERSION = "extensions.lastAppVersion"; const PREF_EM_LAST_PLATFORM_VERSION = "extensions.lastPlatformVersion"; const PREF_EM_AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT = "extensions.update.autoUpdateDefault"; const PREF_EM_STRICT_COMPATIBILITY = "extensions.strictCompatibility"; const PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY = "extensions.checkUpdateSecurity"; const PREF_EM_UPDATE_BACKGROUND_URL = "extensions.update.background.url"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_ENABLED = "app.update.enabled"; const PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO = "app.update.auto"; const PREF_EM_HOTFIX_ID = "extensions.hotfix.id"; const PREF_EM_HOTFIX_LASTVERSION = "extensions.hotfix.lastVersion"; const PREF_EM_HOTFIX_URL = "extensions.hotfix.url"; const PREF_EM_CERT_CHECKATTRIBUTES = "extensions.hotfix.cert.checkAttributes"; const PREF_EM_HOTFIX_CERTS = "extensions.hotfix.certs."; const PREF_MATCH_OS_LOCALE = "intl.locale.matchOS"; const PREF_SELECTED_LOCALE = "general.useragent.locale"; const UNKNOWN_XPCOM_ABI = "unknownABI"; const PREF_MIN_WEBEXT_PLATFORM_VERSION = "extensions.webExtensionsMinPlatformVersion"; const PREF_WEBAPI_TESTING = "extensions.webapi.testing"; const UPDATE_REQUEST_VERSION = 2; const CATEGORY_UPDATE_PARAMS = "extension-update-params"; const XMLURI_BLOCKLIST = "http://www.mozilla.org/2006/addons-blocklist"; const KEY_PROFILEDIR = "ProfD"; const KEY_APPDIR = "XCurProcD"; const FILE_BLOCKLIST = "blocklist.xml"; const BRANCH_REGEXP = /^([^\.]+\.[0-9]+[a-z]*).*/gi; const PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_BASE = "extensions.checkCompatibility"; var PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY = MOZ_COMPATIBILITY_NIGHTLY ? PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_BASE + ".nightly" : undefined; const TOOLKIT_ID = "toolkit@mozilla.org"; const VALID_TYPES_REGEXP = /^[\w\-]+$/; const WEBAPI_INSTALL_HOSTS = ["addons.mozilla.org", "testpilot.firefox.com"]; const WEBAPI_TEST_INSTALL_HOSTS = [ "addons.allizom.org", "addons-dev.allizom.org", "testpilot.stage.mozaws.net", "testpilot.dev.mozaws.net", "example.com", ]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Task", "resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Promise", "resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AddonRepository", "resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonRepository.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Extension", "resource://gre/modules/Extension.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FileUtils", "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "CertUtils", function() { let certUtils = {}; Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/CertUtils.jsm", certUtils); return certUtils; }); const INTEGER = /^[1-9]\d*$/; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "AddonManager", "AddonManagerPrivate" ]; const CATEGORY_PROVIDER_MODULE = "addon-provider-module"; // A list of providers to load by default const DEFAULT_PROVIDERS = [ "resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm", "resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm" ]; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); // Configure a logger at the parent 'addons' level to format // messages for all the modules under addons.* const PARENT_LOGGER_ID = "addons"; var parentLogger = Log.repository.getLogger(PARENT_LOGGER_ID); parentLogger.level = Log.Level.Warn; var formatter = new Log.BasicFormatter(); // Set parent logger (and its children) to append to // the Javascript section of the Browser Console parentLogger.addAppender(new Log.ConsoleAppender(formatter)); // Set parent logger (and its children) to // also append to standard out parentLogger.addAppender(new Log.DumpAppender(formatter)); // Create a new logger (child of 'addons' logger) // for use by the Addons Manager const LOGGER_ID = "addons.manager"; var logger = Log.repository.getLogger(LOGGER_ID); // Provide the ability to enable/disable logging // messages at runtime. // If the "extensions.logging.enabled" preference is // missing or 'false', messages at the WARNING and higher // severity should be logged to the JS console and standard error. // If "extensions.logging.enabled" is set to 'true', messages // at DEBUG and higher should go to JS console and standard error. const PREF_LOGGING_ENABLED = "extensions.logging.enabled"; const NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID = "nsPref:changed"; const UNNAMED_PROVIDER = "<unnamed-provider>"; function providerName(aProvider) { return aProvider.name || UNNAMED_PROVIDER; } /** * Preference listener which listens for a change in the * "extensions.logging.enabled" preference and changes the logging level of the * parent 'addons' level logger accordingly. */ var PrefObserver = { init: function() { Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_LOGGING_ENABLED, this, false); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown", false); this.observe(null, NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID, PREF_LOGGING_ENABLED); }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic == "xpcom-shutdown") { Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_LOGGING_ENABLED, this); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xpcom-shutdown"); } else if (aTopic == NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID) { let debugLogEnabled = false; try { debugLogEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_LOGGING_ENABLED); } catch (e) { } if (debugLogEnabled) { parentLogger.level = Log.Level.Debug; } else { parentLogger.level = Log.Level.Warn; } } } }; PrefObserver.init(); /** * Calls a callback method consuming any thrown exception. Any parameters after * the callback parameter will be passed to the callback. * * @param aCallback * The callback method to call */ function safeCall(aCallback, ...aArgs) { try { aCallback.apply(null, aArgs); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Exception calling callback", e); } } /** * Creates a function that will call the passed callback catching and logging * any exceptions. * * @param aCallback * The callback method to call */ function makeSafe(aCallback) { return function(...aArgs) { safeCall(aCallback, ...aArgs); } } /** * Report an exception thrown by a provider API method. */ function reportProviderError(aProvider, aMethod, aError) { let method = `provider ${providerName(aProvider)}.${aMethod}`; AddonManagerPrivate.recordException("AMI", method, aError); logger.error("Exception calling " + method, aError); } /** * Calls a method on a provider if it exists and consumes any thrown exception. * Any parameters after the aDefault parameter are passed to the provider's method. * * @param aProvider * The provider to call * @param aMethod * The method name to call * @param aDefault * A default return value if the provider does not implement the named * method or throws an error. * @return the return value from the provider, or aDefault if the provider does not * implement method or throws an error */ function callProvider(aProvider, aMethod, aDefault, ...aArgs) { if (!(aMethod in aProvider)) return aDefault; try { return aProvider[aMethod].apply(aProvider, aArgs); } catch (e) { reportProviderError(aProvider, aMethod, e); return aDefault; } } /** * Calls a method on a provider if it exists and consumes any thrown exception. * Parameters after aMethod are passed to aProvider.aMethod(). * The last parameter must be a callback function. * If the provider does not implement the method, or the method throws, calls * the callback with 'undefined'. * * @param aProvider * The provider to call * @param aMethod * The method name to call */ function callProviderAsync(aProvider, aMethod, ...aArgs) { let callback = aArgs[aArgs.length - 1]; if (!(aMethod in aProvider)) { callback(undefined); return undefined; } try { return aProvider[aMethod].apply(aProvider, aArgs); } catch (e) { reportProviderError(aProvider, aMethod, e); callback(undefined); return undefined; } } /** * Calls a method on a provider if it exists and consumes any thrown exception. * Parameters after aMethod are passed to aProvider.aMethod() and an additional * callback is added for the provider to return a result to. * * @param aProvider * The provider to call * @param aMethod * The method name to call * @return {Promise} * @resolves The result the provider returns, or |undefined| if the provider * does not implement the method or the method throws. * @rejects Never */ function promiseCallProvider(aProvider, aMethod, ...aArgs) { return new Promise(resolve => { callProviderAsync(aProvider, aMethod, ...aArgs, resolve); }); } /** * Gets the currently selected locale for display. * @return the selected locale or "en-US" if none is selected */ function getLocale() { try { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_MATCH_OS_LOCALE)) return Services.locale.getLocaleComponentForUserAgent(); } catch (e) { } try { let locale = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(PREF_SELECTED_LOCALE, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString); if (locale) return locale; } catch (e) { } try { return Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SELECTED_LOCALE); } catch (e) { } return "en-US"; } function webAPIForAddon(addon) { if (!addon) { return null; } let result = {}; // By default just pass through any plain property, the webidl will // control access. Also filter out private properties, regular Addon // objects are okay but MockAddon used in tests has non-serializable // private properties. for (let prop in addon) { if (prop[0] != "_" && typeof(addon[prop]) != "function") { result[prop] = addon[prop]; } } // A few properties are computed for a nicer API result.isEnabled = !addon.userDisabled; result.canUninstall = Boolean(addon.permissions & AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UNINSTALL); return result; } /** * A helper class to repeatedly call a listener with each object in an array * optionally checking whether the object has a method in it. * * @param aObjects * The array of objects to iterate through * @param aMethod * An optional method name, if not null any objects without this method * will not be passed to the listener * @param aListener * A listener implementing nextObject and noMoreObjects methods. The * former will be called with the AsyncObjectCaller as the first * parameter and the object as the second. noMoreObjects will be passed * just the AsyncObjectCaller */ function AsyncObjectCaller(aObjects, aMethod, aListener) { this.objects = [...aObjects]; this.method = aMethod; this.listener = aListener; this.callNext(); } AsyncObjectCaller.prototype = { objects: null, method: null, listener: null, /** * Passes the next object to the listener or calls noMoreObjects if there * are none left. */ callNext: function() { if (this.objects.length == 0) { this.listener.noMoreObjects(this); return; } let object = this.objects.shift(); if (!this.method || this.method in object) this.listener.nextObject(this, object); else this.callNext(); } }; /** * Listens for a browser changing origin and cancels the installs that were * started by it. */ function BrowserListener(aBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal, aInstalls) { this.browser = aBrowser; this.principal = aInstallingPrincipal; this.installs = aInstalls; this.installCount = aInstalls.length; aBrowser.addProgressListener(this, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "message-manager-close", true); for (let install of this.installs) install.addListener(this); this.registered = true; } BrowserListener.prototype = { browser: null, installs: null, installCount: null, registered: false, unregister: function() { if (!this.registered) return; this.registered = false; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "message-manager-close"); // The browser may have already been detached if (this.browser.removeProgressListener) this.browser.removeProgressListener(this); for (let install of this.installs) install.removeListener(this); this.installs = null; }, cancelInstalls: function() { for (let install of this.installs) { try { install.cancel(); } catch (e) { // Some installs may have already failed or been cancelled, ignore these } } }, observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (subject != this.browser.messageManager) return; // The browser's message manager has closed and so the browser is // going away, cancel all installs this.cancelInstalls(); }, onLocationChange: function(webProgress, request, location) { if (this.browser.contentPrincipal && this.principal.subsumes(this.browser.contentPrincipal)) return; // The browser has navigated to a new origin so cancel all installs this.cancelInstalls(); }, onDownloadCancelled: function(install) { // Don't need to hear more events from this install install.removeListener(this); // Once all installs have ended unregister everything if (--this.installCount == 0) this.unregister(); }, onDownloadFailed: function(install) { this.onDownloadCancelled(install); }, onInstallFailed: function(install) { this.onDownloadCancelled(install); }, onInstallEnded: function(install) { this.onDownloadCancelled(install); }, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, Ci.nsIWebProgressListener, Ci.nsIObserver]) }; /** * This represents an author of an add-on (e.g. creator or developer) * * @param aName * The name of the author * @param aURL * The URL of the author's profile page */ function AddonAuthor(aName, aURL) { this.name = aName; this.url = aURL; } AddonAuthor.prototype = { name: null, url: null, // Returns the author's name, defaulting to the empty string toString: function() { return this.name || ""; } } /** * This represents an screenshot for an add-on * * @param aURL * The URL to the full version of the screenshot * @param aWidth * The width in pixels of the screenshot * @param aHeight * The height in pixels of the screenshot * @param aThumbnailURL * The URL to the thumbnail version of the screenshot * @param aThumbnailWidth * The width in pixels of the thumbnail version of the screenshot * @param aThumbnailHeight * The height in pixels of the thumbnail version of the screenshot * @param aCaption * The caption of the screenshot */ function AddonScreenshot(aURL, aWidth, aHeight, aThumbnailURL, aThumbnailWidth, aThumbnailHeight, aCaption) { this.url = aURL; if (aWidth) this.width = aWidth; if (aHeight) this.height = aHeight; if (aThumbnailURL) this.thumbnailURL = aThumbnailURL; if (aThumbnailWidth) this.thumbnailWidth = aThumbnailWidth; if (aThumbnailHeight) this.thumbnailHeight = aThumbnailHeight; if (aCaption) this.caption = aCaption; } AddonScreenshot.prototype = { url: null, width: null, height: null, thumbnailURL: null, thumbnailWidth: null, thumbnailHeight: null, caption: null, // Returns the screenshot URL, defaulting to the empty string toString: function() { return this.url || ""; } } /** * This represents a compatibility override for an addon. * * @param aType * Overrride type - "compatible" or "incompatible" * @param aMinVersion * Minimum version of the addon to match * @param aMaxVersion * Maximum version of the addon to match * @param aAppID * Application ID used to match appMinVersion and appMaxVersion * @param aAppMinVersion * Minimum version of the application to match * @param aAppMaxVersion * Maximum version of the application to match */ function AddonCompatibilityOverride(aType, aMinVersion, aMaxVersion, aAppID, aAppMinVersion, aAppMaxVersion) { this.type = aType; this.minVersion = aMinVersion; this.maxVersion = aMaxVersion; this.appID = aAppID; this.appMinVersion = aAppMinVersion; this.appMaxVersion = aAppMaxVersion; } AddonCompatibilityOverride.prototype = { /** * Type of override - "incompatible" or "compatible". * Only "incompatible" is supported for now. */ type: null, /** * Min version of the addon to match. */ minVersion: null, /** * Max version of the addon to match. */ maxVersion: null, /** * Application ID to match. */ appID: null, /** * Min version of the application to match. */ appMinVersion: null, /** * Max version of the application to match. */ appMaxVersion: null }; /** * A type of add-on, used by the UI to determine how to display different types * of add-ons. * * @param aID * The add-on type ID * @param aLocaleURI * The URI of a localized properties file to get the displayable name * for the type from * @param aLocaleKey * The key for the string in the properties file or the actual display * name if aLocaleURI is null. Include %ID% to include the type ID in * the key * @param aViewType * The optional type of view to use in the UI * @param aUIPriority * The priority is used by the UI to list the types in order. Lower * values push the type higher in the list. * @param aFlags * An option set of flags that customize the display of the add-on in * the UI. */ function AddonType(aID, aLocaleURI, aLocaleKey, aViewType, aUIPriority, aFlags) { if (!aID) throw Components.Exception("An AddonType must have an ID", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aViewType && aUIPriority === undefined) throw Components.Exception("An AddonType with a defined view must have a set UI priority", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aLocaleKey) throw Components.Exception("An AddonType must have a displayable name", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); this.id = aID; this.uiPriority = aUIPriority; this.viewType = aViewType; this.flags = aFlags; if (aLocaleURI) { XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "name", () => { let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(aLocaleURI); return bundle.GetStringFromName(aLocaleKey.replace("%ID%", aID)); }); } else { this.name = aLocaleKey; } } var gStarted = false; var gStartupComplete = false; var gCheckCompatibility = true; var gStrictCompatibility = true; var gCheckUpdateSecurityDefault = true; var gCheckUpdateSecurity = gCheckUpdateSecurityDefault; var gUpdateEnabled = true; var gAutoUpdateDefault = true; var gHotfixID = null; var gWebExtensionsMinPlatformVersion = null; var gShutdownBarrier = null; var gRepoShutdownState = ""; var gShutdownInProgress = false; var gPluginPageListener = null; /** * This is the real manager, kept here rather than in AddonManager to keep its * contents hidden from API users. */ var AddonManagerInternal = { managerListeners: [], installListeners: [], addonListeners: [], typeListeners: [], pendingProviders: new Set(), providers: new Set(), providerShutdowns: new Map(), types: {}, startupChanges: {}, // Store telemetry details per addon provider telemetryDetails: {}, upgradeListeners: new Map(), recordTimestamp: function(name, value) { this.TelemetryTimestamps.add(name, value); }, validateBlocklist: function() { let appBlocklist = FileUtils.getFile(KEY_APPDIR, [FILE_BLOCKLIST]); // If there is no application shipped blocklist then there is nothing to do if (!appBlocklist.exists()) return; let profileBlocklist = FileUtils.getFile(KEY_PROFILEDIR, [FILE_BLOCKLIST]); // If there is no blocklist in the profile then copy the application shipped // one there if (!profileBlocklist.exists()) { try { appBlocklist.copyTo(profileBlocklist.parent, FILE_BLOCKLIST); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Failed to copy the application shipped blocklist to the profile", e); } return; } let fileStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); try { let cstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsIConverterInputStream); fileStream.init(appBlocklist, FileUtils.MODE_RDONLY, FileUtils.PERMS_FILE, 0); cstream.init(fileStream, "UTF-8", 0, 0); let data = ""; let str = {}; let read = 0; do { read = cstream.readString(0xffffffff, str); data += str.value; } while (read != 0); let parser = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]. createInstance(Ci.nsIDOMParser); var doc = parser.parseFromString(data, "text/xml"); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Application shipped blocklist could not be loaded", e); return; } finally { try { fileStream.close(); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Unable to close blocklist file stream", e); } } // If the namespace is incorrect then ignore the application shipped // blocklist if (doc.documentElement.namespaceURI != XMLURI_BLOCKLIST) { logger.warn("Application shipped blocklist has an unexpected namespace (" + doc.documentElement.namespaceURI + ")"); return; } // If there is no lastupdate information then ignore the application shipped // blocklist if (!doc.documentElement.hasAttribute("lastupdate")) return; // If the application shipped blocklist is older than the profile blocklist // then do nothing if (doc.documentElement.getAttribute("lastupdate") <= profileBlocklist.lastModifiedTime) return; // Otherwise copy the application shipped blocklist to the profile try { appBlocklist.copyTo(profileBlocklist.parent, FILE_BLOCKLIST); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Failed to copy the application shipped blocklist to the profile", e); } }, /** * Start up a provider, and register its shutdown hook if it has one */ _startProvider(aProvider, aAppChanged, aOldAppVersion, aOldPlatformVersion) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); logger.debug(`Starting provider: ${providerName(aProvider)}`); callProvider(aProvider, "startup", null, aAppChanged, aOldAppVersion, aOldPlatformVersion); if ('shutdown' in aProvider) { let name = providerName(aProvider); let AMProviderShutdown = () => { // If the provider has been unregistered, it will have been removed from // this.providers. If it hasn't been unregistered, then this is a normal // shutdown - and we move it to this.pendingProviders incase we're // running in a test that will start AddonManager again. if (this.providers.has(aProvider)) { this.providers.delete(aProvider); this.pendingProviders.add(aProvider); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { logger.debug("Calling shutdown blocker for " + name); resolve(aProvider.shutdown()); }) .catch(err => { logger.warn("Failure during shutdown of " + name, err); AddonManagerPrivate.recordException("AMI", "Async shutdown of " + name, err); }); }; logger.debug("Registering shutdown blocker for " + name); this.providerShutdowns.set(aProvider, AMProviderShutdown); AddonManager.shutdown.addBlocker(name, AMProviderShutdown); } this.pendingProviders.delete(aProvider); this.providers.add(aProvider); logger.debug(`Provider finished startup: ${providerName(aProvider)}`); }, _getProviderByName(aName) { for (let provider of this.providers) { if (providerName(provider) == aName) return provider; } return undefined; }, /** * Initializes the AddonManager, loading any known providers and initializing * them. */ startup: function() { try { if (gStarted) return; this.recordTimestamp("AMI_startup_begin"); // clear this for xpcshell test restarts for (let provider in this.telemetryDetails) delete this.telemetryDetails[provider]; let appChanged = undefined; let oldAppVersion = null; try { oldAppVersion = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_LAST_APP_VERSION); appChanged = Services.appinfo.version != oldAppVersion; } catch (e) { } Extension.browserUpdated = appChanged; let oldPlatformVersion = null; try { oldPlatformVersion = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_LAST_PLATFORM_VERSION); } catch (e) { } if (appChanged !== false) { logger.debug("Application has been upgraded"); Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_EM_LAST_APP_VERSION, Services.appinfo.version); Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_EM_LAST_PLATFORM_VERSION, Services.appinfo.platformVersion); Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_BLOCKLIST_PINGCOUNTVERSION, (appChanged === undefined ? 0 : -1)); this.validateBlocklist(); } if (!MOZ_COMPATIBILITY_NIGHTLY) { PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY = PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY_BASE + "." + Services.appinfo.version.replace(BRANCH_REGEXP, "$1"); } try { gCheckCompatibility = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY); } catch (e) {} Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY, this, false); try { gStrictCompatibility = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_STRICT_COMPATIBILITY); } catch (e) {} Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_EM_STRICT_COMPATIBILITY, this, false); try { let defaultBranch = Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch(""); gCheckUpdateSecurityDefault = defaultBranch.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY); } catch (e) {} try { gCheckUpdateSecurity = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY); } catch (e) {} Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY, this, false); try { gUpdateEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED); } catch (e) {} Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED, this, false); try { gAutoUpdateDefault = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT); } catch (e) {} Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_EM_AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT, this, false); try { gHotfixID = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_ID); } catch (e) {} Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_ID, this, false); try { gWebExtensionsMinPlatformVersion = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_MIN_WEBEXT_PLATFORM_VERSION); } catch (e) {} Services.prefs.addObserver(PREF_MIN_WEBEXT_PLATFORM_VERSION, this, false); let defaultProvidersEnabled = true; try { defaultProvidersEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_DEFAULT_PROVIDERS_ENABLED); } catch (e) {} AddonManagerPrivate.recordSimpleMeasure("default_providers", defaultProvidersEnabled); // Ensure all default providers have had a chance to register themselves if (defaultProvidersEnabled) { for (let url of DEFAULT_PROVIDERS) { try { let scope = {}; Components.utils.import(url, scope); // Sanity check - make sure the provider exports a symbol that // has a 'startup' method let syms = Object.keys(scope); if ((syms.length < 1) || (typeof scope[syms[0]].startup != "function")) { logger.warn("Provider " + url + " has no startup()"); AddonManagerPrivate.recordException("AMI", "provider " + url, "no startup()"); } logger.debug("Loaded provider scope for " + url + ": " + Object.keys(scope).toSource()); } catch (e) { AddonManagerPrivate.recordException("AMI", "provider " + url + " load failed", e); logger.error("Exception loading default provider \"" + url + "\"", e); } } } // Load any providers registered in the category manager let catman = Cc["@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1"]. getService(Ci.nsICategoryManager); let entries = catman.enumerateCategory(CATEGORY_PROVIDER_MODULE); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { let entry = entries.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsCString).data; let url = catman.getCategoryEntry(CATEGORY_PROVIDER_MODULE, entry); try { Components.utils.import(url, {}); logger.debug(`Loaded provider scope for ${url}`); } catch (e) { AddonManagerPrivate.recordException("AMI", "provider " + url + " load failed", e); logger.error("Exception loading provider " + entry + " from category \"" + url + "\"", e); } } // Register our shutdown handler with the AsyncShutdown manager gShutdownBarrier = new AsyncShutdown.Barrier("AddonManager: Waiting for providers to shut down."); AsyncShutdown.profileBeforeChange.addBlocker("AddonManager: shutting down.", this.shutdownManager.bind(this), {fetchState: this.shutdownState.bind(this)}); // Once we start calling providers we must allow all normal methods to work. gStarted = true; for (let provider of this.pendingProviders) { this._startProvider(provider, appChanged, oldAppVersion, oldPlatformVersion); } // If this is a new profile just pretend that there were no changes if (appChanged === undefined) { for (let type in this.startupChanges) delete this.startupChanges[type]; } // Support for remote about:plugins. Note that this module isn't loaded // at the top because Services.appinfo is defined late in tests. let { RemotePages } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/RemotePageManager.jsm", {}); gPluginPageListener = new RemotePages("about:plugins"); gPluginPageListener.addMessageListener("RequestPlugins", this.requestPlugins); gStartupComplete = true; this.recordTimestamp("AMI_startup_end"); } catch (e) { logger.error("startup failed", e); AddonManagerPrivate.recordException("AMI", "startup failed", e); } logger.debug("Completed startup sequence"); this.callManagerListeners("onStartup"); }, /** * Registers a new AddonProvider. * * @param aProvider * The provider to register * @param aTypes * An optional array of add-on types */ registerProvider: function(aProvider, aTypes) { if (!aProvider || typeof aProvider != "object") throw Components.Exception("aProvider must be specified", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aTypes && !Array.isArray(aTypes)) throw Components.Exception("aTypes must be an array or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); this.pendingProviders.add(aProvider); if (aTypes) { for (let type of aTypes) { if (!(type.id in this.types)) { if (!VALID_TYPES_REGEXP.test(type.id)) { logger.warn("Ignoring invalid type " + type.id); return; } this.types[type.id] = { type: type, providers: [aProvider] }; let typeListeners = this.typeListeners.slice(0); for (let listener of typeListeners) safeCall(() => listener.onTypeAdded(type)); } else { this.types[type.id].providers.push(aProvider); } } } // If we're registering after startup call this provider's startup. if (gStarted) { this._startProvider(aProvider); } }, /** * Unregisters an AddonProvider. * * @param aProvider * The provider to unregister * @return Whatever the provider's 'shutdown' method returns (if anything). * For providers that have async shutdown methods returning Promises, * the caller should wait for that Promise to resolve. */ unregisterProvider: function(aProvider) { if (!aProvider || typeof aProvider != "object") throw Components.Exception("aProvider must be specified", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); this.providers.delete(aProvider); // The test harness will unregister XPIProvider *after* shutdown, which is // after the provider will have been moved from providers to // pendingProviders. this.pendingProviders.delete(aProvider); for (let type in this.types) { this.types[type].providers = this.types[type].providers.filter(p => p != aProvider); if (this.types[type].providers.length == 0) { let oldType = this.types[type].type; delete this.types[type]; let typeListeners = this.typeListeners.slice(0); for (let listener of typeListeners) safeCall(() => listener.onTypeRemoved(oldType)); } } // If we're unregistering after startup but before shutting down, // remove the blocker for this provider's shutdown and call it. // If we're already shutting down, just let gShutdownBarrier call it to avoid races. if (gStarted && !gShutdownInProgress) { logger.debug("Unregistering shutdown blocker for " + providerName(aProvider)); let shutter = this.providerShutdowns.get(aProvider); if (shutter) { this.providerShutdowns.delete(aProvider); gShutdownBarrier.client.removeBlocker(shutter); return shutter(); } } return undefined; }, /** * Mark a provider as safe to access via AddonManager APIs, before its * startup has completed. * * Normally a provider isn't marked as safe until after its (synchronous) * startup() method has returned. Until a provider has been marked safe, * it won't be used by any of the AddonManager APIs. markProviderSafe() * allows a provider to mark itself as safe during its startup; this can be * useful if the provider wants to perform tasks that block startup, which * happen after its required initialization tasks and therefore when the * provider is in a safe state. * * @param aProvider Provider object to mark safe */ markProviderSafe: function(aProvider) { if (!gStarted) { throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); } if (!aProvider || typeof aProvider != "object") { throw Components.Exception("aProvider must be specified", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); } if (!this.pendingProviders.has(aProvider)) { return; } this.pendingProviders.delete(aProvider); this.providers.add(aProvider); }, /** * Calls a method on all registered providers if it exists and consumes any * thrown exception. Return values are ignored. Any parameters after the * method parameter are passed to the provider's method. * WARNING: Do not use for asynchronous calls; callProviders() does not * invoke callbacks if provider methods throw synchronous exceptions. * * @param aMethod * The method name to call * @see callProvider */ callProviders: function(aMethod, ...aArgs) { if (!aMethod || typeof aMethod != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMethod must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let providers = [...this.providers]; for (let provider of providers) { try { if (aMethod in provider) provider[aMethod].apply(provider, aArgs); } catch (e) { reportProviderError(provider, aMethod, e); } } }, /** * Report the current state of asynchronous shutdown */ shutdownState() { let state = []; if (gShutdownBarrier) { state.push({ name: gShutdownBarrier.client.name, state: gShutdownBarrier.state }); } state.push({ name: "AddonRepository: async shutdown", state: gRepoShutdownState }); return state; }, /** * Shuts down the addon manager and all registered providers, this must clean * up everything in order for automated tests to fake restarts. * @return Promise{null} that resolves when all providers and dependent modules * have finished shutting down */ shutdownManager: Task.async(function*() { logger.debug("shutdown"); this.callManagerListeners("onShutdown"); gRepoShutdownState = "pending"; gShutdownInProgress = true; // Clean up listeners Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_EM_STRICT_COMPATIBILITY, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_EM_AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_ID, this); gPluginPageListener.destroy(); gPluginPageListener = null; let savedError = null; // Only shut down providers if they've been started. if (gStarted) { try { yield gShutdownBarrier.wait(); } catch (err) { savedError = err; logger.error("Failure during wait for shutdown barrier", err); AddonManagerPrivate.recordException("AMI", "Async shutdown of AddonManager providers", err); } } // Shut down AddonRepository after providers (if any). try { gRepoShutdownState = "in progress"; yield AddonRepository.shutdown(); gRepoShutdownState = "done"; } catch (err) { savedError = err; logger.error("Failure during AddonRepository shutdown", err); AddonManagerPrivate.recordException("AMI", "Async shutdown of AddonRepository", err); } logger.debug("Async provider shutdown done"); this.managerListeners.splice(0, this.managerListeners.length); this.installListeners.splice(0, this.installListeners.length); this.addonListeners.splice(0, this.addonListeners.length); this.typeListeners.splice(0, this.typeListeners.length); this.providerShutdowns.clear(); for (let type in this.startupChanges) delete this.startupChanges[type]; gStarted = false; gStartupComplete = false; gShutdownBarrier = null; gShutdownInProgress = false; if (savedError) { throw savedError; } }), requestPlugins: function({ target: port }) { // Lists all the properties that plugins.html needs const NEEDED_PROPS = ["name", "pluginLibraries", "pluginFullpath", "version", "isActive", "blocklistState", "description", "pluginMimeTypes"]; function filterProperties(plugin) { let filtered = {}; for (let prop of NEEDED_PROPS) { filtered[prop] = plugin[prop]; } return filtered; } AddonManager.getAddonsByTypes(["plugin"], function(aPlugins) { port.sendAsyncMessage("PluginList", aPlugins.map(filterProperties)); }); }, /** * Notified when a preference we're interested in has changed. * * @see nsIObserver */ observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { switch (aData) { case PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY: { let oldValue = gCheckCompatibility; try { gCheckCompatibility = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY); } catch (e) { gCheckCompatibility = true; } this.callManagerListeners("onCompatibilityModeChanged"); if (gCheckCompatibility != oldValue) this.updateAddonAppDisabledStates(); break; } case PREF_EM_STRICT_COMPATIBILITY: { let oldValue = gStrictCompatibility; try { gStrictCompatibility = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_STRICT_COMPATIBILITY); } catch (e) { gStrictCompatibility = true; } this.callManagerListeners("onCompatibilityModeChanged"); if (gStrictCompatibility != oldValue) this.updateAddonAppDisabledStates(); break; } case PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY: { let oldValue = gCheckUpdateSecurity; try { gCheckUpdateSecurity = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY); } catch (e) { gCheckUpdateSecurity = true; } this.callManagerListeners("onCheckUpdateSecurityChanged"); if (gCheckUpdateSecurity != oldValue) this.updateAddonAppDisabledStates(); break; } case PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED: { let oldValue = gUpdateEnabled; try { gUpdateEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED); } catch (e) { gUpdateEnabled = true; } this.callManagerListeners("onUpdateModeChanged"); break; } case PREF_EM_AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT: { let oldValue = gAutoUpdateDefault; try { gAutoUpdateDefault = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT); } catch (e) { gAutoUpdateDefault = true; } this.callManagerListeners("onUpdateModeChanged"); break; } case PREF_EM_HOTFIX_ID: { try { gHotfixID = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_ID); } catch (e) { gHotfixID = null; } break; } case PREF_MIN_WEBEXT_PLATFORM_VERSION: { gWebExtensionsMinPlatformVersion = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_MIN_WEBEXT_PLATFORM_VERSION); break; } } }, /** * Replaces %...% strings in an addon url (update and updateInfo) with * appropriate values. * * @param aAddon * The Addon representing the add-on * @param aUri * The string representation of the URI to escape * @param aAppVersion * The optional application version to use for %APP_VERSION% * @return The appropriately escaped URI. */ escapeAddonURI: function(aAddon, aUri, aAppVersion) { if (!aAddon || typeof aAddon != "object") throw Components.Exception("aAddon must be an Addon object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aUri || typeof aUri != "string") throw Components.Exception("aUri must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aAppVersion && typeof aAppVersion != "string") throw Components.Exception("aAppVersion must be a string or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); var addonStatus = aAddon.userDisabled || aAddon.softDisabled ? "userDisabled" : "userEnabled"; if (!aAddon.isCompatible) addonStatus += ",incompatible"; if (aAddon.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_BLOCKED) addonStatus += ",blocklisted"; if (aAddon.blocklistState == Ci.nsIBlocklistService.STATE_SOFTBLOCKED) addonStatus += ",softblocked"; try { var xpcomABI = Services.appinfo.XPCOMABI; } catch (ex) { xpcomABI = UNKNOWN_XPCOM_ABI; } let uri = aUri.replace(/%ITEM_ID%/g, aAddon.id); uri = uri.replace(/%ITEM_VERSION%/g, aAddon.version); uri = uri.replace(/%ITEM_STATUS%/g, addonStatus); uri = uri.replace(/%APP_ID%/g, Services.appinfo.ID); uri = uri.replace(/%APP_VERSION%/g, aAppVersion ? aAppVersion : Services.appinfo.version); uri = uri.replace(/%REQ_VERSION%/g, UPDATE_REQUEST_VERSION); uri = uri.replace(/%APP_OS%/g, Services.appinfo.OS); uri = uri.replace(/%APP_ABI%/g, xpcomABI); uri = uri.replace(/%APP_LOCALE%/g, getLocale()); uri = uri.replace(/%CURRENT_APP_VERSION%/g, Services.appinfo.version); // Replace custom parameters (names of custom parameters must have at // least 3 characters to prevent lookups for something like %D0%C8) var catMan = null; uri = uri.replace(/%(\w{3,})%/g, function(aMatch, aParam) { if (!catMan) { catMan = Cc["@mozilla.org/categorymanager;1"]. getService(Ci.nsICategoryManager); } try { var contractID = catMan.getCategoryEntry(CATEGORY_UPDATE_PARAMS, aParam); var paramHandler = Cc[contractID].getService(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2); return paramHandler.getPropertyAsAString(aParam); } catch (e) { return aMatch; } }); // escape() does not properly encode + symbols in any embedded FVF strings. return uri.replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); }, /** * Performs a background update check by starting an update for all add-ons * that can be updated. * @return Promise{null} Resolves when the background update check is complete * (the resulting addon installations may still be in progress). */ backgroundUpdateCheck: function() { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); let buPromise = Task.spawn(function*() { let hotfixID = this.hotfixID; let appUpdateEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ENABLED) && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO); let checkHotfix = hotfixID && appUpdateEnabled; logger.debug("Background update check beginning"); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "addons-background-update-start", null); if (this.updateEnabled) { let scope = {}; Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/LightweightThemeManager.jsm", scope); scope.LightweightThemeManager.updateCurrentTheme(); let allAddons = yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => this.getAllAddons(resolve)); // Repopulate repository cache first, to ensure compatibility overrides // are up to date before checking for addon updates. yield AddonRepository.backgroundUpdateCheck(); // Keep track of all the async add-on updates happening in parallel let updates = []; for (let addon of allAddons) { if (addon.id == hotfixID) { continue; } // Check all add-ons for updates so that any compatibility updates will // be applied updates.push(new Promise((resolve, reject) => { addon.findUpdates({ onUpdateAvailable: function(aAddon, aInstall) { // Start installing updates when the add-on can be updated and // background updates should be applied. logger.debug("Found update for add-on ${id}", aAddon); if (aAddon.permissions & AddonManager.PERM_CAN_UPGRADE && AddonManager.shouldAutoUpdate(aAddon)) { // XXX we really should resolve when this install is done, // not when update-available check completes, no? logger.debug(`Starting upgrade install of ${aAddon.id}`); aInstall.install(); } }, onUpdateFinished: aAddon => { logger.debug("onUpdateFinished for ${id}", aAddon); resolve(); } }, AddonManager.UPDATE_WHEN_PERIODIC_UPDATE); })); } yield Promise.all(updates); } if (checkHotfix) { var hotfixVersion = ""; try { hotfixVersion = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_LASTVERSION); } catch (e) { } let url = null; if (Services.prefs.getPrefType(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_URL) == Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING) url = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_URL); else url = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_EM_UPDATE_BACKGROUND_URL); // Build the URI from a fake add-on data. url = AddonManager.escapeAddonURI({ id: hotfixID, version: hotfixVersion, userDisabled: false, appDisabled: false }, url); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/addons/AddonUpdateChecker.jsm"); let update = null; try { let foundUpdates = yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { AddonUpdateChecker.checkForUpdates(hotfixID, null, url, { onUpdateCheckComplete: resolve, onUpdateCheckError: reject }); }); update = AddonUpdateChecker.getNewestCompatibleUpdate(foundUpdates); } catch (e) { // AUC.checkForUpdates already logged the error } // Check that we have a hotfix update, and it's newer than the one we already // have installed (if any) if (update) { if (Services.vc.compare(hotfixVersion, update.version) < 0) { logger.debug("Downloading hotfix version " + update.version); let aInstall = yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => AddonManager.getInstallForURL(update.updateURL, resolve, "application/x-xpinstall", update.updateHash, null, null, update.version)); aInstall.addListener({ onDownloadEnded: function(aInstall) { if (aInstall.addon.id != hotfixID) { logger.warn("The downloaded hotfix add-on did not have the " + "expected ID and so will not be installed."); aInstall.cancel(); return; } // If XPIProvider has reported the hotfix as properly signed then // there is nothing more to do here if (aInstall.addon.signedState == AddonManager.SIGNEDSTATE_SIGNED) return; try { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_EM_CERT_CHECKATTRIBUTES)) return; } catch (e) { // By default don't do certificate checks. return; } try { CertUtils.validateCert(aInstall.certificate, CertUtils.readCertPrefs(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_CERTS)); } catch (e) { logger.warn("The hotfix add-on was not signed by the expected " + "certificate and so will not be installed.", e); aInstall.cancel(); } }, onInstallEnded: function(aInstall) { // Remember the last successfully installed version. Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_LASTVERSION, aInstall.version); }, onInstallCancelled: function(aInstall) { // Revert to the previous version if the installation was // cancelled. Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_EM_HOTFIX_LASTVERSION, hotfixVersion); } }); aInstall.install(); } } } if (appUpdateEnabled) { try { yield AddonManagerInternal._getProviderByName("XPIProvider").updateSystemAddons(); } catch (e) { logger.warn("Failed to update system addons", e); } } logger.debug("Background update check complete"); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "addons-background-update-complete", null); }.bind(this)); // Fork the promise chain so we can log the error and let our caller see it too. buPromise.then(null, e => logger.warn("Error in background update", e)); return buPromise; }, /** * Adds a add-on to the list of detected changes for this startup. If * addStartupChange is called multiple times for the same add-on in the same * startup then only the most recent change will be remembered. * * @param aType * The type of change as a string. Providers can define their own * types of changes or use the existing defined STARTUP_CHANGE_* * constants * @param aID * The ID of the add-on */ addStartupChange: function(aType, aID) { if (!aType || typeof aType != "string") throw Components.Exception("aType must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aID || typeof aID != "string") throw Components.Exception("aID must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (gStartupComplete) return; logger.debug("Registering startup change '" + aType + "' for " + aID); // Ensure that an ID is only listed in one type of change for (let type in this.startupChanges) this.removeStartupChange(type, aID); if (!(aType in this.startupChanges)) this.startupChanges[aType] = []; this.startupChanges[aType].push(aID); }, /** * Removes a startup change for an add-on. * * @param aType * The type of change * @param aID * The ID of the add-on */ removeStartupChange: function(aType, aID) { if (!aType || typeof aType != "string") throw Components.Exception("aType must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aID || typeof aID != "string") throw Components.Exception("aID must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (gStartupComplete) return; if (!(aType in this.startupChanges)) return; this.startupChanges[aType] = this.startupChanges[aType].filter(aItem => aItem != aID); }, /** * Calls all registered AddonManagerListeners with an event. Any parameters * after the method parameter are passed to the listener. * * @param aMethod * The method on the listeners to call */ callManagerListeners: function(aMethod, ...aArgs) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aMethod || typeof aMethod != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMethod must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let managerListeners = this.managerListeners.slice(0); for (let listener of managerListeners) { try { if (aMethod in listener) listener[aMethod].apply(listener, aArgs); } catch (e) { logger.warn("AddonManagerListener threw exception when calling " + aMethod, e); } } }, /** * Calls all registered InstallListeners with an event. Any parameters after * the extraListeners parameter are passed to the listener. * * @param aMethod * The method on the listeners to call * @param aExtraListeners * An optional array of extra InstallListeners to also call * @return false if any of the listeners returned false, true otherwise */ callInstallListeners: function(aMethod, aExtraListeners, ...aArgs) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aMethod || typeof aMethod != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMethod must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aExtraListeners && !Array.isArray(aExtraListeners)) throw Components.Exception("aExtraListeners must be an array or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let result = true; let listeners; if (aExtraListeners) listeners = aExtraListeners.concat(this.installListeners); else listeners = this.installListeners.slice(0); for (let listener of listeners) { try { if (aMethod in listener) { if (listener[aMethod].apply(listener, aArgs) === false) result = false; } } catch (e) { logger.warn("InstallListener threw exception when calling " + aMethod, e); } } return result; }, /** * Calls all registered AddonListeners with an event. Any parameters after * the method parameter are passed to the listener. * * @param aMethod * The method on the listeners to call */ callAddonListeners: function(aMethod, ...aArgs) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aMethod || typeof aMethod != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMethod must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let addonListeners = this.addonListeners.slice(0); for (let listener of addonListeners) { try { if (aMethod in listener) listener[aMethod].apply(listener, aArgs); } catch (e) { logger.warn("AddonListener threw exception when calling " + aMethod, e); } } }, /** * Notifies all providers that an add-on has been enabled when that type of * add-on only supports a single add-on being enabled at a time. This allows * the providers to disable theirs if necessary. * * @param aID * The ID of the enabled add-on * @param aType * The type of the enabled add-on * @param aPendingRestart * A boolean indicating if the change will only take place the next * time the application is restarted */ notifyAddonChanged: function(aID, aType, aPendingRestart) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (aID && typeof aID != "string") throw Components.Exception("aID must be a string or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aType || typeof aType != "string") throw Components.Exception("aType must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); // Temporary hack until bug 520124 lands. // We can get here during synchronous startup, at which point it's // considered unsafe (and therefore disallowed by AddonManager.jsm) to // access providers that haven't been initialized yet. Since this is when // XPIProvider is starting up, XPIProvider can't access itself via APIs // going through AddonManager.jsm. Furthermore, LightweightThemeManager may // not be initialized until after XPIProvider is, and therefore would also // be unaccessible during XPIProvider startup. Thankfully, these are the // only two uses of this API, and we know it's safe to use this API with // both providers; so we have this hack to allow bypassing the normal // safetey guard. // The notifyAddonChanged/addonChanged API will be unneeded and therefore // removed by bug 520124, so this is a temporary quick'n'dirty hack. let providers = [...this.providers, ...this.pendingProviders]; for (let provider of providers) { callProvider(provider, "addonChanged", null, aID, aType, aPendingRestart); } }, /** * Notifies all providers they need to update the appDisabled property for * their add-ons in response to an application change such as a blocklist * update. */ updateAddonAppDisabledStates: function() { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); this.callProviders("updateAddonAppDisabledStates"); }, /** * Notifies all providers that the repository has updated its data for * installed add-ons. * * @param aCallback * Function to call when operation is complete. */ updateAddonRepositoryData: function(aCallback) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); new AsyncObjectCaller(this.providers, "updateAddonRepositoryData", { nextObject: function(aCaller, aProvider) { callProviderAsync(aProvider, "updateAddonRepositoryData", aCaller.callNext.bind(aCaller)); }, noMoreObjects: function(aCaller) { safeCall(aCallback); // only tests should care about this Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "TEST:addon-repository-data-updated", null); } }); }, /** * Asynchronously gets an AddonInstall for a URL. * * @param aUrl * The string represenation of the URL the add-on is located at * @param aCallback * A callback to pass the AddonInstall to * @param aMimetype * The mimetype of the add-on * @param aHash * An optional hash of the add-on * @param aName * An optional placeholder name while the add-on is being downloaded * @param aIcons * Optional placeholder icons while the add-on is being downloaded * @param aVersion * An optional placeholder version while the add-on is being downloaded * @param aLoadGroup * An optional nsILoadGroup to associate any network requests with * @throws if the aUrl, aCallback or aMimetype arguments are not specified */ getInstallForURL: function(aUrl, aCallback, aMimetype, aHash, aName, aIcons, aVersion, aBrowser) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aUrl || typeof aUrl != "string") throw Components.Exception("aURL must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aMimetype || typeof aMimetype != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMimetype must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aHash && typeof aHash != "string") throw Components.Exception("aHash must be a string or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aName && typeof aName != "string") throw Components.Exception("aName must be a string or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aIcons) { if (typeof aIcons == "string") aIcons = { "32": aIcons }; else if (typeof aIcons != "object") throw Components.Exception("aIcons must be a string, an object or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); } else { aIcons = {}; } if (aVersion && typeof aVersion != "string") throw Components.Exception("aVersion must be a string or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aBrowser && (!(aBrowser instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement))) throw Components.Exception("aBrowser must be a nsIDOMElement or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let providers = [...this.providers]; for (let provider of providers) { if (callProvider(provider, "supportsMimetype", false, aMimetype)) { callProviderAsync(provider, "getInstallForURL", aUrl, aHash, aName, aIcons, aVersion, aBrowser, function getInstallForURL_safeCall(aInstall) { safeCall(aCallback, aInstall); }); return; } } safeCall(aCallback, null); }, /** * Asynchronously gets an AddonInstall for an nsIFile. * * @param aFile * The nsIFile where the add-on is located * @param aCallback * A callback to pass the AddonInstall to * @param aMimetype * An optional mimetype hint for the add-on * @throws if the aFile or aCallback arguments are not specified */ getInstallForFile: function(aFile, aCallback, aMimetype) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!(aFile instanceof Ci.nsIFile)) throw Components.Exception("aFile must be a nsIFile", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aMimetype && typeof aMimetype != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMimetype must be a string or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); new AsyncObjectCaller(this.providers, "getInstallForFile", { nextObject: function(aCaller, aProvider) { callProviderAsync(aProvider, "getInstallForFile", aFile, function(aInstall) { if (aInstall) safeCall(aCallback, aInstall); else aCaller.callNext(); }); }, noMoreObjects: function(aCaller) { safeCall(aCallback, null); } }); }, /** * Asynchronously gets all current AddonInstalls optionally limiting to a list * of types. * * @param aTypes * An optional array of types to retrieve. Each type is a string name * @param aCallback * A callback which will be passed an array of AddonInstalls * @throws If the aCallback argument is not specified */ getInstallsByTypes: function(aTypes, aCallback) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (aTypes && !Array.isArray(aTypes)) throw Components.Exception("aTypes must be an array or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let installs = []; new AsyncObjectCaller(this.providers, "getInstallsByTypes", { nextObject: function(aCaller, aProvider) { callProviderAsync(aProvider, "getInstallsByTypes", aTypes, function(aProviderInstalls) { if (aProviderInstalls) { installs = installs.concat(aProviderInstalls); } aCaller.callNext(); }); }, noMoreObjects: function(aCaller) { safeCall(aCallback, installs); } }); }, /** * Asynchronously gets all current AddonInstalls. * * @param aCallback * A callback which will be passed an array of AddonInstalls */ getAllInstalls: function(aCallback) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); this.getInstallsByTypes(null, aCallback); }, /** * Synchronously map a URI to the corresponding Addon ID. * * Mappable URIs are limited to in-application resources belonging to the * add-on, such as Javascript compartments, XUL windows, XBL bindings, etc. * but do not include URIs from meta data, such as the add-on homepage. * * @param aURI * nsIURI to map to an addon id * @return string containing the Addon ID or null * @see amIAddonManager.mapURIToAddonID */ mapURIToAddonID: function(aURI) { if (!(aURI instanceof Ci.nsIURI)) { throw Components.Exception("aURI is not a nsIURI", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); } // Try all providers let providers = [...this.providers]; for (let provider of providers) { var id = callProvider(provider, "mapURIToAddonID", null, aURI); if (id !== null) { return id; } } return null; }, /** * Checks whether installation is enabled for a particular mimetype. * * @param aMimetype * The mimetype to check * @return true if installation is enabled for the mimetype */ isInstallEnabled: function(aMimetype) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aMimetype || typeof aMimetype != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMimetype must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let providers = [...this.providers]; for (let provider of providers) { if (callProvider(provider, "supportsMimetype", false, aMimetype) && callProvider(provider, "isInstallEnabled")) return true; } return false; }, /** * Checks whether a particular source is allowed to install add-ons of a * given mimetype. * * @param aMimetype * The mimetype of the add-on * @param aInstallingPrincipal * The nsIPrincipal that initiated the install * @return true if the source is allowed to install this mimetype */ isInstallAllowed: function(aMimetype, aInstallingPrincipal) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aMimetype || typeof aMimetype != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMimetype must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aInstallingPrincipal || !(aInstallingPrincipal instanceof Ci.nsIPrincipal)) throw Components.Exception("aInstallingPrincipal must be a nsIPrincipal", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let providers = [...this.providers]; for (let provider of providers) { if (callProvider(provider, "supportsMimetype", false, aMimetype) && callProvider(provider, "isInstallAllowed", null, aInstallingPrincipal)) return true; } return false; }, /** * Starts installation of an array of AddonInstalls notifying the registered * web install listener of blocked or started installs. * * @param aMimetype * The mimetype of add-ons being installed * @param aBrowser * The optional browser element that started the installs * @param aInstallingPrincipal * The nsIPrincipal that initiated the install * @param aInstalls * The array of AddonInstalls to be installed */ installAddonsFromWebpage: function(aMimetype, aBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal, aInstalls) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aMimetype || typeof aMimetype != "string") throw Components.Exception("aMimetype must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (aBrowser && !(aBrowser instanceof Ci.nsIDOMElement)) throw Components.Exception("aSource must be a nsIDOMElement, or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aInstallingPrincipal || !(aInstallingPrincipal instanceof Ci.nsIPrincipal)) throw Components.Exception("aInstallingPrincipal must be a nsIPrincipal", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!Array.isArray(aInstalls)) throw Components.Exception("aInstalls must be an array", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!("@mozilla.org/addons/web-install-listener;1" in Cc)) { logger.warn("No web installer available, cancelling all installs"); for (let install of aInstalls) install.cancel(); return; } // When a chrome in-content UI has loaded a <browser> inside to host a // website we want to do our security checks on the inner-browser but // notify front-end that install events came from the outer-browser (the // main tab's browser). Check this by seeing if the browser we've been // passed is in a content type docshell and if so get the outer-browser. let topBrowser = aBrowser; let docShell = aBrowser.ownerDocument.defaultView .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem); if (docShell.itemType == Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem.typeContent) topBrowser = docShell.chromeEventHandler; try { let weblistener = Cc["@mozilla.org/addons/web-install-listener;1"]. getService(Ci.amIWebInstallListener); if (!this.isInstallEnabled(aMimetype)) { for (let install of aInstalls) install.cancel(); weblistener.onWebInstallDisabled(topBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal.URI, aInstalls, aInstalls.length); return; } else if (!aBrowser.contentPrincipal || !aInstallingPrincipal.subsumes(aBrowser.contentPrincipal)) { for (let install of aInstalls) install.cancel(); if (weblistener instanceof Ci.amIWebInstallListener2) { weblistener.onWebInstallOriginBlocked(topBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal.URI, aInstalls, aInstalls.length); } return; } // The installs may start now depending on the web install listener, // listen for the browser navigating to a new origin and cancel the // installs in that case. new BrowserListener(aBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal, aInstalls); if (!this.isInstallAllowed(aMimetype, aInstallingPrincipal)) { if (weblistener.onWebInstallBlocked(topBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal.URI, aInstalls, aInstalls.length)) { for (let install of aInstalls) install.install(); } } else if (weblistener.onWebInstallRequested(topBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal.URI, aInstalls, aInstalls.length)) { for (let install of aInstalls) install.install(); } } catch (e) { // In the event that the weblistener throws during instantiation or when // calling onWebInstallBlocked or onWebInstallRequested all of the // installs should get cancelled. logger.warn("Failure calling web installer", e); for (let install of aInstalls) install.cancel(); } }, /** * Adds a new InstallListener if the listener is not already registered. * * @param aListener * The InstallListener to add */ addInstallListener: function(aListener) { if (!aListener || typeof aListener != "object") throw Components.Exception("aListener must be a InstallListener object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!this.installListeners.some(function(i) { return i == aListener; })) this.installListeners.push(aListener); }, /** * Removes an InstallListener if the listener is registered. * * @param aListener * The InstallListener to remove */ removeInstallListener: function(aListener) { if (!aListener || typeof aListener != "object") throw Components.Exception("aListener must be a InstallListener object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let pos = 0; while (pos < this.installListeners.length) { if (this.installListeners[pos] == aListener) this.installListeners.splice(pos, 1); else pos++; } }, /* * Adds new or overrides existing UpgradeListener. * * @param aInstanceID * The instance ID of an addon to register a listener for. * @param aCallback * The callback to invoke when updates are available for this addon. * @throws if there is no addon matching the instanceID */ addUpgradeListener: function(aInstanceID, aCallback) { if (!aInstanceID || typeof aInstanceID != "symbol") throw Components.Exception("aInstanceID must be a symbol", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!aCallback || typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); this.getAddonByInstanceID(aInstanceID).then(wrapper => { if (!wrapper) { throw Error("No addon matching instanceID:", aInstanceID.toString()); } let addonId = wrapper.addonId(); logger.debug(`Registering upgrade listener for ${addonId}`); this.upgradeListeners.set(addonId, aCallback); }); }, /** * Removes an UpgradeListener if the listener is registered. * * @param aInstanceID * The instance ID of the addon to remove */ removeUpgradeListener: function(aInstanceID) { if (!aInstanceID || typeof aInstanceID != "symbol") throw Components.Exception("aInstanceID must be a symbol", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); this.getAddonByInstanceID(aInstanceID).then(addon => { if (!addon) { throw Error("No addon for instanceID:", aInstanceID.toString()); } if (this.upgradeListeners.has(addon.id)) { this.upgradeListeners.delete(addon.id); } else { throw Error("No upgrade listener registered for addon ID:", addon.id); } }); }, /** * Installs a temporary add-on from a local file or directory. * @param aFile * An nsIFile for the file or directory of the add-on to be * temporarily installed. * @return a Promise that rejects if the add-on is not a valid restartless * add-on or if the same ID is already temporarily installed. */ installTemporaryAddon: function(aFile) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!(aFile instanceof Ci.nsIFile)) throw Components.Exception("aFile must be a nsIFile", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); return AddonManagerInternal._getProviderByName("XPIProvider") .installTemporaryAddon(aFile); }, installAddonFromSources: function(aFile) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!(aFile instanceof Ci.nsIFile)) throw Components.Exception("aFile must be a nsIFile", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); return AddonManagerInternal._getProviderByName("XPIProvider") .installAddonFromSources(aFile); }, /** * Returns an Addon corresponding to an instance ID. * @param aInstanceID * An Addon Instance ID symbol * @return {Promise} * @resolves The found Addon or null if no such add-on exists. * @rejects Never * @throws if the aInstanceID argument is not specified * or the AddonManager is not initialized */ getAddonByInstanceID: function(aInstanceID) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aInstanceID || typeof aInstanceID != "symbol") throw Components.Exception("aInstanceID must be a Symbol()", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); return AddonManagerInternal._getProviderByName("XPIProvider") .getAddonByInstanceID(aInstanceID); }, /** * Gets an icon from the icon set provided by the add-on * that is closest to the specified size. * * The optional window parameter will be used to determine * the screen resolution and select a more appropriate icon. * Calling this method with 48px on retina screens will try to * match an icon of size 96px. * * @param aAddon * An addon object, meaning: * An object with either an icons property that is a key-value * list of icon size and icon URL, or an object having an iconURL * and icon64URL property. * @param aSize * Ideal icon size in pixels * @param aWindow * Optional window object for determining the correct scale. * @return {String} The absolute URL of the icon or null if the addon doesn't have icons */ getPreferredIconURL: function(aAddon, aSize, aWindow = undefined) { if (aWindow && aWindow.devicePixelRatio) { aSize *= aWindow.devicePixelRatio; } let icons = aAddon.icons; // certain addon-types only have iconURLs if (!icons) { icons = {}; if (aAddon.iconURL) { icons[32] = aAddon.iconURL; icons[48] = aAddon.iconURL; } if (aAddon.icon64URL) { icons[64] = aAddon.icon64URL; } } // quick return if the exact size was found if (icons[aSize]) { return icons[aSize]; } let bestSize = null; for (let size of Object.keys(icons)) { if (!INTEGER.test(size)) { throw Components.Exception("Invalid icon size, must be an integer", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE); } size = parseInt(size, 10); if (!bestSize) { bestSize = size; continue; } if (size > aSize && bestSize > aSize) { // If both best size and current size are larger than the wanted size then choose // the one closest to the wanted size bestSize = Math.min(bestSize, size); } else { // Otherwise choose the largest of the two so we'll prefer sizes as close to below aSize // or above aSize bestSize = Math.max(bestSize, size); } } return icons[bestSize] || null; }, /** * Asynchronously gets an add-on with a specific ID. * * @param aID * The ID of the add-on to retrieve * @return {Promise} * @resolves The found Addon or null if no such add-on exists. * @rejects Never * @throws if the aID argument is not specified */ getAddonByID: function(aID) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aID || typeof aID != "string") throw Components.Exception("aID must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let promises = Array.from(this.providers, p => promiseCallProvider(p, "getAddonByID", aID)); return Promise.all(promises).then(aAddons => { return aAddons.find(a => !!a) || null; }); }, /** * Asynchronously get an add-on with a specific Sync GUID. * * @param aGUID * String GUID of add-on to retrieve * @param aCallback * The callback to pass the retrieved add-on to. * @throws if the aGUID or aCallback arguments are not specified */ getAddonBySyncGUID: function(aGUID, aCallback) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!aGUID || typeof aGUID != "string") throw Components.Exception("aGUID must be a non-empty string", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); new AsyncObjectCaller(this.providers, "getAddonBySyncGUID", { nextObject: function(aCaller, aProvider) { callProviderAsync(aProvider, "getAddonBySyncGUID", aGUID, function(aAddon) { if (aAddon) { safeCall(aCallback, aAddon); } else { aCaller.callNext(); } }); }, noMoreObjects: function(aCaller) { safeCall(aCallback, null); } }); }, /** * Asynchronously gets an array of add-ons. * * @param aIDs * The array of IDs to retrieve * @return {Promise} * @resolves The array of found add-ons. * @rejects Never * @throws if the aIDs argument is not specified */ getAddonsByIDs: function(aIDs) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (!Array.isArray(aIDs)) throw Components.Exception("aIDs must be an array", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let promises = aIDs.map(a => AddonManagerInternal.getAddonByID(a)); return Promise.all(promises); }, /** * Asynchronously gets add-ons of specific types. * * @param aTypes * An optional array of types to retrieve. Each type is a string name * @param aCallback * The callback to pass an array of Addons to. * @throws if the aCallback argument is not specified */ getAddonsByTypes: function(aTypes, aCallback) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (aTypes && !Array.isArray(aTypes)) throw Components.Exception("aTypes must be an array or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let addons = []; new AsyncObjectCaller(this.providers, "getAddonsByTypes", { nextObject: function(aCaller, aProvider) { callProviderAsync(aProvider, "getAddonsByTypes", aTypes, function(aProviderAddons) { if (aProviderAddons) { addons = addons.concat(aProviderAddons); } aCaller.callNext(); }); }, noMoreObjects: function(aCaller) { safeCall(aCallback, addons); } }); }, /** * Asynchronously gets all installed add-ons. * * @param aCallback * A callback which will be passed an array of Addons */ getAllAddons: function(aCallback) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); this.getAddonsByTypes(null, aCallback); }, /** * Asynchronously gets add-ons that have operations waiting for an application * restart to complete. * * @param aTypes * An optional array of types to retrieve. Each type is a string name * @param aCallback * The callback to pass the array of Addons to * @throws if the aCallback argument is not specified */ getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes: function(aTypes, aCallback) { if (!gStarted) throw Components.Exception("AddonManager is not initialized", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); if (aTypes && !Array.isArray(aTypes)) throw Components.Exception("aTypes must be an array or null", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let addons = []; new AsyncObjectCaller(this.providers, "getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes", { nextObject: function getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes_nextObject (aCaller, aProvider) { callProviderAsync(aProvider, "getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes", aTypes, function getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes_concatAddons (aProviderAddons) { if (aProviderAddons) { addons = addons.concat(aProviderAddons); } aCaller.callNext(); }); }, noMoreObjects: function(caller) { safeCall(aCallback, addons); } }); }, /** * Adds a new AddonManagerListener if the listener is not already registered. * * @param aListener * The listener to add */ addManagerListener: function(aListener) { if (!aListener || typeof aListener != "object") throw Components.Exception("aListener must be an AddonManagerListener object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!this.managerListeners.some(i => i == aListener)) this.managerListeners.push(aListener); }, /** * Removes an AddonManagerListener if the listener is registered. * * @param aListener * The listener to remove */ removeManagerListener: function(aListener) { if (!aListener || typeof aListener != "object") throw Components.Exception("aListener must be an AddonManagerListener object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let pos = 0; while (pos < this.managerListeners.length) { if (this.managerListeners[pos] == aListener) this.managerListeners.splice(pos, 1); else pos++; } }, /** * Adds a new AddonListener if the listener is not already registered. * * @param aListener * The AddonListener to add */ addAddonListener: function(aListener) { if (!aListener || typeof aListener != "object") throw Components.Exception("aListener must be an AddonListener object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!this.addonListeners.some(i => i == aListener)) this.addonListeners.push(aListener); }, /** * Removes an AddonListener if the listener is registered. * * @param aListener * The AddonListener to remove */ removeAddonListener: function(aListener) { if (!aListener || typeof aListener != "object") throw Components.Exception("aListener must be an AddonListener object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let pos = 0; while (pos < this.addonListeners.length) { if (this.addonListeners[pos] == aListener) this.addonListeners.splice(pos, 1); else pos++; } }, /** * Adds a new TypeListener if the listener is not already registered. * * @param aListener * The TypeListener to add */ addTypeListener: function(aListener) { if (!aListener || typeof aListener != "object") throw Components.Exception("aListener must be a TypeListener object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!this.typeListeners.some(i => i == aListener)) this.typeListeners.push(aListener); }, /** * Removes an TypeListener if the listener is registered. * * @param aListener * The TypeListener to remove */ removeTypeListener: function(aListener) { if (!aListener || typeof aListener != "object") throw Components.Exception("aListener must be a TypeListener object", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); let pos = 0; while (pos < this.typeListeners.length) { if (this.typeListeners[pos] == aListener) this.typeListeners.splice(pos, 1); else pos++; } }, get addonTypes() { // A read-only wrapper around the types dictionary return new Proxy(this.types, { defineProperty(target, property, descriptor) { // Not allowed to define properties return false; }, deleteProperty(target, property) { // Not allowed to delete properties return false; }, get(target, property, receiver) { if (!target.hasOwnProperty(property)) return undefined; return target[property].type; }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property) { if (!target.hasOwnProperty(property)) return undefined; return { value: target[property].type, writable: false, // Claim configurability to maintain the proxy invariants. configurable: true, enumerable: true } }, preventExtensions(target) { // Not allowed to prevent adding new properties return false; }, set(target, property, value, receiver) { // Not allowed to set properties return false; }, setPrototypeOf(target, prototype) { // Not allowed to change prototype return false; } }); }, get autoUpdateDefault() { return gAutoUpdateDefault; }, set autoUpdateDefault(aValue) { aValue = !!aValue; if (aValue != gAutoUpdateDefault) Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_EM_AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT, aValue); return aValue; }, get checkCompatibility() { return gCheckCompatibility; }, set checkCompatibility(aValue) { aValue = !!aValue; if (aValue != gCheckCompatibility) { if (!aValue) Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY, false); else Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_COMPATIBILITY); } return aValue; }, get strictCompatibility() { return gStrictCompatibility; }, set strictCompatibility(aValue) { aValue = !!aValue; if (aValue != gStrictCompatibility) Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_EM_STRICT_COMPATIBILITY, aValue); return aValue; }, get checkUpdateSecurityDefault() { return gCheckUpdateSecurityDefault; }, get checkUpdateSecurity() { return gCheckUpdateSecurity; }, set checkUpdateSecurity(aValue) { aValue = !!aValue; if (aValue != gCheckUpdateSecurity) { if (aValue != gCheckUpdateSecurityDefault) Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY, aValue); else Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_EM_CHECK_UPDATE_SECURITY); } return aValue; }, get updateEnabled() { return gUpdateEnabled; }, set updateEnabled(aValue) { aValue = !!aValue; if (aValue != gUpdateEnabled) Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF_EM_UPDATE_ENABLED, aValue); return aValue; }, get hotfixID() { return gHotfixID; }, webAPI: { // installs maps integer ids to AddonInstall instances. installs: new Map(), nextInstall: 0, sendEvent: null, setEventHandler(fn) { this.sendEvent = fn; }, getAddonByID(target, id) { return new Promise(resolve => { AddonManager.getAddonByID(id, (addon) => { resolve(webAPIForAddon(addon)); }); }); }, // helper to copy (and convert) the properties we care about copyProps(install, obj) { obj.state = AddonManager.stateToString(install.state); obj.error = AddonManager.errorToString(install.error); obj.progress = install.progress; obj.maxProgress = install.maxProgress; }, makeListener(id, mm) { const events = [ "onDownloadStarted", "onDownloadProgress", "onDownloadEnded", "onDownloadCancelled", "onDownloadFailed", "onInstallStarted", "onInstallEnded", "onInstallCancelled", "onInstallFailed", ]; let listener = {}; events.forEach(event => { listener[event] = (install) => { let data = {event, id}; AddonManager.webAPI.copyProps(install, data); this.sendEvent(mm, data); } }); return listener; }, forgetInstall(id) { let info = this.installs.get(id); if (!info) { throw new Error(`forgetInstall cannot find ${id}`); } info.install.removeListener(info.listener); this.installs.delete(id); }, createInstall(target, options) { // Throw an appropriate error if the given URL is not valid // as an installation source. Return silently if it is okay. function checkInstallUrl(url) { let host = Services.io.newURI(options.url, null, null).host; if (WEBAPI_INSTALL_HOSTS.includes(host)) { return; } if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_WEBAPI_TESTING) && WEBAPI_TEST_INSTALL_HOSTS.includes(host)) { return; } throw new Error(`Install from ${host} not permitted`); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { checkInstallUrl(options.url); } catch (err) { reject({message: err.message}); return; } let newInstall = install => { let id = this.nextInstall++; let listener = this.makeListener(id, target.messageManager); install.addListener(listener); this.installs.set(id, {install, target, listener}); let result = {id}; this.copyProps(install, result); resolve(result); }; AddonManager.getInstallForURL(options.url, newInstall, "application/x-xpinstall", options.hash); }); }, addonUninstall(target, id) { return new Promise(resolve => { AddonManager.getAddonByID(id, addon => { if (!addon) { resolve(false); } try { addon.uninstall(); resolve(true); } catch (err) { Cu.reportError(err); resolve(false); } }); }); }, addonSetEnabled(target, id, value) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { AddonManager.getAddonByID(id, addon => { if (!addon) { reject({message: `No such addon ${id}`}); } addon.userDisabled = !value; resolve(); }); }); }, addonInstallDoInstall(target, id) { let state = this.installs.get(id); if (!state) { return Promise.reject(`invalid id ${id}`); } return Promise.resolve(state.install.install()); }, addonInstallCancel(target, id) { let state = this.installs.get(id); if (!state) { return Promise.reject(`invalid id ${id}`); } return Promise.resolve(state.install.cancel()); }, clearInstalls(ids) { for (let id of ids) { this.forgetInstall(id); } }, clearInstallsFrom(mm) { for (let [id, info] of this.installs) { if (info.target.messageManager == mm) { this.forgetInstall(id); } } }, }, }; /** * Should not be used outside of core Mozilla code. This is a private API for * the startup and platform integration code to use. Refer to the methods on * AddonManagerInternal for documentation however note that these methods are * subject to change at any time. */ this.AddonManagerPrivate = { startup: function() { AddonManagerInternal.startup(); }, registerProvider: function(aProvider, aTypes) { AddonManagerInternal.registerProvider(aProvider, aTypes); }, unregisterProvider: function(aProvider) { AddonManagerInternal.unregisterProvider(aProvider); }, markProviderSafe: function(aProvider) { AddonManagerInternal.markProviderSafe(aProvider); }, backgroundUpdateCheck: function() { return AddonManagerInternal.backgroundUpdateCheck(); }, backgroundUpdateTimerHandler() { // Don't call through to the real update check if no checks are enabled. let checkHotfix = AddonManagerInternal.hotfixID && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_ENABLED) && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_APP_UPDATE_AUTO); if (!AddonManagerInternal.updateEnabled && !checkHotfix) { logger.info("Skipping background update check"); return; } // Don't return the promise here, since the caller doesn't care. AddonManagerInternal.backgroundUpdateCheck(); }, addStartupChange: function(aType, aID) { AddonManagerInternal.addStartupChange(aType, aID); }, removeStartupChange: function(aType, aID) { AddonManagerInternal.removeStartupChange(aType, aID); }, notifyAddonChanged: function(aID, aType, aPendingRestart) { AddonManagerInternal.notifyAddonChanged(aID, aType, aPendingRestart); }, updateAddonAppDisabledStates: function() { AddonManagerInternal.updateAddonAppDisabledStates(); }, updateAddonRepositoryData: function(aCallback) { AddonManagerInternal.updateAddonRepositoryData(aCallback); }, callInstallListeners: function(...aArgs) { return AddonManagerInternal.callInstallListeners.apply(AddonManagerInternal, aArgs); }, callAddonListeners: function(...aArgs) { AddonManagerInternal.callAddonListeners.apply(AddonManagerInternal, aArgs); }, AddonAuthor: AddonAuthor, AddonScreenshot: AddonScreenshot, AddonCompatibilityOverride: AddonCompatibilityOverride, AddonType: AddonType, recordTimestamp: function(name, value) { AddonManagerInternal.recordTimestamp(name, value); }, _simpleMeasures: {}, recordSimpleMeasure: function(name, value) { this._simpleMeasures[name] = value; }, recordException: function(aModule, aContext, aException) { let report = { module: aModule, context: aContext }; if (typeof aException == "number") { report.message = Components.Exception("", aException).name; } else { report.message = aException.toString(); if (aException.fileName) { report.file = aException.fileName; report.line = aException.lineNumber; } } this._simpleMeasures.exception = report; }, getSimpleMeasures: function() { return this._simpleMeasures; }, getTelemetryDetails: function() { return AddonManagerInternal.telemetryDetails; }, setTelemetryDetails: function(aProvider, aDetails) { AddonManagerInternal.telemetryDetails[aProvider] = aDetails; }, // Start a timer, record a simple measure of the time interval when // timer.done() is called simpleTimer: function(aName) { let startTime = Cu.now(); return { done: () => this.recordSimpleMeasure(aName, Math.round(Cu.now() - startTime)) }; }, /** * Helper to call update listeners when no update is available. * * This can be used as an implementation for Addon.findUpdates() when * no update mechanism is available. */ callNoUpdateListeners: function(addon, listener, reason, appVersion, platformVersion) { if ("onNoCompatibilityUpdateAvailable" in listener) { safeCall(listener.onNoCompatibilityUpdateAvailable.bind(listener), addon); } if ("onNoUpdateAvailable" in listener) { safeCall(listener.onNoUpdateAvailable.bind(listener), addon); } if ("onUpdateFinished" in listener) { safeCall(listener.onUpdateFinished.bind(listener), addon); } }, get webExtensionsMinPlatformVersion() { return gWebExtensionsMinPlatformVersion; }, hasUpgradeListener: function(aId) { return AddonManagerInternal.upgradeListeners.has(aId); }, getUpgradeListener: function(aId) { return AddonManagerInternal.upgradeListeners.get(aId); }, }; /** * This is the public API that UI and developers should be calling. All methods * just forward to AddonManagerInternal. */ this.AddonManager = { // Constants for the AddonInstall.state property // These will show up as AddonManager.STATE_* (eg, STATE_AVAILABLE) _states: new Map([ // The install is available for download. ["STATE_AVAILABLE", 0], // The install is being downloaded. ["STATE_DOWNLOADING", 1], // The install is checking for compatibility information. ["STATE_CHECKING", 2], // The install is downloaded and ready to install. ["STATE_DOWNLOADED", 3], // The download failed. ["STATE_DOWNLOAD_FAILED", 4], // The install has been postponed. ["STATE_POSTPONED", 5], // The add-on is being installed. ["STATE_INSTALLING", 6], // The add-on has been installed. ["STATE_INSTALLED", 7], // The install failed. ["STATE_INSTALL_FAILED", 8], // The install has been cancelled. ["STATE_CANCELLED", 9], ]), // Constants representing different types of errors while downloading an // add-on. // These will show up as AddonManager.ERROR_* (eg, ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE) _errors: new Map([ // The download failed due to network problems. ["ERROR_NETWORK_FAILURE", -1], // The downloaded file did not match the provided hash. ["ERROR_INCORRECT_HASH", -2], // The downloaded file seems to be corrupted in some way. ["ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE", -3], // An error occured trying to write to the filesystem. ["ERROR_FILE_ACCESS", -4], // The add-on must be signed and isn't. ["ERROR_SIGNEDSTATE_REQUIRED", -5], // The downloaded add-on had a different type than expected. ["ERROR_UNEXPECTED_ADDON_TYPE", -6], // The addon did not have the expected ID ["ERROR_INCORRECT_ID", -7], ]), // These must be kept in sync with AddonUpdateChecker. // No error was encountered. UPDATE_STATUS_NO_ERROR: 0, // The update check timed out UPDATE_STATUS_TIMEOUT: -1, // There was an error while downloading the update information. UPDATE_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR: -2, // The update information was malformed in some way. UPDATE_STATUS_PARSE_ERROR: -3, // The update information was not in any known format. UPDATE_STATUS_UNKNOWN_FORMAT: -4, // The update information was not correctly signed or there was an SSL error. UPDATE_STATUS_SECURITY_ERROR: -5, // The update was cancelled. UPDATE_STATUS_CANCELLED: -6, // Constants to indicate why an update check is being performed // Update check has been requested by the user. UPDATE_WHEN_USER_REQUESTED: 1, // Update check is necessary to see if the Addon is compatibile with a new // version of the application. UPDATE_WHEN_NEW_APP_DETECTED: 2, // Update check is necessary because a new application has been installed. UPDATE_WHEN_NEW_APP_INSTALLED: 3, // Update check is a regular background update check. UPDATE_WHEN_PERIODIC_UPDATE: 16, // Update check is needed to check an Addon that is being installed. UPDATE_WHEN_ADDON_INSTALLED: 17, // Constants for operations in Addon.pendingOperations // Indicates that the Addon has no pending operations. PENDING_NONE: 0, // Indicates that the Addon will be enabled after the application restarts. PENDING_ENABLE: 1, // Indicates that the Addon will be disabled after the application restarts. PENDING_DISABLE: 2, // Indicates that the Addon will be uninstalled after the application restarts. PENDING_UNINSTALL: 4, // Indicates that the Addon will be installed after the application restarts. PENDING_INSTALL: 8, PENDING_UPGRADE: 16, // Constants for operations in Addon.operationsRequiringRestart // Indicates that restart isn't required for any operation. OP_NEEDS_RESTART_NONE: 0, // Indicates that restart is required for enabling the addon. OP_NEEDS_RESTART_ENABLE: 1, // Indicates that restart is required for disabling the addon. OP_NEEDS_RESTART_DISABLE: 2, // Indicates that restart is required for uninstalling the addon. OP_NEEDS_RESTART_UNINSTALL: 4, // Indicates that restart is required for installing the addon. OP_NEEDS_RESTART_INSTALL: 8, // Constants for permissions in Addon.permissions. // Indicates that the Addon can be uninstalled. PERM_CAN_UNINSTALL: 1, // Indicates that the Addon can be enabled by the user. PERM_CAN_ENABLE: 2, // Indicates that the Addon can be disabled by the user. PERM_CAN_DISABLE: 4, // Indicates that the Addon can be upgraded. PERM_CAN_UPGRADE: 8, // Indicates that the Addon can be set to be optionally enabled // on a case-by-case basis. PERM_CAN_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE: 16, // General descriptions of where items are installed. // Installed in this profile. SCOPE_PROFILE: 1, // Installed for all of this user's profiles. SCOPE_USER: 2, // Installed and owned by the application. SCOPE_APPLICATION: 4, // Installed for all users of the computer. SCOPE_SYSTEM: 8, // Installed temporarily SCOPE_TEMPORARY: 16, // The combination of all scopes. SCOPE_ALL: 31, // Add-on type is expected to be displayed in the UI in a list. VIEW_TYPE_LIST: "list", // Constants describing how add-on types behave. // If no add-ons of a type are installed, then the category for that add-on // type should be hidden in the UI. TYPE_UI_HIDE_EMPTY: 16, // Indicates that this add-on type supports the ask-to-activate state. // That is, add-ons of this type can be set to be optionally enabled // on a case-by-case basis. TYPE_SUPPORTS_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE: 32, // The add-on type natively supports undo for restartless uninstalls. // If this flag is not specified, the UI is expected to handle this via // disabling the add-on, and performing the actual uninstall at a later time. TYPE_SUPPORTS_UNDO_RESTARTLESS_UNINSTALL: 64, // Constants for Addon.applyBackgroundUpdates. // Indicates that the Addon should not update automatically. AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE: 0, // Indicates that the Addon should update automatically only if // that's the global default. AUTOUPDATE_DEFAULT: 1, // Indicates that the Addon should update automatically. AUTOUPDATE_ENABLE: 2, // Constants for how Addon options should be shown. // Options will be opened in a new window OPTIONS_TYPE_DIALOG: 1, // Options will be displayed within the AM detail view OPTIONS_TYPE_INLINE: 2, // Options will be displayed in a new tab, if possible OPTIONS_TYPE_TAB: 3, // Same as OPTIONS_TYPE_INLINE, but no Preferences button will be shown. // Used to indicate that only non-interactive information will be shown. OPTIONS_TYPE_INLINE_INFO: 4, // Similar to OPTIONS_TYPE_INLINE, but rather than generating inline // options from a specially-formatted XUL file, the contents of the // file are simply displayed in an inline <browser> element. OPTIONS_TYPE_INLINE_BROWSER: 5, // Constants for displayed or hidden options notifications // Options notification will be displayed OPTIONS_NOTIFICATION_DISPLAYED: "addon-options-displayed", // Options notification will be hidden OPTIONS_NOTIFICATION_HIDDEN: "addon-options-hidden", // Constants for getStartupChanges, addStartupChange and removeStartupChange // Add-ons that were detected as installed during startup. Doesn't include // add-ons that were pending installation the last time the application ran. STARTUP_CHANGE_INSTALLED: "installed", // Add-ons that were detected as changed during startup. This includes an // add-on moving to a different location, changing version or just having // been detected as possibly changed. STARTUP_CHANGE_CHANGED: "changed", // Add-ons that were detected as uninstalled during startup. Doesn't include // add-ons that were pending uninstallation the last time the application ran. STARTUP_CHANGE_UNINSTALLED: "uninstalled", // Add-ons that were detected as disabled during startup, normally because of // an application change making an add-on incompatible. Doesn't include // add-ons that were pending being disabled the last time the application ran. STARTUP_CHANGE_DISABLED: "disabled", // Add-ons that were detected as enabled during startup, normally because of // an application change making an add-on compatible. Doesn't include // add-ons that were pending being enabled the last time the application ran. STARTUP_CHANGE_ENABLED: "enabled", // Constants for Addon.signedState. Any states that should cause an add-on // to be unusable in builds that require signing should have negative values. // Add-on signing is not required, e.g. because the pref is disabled. SIGNEDSTATE_NOT_REQUIRED: undefined, // Add-on is signed but signature verification has failed. SIGNEDSTATE_BROKEN: -2, // Add-on may be signed but by an certificate that doesn't chain to our // our trusted certificate. SIGNEDSTATE_UNKNOWN: -1, // Add-on is unsigned. SIGNEDSTATE_MISSING: 0, // Add-on is preliminarily reviewed. SIGNEDSTATE_PRELIMINARY: 1, // Add-on is fully reviewed. SIGNEDSTATE_SIGNED: 2, // Add-on is system add-on. SIGNEDSTATE_SYSTEM: 3, // Constants for the Addon.userDisabled property // Indicates that the userDisabled state of this add-on is currently // ask-to-activate. That is, it can be conditionally enabled on a // case-by-case basis. STATE_ASK_TO_ACTIVATE: "askToActivate", get __AddonManagerInternal__() { return AppConstants.DEBUG ? AddonManagerInternal : undefined; }, get isReady() { return gStartupComplete && !gShutdownInProgress; }, init() { this._stateToString = new Map(); for (let [name, value] of this._states) { this[name] = value; this._stateToString.set(value, name); } this._errorToString = new Map(); for (let [name, value] of this._errors) { this[name] = value; this._errorToString.set(value, name); } }, stateToString(state) { return this._stateToString.get(state); }, errorToString(err) { return err ? this._errorToString.get(err) : null; }, getInstallForURL: function(aUrl, aCallback, aMimetype, aHash, aName, aIcons, aVersion, aBrowser) { AddonManagerInternal.getInstallForURL(aUrl, aCallback, aMimetype, aHash, aName, aIcons, aVersion, aBrowser); }, getInstallForFile: function(aFile, aCallback, aMimetype) { AddonManagerInternal.getInstallForFile(aFile, aCallback, aMimetype); }, /** * Gets an array of add-on IDs that changed during the most recent startup. * * @param aType * The type of startup change to get * @return An array of add-on IDs */ getStartupChanges: function(aType) { if (!(aType in AddonManagerInternal.startupChanges)) return []; return AddonManagerInternal.startupChanges[aType].slice(0); }, getAddonByID: function(aID, aCallback) { if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); AddonManagerInternal.getAddonByID(aID) .then(makeSafe(aCallback)) .catch(logger.error); }, getAddonBySyncGUID: function(aGUID, aCallback) { AddonManagerInternal.getAddonBySyncGUID(aGUID, aCallback); }, getAddonsByIDs: function(aIDs, aCallback) { if (typeof aCallback != "function") throw Components.Exception("aCallback must be a function", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); AddonManagerInternal.getAddonsByIDs(aIDs) .then(makeSafe(aCallback)) .catch(logger.error); }, getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes: function(aTypes, aCallback) { AddonManagerInternal.getAddonsWithOperationsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback); }, getAddonsByTypes: function(aTypes, aCallback) { AddonManagerInternal.getAddonsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback); }, getAllAddons: function(aCallback) { AddonManagerInternal.getAllAddons(aCallback); }, getInstallsByTypes: function(aTypes, aCallback) { AddonManagerInternal.getInstallsByTypes(aTypes, aCallback); }, getAllInstalls: function(aCallback) { AddonManagerInternal.getAllInstalls(aCallback); }, mapURIToAddonID: function(aURI) { return AddonManagerInternal.mapURIToAddonID(aURI); }, isInstallEnabled: function(aType) { return AddonManagerInternal.isInstallEnabled(aType); }, isInstallAllowed: function(aType, aInstallingPrincipal) { return AddonManagerInternal.isInstallAllowed(aType, aInstallingPrincipal); }, installAddonsFromWebpage: function(aType, aBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal, aInstalls) { AddonManagerInternal.installAddonsFromWebpage(aType, aBrowser, aInstallingPrincipal, aInstalls); }, installTemporaryAddon: function(aDirectory) { return AddonManagerInternal.installTemporaryAddon(aDirectory); }, installAddonFromSources: function(aDirectory) { return AddonManagerInternal.installAddonFromSources(aDirectory); }, getAddonByInstanceID: function(aInstanceID) { return AddonManagerInternal.getAddonByInstanceID(aInstanceID); }, addManagerListener: function(aListener) { AddonManagerInternal.addManagerListener(aListener); }, removeManagerListener: function(aListener) { AddonManagerInternal.removeManagerListener(aListener); }, addInstallListener: function(aListener) { AddonManagerInternal.addInstallListener(aListener); }, removeInstallListener: function(aListener) { AddonManagerInternal.removeInstallListener(aListener); }, getUpgradeListener: function(aId) { return AddonManagerInternal.upgradeListeners.get(aId); }, addUpgradeListener: function(aInstanceID, aCallback) { AddonManagerInternal.addUpgradeListener(aInstanceID, aCallback); }, removeUpgradeListener: function(aInstanceID) { AddonManagerInternal.removeUpgradeListener(aInstanceID); }, addAddonListener: function(aListener) { AddonManagerInternal.addAddonListener(aListener); }, removeAddonListener: function(aListener) { AddonManagerInternal.removeAddonListener(aListener); }, addTypeListener: function(aListener) { AddonManagerInternal.addTypeListener(aListener); }, removeTypeListener: function(aListener) { AddonManagerInternal.removeTypeListener(aListener); }, get addonTypes() { return AddonManagerInternal.addonTypes; }, /** * Determines whether an Addon should auto-update or not. * * @param aAddon * The Addon representing the add-on * @return true if the addon should auto-update, false otherwise. */ shouldAutoUpdate: function(aAddon) { if (!aAddon || typeof aAddon != "object") throw Components.Exception("aAddon must be specified", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG); if (!("applyBackgroundUpdates" in aAddon)) return false; if (aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates == AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_ENABLE) return true; if (aAddon.applyBackgroundUpdates == AddonManager.AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE) return false; return this.autoUpdateDefault; }, get checkCompatibility() { return AddonManagerInternal.checkCompatibility; }, set checkCompatibility(aValue) { AddonManagerInternal.checkCompatibility = aValue; }, get strictCompatibility() { return AddonManagerInternal.strictCompatibility; }, set strictCompatibility(aValue) { AddonManagerInternal.strictCompatibility = aValue; }, get checkUpdateSecurityDefault() { return AddonManagerInternal.checkUpdateSecurityDefault; }, get checkUpdateSecurity() { return AddonManagerInternal.checkUpdateSecurity; }, set checkUpdateSecurity(aValue) { AddonManagerInternal.checkUpdateSecurity = aValue; }, get updateEnabled() { return AddonManagerInternal.updateEnabled; }, set updateEnabled(aValue) { AddonManagerInternal.updateEnabled = aValue; }, get autoUpdateDefault() { return AddonManagerInternal.autoUpdateDefault; }, set autoUpdateDefault(aValue) { AddonManagerInternal.autoUpdateDefault = aValue; }, get hotfixID() { return AddonManagerInternal.hotfixID; }, escapeAddonURI: function(aAddon, aUri, aAppVersion) { return AddonManagerInternal.escapeAddonURI(aAddon, aUri, aAppVersion); }, getPreferredIconURL: function(aAddon, aSize, aWindow = undefined) { return AddonManagerInternal.getPreferredIconURL(aAddon, aSize, aWindow); }, get webAPI() { return AddonManagerInternal.webAPI; }, get shutdown() { return gShutdownBarrier.client; }, }; this.AddonManager.init(); // load the timestamps module into AddonManagerInternal Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryTimestamps.jsm", AddonManagerInternal); Object.freeze(AddonManagerInternal); Object.freeze(AddonManagerPrivate); Object.freeze(AddonManager);