/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint-disable block-spacing */ var {utils: Cu} = Components; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm") Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); var testFormatter = { format: function format(message) { return message.loggerName + "\t" + message.levelDesc + "\t" + message.message; } }; function MockAppender(formatter) { Log.Appender.call(this, formatter); this.messages = []; } MockAppender.prototype = { __proto__: Log.Appender.prototype, doAppend: function DApp_doAppend(message) { this.messages.push(message); } }; function run_test() { run_next_test(); } add_task(function test_Logger() { let log = Log.repository.getLogger("test.logger"); let appender = new MockAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter()); log.level = Log.Level.Debug; appender.level = Log.Level.Info; log.addAppender(appender); log.info("info test"); log.debug("this should be logged but not appended."); do_check_eq(appender.messages.length, 1); let msgRe = /\d+\ttest.logger\t\INFO\tinfo test/; do_check_true(msgRe.test(appender.messages[0])); }); add_task(function test_Logger_parent() { // Check whether parenting is correct let grandparentLog = Log.repository.getLogger("grandparent"); let childLog = Log.repository.getLogger("grandparent.parent.child"); do_check_eq(childLog.parent.name, "grandparent"); let parentLog = Log.repository.getLogger("grandparent.parent"); do_check_eq(childLog.parent.name, "grandparent.parent"); // Check that appends are exactly in scope let gpAppender = new MockAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter()); gpAppender.level = Log.Level.Info; grandparentLog.addAppender(gpAppender); childLog.info("child info test"); Log.repository.rootLogger.info("this shouldn't show up in gpAppender"); do_check_eq(gpAppender.messages.length, 1); do_check_true(gpAppender.messages[0].indexOf("child info test") > 0); }); add_test(function test_LoggerWithMessagePrefix() { let log = Log.repository.getLogger("test.logger.prefix"); let appender = new MockAppender(new Log.MessageOnlyFormatter()); log.addAppender(appender); let prefixed = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix( "test.logger.prefix", "prefix: "); log.warn("no prefix"); prefixed.warn("with prefix"); Assert.equal(appender.messages.length, 2, "2 messages were logged."); Assert.deepEqual(appender.messages, [ "no prefix", "prefix: with prefix", ], "Prefix logger works."); run_next_test(); }); /* * A utility method for checking object equivalence. * Fields with a reqular expression value in expected will be tested * against the corresponding value in actual. Otherwise objects * are expected to have the same keys and equal values. */ function checkObjects(expected, actual) { do_check_true(expected instanceof Object); do_check_true(actual instanceof Object); for (let key in expected) { do_check_neq(actual[key], undefined); if (expected[key] instanceof RegExp) { do_check_true(expected[key].test(actual[key].toString())); } else if (expected[key] instanceof Object) { checkObjects(expected[key], actual[key]); } else { do_check_eq(expected[key], actual[key]); } } for (let key in actual) { do_check_neq(expected[key], undefined); } } add_task(function test_StructuredLogCommands() { let appender = new MockAppender(new Log.StructuredFormatter()); let logger = Log.repository.getLogger("test.StructuredOutput"); logger.addAppender(appender); logger.level = Log.Level.Info; logger.logStructured("test_message", {_message: "message string one"}); logger.logStructured("test_message", {_message: "message string two", _level: "ERROR", source_file: "test_Log.js"}); logger.logStructured("test_message"); logger.logStructured("test_message", {source_file: "test_Log.js", message_position: 4}); let messageOne = {"_time": /\d+/, "_namespace": "test.StructuredOutput", "_level": "INFO", "_message": "message string one", "action": "test_message"}; let messageTwo = {"_time": /\d+/, "_namespace": "test.StructuredOutput", "_level": "ERROR", "_message": "message string two", "action": "test_message", "source_file": "test_Log.js"}; let messageThree = {"_time": /\d+/, "_namespace": "test.StructuredOutput", "_level": "INFO", "action": "test_message"}; let messageFour = {"_time": /\d+/, "_namespace": "test.StructuredOutput", "_level": "INFO", "action": "test_message", "source_file": "test_Log.js", "message_position": 4}; checkObjects(messageOne, JSON.parse(appender.messages[0])); checkObjects(messageTwo, JSON.parse(appender.messages[1])); checkObjects(messageThree, JSON.parse(appender.messages[2])); checkObjects(messageFour, JSON.parse(appender.messages[3])); let errored = false; try { logger.logStructured("", {_message: "invalid message"}); } catch (e) { errored = true; do_check_eq(e, "An action is required when logging a structured message."); } finally { do_check_true(errored); } errored = false; try { logger.logStructured("message_action", "invalid params"); } catch (e) { errored = true; do_check_eq(e, "The params argument is required to be an object."); } finally { do_check_true(errored); } // Logging with unstructured interface should produce the same messages // as the structured interface for these cases. appender = new MockAppender(new Log.StructuredFormatter()); logger = Log.repository.getLogger("test.StructuredOutput1"); messageOne._namespace = "test.StructuredOutput1"; messageTwo._namespace = "test.StructuredOutput1"; logger.addAppender(appender); logger.level = Log.Level.All; logger.info("message string one", {action: "test_message"}); logger.error("message string two", {action: "test_message", source_file: "test_Log.js"}); checkObjects(messageOne, JSON.parse(appender.messages[0])); checkObjects(messageTwo, JSON.parse(appender.messages[1])); }); add_task(function test_StorageStreamAppender() { let appender = new Log.StorageStreamAppender(testFormatter); do_check_eq(appender.getInputStream(), null); // Log to the storage stream and verify the log was written and can be // read back. let logger = Log.repository.getLogger("test.StorageStreamAppender"); logger.addAppender(appender); logger.info("OHAI"); let inputStream = appender.getInputStream(); let data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(inputStream, inputStream.available()); do_check_eq(data, "test.StorageStreamAppender\tINFO\tOHAI\n"); // We can read it again even. let sndInputStream = appender.getInputStream(); let sameData = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(sndInputStream, sndInputStream.available()); do_check_eq(data, sameData); // Reset the appender and log some more. appender.reset(); do_check_eq(appender.getInputStream(), null); logger.debug("wut?!?"); inputStream = appender.getInputStream(); data = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(inputStream, inputStream.available()); do_check_eq(data, "test.StorageStreamAppender\tDEBUG\twut?!?\n"); }); function fileContents(path) { let decoder = new TextDecoder(); return OS.File.read(path).then(array => { return decoder.decode(array); }); } add_task(function* test_FileAppender() { // This directory does not exist yet let dir = OS.Path.join(do_get_profile().path, "test_Log"); do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(dir)); let path = OS.Path.join(dir, "test_FileAppender"); let appender = new Log.FileAppender(path, testFormatter); let logger = Log.repository.getLogger("test.FileAppender"); logger.addAppender(appender); // Logging to a file that can't be created won't do harm. do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(path)); logger.info("OHAI!"); yield OS.File.makeDir(dir); logger.info("OHAI"); yield appender._lastWritePromise; do_check_eq((yield fileContents(path)), "test.FileAppender\tINFO\tOHAI\n"); logger.info("OHAI"); yield appender._lastWritePromise; do_check_eq((yield fileContents(path)), "test.FileAppender\tINFO\tOHAI\n" + "test.FileAppender\tINFO\tOHAI\n"); // Reset the appender and log some more. yield appender.reset(); do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(path)); logger.debug("O RLY?!?"); yield appender._lastWritePromise; do_check_eq((yield fileContents(path)), "test.FileAppender\tDEBUG\tO RLY?!?\n"); yield appender.reset(); logger.debug("1"); logger.info("2"); logger.info("3"); logger.info("4"); logger.info("5"); // Waiting on only the last promise should account for all of these. yield appender._lastWritePromise; // Messages ought to be logged in order. do_check_eq((yield fileContents(path)), "test.FileAppender\tDEBUG\t1\n" + "test.FileAppender\tINFO\t2\n" + "test.FileAppender\tINFO\t3\n" + "test.FileAppender\tINFO\t4\n" + "test.FileAppender\tINFO\t5\n"); }); add_task(function* test_BoundedFileAppender() { let dir = OS.Path.join(do_get_profile().path, "test_Log"); if (!(yield OS.File.exists(dir))) { yield OS.File.makeDir(dir); } let path = OS.Path.join(dir, "test_BoundedFileAppender"); // This appender will hold about two lines at a time. let appender = new Log.BoundedFileAppender(path, testFormatter, 40); let logger = Log.repository.getLogger("test.BoundedFileAppender"); logger.addAppender(appender); logger.info("ONE"); logger.info("TWO"); yield appender._lastWritePromise; do_check_eq((yield fileContents(path)), "test.BoundedFileAppender\tINFO\tONE\n" + "test.BoundedFileAppender\tINFO\tTWO\n"); logger.info("THREE"); logger.info("FOUR"); do_check_neq(appender._removeFilePromise, undefined); yield appender._removeFilePromise; yield appender._lastWritePromise; do_check_eq((yield fileContents(path)), "test.BoundedFileAppender\tINFO\tTHREE\n" + "test.BoundedFileAppender\tINFO\tFOUR\n"); yield appender.reset(); logger.info("ONE"); logger.info("TWO"); logger.info("THREE"); logger.info("FOUR"); do_check_neq(appender._removeFilePromise, undefined); yield appender._removeFilePromise; yield appender._lastWritePromise; do_check_eq((yield fileContents(path)), "test.BoundedFileAppender\tINFO\tTHREE\n" + "test.BoundedFileAppender\tINFO\tFOUR\n"); }); /* * Test parameter formatting. */ add_task(function* log_message_with_params() { let formatter = new Log.BasicFormatter(); function formatMessage(text, params) { let full = formatter.format(new Log.LogMessage("test.logger", Log.Level.Warn, text, params)); return full.split("\t")[3]; } // Strings are substituted directly. do_check_eq(formatMessage("String is ${foo}", {foo: "bar"}), "String is bar"); // Numbers are substituted. do_check_eq(formatMessage("Number is ${number}", {number: 47}), "Number is 47") // The entire params object is JSON-formatted and substituted. do_check_eq(formatMessage("Object is ${}", {foo: "bar"}), 'Object is {"foo":"bar"}'); // An object nested inside params is JSON-formatted and substituted. do_check_eq(formatMessage("Sub object is ${sub}", {sub: {foo: "bar"}}), 'Sub object is {"foo":"bar"}'); // The substitution field is missing from params. Leave the placeholder behind // to make the mistake obvious. do_check_eq(formatMessage("Missing object is ${missing}", {}), 'Missing object is ${missing}'); // Make sure we don't treat the parameter name 'false' as a falsey value. do_check_eq(formatMessage("False is ${false}", {false: true}), 'False is true'); // If an object has a .toJSON method, the formatter uses it. let ob = function() {}; ob.toJSON = function() {return {sneaky: "value"}}; do_check_eq(formatMessage("JSON is ${sub}", {sub: ob}), 'JSON is {"sneaky":"value"}'); // Fall back to .toSource() if JSON.stringify() fails on an object. ob = function() {}; ob.toJSON = function() {throw "oh noes JSON"}; do_check_eq(formatMessage("Fail is ${sub}", {sub: ob}), 'Fail is (function() {})'); // Fall back to .toString if both .toJSON and .toSource fail. ob.toSource = function() {throw "oh noes SOURCE"}; do_check_eq(formatMessage("Fail is ${sub}", {sub: ob}), 'Fail is function() {}'); // Fall back to '[object]' if .toJSON, .toSource and .toString fail. ob.toString = function() {throw "oh noes STRING"}; do_check_eq(formatMessage("Fail is ${sub}", {sub: ob}), 'Fail is [object]'); // If params are passed but there are no substitution in the text // we JSON format and append the entire parameters object. do_check_eq(formatMessage("Text with no subs", {a: "b", c: "d"}), 'Text with no subs: {"a":"b","c":"d"}'); // If we substitute one parameter but not the other, // we ignore any params that aren't substituted. do_check_eq(formatMessage("Text with partial sub ${a}", {a: "b", c: "d"}), 'Text with partial sub b'); // We don't format internal fields stored in params. do_check_eq(formatMessage("Params with _ ${}", {a: "b", _c: "d", _level:20, _message:"froo", _time:123456, _namespace:"here.there"}), 'Params with _ {"a":"b","_c":"d"}'); // Don't print an empty params holder if all params are internal. do_check_eq(formatMessage("All params internal", {_level:20, _message:"froo", _time:123456, _namespace:"here.there"}), 'All params internal'); // Format params with null and undefined values. do_check_eq(formatMessage("Null ${n} undefined ${u}", {n: null, u: undefined}), 'Null null undefined undefined'); // Format params with number, bool, and Object/String type. do_check_eq(formatMessage("number ${n} boolean ${b} boxed Boolean ${bx} String ${s}", {n: 45, b: false, bx: new Boolean(true), s: new String("whatevs")}), 'number 45 boolean false boxed Boolean true String whatevs'); /* * Check that errors get special formatting if they're formatted directly as * a named param or they're the only param, but not if they're a field in a * larger structure. */ let err = Components.Exception("test exception", Components.results.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); let str = formatMessage("Exception is ${}", err); do_check_true(str.includes('Exception is [Exception... "test exception"')); do_check_true(str.includes("(NS_ERROR_FAILURE)")); str = formatMessage("Exception is", err); do_check_true(str.includes('Exception is: [Exception... "test exception"')); str = formatMessage("Exception is ${error}", {error: err}); do_check_true(str.includes('Exception is [Exception... "test exception"')); str = formatMessage("Exception is", {_error: err}); do_print(str); // Exceptions buried inside objects are formatted badly. do_check_true(str.includes('Exception is: {"_error":{}')); // If the message text is null, the message contains only the formatted params object. str = formatMessage(null, err); do_check_true(str.startsWith('[Exception... "test exception"')); // If the text is null and 'params' is a String object, the message is exactly that string. str = formatMessage(null, new String("String in place of params")); do_check_eq(str, "String in place of params"); // We use object.valueOf() internally; make sure a broken valueOf() method // doesn't cause the logger to fail. let vOf = {a: 1, valueOf: function() {throw "oh noes valueOf"}}; do_check_eq(formatMessage("Broken valueOf ${}", vOf), 'Broken valueOf ({a:1, valueOf:(function() {throw "oh noes valueOf"})})'); // Test edge cases of bad data to formatter: // If 'params' is not an object, format it as a basic type. do_check_eq(formatMessage("non-object no subst", 1), 'non-object no subst: 1'); do_check_eq(formatMessage("non-object all subst ${}", 2), 'non-object all subst 2'); do_check_eq(formatMessage("false no subst", false), 'false no subst: false'); do_check_eq(formatMessage("null no subst", null), 'null no subst: null'); // If 'params' is undefined and there are no substitutions expected, // the message should still be output. do_check_eq(formatMessage("undefined no subst", undefined), 'undefined no subst'); // If 'params' is not an object, no named substitutions can succeed; // therefore we leave the placeholder and append the formatted params. do_check_eq(formatMessage("non-object named subst ${junk} space", 3), 'non-object named subst ${junk} space: 3'); // If there are no params, we leave behind the placeholders in the text. do_check_eq(formatMessage("no params ${missing}", undefined), 'no params ${missing}'); // If params doesn't contain any of the tags requested in the text, // we leave them all behind and append the formatted params. do_check_eq(formatMessage("object missing tag ${missing} space", {mising: "not here"}), 'object missing tag ${missing} space: {"mising":"not here"}'); // If we are given null text and no params, the resulting formatted message is empty. do_check_eq(formatMessage(null), ''); }); /* * If we call a log function with a non-string object in place of the text * argument, and no parameters, treat that the same as logging empty text * with the object argument as parameters. This makes the log useful when the * caller does "catch(err) {logger.error(err)}" */ add_task(function* test_log_err_only() { let log = Log.repository.getLogger("error.only"); let mockFormatter = { format: msg => msg }; let appender = new MockAppender(mockFormatter); log.addAppender(appender); /* * Check that log.error(err) is treated the same as * log.error(null, err) by the logMessage constructor; the formatMessage() * tests above ensure that the combination of null text and an error object * is formatted correctly. */ try { eval("javascript syntax error"); } catch (e) { log.error(e); msg = appender.messages.pop(); do_check_eq(msg.message, null); do_check_eq(msg.params, e); } }); /* * Test logStructured() messages through basic formatter. */ add_task(function* test_structured_basic() { let log = Log.repository.getLogger("test.logger"); let appender = new MockAppender(new Log.BasicFormatter()); log.level = Log.Level.Info; appender.level = Log.Level.Info; log.addAppender(appender); // A structured entry with no _message is treated the same as log./level/(null, params) // except the 'action' field is added to the object. log.logStructured("action", {data: "structure"}); do_check_eq(appender.messages.length, 1); do_check_true(appender.messages[0].includes('{"data":"structure","action":"action"}')); // A structured entry with _message and substitution is treated the same as // log./level/(null, params). log.logStructured("action", {_message: "Structured sub ${data}", data: "structure"}); do_check_eq(appender.messages.length, 2); do_print(appender.messages[1]); do_check_true(appender.messages[1].includes('Structured sub structure')); }); /* * Test that all the basic logger methods pass the message and params through to the appender. */ add_task(function* log_message_with_params() { let log = Log.repository.getLogger("error.logger"); let mockFormatter = { format: msg => msg }; let appender = new MockAppender(mockFormatter); log.addAppender(appender); let testParams = {a:1, b:2}; log.fatal("Test fatal", testParams); log.error("Test error", testParams); log.warn("Test warn", testParams); log.info("Test info", testParams); log.config("Test config", testParams); log.debug("Test debug", testParams); log.trace("Test trace", testParams); do_check_eq(appender.messages.length, 7); for (let msg of appender.messages) { do_check_true(msg.params === testParams); do_check_true(msg.message.startsWith("Test ")); } }); /* * Check that we format JS Errors reasonably. */ add_task(function* format_errors() { let pFormat = new Log.ParameterFormatter(); // Test that subclasses of Error are recognized as errors. err = new ReferenceError("Ref Error", "ERROR_FILE", 28); str = pFormat.format(err); do_check_true(str.includes("ReferenceError")); do_check_true(str.includes("ERROR_FILE:28")); do_check_true(str.includes("Ref Error")); // Test that JS-generated Errors are recognized and formatted. try { yield Promise.resolve(); // Scrambles the stack eval("javascript syntax error"); } catch (e) { str = pFormat.format(e); do_check_true(str.includes("SyntaxError: missing ;")); // Make sure we identified it as an Error and formatted the error location as // lineNumber:columnNumber. do_check_true(str.includes(":1:11)")); // Make sure that we use human-readable stack traces // Check that the error doesn't contain any reference to "Promise.jsm" or "Task.jsm" do_check_false(str.includes("Promise.jsm")); do_check_false(str.includes("Task.jsm")); do_check_true(str.includes("format_errors")); } });