/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ function log(text) { dump("WORKER " + text + "\n"); } function send(message) { self.postMessage(message); } function finish() { send({kind: "finish"}); } function ok(condition, description) { send({kind: "ok", condition: !!condition, description: "" + description}); } function is(a, b, description) { let outcome = a == b; // Need to decide outcome here, as not everything can be serialized send({kind: "is", outcome: outcome, description: "" + description, a: "" + a, b: "" + b}); } function isnot(a, b, description) { let outcome = a != b; // Need to decide outcome here, as not everything can be serialized send({kind: "isnot", outcome: outcome, description: "" + description, a: "" + a, b: "" + b}); } function info(description) { send({kind: "info", description: "" + description}); }