function check(aBrowser, aElementName, aBarred, aType) { return ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, [aElementName, aBarred, aType], function*([aElementName, aBarred, aType]) { let e = content.document.createElement(aElementName); let contentElement = content.document.getElementById('content'); contentElement.appendChild(e); if (aType) { e.type = aType; } let tttp = Cc[";1"] .getService(Ci.nsITooltipTextProvider); ok(!tttp.getNodeText(e, {}, {}), "No tooltip should be shown when the element is valid"); e.setCustomValidity('foo'); if (aBarred) { ok(!tttp.getNodeText(e, {}, {}), "No tooltip should be shown when the element is barred from constraint validation"); } else { ok(tttp.getNodeText(e, {}, {}), e.tagName + " " +"A tooltip should be shown when the element isn't valid"); } e.setAttribute('title', ''); ok (!tttp.getNodeText(e, {}, {}), "No tooltip should be shown if the title attribute is set"); e.removeAttribute('title'); contentElement.setAttribute('novalidate', ''); ok (!tttp.getNodeText(e, {}, {}), "No tooltip should be shown if the novalidate attribute is set on the form owner"); contentElement.removeAttribute('novalidate'); e.remove(); }); } function todo_check(aBrowser, aElementName, aBarred) { return ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, [aElementName, aBarred], function*([aElementName, aBarred]) { let e = content.document.createElement(aElementName); let contentElement = content.document.getElementById('content'); contentElement.appendChild(e); let caught = false; try { e.setCustomValidity('foo'); } catch (e) { caught = true; } todo(!caught, "setCustomValidity should exist for " + aElementName); e.remove(); }); } add_task(function*() { yield BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab({ gBrowser, url: "data:text/html,
", }, function*(browser) { let testData = [ /* element name, barred */ [ 'input', false, null], [ 'textarea', false, null], [ 'button', true, 'button'], [ 'button', false, 'submit'], [ 'select', false, null], [ 'output', true, null], [ 'fieldset', true, null], [ 'object', true, null], ]; for (let data of testData) { yield check(browser, data[0], data[1], data[2]); } let todo_testData = [ [ 'keygen', 'false' ], ]; for (let data of todo_testData) { yield todo_check(browser, data[0], data[1]); } }); });