"use strict";

let envService = Cc["@mozilla.org/process/environment;1"].getService(Ci.nsIEnvironment);

const PYTHON = envService.get("PYTHON");

const PYTHON_BIN = OS.Path.basename(PYTHON);
const PYTHON_DIR = OS.Path.dirname(PYTHON);

const DOES_NOT_EXIST = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.tmpDir,

const PATH_SEP = AppConstants.platform == "win" ? ";" : ":";

add_task(function* test_pathSearchAbsolute() {
  let env = {};

  let path = yield Subprocess.pathSearch(PYTHON, env);
  equal(path, PYTHON, "Full path resolves even with no PATH.");

  env.PATH = "";
  path = yield Subprocess.pathSearch(PYTHON, env);
  equal(path, PYTHON, "Full path resolves even with empty PATH.");

  yield Assert.rejects(
    Subprocess.pathSearch(DOES_NOT_EXIST, env),
    function(e) {
      equal(e.errorCode, Subprocess.ERROR_BAD_EXECUTABLE,
            "Got the expected error code");
      return /File at path .* does not exist, or is not (executable|a normal file)/.test(e.message);
    "Absolute path should throw for a nonexistent execuable");

add_task(function* test_pathSearchRelative() {
  let env = {};

  yield Assert.rejects(
    Subprocess.pathSearch(PYTHON_BIN, env),
    function(e) {
      equal(e.errorCode, Subprocess.ERROR_BAD_EXECUTABLE,
            "Got the expected error code");
      return /Executable not found:/.test(e.message);
    "Relative path should not be found when PATH is missing");


  let path = yield Subprocess.pathSearch(PYTHON_BIN, env);
  equal(path, PYTHON, "Correct executable should be found in the path");

  skip_if: () => AppConstants.platform != "win",
}, function* test_pathSearch_PATHEXT() {
  ok(PYTHON_BIN.endsWith(".exe"), "Python executable must end with .exe");

  const python_bin = PYTHON_BIN.slice(0, -4);

  let env = {
    PATHEXT: [".com", ".exe", ".foobar"].join(";"),

  let path = yield Subprocess.pathSearch(python_bin, env);
  equal(path, PYTHON, "Correct executable should be found in the path, with guessed extension");
// IMPORTANT: Do not add any tests beyond this point without removing
// the `skip_if` condition from the previous task, or it will prevent
// all succeeding tasks from running when it does not match.