/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; module.metadata = { 'stability': 'experimental' }; /* * Encodings supported by TextEncoder/Decoder: * utf-8, utf-16le, utf-16be * http://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#interface-textencoder * * Node however supports the following encodings: * ascii, utf-8, utf-16le, usc2, base64, hex */ const { Cu } = require('chrome'); const { isNumber } = require('sdk/lang/type'); const { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } = Cu.import('resource://gre/modules/commonjs/toolkit/loader.js', {}); exports.TextEncoder = TextEncoder; exports.TextDecoder = TextDecoder; /** * Use WeakMaps to work around Bug 929146, which prevents us from adding * getters or values to typed arrays * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=929146 */ const parents = new WeakMap(); const views = new WeakMap(); function Buffer(subject, encoding /*, bufferLength */) { // Allow invocation without `new` constructor if (!(this instanceof Buffer)) return new Buffer(subject, encoding, arguments[2]); var type = typeof(subject); switch (type) { case 'number': // Create typed array of the given size if number. try { let buffer = new Uint8Array(subject > 0 ? Math.floor(subject) : 0); return buffer; } catch (e) { if (/size and count too large/.test(e.message) || /invalid arguments/.test(e.message)) throw new RangeError('Could not instantiate buffer: size of buffer may be too large'); else throw new Error('Could not instantiate buffer'); } break; case 'string': // If string encode it and use buffer for the returned Uint8Array // to create a local patched version that acts like node buffer. encoding = encoding || 'utf8'; return new Uint8Array(new TextEncoder(encoding).encode(subject).buffer); case 'object': // This form of the constructor uses the form of // new Uint8Array(buffer, offset, length); // So we can instantiate a typed array within the constructor // to inherit the appropriate properties, where both the // `subject` and newly instantiated buffer share the same underlying // data structure. if (arguments.length === 3) return new Uint8Array(subject, encoding, arguments[2]); // If array or alike just make a copy with a local patched prototype. else return new Uint8Array(subject); default: throw new TypeError('must start with number, buffer, array or string'); } } exports.Buffer = Buffer; // Tests if `value` is a Buffer. Buffer.isBuffer = value => value instanceof Buffer // Returns true if the encoding is a valid encoding argument & false otherwise Buffer.isEncoding = function (encoding) { if (!encoding) return false; try { new TextDecoder(encoding); } catch(e) { return false; } return true; } // Gives the actual byte length of a string. encoding defaults to 'utf8'. // This is not the same as String.prototype.length since that returns the // number of characters in a string. Buffer.byteLength = (value, encoding = 'utf8') => new TextEncoder(encoding).encode(value).byteLength // Direct copy of the nodejs's buffer implementation: // https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/b255f4c10a80343f9ce1cee56d0288361429e214/lib/buffer.js#L146-L177 Buffer.concat = function(list, length) { if (!Array.isArray(list)) throw new TypeError('Usage: Buffer.concat(list[, length])'); if (typeof length === 'undefined') { length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) length += list[i].length; } else { length = ~~length; } if (length < 0) length = 0; if (list.length === 0) return new Buffer(0); else if (list.length === 1) return list[0]; if (length < 0) throw new RangeError('length is not a positive number'); var buffer = new Buffer(length); var pos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var buf = list[i]; buf.copy(buffer, pos); pos += buf.length; } return buffer; }; // Node buffer is very much like Uint8Array although it has bunch of methods // that typically can be used in combination with `DataView` while preserving // access by index. Since in SDK each module has it's own set of bult-ins it // ok to patch ours to make it nodejs Buffer compatible. const Uint8ArraySet = Uint8Array.prototype.set Buffer.prototype = Uint8Array.prototype; Object.defineProperties(Buffer.prototype, { parent: { get: function() { return parents.get(this, undefined); } }, view: { get: function () { let view = views.get(this, undefined); if (view) return view; view = new DataView(this.buffer); views.set(this, view); return view; } }, toString: { value: function(encoding, start, end) { encoding = !!encoding ? (encoding + '').toLowerCase() : 'utf8'; start = Math.max(0, ~~start); end = Math.min(this.length, end === void(0) ? this.length : ~~end); return new TextDecoder(encoding).decode(this.subarray(start, end)); } }, toJSON: { value: function() { return { type: 'Buffer', data: Array.slice(this, 0) }; } }, get: { value: function(offset) { return this[offset]; } }, set: { value: function(offset, value) { this[offset] = value; } }, copy: { value: function(target, offset, start, end) { let length = this.length; let targetLength = target.length; offset = isNumber(offset) ? offset : 0; start = isNumber(start) ? start : 0; if (start < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceStart is outside of valid range'); if (end < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd is outside of valid range'); // If sourceStart > sourceEnd, or targetStart > targetLength, // zero bytes copied if (start > end || offset > targetLength ) return 0; // If `end` is not defined, or if it is defined // but would overflow `target`, redefine `end` // so we can copy as much as we can if (end - start > targetLength - offset || end == null) { let remainingTarget = targetLength - offset; let remainingSource = length - start; if (remainingSource <= remainingTarget) end = length; else end = start + remainingTarget; } Uint8ArraySet.call(target, this.subarray(start, end), offset); return end - start; } }, slice: { value: function(start, end) { let length = this.length; start = ~~start; end = end != null ? end : length; if (start < 0) { start += length; if (start < 0) start = 0; } else if (start > length) start = length; if (end < 0) { end += length; if (end < 0) end = 0; } else if (end > length) end = length; if (end < start) end = start; // This instantiation uses the new Uint8Array(buffer, offset, length) version // of construction to share the same underling data structure let buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer, start, end - start); // If buffer has a value, assign its parent value to the // buffer it shares its underlying structure with. If a slice of // a slice, then use the root structure if (buffer.length > 0) parents.set(buffer, this.parent || this); return buffer; } }, write: { value: function(string, offset, length, encoding = 'utf8') { // write(string, encoding); if (typeof(offset) === 'string' && Number.isNaN(parseInt(offset))) { [offset, length, encoding] = [0, null, offset]; } // write(string, offset, encoding); else if (typeof(length) === 'string') [length, encoding] = [null, length]; if (offset < 0 || offset > this.length) throw new RangeError('offset is outside of valid range'); offset = ~~offset; // Clamp length if it would overflow buffer, or if its // undefined if (length == null || length + offset > this.length) length = this.length - offset; let buffer = new TextEncoder(encoding).encode(string); let result = Math.min(buffer.length, length); if (buffer.length !== length) buffer = buffer.subarray(0, length); Uint8ArraySet.call(this, buffer, offset); return result; } }, fill: { value: function fill(value, start, end) { let length = this.length; value = value || 0; start = start || 0; end = end || length; if (typeof(value) === 'string') value = value.charCodeAt(0); if (typeof(value) !== 'number' || isNaN(value)) throw TypeError('value is not a number'); if (end < start) throw new RangeError('end < start'); // Fill 0 bytes; we're done if (end === start) return 0; if (length == 0) return 0; if (start < 0 || start >= length) throw RangeError('start out of bounds'); if (end < 0 || end > length) throw RangeError('end out of bounds'); let index = start; while (index < end) this[index++] = value; } } }); // Define nodejs Buffer's getter and setter functions that just proxy // to internal DataView's equivalent methods. // TODO do we need to check architecture to see if it's default big/little endian? [['readUInt16LE', 'getUint16', true], ['readUInt16BE', 'getUint16', false], ['readInt16LE', 'getInt16', true], ['readInt16BE', 'getInt16', false], ['readUInt32LE', 'getUint32', true], ['readUInt32BE', 'getUint32', false], ['readInt32LE', 'getInt32', true], ['readInt32BE', 'getInt32', false], ['readFloatLE', 'getFloat32', true], ['readFloatBE', 'getFloat32', false], ['readDoubleLE', 'getFloat64', true], ['readDoubleBE', 'getFloat64', false], ['readUInt8', 'getUint8'], ['readInt8', 'getInt8']].forEach(([alias, name, littleEndian]) => { Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, alias, { value: function(offset) { return this.view[name](offset, littleEndian); } }); }); [['writeUInt16LE', 'setUint16', true], ['writeUInt16BE', 'setUint16', false], ['writeInt16LE', 'setInt16', true], ['writeInt16BE', 'setInt16', false], ['writeUInt32LE', 'setUint32', true], ['writeUInt32BE', 'setUint32', false], ['writeInt32LE', 'setInt32', true], ['writeInt32BE', 'setInt32', false], ['writeFloatLE', 'setFloat32', true], ['writeFloatBE', 'setFloat32', false], ['writeDoubleLE', 'setFloat64', true], ['writeDoubleBE', 'setFloat64', false], ['writeUInt8', 'setUint8'], ['writeInt8', 'setInt8']].forEach(([alias, name, littleEndian]) => { Object.defineProperty(Buffer.prototype, alias, { value: function(value, offset) { return this.view[name](offset, value, littleEndian); } }); });