navigation: - methods: ["search"] objects: ["about_home", "about_newtab", "contextmenu", "oneoff", "suggestion", "alias", "enter", "searchbar", "urlbar"] release_channel_collection: opt-in description: > This is recorded on each search navigation. The value field records the action used to trigger the search: "enter", "oneoff", "suggestion", "alias", null (for contextmenu) bug_numbers: [1316281] notification_emails: [""] expiry_version: "58.0" extra_keys: engine: The id of the search engine used. # This category contains event entries used for Telemetry tests. # They will not be sent out with any pings. telemetry.test: - methods: ["test1", "test2"] objects: ["object1", "object2"] bug_numbers: [1286606] notification_emails: [""] description: This is a test entry for Telemetry. expiry_date: never extra_keys: key1: This is just a test description. key2: This is another test description. - methods: ["optout"] objects: ["object1", "object2"] bug_numbers: [1286606] notification_emails: [""] description: This is an opt-out test entry. expiry_date: never release_channel_collection: opt-out extra_keys: key1: This is just a test description. - methods: ["expired_version"] objects: ["object1", "object2"] bug_numbers: [1286606] notification_emails: [""] description: This is a test entry with an expired version. expiry_version: "3.6" - methods: ["expired_date"] objects: ["object1", "object2"] bug_numbers: [1286606] notification_emails: [""] description: This is a test entry with an expired date. expiry_date: 2014-01-28 - methods: ["not_expired_optout"] objects: ["object1"] bug_numbers: [1286606] notification_emails: [""] description: This is an opt-out test entry with unexpired date and version. release_channel_collection: opt-out expiry_date: 2099-01-01 expiry_version: "999.0" # This is a secondary category used for Telemetry tests. # The events here will not be sent out with any pings. telemetry.test.second: - methods: ["test"] objects: ["object1", "object2", "object3"] bug_numbers: [1286606] notification_emails: [""] description: This is a test entry for Telemetry. expiry_date: never extra_keys: key1: This is just a test description.