/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function run_test() { setupTestCommon(); debugDump("testing update cleanup when reading the status file returns " + "STATUS_NONE, the version file is for a newer version, and the " + "update xml has an update with STATE_PENDING (Bug 601701)."); writeUpdatesToXMLFile(getLocalUpdatesXMLString(""), false); let patches = getLocalPatchString(null, null, null, null, null, null, STATE_PENDING); let updates = getLocalUpdateString(patches); writeUpdatesToXMLFile(getLocalUpdatesXMLString(updates), true); writeVersionFile("99.9"); standardInit(); // Check that there is no activeUpdate first so the updates directory is // cleaned up by the UpdateManager before the remaining tests. Assert.ok(!gUpdateManager.activeUpdate, "there should not be an active update"); Assert.equal(gUpdateManager.updateCount, 0, "the update manager update count" + MSG_SHOULD_EQUAL); let dir = getUpdatesDir(); dir.append(DIR_PATCH); Assert.ok(dir.exists(), MSG_SHOULD_EXIST); let versionFile = dir.clone(); versionFile.append(FILE_UPDATE_VERSION); Assert.ok(!versionFile.exists(), MSG_SHOULD_NOT_EXIST); doTestFinish(); }