// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests installing an unsigned add-on through a navigation. Should be // blocked since the referer is not whitelisted even though the target is. let URL = TESTROOT2 + "navigate.html?" + encodeURIComponent(TESTROOT + "unsigned.xpi"); function test() { Harness.installBlockedCallback = allow_blocked; Harness.installsCompletedCallback = finish_test; Harness.setup(); var pm = Services.perms; pm.add(makeURI("http://example.com/"), "install", pm.ALLOW_ACTION); gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(); gBrowser.loadURI(URL); } function allow_blocked(installInfo) { is(installInfo.browser, gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "Install should have been triggered by the right browser"); is(installInfo.originatingURI.spec, URL, "Install should have been triggered by the right uri"); return false; } function finish_test(count) { is(count, 0, "No add-ons should have been installed"); Services.perms.remove("example.com", "install"); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); Harness.finish(); }