/* -*- js-indent-level: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cr = Components.results; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/debug.js", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Log.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Task.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetrySend.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryUtils.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); const Utils = TelemetryUtils; const myScope = this; // When modifying the payload in incompatible ways, please bump this version number const PAYLOAD_VERSION = 4; const PING_TYPE_MAIN = "main"; const PING_TYPE_SAVED_SESSION = "saved-session"; const REASON_ABORTED_SESSION = "aborted-session"; const REASON_DAILY = "daily"; const REASON_SAVED_SESSION = "saved-session"; const REASON_GATHER_PAYLOAD = "gather-payload"; const REASON_GATHER_SUBSESSION_PAYLOAD = "gather-subsession-payload"; const REASON_TEST_PING = "test-ping"; const REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE = "environment-change"; const REASON_SHUTDOWN = "shutdown"; const HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES = { PARENT: "", CONTENT: "#content", GPU: "#gpu", } const ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_LISTENER = "TelemetrySession::onEnvironmentChange"; const MS_IN_ONE_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000; const MIN_SUBSESSION_LENGTH_MS = Preferences.get("toolkit.telemetry.minSubsessionLength", 10 * 60) * 1000; const LOGGER_NAME = "Toolkit.Telemetry"; const LOGGER_PREFIX = "TelemetrySession" + (Utils.isContentProcess ? "#content::" : "::"); const PREF_BRANCH = "toolkit.telemetry."; const PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID = PREF_BRANCH + "previousBuildID"; const PREF_FHR_UPLOAD_ENABLED = "datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled"; const PREF_ASYNC_PLUGIN_INIT = "dom.ipc.plugins.asyncInit.enabled"; const PREF_UNIFIED = PREF_BRANCH + "unified"; const MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_PAYLOAD = "Telemetry:Payload"; const MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_THREAD_HANGS = "Telemetry:ChildThreadHangs"; const MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_GET_CHILD_THREAD_HANGS = "Telemetry:GetChildThreadHangs"; const MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_USS = "Telemetry:USS"; const MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_GET_CHILD_USS = "Telemetry:GetChildUSS"; const DATAREPORTING_DIRECTORY = "datareporting"; const ABORTED_SESSION_FILE_NAME = "aborted-session-ping"; // Whether the FHR/Telemetry unification features are enabled. // Changing this pref requires a restart. const IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY = Preferences.get(PREF_UNIFIED, false); // Maximum number of content payloads that we are willing to store. const MAX_NUM_CONTENT_PAYLOADS = 10; // Do not gather data more than once a minute (ms) const TELEMETRY_INTERVAL = 60 * 1000; // Delay before intializing telemetry (ms) const TELEMETRY_DELAY = Preferences.get("toolkit.telemetry.initDelay", 60) * 1000; // Delay before initializing telemetry if we're testing (ms) const TELEMETRY_TEST_DELAY = 1; // Execute a scheduler tick every 5 minutes. const SCHEDULER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS = Preferences.get("toolkit.telemetry.scheduler.tickInterval", 5 * 60) * 1000; // When user is idle, execute a scheduler tick every 60 minutes. const SCHEDULER_TICK_IDLE_INTERVAL_MS = Preferences.get("toolkit.telemetry.scheduler.idleTickInterval", 60 * 60) * 1000; // The tolerance we have when checking if it's midnight (15 minutes). const SCHEDULER_MIDNIGHT_TOLERANCE_MS = 15 * 60 * 1000; // Seconds of idle time before pinging. // On idle-daily a gather-telemetry notification is fired, during it probes can // start asynchronous tasks to gather data. const IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = Preferences.get("toolkit.telemetry.idleTimeout", 5 * 60); // To avoid generating too many main pings, we ignore environment changes that // happen within this interval since the last main ping. const CHANGE_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; // The frequency at which we persist session data to the disk to prevent data loss // in case of aborted sessions (currently 5 minutes). const ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; const TOPIC_CYCLE_COLLECTOR_BEGIN = "cycle-collector-begin"; // How long to wait in millis for all the child memory reports to come in const TOTAL_MEMORY_COLLECTOR_TIMEOUT = 200; var gLastMemoryPoll = null; var gWasDebuggerAttached = false; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "Telemetry", "@mozilla.org/base/telemetry;1", "nsITelemetry"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "idleService", "@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1", "nsIIdleService"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "cpmm", "@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageSender"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "cpml", "@mozilla.org/childprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageListenerManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppmm", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageBroadcaster"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "ppml", "@mozilla.org/parentprocessmessagemanager;1", "nsIMessageListenerManager"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AddonManagerPrivate", "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AsyncShutdown", "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryController", "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryController.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryStorage", "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryStorage.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryLog", "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryLog.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ThirdPartyCookieProbe", "resource://gre/modules/ThirdPartyCookieProbe.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "UITelemetry", "resource://gre/modules/UITelemetry.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "GCTelemetry", "resource://gre/modules/GCTelemetry.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "TelemetryEnvironment", "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryEnvironment.jsm"); function generateUUID() { let str = Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"].getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator).generateUUID().toString(); // strip {} return str.substring(1, str.length - 1); } function getMsSinceProcessStart() { try { return Telemetry.msSinceProcessStart(); } catch (ex) { // If this fails return a special value. return -1; } } /** * This is a policy object used to override behavior for testing. */ var Policy = { now: () => new Date(), monotonicNow: getMsSinceProcessStart, generateSessionUUID: () => generateUUID(), generateSubsessionUUID: () => generateUUID(), setSchedulerTickTimeout: (callback, delayMs) => setTimeout(callback, delayMs), clearSchedulerTickTimeout: id => clearTimeout(id), }; /** * Get the ping type based on the payload. * @param {Object} aPayload The ping payload. * @return {String} A string representing the ping type. */ function getPingType(aPayload) { // To remain consistent with server-side ping handling, set "saved-session" as the ping // type for "saved-session" payload reasons. if (aPayload.info.reason == REASON_SAVED_SESSION) { return PING_TYPE_SAVED_SESSION; } return PING_TYPE_MAIN; } /** * Annotate the current session ID with the crash reporter to map potential * crash pings with the related main ping. */ function annotateCrashReport(sessionId) { try { const cr = Cc["@mozilla.org/toolkit/crash-reporter;1"]; if (cr) { cr.getService(Ci.nsICrashReporter).setTelemetrySessionId(sessionId); } } catch (e) { // Ignore errors when crash reporting is disabled } } /** * Read current process I/O counters. */ var processInfo = { _initialized: false, _IO_COUNTERS: null, _kernel32: null, _GetProcessIoCounters: null, _GetCurrentProcess: null, getCounters: function() { let isWindows = ("@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1" in Components.classes); if (isWindows) return this.getCounters_Windows(); return null; }, getCounters_Windows: function() { if (!this._initialized) { Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); this._IO_COUNTERS = new ctypes.StructType("IO_COUNTERS", [ {'readOps': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'writeOps': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'otherOps': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'readBytes': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'writeBytes': ctypes.unsigned_long_long}, {'otherBytes': ctypes.unsigned_long_long} ]); try { this._kernel32 = ctypes.open("Kernel32.dll"); this._GetProcessIoCounters = this._kernel32.declare("GetProcessIoCounters", ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.bool, // return ctypes.voidptr_t, // hProcess this._IO_COUNTERS.ptr); // lpIoCounters this._GetCurrentProcess = this._kernel32.declare("GetCurrentProcess", ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.voidptr_t); // return this._initialized = true; } catch (err) { return null; } } let io = new this._IO_COUNTERS(); if (!this._GetProcessIoCounters(this._GetCurrentProcess(), io.address())) return null; return [parseInt(io.readBytes), parseInt(io.writeBytes)]; } }; /** * TelemetryScheduler contains a single timer driving all regularly-scheduled * Telemetry related jobs. Having a single place with this logic simplifies * reasoning about scheduling actions in a single place, making it easier to * coordinate jobs and coalesce them. */ var TelemetryScheduler = { _lastDailyPingTime: 0, _lastSessionCheckpointTime: 0, // For sanity checking. _lastAdhocPingTime: 0, _lastTickTime: 0, _log: null, // The timer which drives the scheduler. _schedulerTimer: null, // The interval used by the scheduler timer. _schedulerInterval: 0, _shuttingDown: true, _isUserIdle: false, /** * Initialises the scheduler and schedules the first daily/aborted session pings. */ init: function() { this._log = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(LOGGER_NAME, "TelemetryScheduler::"); this._log.trace("init"); this._shuttingDown = false; this._isUserIdle = false; // Initialize the last daily ping and aborted session last due times to the current time. // Otherwise, we might end up sending daily pings even if the subsession is not long enough. let now = Policy.now(); this._lastDailyPingTime = now.getTime(); this._lastSessionCheckpointTime = now.getTime(); this._rescheduleTimeout(); idleService.addIdleObserver(this, IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "wake_notification", false); }, /** * Stops the scheduler. */ shutdown: function() { if (this._shuttingDown) { if (this._log) { this._log.error("shutdown - Already shut down"); } else { Cu.reportError("TelemetryScheduler.shutdown - Already shut down"); } return; } this._log.trace("shutdown"); if (this._schedulerTimer) { Policy.clearSchedulerTickTimeout(this._schedulerTimer); this._schedulerTimer = null; } idleService.removeIdleObserver(this, IDLE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS); Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "wake_notification"); this._shuttingDown = true; }, _clearTimeout: function() { if (this._schedulerTimer) { Policy.clearSchedulerTickTimeout(this._schedulerTimer); } }, /** * Reschedules the tick timer. */ _rescheduleTimeout: function() { this._log.trace("_rescheduleTimeout - isUserIdle: " + this._isUserIdle); if (this._shuttingDown) { this._log.warn("_rescheduleTimeout - already shutdown"); return; } this._clearTimeout(); const now = Policy.now(); let timeout = SCHEDULER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS; // When the user is idle we want to fire the timer less often. if (this._isUserIdle) { timeout = SCHEDULER_TICK_IDLE_INTERVAL_MS; // We need to make sure though that we don't miss sending pings around // midnight when we use the longer idle intervals. const nextMidnight = Utils.getNextMidnight(now); timeout = Math.min(timeout, nextMidnight.getTime() - now.getTime()); } this._log.trace("_rescheduleTimeout - scheduling next tick for " + new Date(now.getTime() + timeout)); this._schedulerTimer = Policy.setSchedulerTickTimeout(() => this._onSchedulerTick(), timeout); }, _sentDailyPingToday: function(nowDate) { // This is today's date and also the previous midnight (0:00). const todayDate = Utils.truncateToDays(nowDate); // We consider a ping sent for today if it occured after or at 00:00 today. return (this._lastDailyPingTime >= todayDate.getTime()); }, /** * Checks if we can send a daily ping or not. * @param {Object} nowDate A date object. * @return {Boolean} True if we can send the daily ping, false otherwise. */ _isDailyPingDue: function(nowDate) { // The daily ping is not due if we already sent one today. if (this._sentDailyPingToday(nowDate)) { this._log.trace("_isDailyPingDue - already sent one today"); return false; } // Avoid overly short sessions. const timeSinceLastDaily = nowDate.getTime() - this._lastDailyPingTime; if (timeSinceLastDaily < MIN_SUBSESSION_LENGTH_MS) { this._log.trace("_isDailyPingDue - delaying daily to keep minimum session length"); return false; } this._log.trace("_isDailyPingDue - is due"); return true; }, /** * An helper function to save an aborted-session ping. * @param {Number} now The current time, in milliseconds. * @param {Object} [competingPayload=null] If we are coalescing the daily and the * aborted-session pings, this is the payload for the former. Note * that the reason field of this payload will be changed. * @return {Promise} A promise resolved when the ping is saved. */ _saveAbortedPing: function(now, competingPayload=null) { this._lastSessionCheckpointTime = now; return Impl._saveAbortedSessionPing(competingPayload) .catch(e => this._log.error("_saveAbortedPing - Failed", e)); }, /** * The notifications handler. */ observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { this._log.trace("observe - aTopic: " + aTopic); switch (aTopic) { case "idle": // If the user is idle, increase the tick interval. this._isUserIdle = true; return this._onSchedulerTick(); case "active": // User is back to work, restore the original tick interval. this._isUserIdle = false; return this._onSchedulerTick(); case "wake_notification": // The machine woke up from sleep, trigger a tick to avoid sessions // spanning more than a day. // This is needed because sleep time does not count towards timeouts // on Mac & Linux - see bug 1262386, bug 1204823 et al. return this._onSchedulerTick(); } return undefined; }, /** * Performs a scheduler tick. This function manages Telemetry recurring operations. * @return {Promise} A promise, only used when testing, resolved when the scheduled * operation completes. */ _onSchedulerTick: function() { // This call might not be triggered from a timeout. In that case we don't want to // leave any previously scheduled timeouts pending. this._clearTimeout(); if (this._shuttingDown) { this._log.warn("_onSchedulerTick - already shutdown."); return Promise.reject(new Error("Already shutdown.")); } let promise = Promise.resolve(); try { promise = this._schedulerTickLogic(); } catch (e) { Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER_TICK_EXCEPTION").add(1); this._log.error("_onSchedulerTick - There was an exception", e); } finally { this._rescheduleTimeout(); } // This promise is returned to make testing easier. return promise; }, /** * Implements the scheduler logic. * @return {Promise} Resolved when the scheduled task completes. Only used in tests. */ _schedulerTickLogic: function() { this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic"); let nowDate = Policy.now(); let now = nowDate.getTime(); if ((now - this._lastTickTime) > (1.1 * SCHEDULER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS) && (this._lastTickTime != 0)) { Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER_WAKEUP").add(1); this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic - First scheduler tick after sleep."); } this._lastTickTime = now; // Check if the daily ping is due. const shouldSendDaily = this._isDailyPingDue(nowDate); if (shouldSendDaily) { Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SCHEDULER_SEND_DAILY").add(1); this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic - Daily ping due."); this._lastDailyPingTime = now; return Impl._sendDailyPing(); } // Check if the aborted-session ping is due. If a daily ping was saved above, it was // already duplicated as an aborted-session ping. const isAbortedPingDue = (now - this._lastSessionCheckpointTime) >= ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS; if (isAbortedPingDue) { this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic - Aborted session ping due."); return this._saveAbortedPing(now); } // No ping is due. this._log.trace("_schedulerTickLogic - No ping due."); return Promise.resolve(); }, /** * Update the scheduled pings if some other ping was sent. * @param {String} reason The reason of the ping that was sent. * @param {Object} [competingPayload=null] The payload of the ping that was sent. The * reason of this payload will be changed. */ reschedulePings: function(reason, competingPayload = null) { if (this._shuttingDown) { this._log.error("reschedulePings - already shutdown"); return; } this._log.trace("reschedulePings - reason: " + reason); let now = Policy.now(); this._lastAdhocPingTime = now.getTime(); if (reason == REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE) { // We just generated an environment-changed ping, save it as an aborted session and // update the schedules. this._saveAbortedPing(now.getTime(), competingPayload); // If we're close to midnight, skip today's daily ping and reschedule it for tomorrow. let nearestMidnight = Utils.getNearestMidnight(now, SCHEDULER_MIDNIGHT_TOLERANCE_MS); if (nearestMidnight) { this._lastDailyPingTime = now.getTime(); } } this._rescheduleTimeout(); }, }; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TelemetrySession"]; this.TelemetrySession = Object.freeze({ Constants: Object.freeze({ PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID: PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID, }), /** * Send a ping to a test server. Used only for testing. */ testPing: function() { return Impl.testPing(); }, /** * Returns the current telemetry payload. * @param reason Optional, the reason to trigger the payload. * @param clearSubsession Optional, whether to clear subsession specific data. * @returns Object */ getPayload: function(reason, clearSubsession = false) { return Impl.getPayload(reason, clearSubsession); }, /** * Returns a promise that resolves to an array of thread hang stats from content processes, one entry per process. * The structure of each entry is identical to that of "threadHangStats" in nsITelemetry. * While thread hang stats are also part of the child payloads, this function is useful for cheaply getting this information, * which is useful for realtime hang monitoring. * Child processes that do not respond, or spawn/die during execution of this function are excluded from the result. * @returns Promise */ getChildThreadHangs: function() { return Impl.getChildThreadHangs(); }, /** * Save the session state to a pending file. * Used only for testing purposes. */ testSavePendingPing: function() { return Impl.testSavePendingPing(); }, /** * Collect and store information about startup. */ gatherStartup: function() { return Impl.gatherStartup(); }, /** * Inform the ping which AddOns are installed. * * @param aAddOns - The AddOns. */ setAddOns: function(aAddOns) { return Impl.setAddOns(aAddOns); }, /** * Descriptive metadata * * @param reason * The reason for the telemetry ping, this will be included in the * returned metadata, * @return The metadata as a JS object */ getMetadata: function(reason) { return Impl.getMetadata(reason); }, /** * Used only for testing purposes. */ testReset: function() { Impl._sessionId = null; Impl._subsessionId = null; Impl._previousSessionId = null; Impl._previousSubsessionId = null; Impl._subsessionCounter = 0; Impl._profileSubsessionCounter = 0; Impl._subsessionStartActiveTicks = 0; Impl._subsessionStartTimeMonotonic = 0; Impl._lastEnvironmentChangeDate = Policy.monotonicNow(); this.testUninstall(); }, /** * Triggers shutdown of the module. */ shutdown: function() { return Impl.shutdownChromeProcess(); }, /** * Sets up components used in the content process. */ setupContent: function(testing = false) { return Impl.setupContentProcess(testing); }, /** * Used only for testing purposes. */ testUninstall: function() { try { Impl.uninstall(); } catch (ex) { // Ignore errors } }, /** * Lightweight init function, called as soon as Firefox starts. */ earlyInit: function(aTesting = false) { return Impl.earlyInit(aTesting); }, /** * Does the "heavy" Telemetry initialization later on, so we * don't impact startup performance. * @return {Promise} Resolved when the initialization completes. */ delayedInit: function() { return Impl.delayedInit(); }, /** * Send a notification. */ observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) { return Impl.observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData); }, }); var Impl = { _histograms: {}, _initialized: false, _logger: null, _prevValues: {}, _slowSQLStartup: {}, _hasWindowRestoredObserver: false, _hasXulWindowVisibleObserver: false, _startupIO : {}, // The previous build ID, if this is the first run with a new build. // Null if this is the first run, or the previous build ID is unknown. _previousBuildId: null, // Telemetry payloads sent by child processes. // Each element is in the format {source: <weak-ref>, payload: <object>}, // where source is a weak reference to the child process, // and payload is the telemetry payload from that child process. _childTelemetry: [], // Thread hangs from child processes. // Used for TelemetrySession.getChildThreadHangs(); not sent with Telemetry pings. // TelemetrySession.getChildThreadHangs() is used by extensions such as Statuser (https://github.com/chutten/statuser). // Each element is in the format {source: <weak-ref>, payload: <object>}, // where source is a weak reference to the child process, // and payload contains the thread hang stats from that child process. _childThreadHangs: [], // Array of the resolve functions of all the promises that are waiting for the child thread hang stats to arrive, used to resolve all those promises at once. _childThreadHangsResolveFunctions: [], // Timeout function for child thread hang stats retrieval. _childThreadHangsTimeout: null, // Unique id that identifies this session so the server can cope with duplicate // submissions, orphaning and other oddities. The id is shared across subsessions. _sessionId: null, // Random subsession id. _subsessionId: null, // Session id of the previous session, null on first run. _previousSessionId: null, // Subsession id of the previous subsession (even if it was in a different session), // null on first run. _previousSubsessionId: null, // The running no. of subsessions since the start of the browser session _subsessionCounter: 0, // The running no. of all subsessions for the whole profile life time _profileSubsessionCounter: 0, // Date of the last session split _subsessionStartDate: null, // Start time of the current subsession using a monotonic clock for the subsession // length measurements. _subsessionStartTimeMonotonic: 0, // The active ticks counted when the subsession starts _subsessionStartActiveTicks: 0, // A task performing delayed initialization of the chrome process _delayedInitTask: null, // Need a timeout in case children are tardy in giving back their memory reports. _totalMemoryTimeout: undefined, _testing: false, // An accumulator of total memory across all processes. Only valid once the final child reports. _totalMemory: null, // A Set of outstanding USS report ids _childrenToHearFrom: null, // monotonically-increasing id for USS reports _nextTotalMemoryId: 1, _lastEnvironmentChangeDate: 0, get _log() { if (!this._logger) { this._logger = Log.repository.getLoggerWithMessagePrefix(LOGGER_NAME, LOGGER_PREFIX); } return this._logger; }, /** * Gets a series of simple measurements (counters). At the moment, this * only returns startup data from nsIAppStartup.getStartupInfo(). * @param {Boolean} isSubsession True if this is a subsession, false otherwise. * @param {Boolean} clearSubsession True if a new subsession is being started, false otherwise. * * @return simple measurements as a dictionary. */ getSimpleMeasurements: function getSimpleMeasurements(forSavedSession, isSubsession, clearSubsession) { this._log.trace("getSimpleMeasurements"); let si = Services.startup.getStartupInfo(); // Measurements common to chrome and content processes. let elapsedTime = Date.now() - si.process; var ret = { totalTime: Math.round(elapsedTime / 1000), // totalTime, in seconds uptime: Math.round(elapsedTime / 60000) // uptime in minutes } // Look for app-specific timestamps var appTimestamps = {}; try { let o = {}; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/TelemetryTimestamps.jsm", o); appTimestamps = o.TelemetryTimestamps.get(); } catch (ex) {} // Only submit this if the extended set is enabled. if (!Utils.isContentProcess && Telemetry.canRecordExtended) { try { ret.addonManager = AddonManagerPrivate.getSimpleMeasures(); ret.UITelemetry = UITelemetry.getSimpleMeasures(); } catch (ex) {} } if (si.process) { for (let field of Object.keys(si)) { if (field == "process") continue; ret[field] = si[field] - si.process } for (let p in appTimestamps) { if (!(p in ret) && appTimestamps[p]) ret[p] = appTimestamps[p] - si.process; } } ret.startupInterrupted = Number(Services.startup.interrupted); ret.js = Cu.getJSEngineTelemetryValue(); let maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads = Telemetry.maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads; if (maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads) { ret.maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads = maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads; } if (Utils.isContentProcess) { return ret; } // Measurements specific to chrome process // Update debuggerAttached flag let debugService = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/debug;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDebug2); let isDebuggerAttached = debugService.isDebuggerAttached; gWasDebuggerAttached = gWasDebuggerAttached || isDebuggerAttached; ret.debuggerAttached = Number(gWasDebuggerAttached); let shutdownDuration = Telemetry.lastShutdownDuration; if (shutdownDuration) ret.shutdownDuration = shutdownDuration; let failedProfileLockCount = Telemetry.failedProfileLockCount; if (failedProfileLockCount) ret.failedProfileLockCount = failedProfileLockCount; for (let ioCounter in this._startupIO) ret[ioCounter] = this._startupIO[ioCounter]; ret.savedPings = TelemetryStorage.pendingPingCount; ret.activeTicks = -1; let sr = TelemetryController.getSessionRecorder(); if (sr) { let activeTicks = sr.activeTicks; if (isSubsession) { activeTicks = sr.activeTicks - this._subsessionStartActiveTicks; } if (clearSubsession) { this._subsessionStartActiveTicks = activeTicks; } ret.activeTicks = activeTicks; } ret.pingsOverdue = TelemetrySend.overduePingsCount; return ret; }, /** * When reflecting a histogram into JS, Telemetry hands us an object * with the following properties: * * - min, max, histogram_type, sum, sum_squares_{lo,hi}: simple integers; * - counts: array of counts for histogram buckets; * - ranges: array of calculated bucket sizes. * * This format is not straightforward to read and potentially bulky * with lots of zeros in the counts array. Packing histograms makes * raw histograms easier to read and compresses the data a little bit. * * Returns an object: * { range: [min, max], bucket_count: <number of buckets>, * histogram_type: <histogram_type>, sum: <sum>, * values: { bucket1: count1, bucket2: count2, ... } } */ packHistogram: function packHistogram(hgram) { let r = hgram.ranges; let c = hgram.counts; let retgram = { range: [r[1], r[r.length - 1]], bucket_count: r.length, histogram_type: hgram.histogram_type, values: {}, sum: hgram.sum }; let first = true; let last = 0; for (let i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { let value = c[i]; if (!value) continue; // add a lower bound if (i && first) { retgram.values[r[i - 1]] = 0; } first = false; last = i + 1; retgram.values[r[i]] = value; } // add an upper bound if (last && last < c.length) retgram.values[r[last]] = 0; return retgram; }, /** * Get the type of the dataset that needs to be collected, based on the preferences. * @return {Integer} A value from nsITelemetry.DATASET_*. */ getDatasetType: function() { return Telemetry.canRecordExtended ? Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OPTIN : Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_RELEASE_CHANNEL_OPTOUT; }, getHistograms: function getHistograms(subsession, clearSubsession) { this._log.trace("getHistograms - subsession: " + subsession + ", clearSubsession: " + clearSubsession); let registered = Telemetry.registeredHistograms(this.getDatasetType(), []); if (this._testing == false) { // Omit telemetry test histograms outside of tests. registered = registered.filter(n => !n.startsWith("TELEMETRY_TEST_")); } registered = registered.concat(registered.map(n => "STARTUP_" + n)); let hls = subsession ? Telemetry.snapshotSubsessionHistograms(clearSubsession) : Telemetry.histogramSnapshots; let ret = {}; for (let name of registered) { for (let suffix of Object.values(HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES)) { if (name + suffix in hls) { if (!(suffix in ret)) { ret[suffix] = {}; } ret[suffix][name] = this.packHistogram(hls[name + suffix]); } } } return ret; }, getAddonHistograms: function getAddonHistograms() { this._log.trace("getAddonHistograms"); let ahs = Telemetry.addonHistogramSnapshots; let ret = {}; for (let addonName in ahs) { let addonHistograms = ahs[addonName]; let packedHistograms = {}; for (let name in addonHistograms) { packedHistograms[name] = this.packHistogram(addonHistograms[name]); } if (Object.keys(packedHistograms).length != 0) ret[addonName] = packedHistograms; } return ret; }, getKeyedHistograms: function(subsession, clearSubsession) { this._log.trace("getKeyedHistograms - subsession: " + subsession + ", clearSubsession: " + clearSubsession); let registered = Telemetry.registeredKeyedHistograms(this.getDatasetType(), []); if (this._testing == false) { // Omit telemetry test histograms outside of tests. registered = registered.filter(id => !id.startsWith("TELEMETRY_TEST_")); } let ret = {}; for (let id of registered) { for (let suffix of Object.values(HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES)) { let keyed = Telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById(id + suffix); let snapshot = null; if (subsession) { snapshot = clearSubsession ? keyed.snapshotSubsessionAndClear() : keyed.subsessionSnapshot(); } else { snapshot = keyed.snapshot(); } let keys = Object.keys(snapshot); if (keys.length == 0) { // Skip empty keyed histogram. continue; } if (!(suffix in ret)) { ret[suffix] = {}; } ret[suffix][id] = {}; for (let key of keys) { ret[suffix][id][key] = this.packHistogram(snapshot[key]); } } } return ret; }, /** * Get a snapshot of the scalars and clear them. * @param {subsession} If true, then we collect the data for a subsession. * @param {clearSubsession} If true, we need to clear the subsession. * @param {keyed} Take a snapshot of keyed or non keyed scalars. * @return {Object} The scalar data as a Javascript object. */ getScalars: function (subsession, clearSubsession, keyed) { this._log.trace("getScalars - subsession: " + subsession + ", clearSubsession: " + clearSubsession + ", keyed: " + keyed); if (!subsession) { // We only support scalars for subsessions. this._log.trace("getScalars - We only support scalars in subsessions."); return {}; } let scalarsSnapshot = keyed ? Telemetry.snapshotKeyedScalars(this.getDatasetType(), clearSubsession) : Telemetry.snapshotScalars(this.getDatasetType(), clearSubsession); // Don't return the test scalars. let ret = {}; for (let name in scalarsSnapshot) { if (name.startsWith('telemetry.test') && this._testing == false) { this._log.trace("getScalars - Skipping test scalar: " + name); } else { ret[name] = scalarsSnapshot[name]; } } return ret; }, getEvents: function(isSubsession, clearSubsession) { if (!isSubsession) { // We only support scalars for subsessions. this._log.trace("getEvents - We only support events in subsessions."); return []; } let events = Telemetry.snapshotBuiltinEvents(this.getDatasetType(), clearSubsession); // Don't return the test events outside of test environments. if (!this._testing) { events = events.filter(e => !e[1].startsWith("telemetry.test")); } return events; }, getThreadHangStats: function getThreadHangStats(stats) { this._log.trace("getThreadHangStats"); stats.forEach((thread) => { thread.activity = this.packHistogram(thread.activity); thread.hangs.forEach((hang) => { hang.histogram = this.packHistogram(hang.histogram); }); }); return stats; }, /** * Descriptive metadata * * @param reason * The reason for the telemetry ping, this will be included in the * returned metadata, * @return The metadata as a JS object */ getMetadata: function getMetadata(reason) { this._log.trace("getMetadata - Reason " + reason); const sessionStartDate = Utils.toLocalTimeISOString(Utils.truncateToDays(this._sessionStartDate)); const subsessionStartDate = Utils.toLocalTimeISOString(Utils.truncateToDays(this._subsessionStartDate)); const monotonicNow = Policy.monotonicNow(); let ret = { reason: reason, revision: AppConstants.SOURCE_REVISION_URL, asyncPluginInit: Preferences.get(PREF_ASYNC_PLUGIN_INIT, false), // Date.getTimezoneOffset() unintuitively returns negative values if we are ahead of // UTC and vice versa (e.g. -60 for UTC+1). We invert the sign here. timezoneOffset: -this._subsessionStartDate.getTimezoneOffset(), previousBuildId: this._previousBuildId, sessionId: this._sessionId, subsessionId: this._subsessionId, previousSessionId: this._previousSessionId, previousSubsessionId: this._previousSubsessionId, subsessionCounter: this._subsessionCounter, profileSubsessionCounter: this._profileSubsessionCounter, sessionStartDate: sessionStartDate, subsessionStartDate: subsessionStartDate, // Compute the session and subsession length in seconds. // We use monotonic clocks as Date() is affected by jumping clocks (leading // to negative lengths and other issues). sessionLength: Math.floor(monotonicNow / 1000), subsessionLength: Math.floor((monotonicNow - this._subsessionStartTimeMonotonic) / 1000), }; // TODO: Remove this when bug 1201837 lands. if (this._addons) ret.addons = this._addons; // TODO: Remove this when bug 1201837 lands. let flashVersion = this.getFlashVersion(); if (flashVersion) ret.flashVersion = flashVersion; return ret; }, /** * Pull values from about:memory into corresponding histograms */ gatherMemory: function gatherMemory() { if (!Telemetry.canRecordExtended) { this._log.trace("gatherMemory - Extended data recording disabled, skipping."); return; } this._log.trace("gatherMemory"); let mgr; try { mgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIMemoryReporterManager); } catch (e) { // OK to skip memory reporters in xpcshell return; } let histogram = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_MEMORY_REPORTER_MS"); let startTime = new Date(); // Get memory measurements from distinguished amount attributes. We used // to measure "explicit" too, but it could cause hangs, and the data was // always really noisy anyway. See bug 859657. // // test_TelemetryController.js relies on some of these histograms being // here. If you remove any of the following histograms from here, you'll // have to modify test_TelemetryController.js: // // * MEMORY_JS_GC_HEAP, and // * MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_SYSTEM. // // The distinguished amount attribute names don't match the telemetry id // names in some cases due to a combination of (a) historical reasons, and // (b) the fact that we can't change telemetry id names without breaking // data continuity. // let boundHandleMemoryReport = this.handleMemoryReport.bind(this); function h(id, units, amountName) { try { // If mgr[amountName] throws an exception, just move on -- some amounts // aren't available on all platforms. But if the attribute simply // isn't present, that indicates the distinguished amounts have changed // and this file hasn't been updated appropriately. let amount = mgr[amountName]; NS_ASSERT(amount !== undefined, "telemetry accessed an unknown distinguished amount"); boundHandleMemoryReport(id, units, amount); } catch (e) { } } let b = (id, n) => h(id, Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_BYTES, n); let c = (id, n) => h(id, Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT, n); let cc= (id, n) => h(id, Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT_CUMULATIVE, n); let p = (id, n) => h(id, Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_PERCENTAGE, n); b("MEMORY_VSIZE", "vsize"); b("MEMORY_VSIZE_MAX_CONTIGUOUS", "vsizeMaxContiguous"); b("MEMORY_RESIDENT_FAST", "residentFast"); b("MEMORY_UNIQUE", "residentUnique"); b("MEMORY_HEAP_ALLOCATED", "heapAllocated"); p("MEMORY_HEAP_OVERHEAD_FRACTION", "heapOverheadFraction"); b("MEMORY_JS_GC_HEAP", "JSMainRuntimeGCHeap"); c("MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_SYSTEM", "JSMainRuntimeCompartmentsSystem"); c("MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_USER", "JSMainRuntimeCompartmentsUser"); b("MEMORY_IMAGES_CONTENT_USED_UNCOMPRESSED", "imagesContentUsedUncompressed"); b("MEMORY_STORAGE_SQLITE", "storageSQLite"); cc("LOW_MEMORY_EVENTS_VIRTUAL", "lowMemoryEventsVirtual"); cc("LOW_MEMORY_EVENTS_PHYSICAL", "lowMemoryEventsPhysical"); c("GHOST_WINDOWS", "ghostWindows"); cc("PAGE_FAULTS_HARD", "pageFaultsHard"); if (!Utils.isContentProcess && !this._totalMemoryTimeout) { // Only the chrome process should gather total memory // total = parent RSS + sum(child USS) this._totalMemory = mgr.residentFast; if (ppmm.childCount > 1) { // Do not report If we time out waiting for the children to call this._totalMemoryTimeout = setTimeout( () => { this._totalMemoryTimeout = undefined; this._childrenToHearFrom.clear(); }, TOTAL_MEMORY_COLLECTOR_TIMEOUT); this._childrenToHearFrom = new Set(); for (let i = 1; i < ppmm.childCount; i++) { let child = ppmm.getChildAt(i); try { child.sendAsyncMessage(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_GET_CHILD_USS, {id: this._nextTotalMemoryId}); this._childrenToHearFrom.add(this._nextTotalMemoryId); this._nextTotalMemoryId++; } catch (ex) { // If a content process has just crashed, then attempting to send it // an async message will throw an exception. Cu.reportError(ex); } } } else { boundHandleMemoryReport( "MEMORY_TOTAL", Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_BYTES, this._totalMemory); } } histogram.add(new Date() - startTime); }, handleMemoryReport: function(id, units, amount) { let val; if (units == Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_BYTES) { val = Math.floor(amount / 1024); } else if (units == Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_PERCENTAGE) { // UNITS_PERCENTAGE amounts are 100x greater than their raw value. val = Math.floor(amount / 100); } else if (units == Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT) { val = amount; } else if (units == Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_COUNT_CUMULATIVE) { // If the reporter gives us a cumulative count, we'll report the // difference in its value between now and our previous ping. if (!(id in this._prevValues)) { // If this is the first time we're reading this reporter, store its // current value but don't report it in the telemetry ping, so we // ignore the effect startup had on the reporter. this._prevValues[id] = amount; return; } val = amount - this._prevValues[id]; this._prevValues[id] = amount; } else { NS_ASSERT(false, "Can't handle memory reporter with units " + units); return; } let h = this._histograms[id]; if (!h) { h = Telemetry.getHistogramById(id); this._histograms[id] = h; } h.add(val); }, getChildPayloads: function getChildPayloads() { return this._childTelemetry.map(child => child.payload); }, /** * Get the current session's payload using the provided * simpleMeasurements and info, which are typically obtained by a call * to |this.getSimpleMeasurements| and |this.getMetadata|, * respectively. */ assemblePayloadWithMeasurements: function(simpleMeasurements, info, reason, clearSubsession) { const isSubsession = IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY && !this._isClassicReason(reason); clearSubsession = IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY && clearSubsession; this._log.trace("assemblePayloadWithMeasurements - reason: " + reason + ", submitting subsession data: " + isSubsession); // This allows wrapping data retrieval calls in a try-catch block so that // failures don't break the rest of the ping assembly. const protect = (fn, defaultReturn = null) => { try { return fn(); } catch (ex) { this._log.error("assemblePayloadWithMeasurements - caught exception", ex); return defaultReturn; } }; // Payload common to chrome and content processes. let payloadObj = { ver: PAYLOAD_VERSION, simpleMeasurements: simpleMeasurements, }; // Add extended set measurements common to chrome & content processes if (Telemetry.canRecordExtended) { payloadObj.chromeHangs = protect(() => Telemetry.chromeHangs); payloadObj.threadHangStats = protect(() => this.getThreadHangStats(Telemetry.threadHangStats)); payloadObj.log = protect(() => TelemetryLog.entries()); payloadObj.webrtc = protect(() => Telemetry.webrtcStats); } if (Utils.isContentProcess) { return payloadObj; } // Additional payload for chrome process. let histograms = protect(() => this.getHistograms(isSubsession, clearSubsession), {}); let keyedHistograms = protect(() => this.getKeyedHistograms(isSubsession, clearSubsession), {}); payloadObj.histograms = histograms[HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES.PARENT] || {}; payloadObj.keyedHistograms = keyedHistograms[HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES.PARENT] || {}; payloadObj.processes = { parent: { scalars: protect(() => this.getScalars(isSubsession, clearSubsession)), keyedScalars: protect(() => this.getScalars(isSubsession, clearSubsession, true)), events: protect(() => this.getEvents(isSubsession, clearSubsession)), }, content: { histograms: histograms[HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES.CONTENT], keyedHistograms: keyedHistograms[HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES.CONTENT], }, }; // Only include the GPU process if we've accumulated data for it. if (HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES.GPU in histograms || HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES.GPU in keyedHistograms) { payloadObj.processes.gpu = { histograms: histograms[HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES.GPU], keyedHistograms: keyedHistograms[HISTOGRAM_SUFFIXES.GPU], }; } payloadObj.info = info; // Add extended set measurements for chrome process. if (Telemetry.canRecordExtended) { payloadObj.slowSQL = protect(() => Telemetry.slowSQL); payloadObj.fileIOReports = protect(() => Telemetry.fileIOReports); payloadObj.lateWrites = protect(() => Telemetry.lateWrites); // Add the addon histograms if they are present let addonHistograms = protect(() => this.getAddonHistograms()); if (addonHistograms && Object.keys(addonHistograms).length > 0) { payloadObj.addonHistograms = addonHistograms; } payloadObj.addonDetails = protect(() => AddonManagerPrivate.getTelemetryDetails()); let clearUIsession = !(reason == REASON_GATHER_PAYLOAD || reason == REASON_GATHER_SUBSESSION_PAYLOAD); payloadObj.UIMeasurements = protect(() => UITelemetry.getUIMeasurements(clearUIsession)); if (this._slowSQLStartup && Object.keys(this._slowSQLStartup).length != 0 && (Object.keys(this._slowSQLStartup.mainThread).length || Object.keys(this._slowSQLStartup.otherThreads).length)) { payloadObj.slowSQLStartup = this._slowSQLStartup; } if (!this._isClassicReason(reason)) { payloadObj.processes.parent.gc = protect(() => GCTelemetry.entries("main", clearSubsession)); payloadObj.processes.content.gc = protect(() => GCTelemetry.entries("content", clearSubsession)); } } if (this._childTelemetry.length) { payloadObj.childPayloads = protect(() => this.getChildPayloads()); } return payloadObj; }, /** * Start a new subsession. */ startNewSubsession: function () { this._subsessionStartDate = Policy.now(); this._subsessionStartTimeMonotonic = Policy.monotonicNow(); this._previousSubsessionId = this._subsessionId; this._subsessionId = Policy.generateSubsessionUUID(); this._subsessionCounter++; this._profileSubsessionCounter++; }, getSessionPayload: function getSessionPayload(reason, clearSubsession) { this._log.trace("getSessionPayload - reason: " + reason + ", clearSubsession: " + clearSubsession); let payload; try { const isMobile = ["gonk", "android"].includes(AppConstants.platform); const isSubsession = isMobile ? false : !this._isClassicReason(reason); if (isMobile) { clearSubsession = false; } let measurements = this.getSimpleMeasurements(reason == REASON_SAVED_SESSION, isSubsession, clearSubsession); let info = !Utils.isContentProcess ? this.getMetadata(reason) : null; payload = this.assemblePayloadWithMeasurements(measurements, info, reason, clearSubsession); } catch (ex) { Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_ASSEMBLE_PAYLOAD_EXCEPTION").add(1); throw ex; } finally { if (!Utils.isContentProcess && clearSubsession) { this.startNewSubsession(); // Persist session data to disk (don't wait until it completes). let sessionData = this._getSessionDataObject(); TelemetryStorage.saveSessionData(sessionData); // Notify that there was a subsession split in the parent process. This is an // internal topic and is only meant for internal Telemetry usage. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "internal-telemetry-after-subsession-split", null); } } return payload; }, /** * Send data to the server. Record success/send-time in histograms */ send: function send(reason) { this._log.trace("send - Reason " + reason); // populate histograms one last time this.gatherMemory(); const isSubsession = !this._isClassicReason(reason); let payload = this.getSessionPayload(reason, isSubsession); let options = { addClientId: true, addEnvironment: true, }; return TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(getPingType(payload), payload, options); }, attachObservers: function attachObservers() { if (!this._initialized) return; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "idle-daily", false); if (Telemetry.canRecordExtended) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, TOPIC_CYCLE_COLLECTOR_BEGIN, false); } }, detachObservers: function detachObservers() { if (!this._initialized) return; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "idle-daily"); try { // Tests may flip Telemetry.canRecordExtended on and off. Just try to remove this // observer and catch if it fails because the observer was not added. Services.obs.removeObserver(this, TOPIC_CYCLE_COLLECTOR_BEGIN); } catch (e) { this._log.warn("detachObservers - Failed to remove " + TOPIC_CYCLE_COLLECTOR_BEGIN, e); } }, /** * Lightweight init function, called as soon as Firefox starts. */ earlyInit: function(testing) { this._log.trace("earlyInit"); this._initStarted = true; this._testing = testing; if (this._initialized && !testing) { this._log.error("earlyInit - already initialized"); return; } if (!Telemetry.canRecordBase && !testing) { this._log.config("earlyInit - Telemetry recording is disabled, skipping Chrome process setup."); return; } // Generate a unique id once per session so the server can cope with duplicate // submissions, orphaning and other oddities. The id is shared across subsessions. this._sessionId = Policy.generateSessionUUID(); this.startNewSubsession(); // startNewSubsession sets |_subsessionStartDate| to the current date/time. Use // the very same value for |_sessionStartDate|. this._sessionStartDate = this._subsessionStartDate; annotateCrashReport(this._sessionId); // Initialize some probes that are kept in their own modules this._thirdPartyCookies = new ThirdPartyCookieProbe(); this._thirdPartyCookies.init(); // Record old value and update build ID preference if this is the first // run with a new build ID. let previousBuildId = Preferences.get(PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID, null); let thisBuildID = Services.appinfo.appBuildID; // If there is no previousBuildId preference, we send null to the server. if (previousBuildId != thisBuildID) { this._previousBuildId = previousBuildId; Preferences.set(PREF_PREVIOUS_BUILDID, thisBuildID); } Services.obs.addObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored", false); if (AppConstants.platform === "android") { Services.obs.addObserver(this, "application-background", false); } Services.obs.addObserver(this, "xul-window-visible", false); this._hasWindowRestoredObserver = true; this._hasXulWindowVisibleObserver = true; ppml.addMessageListener(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_PAYLOAD, this); ppml.addMessageListener(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_THREAD_HANGS, this); ppml.addMessageListener(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_USS, this); }, /** * Does the "heavy" Telemetry initialization later on, so we * don't impact startup performance. * @return {Promise} Resolved when the initialization completes. */ delayedInit:function() { this._log.trace("delayedInit"); this._delayedInitTask = Task.spawn(function* () { try { this._initialized = true; yield this._loadSessionData(); // Update the session data to keep track of new subsessions created before // the initialization. yield TelemetryStorage.saveSessionData(this._getSessionDataObject()); this.attachObservers(); this.gatherMemory(); if (Telemetry.canRecordExtended) { GCTelemetry.init(); } Telemetry.asyncFetchTelemetryData(function () {}); if (IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY) { // Check for a previously written aborted session ping. yield TelemetryController.checkAbortedSessionPing(); // Write the first aborted-session ping as early as possible. Just do that // if we are not testing, since calling Telemetry.reset() will make a previous // aborted ping a pending ping. if (!this._testing) { yield this._saveAbortedSessionPing(); } // The last change date for the environment, used to throttle environment changes. this._lastEnvironmentChangeDate = Policy.monotonicNow(); TelemetryEnvironment.registerChangeListener(ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_LISTENER, (reason, data) => this._onEnvironmentChange(reason, data)); // Start the scheduler. // We skip this if unified telemetry is off, so we don't // trigger the new unified ping types. TelemetryScheduler.init(); } this._delayedInitTask = null; } catch (e) { this._delayedInitTask = null; throw e; } }.bind(this)); return this._delayedInitTask; }, /** * Initializes telemetry for a content process. */ setupContentProcess: function setupContentProcess(testing) { this._log.trace("setupContentProcess"); this._testing = testing; if (!Telemetry.canRecordBase) { this._log.trace("setupContentProcess - base recording is disabled, not initializing"); return; } Services.obs.addObserver(this, "content-child-shutdown", false); cpml.addMessageListener(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_GET_CHILD_THREAD_HANGS, this); cpml.addMessageListener(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_GET_CHILD_USS, this); let delayedTask = new DeferredTask(function* () { this._initialized = true; this.attachObservers(); this.gatherMemory(); if (Telemetry.canRecordExtended) { GCTelemetry.init(); } }.bind(this), testing ? TELEMETRY_TEST_DELAY : TELEMETRY_DELAY); delayedTask.arm(); }, getFlashVersion: function getFlashVersion() { this._log.trace("getFlashVersion"); let host = Cc["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"].getService(Ci.nsIPluginHost); let tags = host.getPluginTags(); for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (tags[i].name == "Shockwave Flash") return tags[i].version; } return null; }, receiveMessage: function receiveMessage(message) { this._log.trace("receiveMessage - Message name " + message.name); switch (message.name) { case MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_PAYLOAD: { // In parent process, receive Telemetry payload from child let source = message.data.childUUID; delete message.data.childUUID; this._childTelemetry.push({ source: source, payload: message.data, }); if (this._childTelemetry.length == MAX_NUM_CONTENT_PAYLOADS + 1) { this._childTelemetry.shift(); Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_DISCARDED_CONTENT_PINGS_COUNT").add(); } break; } case MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_THREAD_HANGS: { // Accumulate child thread hang stats from this child this._childThreadHangs.push(message.data); // Check if we've got data from all the children, accounting for child processes dying // if it happens before the last response is received and no new child processes are spawned at the exact same time // If that happens, we can resolve the promise earlier rather than having to wait for the timeout to expire // Basically, the number of replies is at most the number of messages sent out, this._childCount, // and also at most the number of child processes that currently exist if (this._childThreadHangs.length === Math.min(this._childCount, ppmm.childCount)) { clearTimeout(this._childThreadHangsTimeout); // Resolve all the promises that are waiting on these thread hang stats // We resolve here instead of rejecting because for (let resolve of this._childThreadHangsResolveFunctions) { resolve(this._childThreadHangs); } this._childThreadHangsResolveFunctions = []; } break; } case MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_GET_CHILD_THREAD_HANGS: { // In child process, send the requested child thread hangs this.sendContentProcessThreadHangs(); break; } case MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_USS: { // In parent process, receive the USS report from the child if (this._totalMemoryTimeout && this._childrenToHearFrom.delete(message.data.id)) { this._totalMemory += message.data.bytes; if (this._childrenToHearFrom.size == 0) { clearTimeout(this._totalMemoryTimeout); this._totalMemoryTimeout = undefined; this.handleMemoryReport( "MEMORY_TOTAL", Ci.nsIMemoryReporter.UNITS_BYTES, this._totalMemory); } } else { this._log.trace("Child USS report was missed"); } break; } case MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_GET_CHILD_USS: { // In child process, send the requested USS report this.sendContentProcessUSS(message.data.id); break } default: throw new Error("Telemetry.receiveMessage: bad message name"); } }, _processUUID: generateUUID(), sendContentProcessUSS: function sendContentProcessUSS(aMessageId) { this._log.trace("sendContentProcessUSS"); let mgr; try { mgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIMemoryReporterManager); } catch (e) { // OK to skip memory reporters in xpcshell return; } cpmm.sendAsyncMessage( MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_USS, {bytes: mgr.residentUnique, id: aMessageId} ); }, sendContentProcessPing: function sendContentProcessPing(reason) { this._log.trace("sendContentProcessPing - Reason " + reason); const isSubsession = !this._isClassicReason(reason); let payload = this.getSessionPayload(reason, isSubsession); payload.childUUID = this._processUUID; cpmm.sendAsyncMessage(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_PAYLOAD, payload); }, sendContentProcessThreadHangs: function sendContentProcessThreadHangs() { this._log.trace("sendContentProcessThreadHangs"); let payload = { childUUID: this._processUUID, hangs: Telemetry.threadHangStats, }; cpmm.sendAsyncMessage(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_THREAD_HANGS, payload); }, /** * Save both the "saved-session" and the "shutdown" pings to disk. * This needs to be called after TelemetrySend shuts down otherwise pings * would be sent instead of getting persisted to disk. */ saveShutdownPings: function() { this._log.trace("saveShutdownPings"); // We don't wait for "shutdown" pings to be written to disk before gathering the // "saved-session" payload. Instead we append the promises to this list and wait // on both to be saved after kicking off their collection. let p = []; if (IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY) { let shutdownPayload = this.getSessionPayload(REASON_SHUTDOWN, false); let options = { addClientId: true, addEnvironment: true, }; p.push(TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(getPingType(shutdownPayload), shutdownPayload, options) .catch(e => this._log.error("saveShutdownPings - failed to submit shutdown ping", e))); } // As a temporary measure, we want to submit saved-session too if extended Telemetry is enabled // to keep existing performance analysis working. if (Telemetry.canRecordExtended) { let payload = this.getSessionPayload(REASON_SAVED_SESSION, false); let options = { addClientId: true, addEnvironment: true, }; p.push(TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(getPingType(payload), payload, options) .catch (e => this._log.error("saveShutdownPings - failed to submit saved-session ping", e))); } // Wait on pings to be saved. return Promise.all(p); }, testSavePendingPing: function testSaveHistograms() { this._log.trace("testSaveHistograms"); let payload = this.getSessionPayload(REASON_SAVED_SESSION, false); let options = { addClientId: true, addEnvironment: true, overwrite: true, }; return TelemetryController.addPendingPing(getPingType(payload), payload, options); }, /** * Do some shutdown work that is common to all process types. */ uninstall: function uninstall() { this.detachObservers(); if (this._hasWindowRestoredObserver) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored"); this._hasWindowRestoredObserver = false; } if (this._hasXulWindowVisibleObserver) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xul-window-visible"); this._hasXulWindowVisibleObserver = false; } if (AppConstants.platform === "android") { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "application-background", false); } GCTelemetry.shutdown(); }, getPayload: function getPayload(reason, clearSubsession) { this._log.trace("getPayload - clearSubsession: " + clearSubsession); reason = reason || REASON_GATHER_PAYLOAD; // This function returns the current Telemetry payload to the caller. // We only gather startup info once. if (Object.keys(this._slowSQLStartup).length == 0) { this._slowSQLStartup = Telemetry.slowSQL; } this.gatherMemory(); return this.getSessionPayload(reason, clearSubsession); }, getChildThreadHangs: function getChildThreadHangs() { return new Promise((resolve) => { // Return immediately if there are no child processes to get stats from if (ppmm.childCount === 0) { resolve([]); return; } // Register our promise so it will be resolved when we receive the child thread hang stats on the parent process // The resolve functions will all be called from "receiveMessage" when a MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_THREAD_HANGS message comes in this._childThreadHangsResolveFunctions.push((threadHangStats) => { let hangs = threadHangStats.map(child => child.hangs); return resolve(hangs); }); // If we (the parent) are not currently in the process of requesting child thread hangs, request them // If we are, then the resolve function we registered above will receive the results without needing to request them again if (this._childThreadHangsResolveFunctions.length === 1) { // We have to cache the number of children we send messages to, in case the child count changes while waiting for messages to arrive // This handles the case where the child count increases later on, in which case the new processes won't respond since we never sent messages to them this._childCount = ppmm.childCount; this._childThreadHangs = []; // Clear the child hangs for (let i = 0; i < this._childCount; i++) { // If a child dies at exactly while we're running this loop, the message sending will fail but we won't get an exception // In this case, since we won't know this has happened, we will simply rely on the timeout to handle it ppmm.getChildAt(i).sendAsyncMessage(MESSAGE_TELEMETRY_GET_CHILD_THREAD_HANGS); } // Set up a timeout in case one or more of the content processes never responds this._childThreadHangsTimeout = setTimeout(() => { // Resolve all the promises that are waiting on these thread hang stats // We resolve here instead of rejecting because the purpose of this function is // to retrieve the BHR stats from all processes that will give us stats // As a result, one process failing simply means it doesn't get included in the result. for (let resolve of this._childThreadHangsResolveFunctions) { resolve(this._childThreadHangs); } this._childThreadHangsResolveFunctions = []; }, 200); } }); }, gatherStartup: function gatherStartup() { this._log.trace("gatherStartup"); let counters = processInfo.getCounters(); if (counters) { [this._startupIO.startupSessionRestoreReadBytes, this._startupIO.startupSessionRestoreWriteBytes] = counters; } this._slowSQLStartup = Telemetry.slowSQL; }, setAddOns: function setAddOns(aAddOns) { this._addons = aAddOns; }, testPing: function testPing() { return this.send(REASON_TEST_PING); }, /** * This observer drives telemetry. */ observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // Prevent the cycle collector begin topic from cluttering the log. if (aTopic != TOPIC_CYCLE_COLLECTOR_BEGIN) { this._log.trace("observe - " + aTopic + " notified."); } switch (aTopic) { case "content-child-shutdown": // content-child-shutdown is only registered for content processes. Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "content-child-shutdown"); this.uninstall(); Telemetry.flushBatchedChildTelemetry(); this.sendContentProcessPing(REASON_SAVED_SESSION); break; case TOPIC_CYCLE_COLLECTOR_BEGIN: let now = new Date(); if (!gLastMemoryPoll || (TELEMETRY_INTERVAL <= now - gLastMemoryPoll)) { gLastMemoryPoll = now; this.gatherMemory(); } break; case "xul-window-visible": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "xul-window-visible"); this._hasXulWindowVisibleObserver = false; var counters = processInfo.getCounters(); if (counters) { [this._startupIO.startupWindowVisibleReadBytes, this._startupIO.startupWindowVisibleWriteBytes] = counters; } break; case "sessionstore-windows-restored": Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "sessionstore-windows-restored"); this._hasWindowRestoredObserver = false; // Check whether debugger was attached during startup let debugService = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/debug;1"].getService(Ci.nsIDebug2); gWasDebuggerAttached = debugService.isDebuggerAttached; this.gatherStartup(); break; case "idle-daily": // Enqueue to main-thread, otherwise components may be inited by the // idle-daily category and miss the gather-telemetry notification. Services.tm.mainThread.dispatch((function() { // Notify that data should be gathered now. // TODO: We are keeping this behaviour for now but it will be removed as soon as // bug 1127907 lands. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "gather-telemetry", null); }).bind(this), Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL); break; case "application-background": if (AppConstants.platform !== "android") { break; } // On Android, we can get killed without warning once we are in the background, // but we may also submit data and/or come back into the foreground without getting // killed. To deal with this, we save the current session data to file when we are // put into the background. This handles the following post-backgrounding scenarios: // 1) We are killed immediately. In this case the current session data (which we // save to a file) will be loaded and submitted on a future run. // 2) We submit the data while in the background, and then are killed. In this case // the file that we saved will be deleted by the usual process in // finishPingRequest after it is submitted. // 3) We submit the data, and then come back into the foreground. Same as case (2). // 4) We do not submit the data, but come back into the foreground. In this case // we have the option of either deleting the file that we saved (since we will either // send the live data while in the foreground, or create the file again on the next // backgrounding), or not (in which case we will delete it on submit, or overwrite // it on the next backgrounding). Not deleting it is faster, so that's what we do. let payload = this.getSessionPayload(REASON_SAVED_SESSION, false); let options = { addClientId: true, addEnvironment: true, overwrite: true, }; TelemetryController.addPendingPing(getPingType(payload), payload, options); break; } return undefined; }, /** * This tells TelemetrySession to uninitialize and save any pending pings. */ shutdownChromeProcess: function() { this._log.trace("shutdownChromeProcess"); let cleanup = () => { if (IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY) { TelemetryEnvironment.unregisterChangeListener(ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE_LISTENER); TelemetryScheduler.shutdown(); } this.uninstall(); let reset = () => { this._initStarted = false; this._initialized = false; }; return Task.spawn(function*() { yield this.saveShutdownPings(); if (IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY) { yield TelemetryController.removeAbortedSessionPing(); } reset(); }.bind(this)); }; // We can be in one the following states here: // 1) delayedInit was never called // or it was called and // 2) _delayedInitTask is running now. // 3) _delayedInitTask finished running already. // This handles 1). if (!this._initStarted) { return Promise.resolve(); } // This handles 3). if (!this._delayedInitTask) { // We already ran the delayed initialization. return cleanup(); } // This handles 2). return this._delayedInitTask.then(cleanup); }, /** * Gather and send a daily ping. * @return {Promise} Resolved when the ping is sent. */ _sendDailyPing: function() { this._log.trace("_sendDailyPing"); let payload = this.getSessionPayload(REASON_DAILY, true); let options = { addClientId: true, addEnvironment: true, }; let promise = TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(getPingType(payload), payload, options); // Also save the payload as an aborted session. If we delay this, aborted-session can // lag behind for the profileSubsessionCounter and other state, complicating analysis. if (IS_UNIFIED_TELEMETRY) { this._saveAbortedSessionPing(payload) .catch(e => this._log.error("_sendDailyPing - Failed to save the aborted session ping", e)); } return promise; }, /** Loads session data from the session data file. * @return {Promise<object>} A promise which is resolved with an object when * loading has completed, with null otherwise. */ _loadSessionData: Task.async(function* () { let data = yield TelemetryStorage.loadSessionData(); if (!data) { return null; } if (!("profileSubsessionCounter" in data) || !(typeof(data.profileSubsessionCounter) == "number") || !("subsessionId" in data) || !("sessionId" in data)) { this._log.error("_loadSessionData - session data is invalid"); Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").add(1); return null; } this._previousSessionId = data.sessionId; this._previousSubsessionId = data.subsessionId; // Add |_subsessionCounter| to the |_profileSubsessionCounter| to account for // new subsession while loading still takes place. This will always be exactly // 1 - the current subsessions. this._profileSubsessionCounter = data.profileSubsessionCounter + this._subsessionCounter; return data; }), /** * Get the session data object to serialise to disk. */ _getSessionDataObject: function() { return { sessionId: this._sessionId, subsessionId: this._subsessionId, profileSubsessionCounter: this._profileSubsessionCounter, }; }, _onEnvironmentChange: function(reason, oldEnvironment) { this._log.trace("_onEnvironmentChange", reason); let now = Policy.monotonicNow(); let timeDelta = now - this._lastEnvironmentChangeDate; if (timeDelta <= CHANGE_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_MS) { this._log.trace(`_onEnvironmentChange - throttling; last change was ${Math.round(timeDelta / 1000)}s ago.`); return; } this._lastEnvironmentChangeDate = now; let payload = this.getSessionPayload(REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE, true); TelemetryScheduler.reschedulePings(REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE, payload); let options = { addClientId: true, addEnvironment: true, overrideEnvironment: oldEnvironment, }; TelemetryController.submitExternalPing(getPingType(payload), payload, options); }, _isClassicReason: function(reason) { const classicReasons = [ REASON_SAVED_SESSION, REASON_GATHER_PAYLOAD, REASON_TEST_PING, ]; return classicReasons.includes(reason); }, /** * Get an object describing the current state of this module for AsyncShutdown diagnostics. */ _getState: function() { return { initialized: this._initialized, initStarted: this._initStarted, haveDelayedInitTask: !!this._delayedInitTask, }; }, /** * Saves the aborted session ping to disk. * @param {Object} [aProvidedPayload=null] A payload object to be used as an aborted * session ping. The reason of this payload is changed to aborted-session. * If not provided, a new payload is gathered. */ _saveAbortedSessionPing: function(aProvidedPayload = null) { this._log.trace("_saveAbortedSessionPing"); let payload = null; if (aProvidedPayload) { payload = Cu.cloneInto(aProvidedPayload, myScope); // Overwrite the original reason. payload.info.reason = REASON_ABORTED_SESSION; } else { payload = this.getSessionPayload(REASON_ABORTED_SESSION, false); } return TelemetryController.saveAbortedSessionPing(payload); }, };