/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ const OPTIN = Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OPTIN; const OPTOUT = Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OPTOUT; function checkEventFormat(events) { Assert.ok(Array.isArray(events), "Events should be serialized to an array."); for (let e of events) { Assert.ok(Array.isArray(e), "Event should be an array."); Assert.greaterOrEqual(e.length, 4, "Event should have at least 4 elements."); Assert.lessOrEqual(e.length, 6, "Event should have at most 6 elements."); Assert.equal(typeof(e[0]), "number", "Element 0 should be a number."); Assert.equal(typeof(e[1]), "string", "Element 1 should be a string."); Assert.equal(typeof(e[2]), "string", "Element 2 should be a string."); Assert.equal(typeof(e[3]), "string", "Element 3 should be a string."); if (e.length > 4) { Assert.ok(e[4] === null || typeof(e[4]) == "string", "Event element 4 should be null or a string."); } if (e.length > 5) { Assert.ok(e[5] === null || typeof(e[5]) == "object", "Event element 5 should be null or an object."); } let extra = e[5]; if (extra) { Assert.ok(Object.keys(extra).every(k => typeof(k) == "string"), "All extra keys should be strings."); Assert.ok(Object.values(extra).every(v => typeof(v) == "string"), "All extra values should be strings."); } } } add_task(function* test_recording() { Telemetry.clearEvents(); // Record some events. let expected = [ {optout: false, event: ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1"]}, {optout: false, event: ["telemetry.test", "test2", "object2"]}, {optout: false, event: ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", "value"]}, {optout: false, event: ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", "value", null]}, {optout: false, event: ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, {"key1": "value1"}]}, {optout: false, event: ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", "value", {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}]}, {optout: true, event: ["telemetry.test", "optout", "object1"]}, {optout: false, event: ["telemetry.test.second", "test", "object1"]}, {optout: false, event: ["telemetry.test.second", "test", "object1", null, {"key1": "value1"}]}, ]; for (let entry of expected) { entry.tsBefore = Math.floor(Telemetry.msSinceProcessStart()); try { Telemetry.recordEvent(...entry.event); } catch (ex) { Assert.ok(false, `Failed to record event ${JSON.stringify(entry.event)}: ${ex}`); } entry.tsAfter = Math.floor(Telemetry.msSinceProcessStart()); } // Strip off trailing null values to match the serialized events. for (let entry of expected) { let e = entry.event; while ((e.length >= 3) && (e[e.length - 1] === null)) { e.pop(); } } // The following should not result in any recorded events. Assert.throws(() => Telemetry.recordEvent("unknown.category", "test1", "object1"), /Error: Unknown event: \["unknown.category", "test1", "object1"\]/, "Should throw on unknown category."); Assert.throws(() => Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "unknown", "object1"), /Error: Unknown event: \["telemetry.test", "unknown", "object1"\]/, "Should throw on unknown method."); Assert.throws(() => Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "unknown"), /Error: Unknown event: \["telemetry.test", "test1", "unknown"\]/, "Should throw on unknown object."); let checkEvents = (events, expectedEvents) => { checkEventFormat(events); Assert.equal(events.length, expectedEvents.length, "Snapshot should have the right number of events."); for (let i = 0; i < events.length; ++i) { let {tsBefore, tsAfter} = expectedEvents[i]; let ts = events[i][0]; Assert.greaterOrEqual(ts, tsBefore, "The recorded timestamp should be greater than the one before recording."); Assert.lessOrEqual(ts, tsAfter, "The recorded timestamp should be less than the one after recording."); let recordedData = events[i].slice(1); let expectedData = expectedEvents[i].event.slice(); Assert.deepEqual(recordedData, expectedData, "The recorded event data should match."); } }; // Check that the expected events were recorded. let events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, false); checkEvents(events, expected); // Check serializing only opt-out events. events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTOUT, false); filtered = expected.filter(e => e.optout == true); checkEvents(events, filtered); }); add_task(function* test_clear() { Telemetry.clearEvents(); const COUNT = 10; for (let i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) { Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "object1"); Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test.second", "test", "object1"); } // Check that events were recorded. // The events are cleared by passing the respective flag. let events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 2 * COUNT, `Should have recorded ${2 * COUNT} events.`); // Now the events should be cleared. events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, false); Assert.equal(events.length, 0, `Should have cleared the events.`); }); add_task(function* test_expiry() { Telemetry.clearEvents(); // Recording call with event that is expired by version. Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "expired_version", "object1"); let events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 0, "Should not record event with expired version."); // Recording call with event that is expired by date. Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "expired_date", "object1"); events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 0, "Should not record event with expired date."); // Recording call with event that has expiry_version and expiry_date in the future. Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "not_expired_optout", "object1"); events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTOUT, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 1, "Should record event when date and version are not expired."); }); add_task(function* test_invalidParams() { Telemetry.clearEvents(); // Recording call with wrong type for value argument. Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", 1); let events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 0, "Should not record event when value argument with invalid type is passed."); // Recording call with wrong type for extra argument. Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, "invalid"); events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 0, "Should not record event when extra argument with invalid type is passed."); // Recording call with unknown extra key. Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, {"key3": "x"}); events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 0, "Should not record event when extra argument with invalid key is passed."); // Recording call with invalid value type. Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, {"key3": 1}); events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 0, "Should not record event when extra argument with invalid value type is passed."); }); add_task(function* test_storageLimit() { Telemetry.clearEvents(); // Record more events than the storage limit allows. let LIMIT = 1000; let COUNT = LIMIT + 10; for (let i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) { Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", String(i)); } // Check that the right events were recorded. let events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, LIMIT, `Should have only recorded ${LIMIT} events`); Assert.ok(events.every((e, idx) => e[4] === String(idx)), "Should have recorded all events from before hitting the limit."); }); add_task(function* test_valueLimits() { Telemetry.clearEvents(); // Record values that are at or over the limits for string lengths. let LIMIT = 80; let expected = [ ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", "a".repeat(LIMIT - 10), null], ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", "a".repeat(LIMIT ), null], ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", "a".repeat(LIMIT + 1), null], ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", "a".repeat(LIMIT + 10), null], ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, {key1: "a".repeat(LIMIT - 10)}], ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, {key1: "a".repeat(LIMIT )}], ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, {key1: "a".repeat(LIMIT + 1)}], ["telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, {key1: "a".repeat(LIMIT + 10)}], ]; for (let event of expected) { Telemetry.recordEvent(...event); if (event[3]) { event[3] = event[3].substr(0, LIMIT); } if (event[4]) { event[4].key1 = event[4].key1.substr(0, LIMIT); } } // Strip off trailing null values to match the serialized events. for (let e of expected) { while ((e.length >= 3) && (e[e.length - 1] === null)) { e.pop(); } } // Check that the right events were recorded. let events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, expected.length, "Should have recorded the expected number of events"); for (let i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) { Assert.deepEqual(events[i].slice(1), expected[i], "Should have recorded the expected event data."); } }); add_task(function* test_unicodeValues() { Telemetry.clearEvents(); // Record string values containing unicode characters. let value = "漢語"; Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", value); Telemetry.recordEvent("telemetry.test", "test1", "object1", null, {"key1": value}); // Check that the values were correctly recorded. let events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(OPTIN, true); Assert.equal(events.length, 2, "Should have recorded 2 events."); Assert.equal(events[0][4], value, "Should have recorded the right value."); Assert.equal(events[1][5]["key1"], value, "Should have recorded the right extra value."); });