/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { Ci } = require("chrome"); const { InputPort } = require("./system"); const { getFrameElement, getOuterId, getOwnerBrowserWindow } = require("../window/utils"); const { isnt } = require("../lang/functional"); const { foldp, lift, merges, keepIf } = require("../event/utils"); const { object } = require("../util/sequence"); const { compose } = require("../lang/functional"); const { LastClosed } = require("./browser"); const { patch } = require("diffpatcher/index"); const Document = Ci.nsIDOMDocument; const isntNull = isnt(null); const frameID = frame => frame.id; const browserID = compose(getOuterId, getOwnerBrowserWindow); const isInnerFrame = frame => frame && frame.hasAttribute("data-is-sdk-inner-frame"); // Utility function that given content window loaded in our frame views returns // an actual frame. This basically takes care of fact that actual frame document // is loaded in the nested iframe. If content window is not loaded in the nested // frame of the frame view it returs null. const getFrame = document => document && document.defaultView && getFrameElement(document.defaultView); const FrameInput = function(options) { const input = keepIf(isInnerFrame, null, lift(getFrame, new InputPort(options))); return lift(frame => { if (!frame) return frame; const [id, owner] = [frameID(frame), browserID(frame)]; return object([id, {owners: object([owner, options.update])}]); }, input); }; const LastLoading = new FrameInput({topic: "document-element-inserted", update: {readyState: "loading"}}); exports.LastLoading = LastLoading; const LastInteractive = new FrameInput({topic: "content-document-interactive", update: {readyState: "interactive"}}); exports.LastInteractive = LastInteractive; const LastLoaded = new FrameInput({topic: "content-document-loaded", update: {readyState: "complete"}}); exports.LastLoaded = LastLoaded; const LastUnloaded = new FrameInput({topic: "content-page-hidden", update: null}); exports.LastUnloaded = LastUnloaded; // Represents state of SDK frames in form of data structure: // {"frame#1": {"id": "frame#1", // "inbox": {"data": "ping", // "target": {"id": "frame#1", "owner": "outerWindowID#2"}, // "source": {"id": "frame#1"}} // "url": "resource://addon-1/data/index.html", // "owners": {"outerWindowID#1": {"readyState": "loading"}, // "outerWindowID#2": {"readyState": "complete"}} // // // frame#2: {"id": "frame#2", // "url": "resource://addon-1/data/main.html", // "outbox": {"data": "pong", // "source": {"id": "frame#2", "owner": "outerWindowID#1"} // "target": {"id": "frame#2"}} // "owners": {outerWindowID#1: {readyState: "interacitve"}}}} const Frames = foldp(patch, {}, merges([ LastLoading, LastInteractive, LastLoaded, LastUnloaded, new InputPort({ id: "frame-mailbox" }), new InputPort({ id: "frame-change" }), new InputPort({ id: "frame-changed" }) ])); exports.Frames = Frames;