<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?>
  XUL Widget Test for search textbox
<window title="Search textbox test" width="500" height="600"
  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"/>
  <script type="application/javascript" src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js"/>

    <textbox id="searchbox"
             placeholder="random placeholder"

  <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body -->
  <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="height: 300px; overflow: auto;"/>

  <!-- test code goes here -->
  <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[


var gExpectedValue;
var gLastTest;

function doTests() {
  var textbox = $("searchbox");
  var icons = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(textbox, "anonid", "search-icons");
  var searchIcon = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(textbox, "class", "textbox-search-icon");
  var clearIcon = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(textbox, "class", "textbox-search-clear");

  ok(icons, "icon deck found");
  ok(searchIcon, "search icon found");
  ok(clearIcon, "clear icon found");
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon is displayed");

  is(textbox.placeholder, "random placeholder", "search textbox supports placeholder");
  is(textbox.value, "", "placeholder doesn't interfere with the real value");

  function iconClick(aIcon) {
    is(icons.selectedPanel, aIcon, aIcon.className + " icon must be displayed in order to be clickable");

    //XXX synthesizeMouse worked on Linux but failed on Windows an Mac
    //    for unknown reasons. Manually dispatch the event for now.
    //synthesizeMouse(aIcon, 0, 0, {});

    var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
    event.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 1,
                         0, 0, 0, 0,
                         false, false, false, false,
                         0, null);

  is(textbox.getAttribute("focused"), "true", "clicking the search icon focuses the textbox");

  textbox.value = "foo";
  is(icons.selectedPanel, clearIcon, "clear icon is displayed when setting a value");

  is(textbox.defaultValue, "", "defaultValue is empty");
  is(textbox.value, "", "reset method clears the textbox");
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon is displayed after textbox.reset()");

  textbox.value = "foo";
  gExpectedValue = "";
  is(textbox.value, "", "clicking the clear icon clears the textbox");
  ok(gExpectedValue == null, "search triggered when clearing the textbox with the clear icon");

  textbox.value = "foo";
  gExpectedValue = "";
  synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {});
  is(textbox.value, "", "escape key clears the textbox");
  ok(gExpectedValue == null, "search triggered when clearing the textbox with the escape key");

  textbox.value = "bar";
  gExpectedValue = "bar";
  ok(gExpectedValue == null, "search triggered with doCommand");

  gExpectedValue = "bar";
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
  ok(gExpectedValue == null, "search triggered with enter key");

  textbox.value = "";
  textbox.searchButton = true;
  is(textbox.getAttribute("searchbutton"), "true", "searchbutton attribute set on the textbox");
  is(searchIcon.getAttribute("searchbutton"), "true", "searchbutton attribute inherited to the search icon");

  textbox.value = "foo";
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon displayed in search button mode if there's a value");

  gExpectedValue = "foo";
  ok(gExpectedValue == null, "search triggered when clicking the search icon in search button mode");
  is(icons.selectedPanel, clearIcon, "clear icon displayed in search button mode after submitting");

  synthesizeKey("o", {});
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon displayed in search button mode when typing a key");

  gExpectedValue = "fooo";
  iconClick(searchIcon); // display the clear icon (tested above)

  textbox.value = "foo";
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon displayed in search button mode when the value is changed");

  gExpectedValue = "foo";
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
  ok(gExpectedValue == null, "search triggered with enter key in search button mode");
  is(icons.selectedPanel, clearIcon, "clear icon displayed in search button mode after submitting with enter key");

  textbox.value = "x";
  synthesizeKey("VK_BACK_SPACE", {});
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon displayed in search button mode when deleting the value with the backspace key");

  gExpectedValue = "";
  synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
  ok(gExpectedValue == null, "search triggered with enter key in search button mode");
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon displayed in search button mode after submitting an empty string");

  textbox.readOnly = true;
  gExpectedValue = "foo";
  textbox.value = "foo";
  ok(gExpectedValue == null, "search triggered when clicking the search icon in search button mode while the textbox is read-only");
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon persists in search button mode after submitting while the textbox is read-only");
  textbox.readOnly = false;

  textbox.disabled = true;
  is(searchIcon.getAttribute("disabled"), "true", "disabled attribute inherited to the search icon");
  is(clearIcon.getAttribute("disabled"), "true", "disabled attribute inherited to the clear icon");
  gExpectedValue = false;
  textbox.value = "foo";
  ok(gExpectedValue == false, "search *not* triggered when clicking the search icon in search button mode while the textbox is disabled");
  is(icons.selectedPanel, searchIcon, "search icon persists in search button mode when trying to submit while the textbox is disabled");
  textbox.disabled = false;
  ok(!searchIcon.hasAttribute("disabled"), "disabled attribute removed from the search icon");
  ok(!clearIcon.hasAttribute("disabled"), "disabled attribute removed from the clear icon");

  textbox.searchButton = false;
  ok(!textbox.hasAttribute("searchbutton"), "searchbutton attribute removed from the textbox");
  ok(!searchIcon.hasAttribute("searchbutton"), "searchbutton attribute removed from the search icon");

  gLastTest = true;
  gExpectedValue = "123";
  textbox.value = "1";
  synthesizeKey("2", {});
  synthesizeKey("3", {});

function doSearch(aValue) {
  is(aValue, gExpectedValue, "search triggered with expected value");
  gExpectedValue = null;
  if (gLastTest)


