return this.boxObject; #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_GTK #else #endif width) width = accel.boxObject.width; } } } for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array[i].width = width; ]]> 0 true null 0) { arrowbox.pack = "end"; } else { arrowbox.pack = "start"; } = "translate(0, " + -offset + "px)"; // The assigned side stays the same regardless of direction. var isRTL = (window.getComputedStyle(this).direction == "rtl"); if (position.indexOf("start_") == 0) { container.dir = "reverse"; this.setAttribute("side", isRTL ? "left" : "right"); } else { container.dir = ""; this.setAttribute("side", isRTL ? "right" : "left"); } } else if (position.indexOf("before_") == 0 || position.indexOf("after_") == 0) { container.orient = ""; arrowbox.orient = ""; if (position.indexOf("_end") > 0) { arrowbox.pack = "end"; } else { arrowbox.pack = "start"; } = "translate(" + -offset + "px, 0)"; if (position.indexOf("before_") == 0) { container.dir = "reverse"; this.setAttribute("side", "bottom"); } else { container.dir = ""; this.setAttribute("side", "top"); } } ]]> this.hidePopup(true), fadeDelay, this); ]]> let animate = (this.getAttribute("animate") != "false"); if (this._fadeTimer) { clearTimeout(this._fadeTimer); if (animate) { this.setAttribute("animate", "fade"); } } else if (animate) { this.setAttribute("animate", "cancel"); } this.setAttribute("panelopen", "true"); this.removeAttribute("panelopen"); if (this.getAttribute("animate") != "false") { this.removeAttribute("animate"); } this.adjustArrowPosition(); 0 false 1) this.hidePopup(); return; } // find out if the node we are entering is one of our anonymous children while (rel) { if (rel == this) break; rel = rel.parentNode; } // if the entered node is not a descendant of ours, hide the tooltip if (rel != this && this._isMouseOver) { this.hidePopup(); } ]]>