/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var Ci = Components.interfaces; var Cc = Components.classes; var Cr = Components.results; var Cu = Components.utils; const FRECENCY_DEFAULT = 10000; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js"); // Import common head. { let commonFile = do_get_file("../head_common.js", false); let uri = Services.io.newFileURI(commonFile); Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(uri.spec, this); } // Put any other stuff relative to this test folder below. const TITLE_SEARCH_ENGINE_SEPARATOR = " \u00B7\u2013\u00B7 "; function run_test() { run_next_test(); } function* cleanup() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.autocomplete.enabled"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill.typed"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.autoFill.searchEngines"); let suggestPrefs = [ "history", "bookmark", "history.onlyTyped", "openpage", "searches", ]; for (let type of suggestPrefs) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.urlbar.suggest." + type); } Services.prefs.clearUserPref("browser.search.suggest.enabled"); yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory(); } do_register_cleanup(cleanup); /** * @param aSearches * Array of AutoCompleteSearch names. */ function AutoCompleteInput(aSearches) { this.searches = aSearches; } AutoCompleteInput.prototype = { popup: { selectedIndex: -1, invalidate: function () {}, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup]) }, popupOpen: false, disableAutoComplete: false, completeDefaultIndex: true, completeSelectedIndex: true, forceComplete: false, minResultsForPopup: 0, maxRows: 0, showCommentColumn: false, showImageColumn: false, timeout: 10, searchParam: "", get searchCount() { return this.searches.length; }, getSearchAt: function(aIndex) { return this.searches[aIndex]; }, textValue: "", // Text selection range _selStart: 0, _selEnd: 0, get selectionStart() { return this._selStart; }, get selectionEnd() { return this._selEnd; }, selectTextRange: function(aStart, aEnd) { this._selStart = aStart; this._selEnd = aEnd; }, onSearchBegin: function () {}, onSearchComplete: function () {}, onTextEntered: () => false, onTextReverted: () => false, QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput]) } // A helper for check_autocomplete to check a specific match against data from // the controller. function _check_autocomplete_matches(match, result) { let { uri, title, tags, style } = match; if (tags) title += " \u2013 " + tags.sort().join(", "); if (style) style = style.sort(); else style = ["favicon"]; do_print(`Checking against expected "${uri.spec}", "${title}"`); // Got a match on both uri and title? if (stripPrefix(uri.spec) != stripPrefix(result.value) || title != result.comment) { return false; } let actualStyle = result.style.split(/\s+/).sort(); if (style) Assert.equal(actualStyle.toString(), style.toString(), "Match should have expected style"); if (uri.spec.startsWith("moz-action:")) { Assert.ok(actualStyle.includes("action"), "moz-action results should always have 'action' in their style"); } if (match.icon) Assert.equal(result.image, match.icon, "Match should have expected image"); return true; } function* check_autocomplete(test) { // At this point frecency could still be updating due to latest pages // updates. // This is not a problem in real life, but autocomplete tests should // return reliable resultsets, thus we have to wait. yield PlacesTestUtils.promiseAsyncUpdates(); // Make an AutoCompleteInput that uses our searches and confirms results. let input = new AutoCompleteInput(["unifiedcomplete"]); input.textValue = test.search; if (test.searchParam) input.searchParam = test.searchParam; // Caret must be at the end for autoFill to happen. let strLen = test.search.length; input.selectTextRange(strLen, strLen); Assert.equal(input.selectionStart, strLen, "Selection starts at end"); Assert.equal(input.selectionEnd, strLen, "Selection ends at the end"); let controller = Cc["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/controller;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController); controller.input = input; let numSearchesStarted = 0; input.onSearchBegin = () => { do_print("onSearchBegin received"); numSearchesStarted++; }; let searchCompletePromise = new Promise(resolve => { input.onSearchComplete = () => { do_print("onSearchComplete received"); resolve(); } }); let expectedSearches = 1; if (test.incompleteSearch) { controller.startSearch(test.incompleteSearch); expectedSearches++; } do_print("Searching for: '" + test.search + "'"); controller.startSearch(test.search); yield searchCompletePromise; Assert.equal(numSearchesStarted, expectedSearches, "All searches started"); // Check to see the expected uris and titles match up. If 'enable-actions' // is specified, we check that the first specified match is the first // controller value (as this is the "special" always selected item), but the // rest can match in any order. // If 'enable-actions' is not specified, they can match in any order. if (test.matches) { // Do not modify the test original matches. let matches = test.matches.slice(); if (matches.length) { let firstIndexToCheck = 0; if (test.searchParam && test.searchParam.includes("enable-actions")) { firstIndexToCheck = 1; do_print("Checking first match is first autocomplete entry") let result = { value: controller.getValueAt(0), comment: controller.getCommentAt(0), style: controller.getStyleAt(0), image: controller.getImageAt(0), } do_print(`First match is "${result.value}", "${result.comment}"`); Assert.ok(_check_autocomplete_matches(matches[0], result), "first item is correct"); do_print("Checking rest of the matches"); } for (let i = firstIndexToCheck; i < controller.matchCount; i++) { let result = { value: controller.getValueAt(i), comment: controller.getCommentAt(i), style: controller.getStyleAt(i), image: controller.getImageAt(i), } do_print(`Looking for "${result.value}", "${result.comment}" in expected results...`); let lowerBound = test.checkSorting ? i : firstIndexToCheck; let upperBound = test.checkSorting ? i + 1 : matches.length; let found = false; for (let j = lowerBound; j < upperBound; ++j) { // Skip processed expected results if (matches[j] == undefined) continue; if (_check_autocomplete_matches(matches[j], result)) { do_print("Got a match at index " + j + "!"); // Make it undefined so we don't process it again matches[j] = undefined; found = true; break; } } if (!found) do_throw(`Didn't find the current result ("${result.value}", "${result.comment}") in matches`); // ' (Emacs syntax highlighting fix) } } Assert.equal(controller.matchCount, matches.length, "Got as many results as expected"); // If we expect results, make sure we got matches. do_check_eq(controller.searchStatus, matches.length ? Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_MATCH : Ci.nsIAutoCompleteController.STATUS_COMPLETE_NO_MATCH); } if (test.autofilled) { // Check the autoFilled result. Assert.equal(input.textValue, test.autofilled, "Autofilled value is correct"); // Now force completion and check correct casing of the result. // This ensures the controller is able to do its magic case-preserving // stuff and correct replacement of the user's casing with result's one. controller.handleEnter(false); Assert.equal(input.textValue, test.completed, "Completed value is correct"); } } var addBookmark = Task.async(function* (aBookmarkObj) { Assert.ok(!!aBookmarkObj.uri, "Bookmark object contains an uri"); let parentId = aBookmarkObj.parentId ? aBookmarkObj.parentId : PlacesUtils.unfiledBookmarksFolderId; let bm = yield PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: (yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemGuid(parentId)), title: aBookmarkObj.title || "A bookmark", url: aBookmarkObj.uri }); yield PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(bm.guid); if (aBookmarkObj.keyword) { yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: aBookmarkObj.keyword, url: aBookmarkObj.uri.spec, postData: aBookmarkObj.postData }); } if (aBookmarkObj.tags) { PlacesUtils.tagging.tagURI(aBookmarkObj.uri, aBookmarkObj.tags); } }); function addOpenPages(aUri, aCount=1, aUserContextId=0) { let ac = Cc["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=unifiedcomplete"] .getService(Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete); for (let i = 0; i < aCount; i++) { ac.registerOpenPage(aUri, aUserContextId); } } function removeOpenPages(aUri, aCount=1, aUserContextId=0) { let ac = Cc["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=unifiedcomplete"] .getService(Ci.mozIPlacesAutoComplete); for (let i = 0; i < aCount; i++) { ac.unregisterOpenPage(aUri, aUserContextId); } } function changeRestrict(aType, aChar) { let branch = "browser.urlbar."; // "title" and "url" are different from everything else, so special case them. if (aType == "title" || aType == "url") branch += "match."; else branch += "restrict."; do_print("changing restrict for " + aType + " to '" + aChar + "'"); Services.prefs.setCharPref(branch + aType, aChar); } function resetRestrict(aType) { let branch = "browser.urlbar."; // "title" and "url" are different from everything else, so special case them. if (aType == "title" || aType == "url") branch += "match."; else branch += "restrict."; Services.prefs.clearUserPref(branch + aType); } /** * Strip prefixes from the URI that we don't care about for searching. * * @param spec * The text to modify. * @return the modified spec. */ function stripPrefix(spec) { ["http://", "https://", "ftp://"].some(scheme => { if (spec.startsWith(scheme)) { spec = spec.slice(scheme.length); return true; } return false; }); if (spec.startsWith("www.")) { spec = spec.slice(4); } return spec; } function makeActionURI(action, params) { let encodedParams = {}; for (let key in params) { encodedParams[key] = encodeURIComponent(params[key]); } let url = "moz-action:" + action + "," + JSON.stringify(encodedParams); return NetUtil.newURI(url); } // Creates a full "match" entry for a search result, suitable for passing as // an entry to check_autocomplete. function makeSearchMatch(input, extra = {}) { // Note that counter-intuitively, the order the object properties are defined // in the object passed to makeActionURI is important for check_autocomplete // to match them :( let params = { engineName: extra.engineName || "MozSearch", input, searchQuery: "searchQuery" in extra ? extra.searchQuery : input, }; if ("alias" in extra) { // May be undefined, which is expected, but in that case make sure it's not // included in the params of the moz-action URL. params.alias = extra.alias; } let style = [ "action", "searchengine" ]; if (Array.isArray(extra.style)) { style.push(...extra.style); } if (extra.heuristic) { style.push("heuristic"); } return { uri: makeActionURI("searchengine", params), title: params.engineName, style, } } // Creates a full "match" entry for a search result, suitable for passing as // an entry to check_autocomplete. function makeVisitMatch(input, url, extra = {}) { // Note that counter-intuitively, the order the object properties are defined // in the object passed to makeActionURI is important for check_autocomplete // to match them :( let params = { url, input, } let style = [ "action", "visiturl" ]; if (extra.heuristic) { style.push("heuristic"); } return { uri: makeActionURI("visiturl", params), title: extra.title || url, style, } } function makeSwitchToTabMatch(url, extra = {}) { return { uri: makeActionURI("switchtab", {url}), title: extra.title || url, style: [ "action", "switchtab" ], } } function makeExtensionMatch(extra = {}) { let style = [ "action", "extension" ]; if (extra.heuristic) { style.push("heuristic"); } return { uri: makeActionURI("extension", { content: extra.content, keyword: extra.keyword, }), title: extra.description, style, }; } function setFaviconForHref(href, iconHref) { return new Promise(resolve => { PlacesUtils.favicons.setAndFetchFaviconForPage( NetUtil.newURI(href), NetUtil.newURI(iconHref), true, PlacesUtils.favicons.FAVICON_LOAD_NON_PRIVATE, resolve, Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal() ); }); } function makeTestServer(port=-1) { let httpServer = new HttpServer(); httpServer.start(port); do_register_cleanup(() => httpServer.stop(() => {})); return httpServer; } function* addTestEngine(basename, httpServer=undefined) { httpServer = httpServer || makeTestServer(); httpServer.registerDirectory("/", do_get_cwd()); let dataUrl = "http://localhost:" + httpServer.identity.primaryPort + "/data/"; do_print("Adding engine: " + basename); return yield new Promise(resolve => { Services.obs.addObserver(function obs(subject, topic, data) { let engine = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISearchEngine); do_print("Observed " + data + " for " + engine.name); if (data != "engine-added" || engine.name != basename) { return; } Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, "browser-search-engine-modified"); do_register_cleanup(() => Services.search.removeEngine(engine)); resolve(engine); }, "browser-search-engine-modified", false); do_print("Adding engine from URL: " + dataUrl + basename); Services.search.addEngine(dataUrl + basename, null, null, false); }); } // Ensure we have a default search engine and the keyword.enabled preference // set. add_task(function* ensure_search_engine() { // keyword.enabled is necessary for the tests to see keyword searches. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("keyword.enabled", true); // Initialize the search service, but first set this geo IP pref to a dummy // string. When the search service is initialized, it contacts the URI named // in this pref, which breaks the test since outside connections aren't // allowed. let geoPref = "browser.search.geoip.url"; Services.prefs.setCharPref(geoPref, ""); do_register_cleanup(() => Services.prefs.clearUserPref(geoPref)); yield new Promise(resolve => { Services.search.init(resolve); }); // Remove any existing engines before adding ours. for (let engine of Services.search.getEngines()) { Services.search.removeEngine(engine); } Services.search.addEngineWithDetails("MozSearch", "", "", "", "GET", "http://s.example.com/search"); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("MozSearch"); Services.search.currentEngine = engine; });