/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
var { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu } = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PluralForm",
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesDBUtils",
window.addEventListener("load", function onload(event) {
try {
window.removeEventListener("load", onload, false);
Troubleshoot.snapshot(function (snapshot) {
for (let prop in snapshotFormatters)
} catch (e) {
Cu.reportError("stack of load error for about:support: " + e + ": " + e.stack);
}, false);
// Each property in this object corresponds to a property in Troubleshoot.jsm's
// snapshot data. Each function is passed its property's corresponding data,
// and it's the function's job to update the page with it.
var snapshotFormatters = {
application: function application(data) {
$("application-box").textContent = data.name;
$("useragent-box").textContent = data.userAgent;
$("os-box").textContent = data.osVersion;
$("binary-box").textContent = Services.dirsvc.get("XREExeF", Ci.nsIFile).path;
$("supportLink").href = data.supportURL;
let version = Services.appinfo.version;
if (data.versionArch) {
version += " (" + data.versionArch + ")";
if (data.vendor)
version += " (" + data.vendor + ")";
$("version-box").textContent = version;
$("buildid-box").textContent = data.buildID;
if (data.updateChannel)
$("updatechannel-box").textContent = data.updateChannel;
$("safemode-box").textContent = data.safeMode;
crashes: function crashes(data) {
extensions: function extensions(data) {
$.append($("extensions-tbody"), data.map(function (extension) {
return $.new("tr", [
$.new("td", extension.name),
$.new("td", extension.version),
$.new("td", extension.isActive),
$.new("td", extension.id),
modifiedPreferences: function modifiedPreferences(data) {
$.append($("prefs-tbody"), sortedArrayFromObject(data).map(
function ([name, value]) {
return $.new("tr", [
$.new("td", name, "pref-name"),
// Very long preference values can cause users problems when they
// copy and paste them into some text editors. Long values generally
// aren't useful anyway, so truncate them to a reasonable length.
$.new("td", String(value).substr(0, 120), "pref-value"),
lockedPreferences: function lockedPreferences(data) {
$.append($("locked-prefs-tbody"), sortedArrayFromObject(data).map(
function ([name, value]) {
return $.new("tr", [
$.new("td", name, "pref-name"),
$.new("td", String(value).substr(0, 120), "pref-value"),
graphics: function graphics(data) {
let strings = stringBundle();
function localizedMsg(msgArray) {
let nameOrMsg = msgArray.shift();
if (msgArray.length) {
// formatStringFromName logs an NS_ASSERTION failure otherwise that says
// "use GetStringFromName". Lame.
try {
return strings.formatStringFromName(nameOrMsg, msgArray,
catch (err) {
// Throws if nameOrMsg is not a name in the bundle. This shouldn't
// actually happen though, since msgArray.length > 1 => nameOrMsg is a
// name in the bundle, not a message, and the remaining msgArray
// elements are parameters.
return nameOrMsg;
try {
return strings.GetStringFromName(nameOrMsg);
catch (err) {
// Throws if nameOrMsg is not a name in the bundle.
return nameOrMsg;
// Read APZ info out of data.info, stripping it out in the process.
let apzInfo = [];
let formatApzInfo = function (info) {
let out = [];
for (let type of ['Wheel', 'Touch', 'Drag']) {
let key = 'Apz' + type + 'Input';
if (!(key in info))
delete info[key];
let message = localizedMsg([type.toLowerCase() + 'Enabled']);
return out;
// Create a
element with key and value columns.
// @key Text in the key column. Localized automatically, unless starts with "#".
// @value Text in the value column. Not localized.
function buildRow(key, value) {
let title;
if (key[0] == "#") {
title = key.substr(1);
} else {
try {
title = strings.GetStringFromName(key);
} catch (e) {
title = key;
let td = $.new("td", value);
td.style["white-space"] = "pre-wrap";
return $.new("tr", [
$.new("th", title, "column"),
// @where The name in "graphics--tbody", of the element to append to.
// @trs Array of row elements.
function addRows(where, trs) {
$.append($("graphics-" + where + "-tbody"), trs);
// Build and append a row.
// @where The name in "graphics--tbody", of the element to append to.
function addRow(where, key, value) {
addRows(where, [buildRow(key, value)]);
if (data.clearTypeParameters !== undefined) {
addRow("diagnostics", "clearTypeParameters", data.clearTypeParameters);
if ("info" in data) {
apzInfo = formatApzInfo(data.info);
let trs = sortedArrayFromObject(data.info).map(function ([prop, val]) {
return $.new("tr", [
$.new("th", prop, "column"),
$.new("td", String(val)),
addRows("diagnostics", trs);
delete data.info;
let windowUtils = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
let gpuProcessPid = windowUtils.gpuProcessPid;
if (gpuProcessPid != -1) {
let gpuProcessKillButton = $.new("button");
gpuProcessKillButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
gpuProcessKillButton.textContent = strings.GetStringFromName("gpuProcessKillButton");
addRow("diagnostics", "GPUProcessPid", gpuProcessPid);
addRow("diagnostics", "GPUProcess", [gpuProcessKillButton]);
// graphics-failures-tbody tbody
if ("failures" in data) {
// If indices is there, it should be the same length as failures,
// (see Troubleshoot.jsm) but we check anyway:
if ("indices" in data && data.failures.length == data.indices.length) {
let combined = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.failures.length; i++) {
let assembled = assembleFromGraphicsFailure(i, data);
combined.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.index < b.index) return -1;
if (a.index > b.index) return 1;
return 0;
combined.map(function(val) {
return $.new("tr", [$.new("th", val.header, "column"),
$.new("td", val.message)]);
delete data.indices;
} else {
[$.new("tr", [$.new("th", "LogFailure", "column"),
$.new("td", data.failures.map(function (val) {
return $.new("p", val);
} else {
$("graphics-failures-tbody").style.display = "none";
// Add a new row to the table, and take the key (or keys) out of data.
// @where Table section to add to.
// @key Data key to use.
// @colKey The localization key to use, if different from key.
function addRowFromKey(where, key, colKey) {
if (!(key in data))
colKey = colKey || key;
let value;
let messageKey = key + "Message";
if (messageKey in data) {
value = localizedMsg(data[messageKey]);
delete data[messageKey];
} else {
value = data[key];
delete data[key];
if (value) {
addRow(where, colKey, value);
// graphics-features-tbody
let compositor = data.windowLayerManagerRemote
? data.windowLayerManagerType
: "BasicLayers (" + strings.GetStringFromName("mainThreadNoOMTC") + ")";
addRow("features", "compositing", compositor);
let acceleratedWindows = data.numAcceleratedWindows + "/" + data.numTotalWindows;
if (data.windowLayerManagerType) {
acceleratedWindows += " " + data.windowLayerManagerType;
if (data.windowLayerManagerRemote) {
acceleratedWindows += " (OMTC)";
if (data.numAcceleratedWindowsMessage) {
acceleratedWindows += " " + localizedMsg(data.numAcceleratedWindowsMessage);
addRow("features", "acceleratedWindows", acceleratedWindows);
delete data.windowLayerManagerRemote;
delete data.windowLayerManagerType;
delete data.numTotalWindows;
delete data.numAcceleratedWindows;
delete data.numAcceleratedWindowsMessage;
addRow("features", "asyncPanZoom",
? apzInfo.join("; ")
: localizedMsg(["apzNone"]));
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl1WSIInfo");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl1Renderer");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl1Version");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl1DriverExtensions");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl1Extensions");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl2WSIInfo");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl2Renderer");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl2Version");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl2DriverExtensions");
addRowFromKey("features", "webgl2Extensions");
addRowFromKey("features", "supportsHardwareH264", "hardwareH264");
addRowFromKey("features", "currentAudioBackend", "audioBackend");
addRowFromKey("features", "direct2DEnabled", "#Direct2D");
if ("directWriteEnabled" in data) {
let message = data.directWriteEnabled;
if ("directWriteVersion" in data)
message += " (" + data.directWriteVersion + ")";
addRow("features", "#DirectWrite", message);
delete data.directWriteEnabled;
delete data.directWriteVersion;
// Adapter tbodies.
let adapterKeys = [
["adapterDescription", "gpuDescription"],
["adapterVendorID", "gpuVendorID"],
["adapterDeviceID", "gpuDeviceID"],
["driverVersion", "gpuDriverVersion"],
["driverDate", "gpuDriverDate"],
["adapterDrivers", "gpuDrivers"],
["adapterSubsysID", "gpuSubsysID"],
["adapterRAM", "gpuRAM"],
function showGpu(id, suffix) {
function get(prop) {
return data[prop + suffix];
let trs = [];
for (let [prop, key] of adapterKeys) {
let value = get(prop);
if (value === undefined || value === "")
trs.push(buildRow(key, value));
if (trs.length == 0) {
$("graphics-" + id + "-tbody").style.display = "none";
let active = "yes";
if ("isGPU2Active" in data && ((suffix == "2") != data.isGPU2Active)) {
active = "no";
addRow(id, "gpuActive", strings.GetStringFromName(active));
addRows(id, trs);
showGpu("gpu-1", "");
showGpu("gpu-2", "2");
// Remove adapter keys.
for (let [prop, key] of adapterKeys) {
delete data[prop];
delete data[prop + "2"];
delete data.isGPU2Active;
let featureLog = data.featureLog;
delete data.featureLog;
let features = [];
for (let feature of featureLog.features) {
// Only add interesting decisions - ones that were not automatic based on
// all.js/gfxPrefs defaults.
if (feature.log.length > 1 || feature.log[0].status != "available") {
if (features.length) {
for (let feature of features) {
let trs = [];
for (let entry of feature.log) {
if (entry.type == "default" && entry.status == "available")
let contents;
if (entry.message.length > 0 && entry.message[0] == "#") {
// This is a failure ID. See nsIGfxInfo.idl.
let m;
if (m = /#BLOCKLIST_FEATURE_FAILURE_BUG_(\d+)/.exec(entry.message)) {
let bugSpan = $.new("span");
bugSpan.textContent = strings.GetStringFromName("blocklistedBug") + "; ";
let bugHref = $.new("a");
bugHref.href = "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=" + m[1];
bugHref.textContent = strings.formatStringFromName("bugLink", [m[1]], 1);
contents = [bugSpan, bugHref];
} else {
contents = strings.formatStringFromName(
"unknownFailure", [entry.message.substr(1)], 1);
} else {
contents = entry.status + " by " + entry.type + ": " + entry.message;
trs.push($.new("tr", [
$.new("td", contents),
addRow("decisions", feature.name, [$.new("table", trs)]);
} else {
$("graphics-decisions-tbody").style.display = "none";
if (featureLog.fallbacks.length) {
for (let fallback of featureLog.fallbacks) {
addRow("workarounds", fallback.name, fallback.message);
} else {
$("graphics-workarounds-tbody").style.display = "none";
let crashGuards = data.crashGuards;
delete data.crashGuards;
if (crashGuards.length) {
for (let guard of crashGuards) {
let resetButton = $.new("button");
let onClickReset = (function (guard) {
// Note - need this wrapper until bug 449811 fixes |guard| scoping.
return function () {
Services.prefs.setIntPref(guard.prefName, 0);
resetButton.removeEventListener("click", onClickReset);
resetButton.disabled = true;
resetButton.textContent = strings.GetStringFromName("resetOnNextRestart");
resetButton.addEventListener("click", onClickReset);
addRow("crashguards", guard.type + "CrashGuard", [resetButton]);
} else {
$("graphics-crashguards-tbody").style.display = "none";
// Now that we're done, grab any remaining keys in data and drop them into
// the diagnostics section.
for (let key in data) {
let value = data[key];
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
value = localizedMsg(value);
addRow("diagnostics", key, value);
javaScript: function javaScript(data) {
$("javascript-incremental-gc").textContent = data.incrementalGCEnabled;
accessibility: function accessibility(data) {
$("a11y-activated").textContent = data.isActive;
$("a11y-force-disabled").textContent = data.forceDisabled || 0;
libraryVersions: function libraryVersions(data) {
let strings = stringBundle();
let trs = [
$.new("tr", [
$.new("th", ""),
$.new("th", strings.GetStringFromName("minLibVersions")),
$.new("th", strings.GetStringFromName("loadedLibVersions")),
function ([name, val]) {
trs.push($.new("tr", [
$.new("td", name),
$.new("td", val.minVersion),
$.new("td", val.version),
$.append($("libversions-tbody"), trs);
userJS: function userJS(data) {
if (!data.exists)
let userJSFile = Services.dirsvc.get("PrefD", Ci.nsIFile);
$("prefs-user-js-link").href = Services.io.newFileURI(userJSFile).spec;
$("prefs-user-js-section").style.display = "";
// Clear the no-copy class
$("prefs-user-js-section").className = "";
var $ = document.getElementById.bind(document);
$.new = function $_new(tag, textContentOrChildren, className, attributes) {
let elt = document.createElement(tag);
if (className)
elt.className = className;
if (attributes) {
for (let attrName in attributes)
elt.setAttribute(attrName, attributes[attrName]);
if (Array.isArray(textContentOrChildren))
this.append(elt, textContentOrChildren);
elt.textContent = String(textContentOrChildren);
return elt;
$.append = function $_append(parent, children) {
children.forEach(c => parent.appendChild(c));
function stringBundle() {
return Services.strings.createBundle(
function assembleFromGraphicsFailure(i, data)
// Only cover the cases we have today; for example, we do not have
// log failures that assert and we assume the log level is 1/error.
let message = data.failures[i];
let index = data.indices[i];
let what = "";
if (message.search(/\[GFX1-\]: \(LF\)/) == 0) {
// Non-asserting log failure - the message is substring(14)
what = "LogFailure";
message = message.substring(14);
} else if (message.search(/\[GFX1-\]: /) == 0) {
// Non-asserting - the message is substring(9)
what = "Error";
message = message.substring(9);
} else if (message.search(/\[GFX1\]: /) == 0) {
// Asserting - the message is substring(8)
what = "Assert";
message = message.substring(8);
let assembled = {"index" : index,
"header" : ("(#" + index + ") " + what),
"message" : message};
return assembled;
function sortedArrayFromObject(obj) {
let tuples = [];
for (let prop in obj)
tuples.push([prop, obj[prop]]);
tuples.sort(([prop1, v1], [prop2, v2]) => prop1.localeCompare(prop2));
return tuples;
function copyRawDataToClipboard(button) {
if (button)
button.disabled = true;
try {
Troubleshoot.snapshot(function (snapshot) {
if (button)
button.disabled = false;
let str = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].
str.data = JSON.stringify(snapshot, undefined, 2);
let transferable = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"].
transferable.setTransferData("text/unicode", str, str.data.length * 2);
setData(transferable, null, Ci.nsIClipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
// Present a toast notification.
let message = {
type: "Toast:Show",
message: stringBundle().GetStringFromName("rawDataCopied"),
duration: "short"
catch (err) {
if (button)
button.disabled = false;
throw err;
function getLoadContext() {
return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
function copyContentsToClipboard() {
// Get the HTML and text representations for the important part of the page.
let contentsDiv = $("contents");
let dataHtml = contentsDiv.innerHTML;
let dataText = createTextForElement(contentsDiv);
// We can't use plain strings, we have to use nsSupportsString.
let supportsStringClass = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"];
let ssHtml = supportsStringClass.createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString);
let ssText = supportsStringClass.createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString);
let transferable = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"]
// Add the HTML flavor.
ssHtml.data = dataHtml;
transferable.setTransferData("text/html", ssHtml, dataHtml.length * 2);
// Add the plain text flavor.
ssText.data = dataText;
transferable.setTransferData("text/unicode", ssText, dataText.length * 2);
// Store the data into the clipboard.
let clipboard = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboard;1"]
clipboard.setData(transferable, null, clipboard.kGlobalClipboard);
// Present a toast notification.
let message = {
type: "Toast:Show",
message: stringBundle().GetStringFromName("textCopied"),
duration: "short"
// Return the plain text representation of an element. Do a little bit
// of pretty-printing to make it human-readable.
function createTextForElement(elem) {
let serializer = new Serializer();
let text = serializer.serialize(elem);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Actual CR/LF pairs are needed for some Windows text editors.
text = text.replace(/\n/g, "\r\n");
return text;
function Serializer() {
Serializer.prototype = {
serialize: function (rootElem) {
this._lines = [];
return this._lines.join("\n").trim() + "\n";
// The current line is always the line that writing will start at next. When
// an element is serialized, the current line is updated to be the line at
// which the next element should be written.
get _currentLine() {
return this._lines.length ? this._lines[this._lines.length - 1] : null;
set _currentLine(val) {
return this._lines[this._lines.length - 1] = val;
_serializeElement: function (elem) {
if (this._ignoreElement(elem))
// table
if (elem.localName == "table") {
// all other elements
let hasText = false;
for (let child of elem.childNodes) {
if (child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
let text = this._nodeText(
child, (child.classList && child.classList.contains("endline")));
hasText = hasText || !!text.trim();
else if (child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
// For headings, draw a "line" underneath them so they stand out.
if (/^h[0-9]+$/.test(elem.localName)) {
let headerText = (this._currentLine || "").trim();
if (headerText) {
// Add a blank line underneath block elements but only if they contain text.
if (hasText) {
let display = window.getComputedStyle(elem).getPropertyValue("display");
if (display == "block") {
_startNewLine: function () {
let currLine = this._currentLine;
if (currLine) {
// The current line is not empty. Trim it.
this._currentLine = currLine.trim();
if (!this._currentLine)
// The current line became empty. Discard it.
_appendText: function (text) {
this._currentLine += text;
_isHiddenSubHeading: function (th) {
return th.parentNode.parentNode.style.display == "none";
_serializeTable: function (table) {
// Collect the table's column headings if in fact there are any. First
// check thead. If there's no thead, check the first tr.
let colHeadings = {};
let tableHeadingElem = table.querySelector("thead");
if (!tableHeadingElem)
tableHeadingElem = table.querySelector("tr");
if (tableHeadingElem) {
let tableHeadingCols = tableHeadingElem.querySelectorAll("th,td");
// If there's a contiguous run of th's in the children starting from the
// rightmost child, then consider them to be column headings.
for (let i = tableHeadingCols.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let col = tableHeadingCols[i];
if (col.localName != "th" || col.classList.contains("title-column"))
colHeadings[i] = this._nodeText(
col, (col.classList && col.classList.contains("endline"))).trim();
let hasColHeadings = Object.keys(colHeadings).length > 0;
if (!hasColHeadings)
tableHeadingElem = null;
let trs = table.querySelectorAll("table > tr, tbody > tr");
let startRow =
tableHeadingElem && tableHeadingElem.localName == "tr" ? 1 : 0;
if (startRow >= trs.length)
// The table's empty.
if (hasColHeadings && !this._ignoreElement(tableHeadingElem)) {
// Use column headings. Print each tr as a multi-line chunk like:
// Heading 1: Column 1 value
// Heading 2: Column 2 value
for (let i = startRow; i < trs.length; i++) {
if (this._ignoreElement(trs[i]))
let children = trs[i].querySelectorAll("td");
for (let j = 0; j < children.length; j++) {
let text = "";
if (colHeadings[j])
text += colHeadings[j] + ": ";
text += this._nodeText(
(children[j].classList &&
// Don't use column headings. Assume the table has only two columns and
// print each tr in a single line like:
// Column 1 value: Column 2 value
for (let i = startRow; i < trs.length; i++) {
if (this._ignoreElement(trs[i]))
let children = trs[i].querySelectorAll("th,td");
let rowHeading = this._nodeText(
(children[0].classList &&
if (children[0].classList.contains("title-column")) {
if (!this._isHiddenSubHeading(children[0]))
} else if (children.length == 1) {
// This is a single-cell row.
} else {
let childTables = trs[i].querySelectorAll("table");
if (childTables.length) {
// If we have child tables, don't use nodeText - its trs are already
// queued up from querySelectorAll earlier.
this._appendText(rowHeading + ": ");
} else {
this._appendText(rowHeading + ": " + this._nodeText(
(children[1].classList &&
_ignoreElement: function (elem) {
return elem.classList.contains("no-copy");
_nodeText: function (node, endline) {
let whiteChars = /\s+/g
let whiteCharsButNoEndline = /(?!\n)[\s]+/g;
let _node = node.cloneNode(true);
if (_node.firstElementChild &&
(_node.firstElementChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "button")) {
return _node.textContent.replace(
endline ? whiteCharsButNoEndline : whiteChars, " ");
function openProfileDirectory() {
// Get the profile directory.
let currProfD = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile);
let profileDir = currProfD.path;
// Show the profile directory.
let nsLocalFile = Components.Constructor("@mozilla.org/file/local;1",
"nsILocalFile", "initWithPath");
new nsLocalFile(profileDir).reveal();
* Profile reset is only supported for the default profile if the appropriate migrator exists.
function populateActionBox() {
if (ResetProfile.resetSupported()) {
$("reset-box").style.display = "block";
$("action-box").style.display = "block";
if (!Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) {
$("safe-mode-box").style.display = "block";
$("action-box").style.display = "block";
// Prompt user to restart the browser
function restart(safeMode) {
let cancelQuit = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"]
Services.obs.notifyObservers(cancelQuit, "quit-application-requested", "restart");
if (cancelQuit.data) {
let flags = Ci.nsIAppStartup.eAttemptQuit;
if (safeMode) {
} else {
Services.startup.quit(flags | Ci.nsIAppStartup.eRestart);
* Set up event listeners for buttons.
function setupEventListeners() {
$("show-update-history-button").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
var prompter = Cc["@mozilla.org/updates/update-prompt;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIUpdatePrompt);
$("reset-box-button").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
$("copy-raw-data-to-clipboard").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
$("copy-to-clipboard").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
$("profile-dir-button").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
$("restart-in-safe-mode-button").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
if (Services.obs.enumerateObservers("restart-in-safe-mode").hasMoreElements()) {
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "restart-in-safe-mode", "");
} else {
$("restart-button").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
$("verify-place-integrity-button").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
PlacesDBUtils.checkAndFixDatabase(function(aLog) {
let msg = aLog.join("\n");
$("verify-place-result").style.display = "block";
$("verify-place-result").textContent = msg;