%findBarDTD; ]> null return this._findbar ? this._findbar : this._findbar = document.getBindingParent(this); 0 1 2 0 0 6 null null null false { if (this._findMode != this.FIND_NORMAL) this.close(); this._quickFindTimeout = null; }, this._quickFindTimeoutLength); ]]> null null null { this._findFailedString = null; this._findResetTimeout = -1; }, 1000); ]]> this._flash(), 500); prefsvc.setIntPref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashBar", --this._flashFindBar); } let {PromiseUtils} = Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.jsm", {}); this._startFindDeferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); let startFindPromise = this._startFindDeferred.promise; if (this.prefillWithSelection) userWantsPrefill = prefsvc.getBoolPref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.prefillwithselection"); if (this.prefillWithSelection && userWantsPrefill) { // NB: We have to focus this._findField here so tests that send // key events can open and close the find bar synchronously. this._findField.focus(); // (e10s) since we focus lets also select it, otherwise that would // only happen in this.onCurrentSelection and, because it is async, // there's a chance keypresses could come inbetween, leading to // jumbled up queries. this._findField.select(); this.browser.finder.getInitialSelection(); return startFindPromise; } // If userWantsPrefill is false but prefillWithSelection is true, // then we might need to check the selection clipboard. Call // onCurrentSelection to do so. // Note: this.onCurrentSelection clears this._startFindDeferred. this.onCurrentSelection("", true); return startFindPromise; ]]> #ifdef XP_MACOSX #endif