/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "LoginManagerContent", "LoginFormFactory", "UserAutoCompleteResult" ]; const { classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, results: Cr, utils: Cu } = Components; const PASSWORD_INPUT_ADDED_COALESCING_THRESHOLD_MS = 1; const AUTOCOMPLETE_AFTER_CONTEXTMENU_THRESHOLD_MS = 250; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/InsecurePasswordUtils.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DeferredTask", "resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FormLikeFactory", "resource://gre/modules/FormLikeFactory.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LoginRecipesContent", "resource://gre/modules/LoginRecipes.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "LoginHelper", "resource://gre/modules/LoginHelper.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "InsecurePasswordUtils", "resource://gre/modules/InsecurePasswordUtils.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "gNetUtil", "@mozilla.org/network/util;1", "nsINetUtil"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "log", () => { let logger = LoginHelper.createLogger("LoginManagerContent"); return logger.log.bind(logger); }); // These mirror signon.* prefs. var gEnabled, gAutofillForms, gStoreWhenAutocompleteOff; var gLastContextMenuEventTimeStamp = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var observer = { QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsIFormSubmitObserver, Ci.nsIWebProgressListener, Ci.nsIDOMEventListener, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), // nsIFormSubmitObserver notify(formElement, aWindow, actionURI) { log("observer notified for form submission."); // We're invoked before the content's |onsubmit| handlers, so we // can grab form data before it might be modified (see bug 257781). try { let formLike = LoginFormFactory.createFromForm(formElement); LoginManagerContent._onFormSubmit(formLike); } catch (e) { log("Caught error in onFormSubmit(", e.lineNumber, "):", e.message); Cu.reportError(e); } return true; // Always return true, or form submit will be canceled. }, onPrefChange() { gEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.rememberSignons"); gAutofillForms = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.autofillForms"); gStoreWhenAutocompleteOff = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("signon.storeWhenAutocompleteOff"); }, // nsIWebProgressListener onLocationChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation, aFlags) { // Only handle pushState/replaceState here. if (!(aFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT) || !(aWebProgress.loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_PUSHSTATE)) { return; } log("onLocationChange handled:", aLocation.spec, aWebProgress.DOMWindow.document); LoginManagerContent._onNavigation(aWebProgress.DOMWindow.document); }, onStateChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aState, aStatus) { if (!(aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START)) { return; } // We only care about when a page triggered a load, not the user. For example: // clicking refresh/back/forward, typing a URL and hitting enter, and loading a bookmark aren't // likely to be when a user wants to save a login. let channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel); let triggeringPrincipal = channel.loadInfo.triggeringPrincipal; if (triggeringPrincipal.isNullPrincipal || triggeringPrincipal.equals(Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal())) { return; } // Don't handle history navigation, reload, or pushState not triggered via chrome UI. // e.g. history.go(-1), location.reload(), history.replaceState() if (!(aWebProgress.loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_NORMAL)) { log("onStateChange: loadType isn't LOAD_CMD_NORMAL:", aWebProgress.loadType); return; } log("onStateChange handled:", channel); LoginManagerContent._onNavigation(aWebProgress.DOMWindow.document); }, handleEvent(aEvent) { if (!aEvent.isTrusted) { return; } if (!gEnabled) { return; } switch (aEvent.type) { // Only used for username fields. case "focus": { LoginManagerContent._onUsernameFocus(aEvent); break; } case "contextmenu": { gLastContextMenuEventTimeStamp = Date.now(); break; } default: { throw new Error("Unexpected event"); } } }, }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "earlyformsubmit", false); var prefBranch = Services.prefs.getBranch("signon."); prefBranch.addObserver("", observer.onPrefChange, false); observer.onPrefChange(); // read initial values function messageManagerFromWindow(win) { return win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIContentFrameMessageManager); } // This object maps to the "child" process (even in the single-process case). var LoginManagerContent = { __formFillService : null, // FormFillController, for username autocompleting get _formFillService() { if (!this.__formFillService) this.__formFillService = Cc["@mozilla.org/satchel/form-fill-controller;1"]. getService(Ci.nsIFormFillController); return this.__formFillService; }, _getRandomId() { return Cc["@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIUUIDGenerator).generateUUID().toString(); }, _messages: [ "RemoteLogins:loginsFound", "RemoteLogins:loginsAutoCompleted" ], /** * WeakMap of the root element of a FormLike to the FormLike representing its fields. * * This is used to be able to lookup an existing FormLike for a given root element since multiple * calls to LoginFormFactory won't give the exact same object. When batching fills we don't always * want to use the most recent list of elements for a FormLike since we may end up doing multiple * fills for the same set of elements when a field gets added between arming and running the * DeferredTask. * * @type {WeakMap} */ _formLikeByRootElement: new WeakMap(), /** * WeakMap of the root element of a WeakMap to the DeferredTask to fill its fields. * * This is used to be able to throttle fills for a FormLike since onDOMInputPasswordAdded gets * dispatched for each password field added to a document but we only want to fill once per * FormLike when multiple fields are added at once. * * @type {WeakMap} */ _deferredPasswordAddedTasksByRootElement: new WeakMap(), // Map from form login requests to information about that request. _requests: new Map(), // Number of outstanding requests to each manager. _managers: new Map(), _takeRequest(msg) { let data = msg.data; let request = this._requests.get(data.requestId); this._requests.delete(data.requestId); let count = this._managers.get(msg.target); if (--count === 0) { this._managers.delete(msg.target); for (let message of this._messages) msg.target.removeMessageListener(message, this); } else { this._managers.set(msg.target, count); } return request; }, _sendRequest(messageManager, requestData, name, messageData) { let count; if (!(count = this._managers.get(messageManager))) { this._managers.set(messageManager, 1); for (let message of this._messages) messageManager.addMessageListener(message, this); } else { this._managers.set(messageManager, ++count); } let requestId = this._getRandomId(); messageData.requestId = requestId; messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(name, messageData); let deferred = Promise.defer(); requestData.promise = deferred; this._requests.set(requestId, requestData); return deferred.promise; }, receiveMessage(msg, window) { if (msg.name == "RemoteLogins:fillForm") { this.fillForm({ topDocument: window.document, loginFormOrigin: msg.data.loginFormOrigin, loginsFound: LoginHelper.vanillaObjectsToLogins(msg.data.logins), recipes: msg.data.recipes, inputElement: msg.objects.inputElement, }); return; } let request = this._takeRequest(msg); switch (msg.name) { case "RemoteLogins:loginsFound": { let loginsFound = LoginHelper.vanillaObjectsToLogins(msg.data.logins); request.promise.resolve({ form: request.form, loginsFound: loginsFound, recipes: msg.data.recipes, }); break; } case "RemoteLogins:loginsAutoCompleted": { let loginsFound = LoginHelper.vanillaObjectsToLogins(msg.data.logins); // If we're in the parent process, don't pass a message manager so our // autocomplete result objects know they can remove the login from the // login manager directly. let messageManager = (Services.appinfo.processType === Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT) ? msg.target : undefined; request.promise.resolve({ logins: loginsFound, messageManager }); break; } } }, /** * Get relevant logins and recipes from the parent * * @param {HTMLFormElement} form - form to get login data for * @param {Object} options * @param {boolean} options.showMasterPassword - whether to show a master password prompt */ _getLoginDataFromParent(form, options) { let doc = form.ownerDocument; let win = doc.defaultView; let formOrigin = LoginUtils._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI); if (!formOrigin) { return Promise.reject("_getLoginDataFromParent: A form origin is required"); } let actionOrigin = LoginUtils._getActionOrigin(form); let messageManager = messageManagerFromWindow(win); // XXX Weak?? let requestData = { form: form }; let messageData = { formOrigin: formOrigin, actionOrigin: actionOrigin, options: options }; return this._sendRequest(messageManager, requestData, "RemoteLogins:findLogins", messageData); }, _autoCompleteSearchAsync(aSearchString, aPreviousResult, aElement, aRect) { let doc = aElement.ownerDocument; let form = LoginFormFactory.createFromField(aElement); let win = doc.defaultView; let formOrigin = LoginUtils._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI); let actionOrigin = LoginUtils._getActionOrigin(form); let messageManager = messageManagerFromWindow(win); let remote = (Services.appinfo.processType === Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_CONTENT); let previousResult = aPreviousResult ? { searchString: aPreviousResult.searchString, logins: LoginHelper.loginsToVanillaObjects(aPreviousResult.logins) } : null; let requestData = {}; let messageData = { formOrigin: formOrigin, actionOrigin: actionOrigin, searchString: aSearchString, previousResult: previousResult, rect: aRect, isSecure: InsecurePasswordUtils.isFormSecure(form), isPasswordField: aElement.type == "password", remote: remote }; return this._sendRequest(messageManager, requestData, "RemoteLogins:autoCompleteLogins", messageData); }, setupProgressListener(window) { if (!LoginHelper.formlessCaptureEnabled) { return; } try { let webProgress = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation). QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell). QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor). getInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgress); webProgress.addProgressListener(observer, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT | Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION); } catch (ex) { // Ignore NS_ERROR_FAILURE if the progress listener was already added } }, onDOMFormHasPassword(event, window) { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } let form = event.target; let formLike = LoginFormFactory.createFromForm(form); log("onDOMFormHasPassword:", form, formLike); this._fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm(formLike, window); }, onDOMInputPasswordAdded(event, window) { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } let pwField = event.target; if (pwField.form) { // Fill is handled by onDOMFormHasPassword which is already throttled. return; } // Only setup the listener for formless inputs. // Capture within a <form> but without a submit event is bug 1287202. this.setupProgressListener(window); let formLike = LoginFormFactory.createFromField(pwField); log("onDOMInputPasswordAdded:", pwField, formLike); let deferredTask = this._deferredPasswordAddedTasksByRootElement.get(formLike.rootElement); if (!deferredTask) { log("Creating a DeferredTask to call _fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm soon"); this._formLikeByRootElement.set(formLike.rootElement, formLike); deferredTask = new DeferredTask(function* deferredInputProcessing() { // Get the updated formLike instead of the one at the time of creating the DeferredTask via // a closure since it could be stale since FormLike.elements isn't live. let formLike2 = this._formLikeByRootElement.get(formLike.rootElement); log("Running deferred processing of onDOMInputPasswordAdded", formLike2); this._deferredPasswordAddedTasksByRootElement.delete(formLike2.rootElement); this._fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm(formLike2, window); }.bind(this), PASSWORD_INPUT_ADDED_COALESCING_THRESHOLD_MS); this._deferredPasswordAddedTasksByRootElement.set(formLike.rootElement, deferredTask); } if (deferredTask.isArmed) { log("DeferredTask is already armed so just updating the FormLike"); // We update the FormLike so it (most important .elements) is fresh when the task eventually // runs since changes to the elements could affect our field heuristics. this._formLikeByRootElement.set(formLike.rootElement, formLike); } else if (window.document.readyState == "complete") { log("Arming the DeferredTask we just created since document.readyState == 'complete'"); deferredTask.arm(); } else { window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function armPasswordAddedTask() { window.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", armPasswordAddedTask); log("Arming the onDOMInputPasswordAdded DeferredTask due to DOMContentLoaded"); deferredTask.arm(); }); } }, /** * Fetch logins from the parent for a given form and then attempt to fill it. * * @param {FormLike} form to fetch the logins for then try autofill. * @param {Window} window */ _fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm(form, window) { this._detectInsecureFormLikes(window); let messageManager = messageManagerFromWindow(window); messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("LoginStats:LoginEncountered"); if (!gEnabled) { return; } this._getLoginDataFromParent(form, { showMasterPassword: true }) .then(this.loginsFound.bind(this)) .then(null, Cu.reportError); }, onPageShow(event, window) { this._detectInsecureFormLikes(window); }, /** * Maps all DOM content documents in this content process, including those in * frames, to the current state used by the Login Manager. */ loginFormStateByDocument: new WeakMap(), /** * Retrieves a reference to the state object associated with the given * document. This is initialized to an object with default values. */ stateForDocument(document) { let loginFormState = this.loginFormStateByDocument.get(document); if (!loginFormState) { loginFormState = { /** * Keeps track of filled fields and values. */ fillsByRootElement: new WeakMap(), loginFormRootElements: new Set(), }; this.loginFormStateByDocument.set(document, loginFormState); } return loginFormState; }, /** * Compute whether there is an insecure login form on any frame of the current page, and * notify the parent process. This is used to control whether insecure password UI appears. */ _detectInsecureFormLikes(topWindow) { log("_detectInsecureFormLikes", topWindow.location.href); // Returns true if this window or any subframes have insecure login forms. let hasInsecureLoginForms = (thisWindow) => { let doc = thisWindow.document; let hasLoginForm = this.stateForDocument(doc).loginFormRootElements.size > 0; // Ignores window.opener, because it's not relevant for indicating // form security. See InsecurePasswordUtils docs for details. return (hasLoginForm && !thisWindow.isSecureContextIfOpenerIgnored) || Array.some(thisWindow.frames, frame => hasInsecureLoginForms(frame)); }; let messageManager = messageManagerFromWindow(topWindow); messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:insecureLoginFormPresent", { hasInsecureLoginForms: hasInsecureLoginForms(topWindow), }); }, /** * Perform a password fill upon user request coming from the parent process. * The fill will be in the form previously identified during page navigation. * * @param An object with the following properties: * { * topDocument: * DOM document currently associated to the the top-level window * for which the fill is requested. This may be different from the * document that originally caused the login UI to be displayed. * loginFormOrigin: * String with the origin for which the login UI was displayed. * This must match the origin of the form used for the fill. * loginsFound: * Array containing the login to fill. While other messages may * have more logins, for this use case this is expected to have * exactly one element. The origin of the login may be different * from the origin of the form used for the fill. * recipes: * Fill recipes transmitted together with the original message. * inputElement: * Username or password input element from the form we want to fill. * } */ fillForm({ topDocument, loginFormOrigin, loginsFound, recipes, inputElement }) { if (!inputElement) { log("fillForm: No input element specified"); return; } if (LoginUtils._getPasswordOrigin(topDocument.documentURI) != loginFormOrigin) { if (!inputElement || LoginUtils._getPasswordOrigin(inputElement.ownerDocument.documentURI) != loginFormOrigin) { log("fillForm: The requested origin doesn't match the one form the", "document. This may mean we navigated to a document from a different", "site before we had a chance to indicate this change in the user", "interface."); return; } } let clobberUsername = true; let options = { inputElement, }; let form = LoginFormFactory.createFromField(inputElement); if (inputElement.type == "password") { clobberUsername = false; } this._fillForm(form, true, clobberUsername, true, true, loginsFound, recipes, options); }, loginsFound({ form, loginsFound, recipes }) { let doc = form.ownerDocument; let autofillForm = gAutofillForms && !PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(doc.defaultView); this._fillForm(form, autofillForm, false, false, false, loginsFound, recipes); }, /** * Focus event handler for username fields to decide whether to show autocomplete. * @param {FocusEvent} event */ _onUsernameFocus(event) { let focusedField = event.target; if (!focusedField.mozIsTextField(true) || focusedField.readOnly) { return; } if (this._isLoginAlreadyFilled(focusedField)) { log("_onUsernameFocus: Already filled"); return; } /* * A `focus` event is fired before a `contextmenu` event if a user right-clicks into an * unfocused field. In that case we don't want to show both autocomplete and a context menu * overlapping so we spin the event loop to see if a `contextmenu` event is coming next. If no * `contextmenu` event was seen and the focused field is still focused by the form fill * controller then show the autocomplete popup. */ let timestamp = Date.now(); setTimeout(function maybeOpenAutocompleteAfterFocus() { // Even though the `focus` event happens first, its .timeStamp is greater in // testing and I don't want to rely on that so the absolute value is used. let timeDiff = Math.abs(gLastContextMenuEventTimeStamp - timestamp); if (timeDiff < AUTOCOMPLETE_AFTER_CONTEXTMENU_THRESHOLD_MS) { log("Not opening autocomplete after focus since a context menu was opened within", timeDiff, "ms"); return; } if (this._formFillService.focusedInput == focusedField) { log("maybeOpenAutocompleteAfterFocus: Opening the autocomplete popup. Time diff:", timeDiff); this._formFillService.showPopup(); } else { log("maybeOpenAutocompleteAfterFocus: FormFillController has a different focused input"); } }.bind(this), 0); }, /** * Listens for DOMAutoComplete and blur events on an input field. */ onUsernameInput(event) { if (!event.isTrusted) return; if (!gEnabled) return; var acInputField = event.target; // This is probably a bit over-conservatative. if (!(acInputField.ownerDocument instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLDocument)) return; if (!LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(acInputField)) return; var acForm = LoginFormFactory.createFromField(acInputField); if (!acForm) return; // If the username is blank, bail out now -- we don't want // fillForm() to try filling in a login without a username // to filter on (bug 471906). if (!acInputField.value) return; log("onUsernameInput from", event.type); let doc = acForm.ownerDocument; let messageManager = messageManagerFromWindow(doc.defaultView); let recipes = messageManager.sendSyncMessage("RemoteLogins:findRecipes", { formOrigin: LoginUtils._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI), })[0]; // Make sure the username field fillForm will use is the // same field as the autocomplete was activated on. var [usernameField, passwordField, ignored] = this._getFormFields(acForm, false, recipes); if (usernameField == acInputField && passwordField) { this._getLoginDataFromParent(acForm, { showMasterPassword: false }) .then(({ form, loginsFound, recipes }) => { this._fillForm(form, true, false, true, true, loginsFound, recipes); }) .then(null, Cu.reportError); } else { // Ignore the event, it's for some input we don't care about. } }, /** * @param {FormLike} form - the FormLike to look for password fields in. * @param {bool} [skipEmptyFields=false] - Whether to ignore password fields with no value. * Used at capture time since saving empty values isn't * useful. * @return {Array|null} Array of password field elements for the specified form. * If no pw fields are found, or if more than 3 are found, then null * is returned. */ _getPasswordFields(form, skipEmptyFields = false) { // Locate the password fields in the form. let pwFields = []; for (let i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { let element = form.elements[i]; if (!(element instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement) || element.type != "password") { continue; } if (skipEmptyFields && !element.value.trim()) { continue; } pwFields[pwFields.length] = { index : i, element : element }; } // If too few or too many fields, bail out. if (pwFields.length == 0) { log("(form ignored -- no password fields.)"); return null; } else if (pwFields.length > 3) { log("(form ignored -- too many password fields. [ got ", pwFields.length, "])"); return null; } return pwFields; }, /** * Returns the username and password fields found in the form. * Can handle complex forms by trying to figure out what the * relevant fields are. * * @param {FormLike} form * @param {bool} isSubmission * @param {Set} recipes * @return {Array} [usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField] * * usernameField may be null. * newPasswordField will always be non-null. * oldPasswordField may be null. If null, newPasswordField is just * "theLoginField". If not null, the form is apparently a * change-password field, with oldPasswordField containing the password * that is being changed. * * Note that even though we can create a FormLike from a text field, * this method will only return a non-null usernameField if the * FormLike has a password field. */ _getFormFields(form, isSubmission, recipes) { var usernameField = null; var pwFields = null; var fieldOverrideRecipe = LoginRecipesContent.getFieldOverrides(recipes, form); if (fieldOverrideRecipe) { var pwOverrideField = LoginRecipesContent.queryLoginField( form, fieldOverrideRecipe.passwordSelector ); if (pwOverrideField) { // The field from the password override may be in a different FormLike. let formLike = LoginFormFactory.createFromField(pwOverrideField); pwFields = [{ index : [...formLike.elements].indexOf(pwOverrideField), element : pwOverrideField, }]; } var usernameOverrideField = LoginRecipesContent.queryLoginField( form, fieldOverrideRecipe.usernameSelector ); if (usernameOverrideField) { usernameField = usernameOverrideField; } } if (!pwFields) { // Locate the password field(s) in the form. Up to 3 supported. // If there's no password field, there's nothing for us to do. pwFields = this._getPasswordFields(form, isSubmission); } if (!pwFields) { return [null, null, null]; } if (!usernameField) { // Locate the username field in the form by searching backwards // from the first password field, assume the first text field is the // username. We might not find a username field if the user is // already logged in to the site. for (var i = pwFields[0].index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var element = form.elements[i]; if (!LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(element)) { continue; } if (fieldOverrideRecipe && fieldOverrideRecipe.notUsernameSelector && element.matches(fieldOverrideRecipe.notUsernameSelector)) { continue; } usernameField = element; break; } } if (!usernameField) log("(form -- no username field found)"); else log("Username field ", usernameField, "has name/value:", usernameField.name, "/", usernameField.value); // If we're not submitting a form (it's a page load), there are no // password field values for us to use for identifying fields. So, // just assume the first password field is the one to be filled in. if (!isSubmission || pwFields.length == 1) { var passwordField = pwFields[0].element; log("Password field", passwordField, "has name: ", passwordField.name); return [usernameField, passwordField, null]; } // Try to figure out WTF is in the form based on the password values. var oldPasswordField, newPasswordField; var pw1 = pwFields[0].element.value; var pw2 = pwFields[1].element.value; var pw3 = (pwFields[2] ? pwFields[2].element.value : null); if (pwFields.length == 3) { // Look for two identical passwords, that's the new password if (pw1 == pw2 && pw2 == pw3) { // All 3 passwords the same? Weird! Treat as if 1 pw field. newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; oldPasswordField = null; } else if (pw1 == pw2) { newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; oldPasswordField = pwFields[2].element; } else if (pw2 == pw3) { oldPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; newPasswordField = pwFields[2].element; } else if (pw1 == pw3) { // A bit odd, but could make sense with the right page layout. newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; oldPasswordField = pwFields[1].element; } else { // We can't tell which of the 3 passwords should be saved. log("(form ignored -- all 3 pw fields differ)"); return [null, null, null]; } } else if (pw1 == pw2) { // pwFields.length == 2 // Treat as if 1 pw field newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; oldPasswordField = null; } else { // Just assume that the 2nd password is the new password oldPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; newPasswordField = pwFields[1].element; } log("Password field (new) id/name is: ", newPasswordField.id, " / ", newPasswordField.name); if (oldPasswordField) { log("Password field (old) id/name is: ", oldPasswordField.id, " / ", oldPasswordField.name); } else { log("Password field (old):", oldPasswordField); } return [usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField]; }, /** * @return true if the page requests autocomplete be disabled for the * specified element. */ _isAutocompleteDisabled(element) { return element && element.autocomplete == "off"; }, /** * Trigger capture on any relevant FormLikes due to a navigation alone (not * necessarily due to an actual form submission). This method is used to * capture logins for cases where form submit events are not used. * * To avoid multiple notifications for the same FormLike, this currently * avoids capturing when dealing with a real <form> which are ideally already * using a submit event. * * @param {Document} document being navigated */ _onNavigation(aDocument) { let state = this.stateForDocument(aDocument); let loginFormRootElements = state.loginFormRootElements; log("_onNavigation: state:", state, "loginFormRootElements size:", loginFormRootElements.size, "document:", aDocument); for (let formRoot of state.loginFormRootElements) { if (formRoot instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLFormElement) { // For now only perform capture upon navigation for FormLike's without // a <form> to avoid capture from both an earlyformsubmit and // navigation for the same "form". log("Ignoring navigation for the form root to avoid multiple prompts " + "since it was for a real <form>"); continue; } let formLike = this._formLikeByRootElement.get(formRoot); this._onFormSubmit(formLike); } }, /** * Called by our observer when notified of a form submission. * [Note that this happens before any DOM onsubmit handlers are invoked.] * Looks for a password change in the submitted form, so we can update * our stored password. * * @param {FormLike} form */ _onFormSubmit(form) { log("_onFormSubmit", form); var doc = form.ownerDocument; var win = doc.defaultView; if (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(win)) { // We won't do anything in private browsing mode anyway, // so there's no need to perform further checks. log("(form submission ignored in private browsing mode)"); return; } // If password saving is disabled (globally or for host), bail out now. if (!gEnabled) return; var hostname = LoginUtils._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI); if (!hostname) { log("(form submission ignored -- invalid hostname)"); return; } let formSubmitURL = LoginUtils._getActionOrigin(form); let messageManager = messageManagerFromWindow(win); let recipes = messageManager.sendSyncMessage("RemoteLogins:findRecipes", { formOrigin: hostname, })[0]; // Get the appropriate fields from the form. var [usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField] = this._getFormFields(form, true, recipes); // Need at least 1 valid password field to do anything. if (newPasswordField == null) return; // Check for autocomplete=off attribute. We don't use it to prevent // autofilling (for existing logins), but won't save logins when it's // present and the storeWhenAutocompleteOff pref is false. // XXX spin out a bug that we don't update timeLastUsed in this case? if ((this._isAutocompleteDisabled(form) || this._isAutocompleteDisabled(usernameField) || this._isAutocompleteDisabled(newPasswordField) || this._isAutocompleteDisabled(oldPasswordField)) && !gStoreWhenAutocompleteOff) { log("(form submission ignored -- autocomplete=off found)"); return; } // Don't try to send DOM nodes over IPC. let mockUsername = usernameField ? { name: usernameField.name, value: usernameField.value } : null; let mockPassword = { name: newPasswordField.name, value: newPasswordField.value }; let mockOldPassword = oldPasswordField ? { name: oldPasswordField.name, value: oldPasswordField.value } : null; // Make sure to pass the opener's top in case it was in a frame. let openerTopWindow = win.opener ? win.opener.top : null; messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:onFormSubmit", { hostname: hostname, formSubmitURL: formSubmitURL, usernameField: mockUsername, newPasswordField: mockPassword, oldPasswordField: mockOldPassword }, { openerTopWindow }); }, /** * Attempt to find the username and password fields in a form, and fill them * in using the provided logins and recipes. * * @param {LoginForm} form * @param {bool} autofillForm denotes if we should fill the form in automatically * @param {bool} clobberUsername controls if an existing username can be overwritten. * If this is false and an inputElement of type password * is also passed, the username field will be ignored. * If this is false and no inputElement is passed, if the username * field value is not found in foundLogins, it will not fill the password. * @param {bool} clobberPassword controls if an existing password value can be * overwritten * @param {bool} userTriggered is an indication of whether this filling was triggered by * the user * @param {nsILoginInfo[]} foundLogins is an array of nsILoginInfo that could be used for the form * @param {Set} recipes that could be used to affect how the form is filled * @param {Object} [options = {}] is a list of options for this method. - [inputElement] is an optional target input element we want to fill */ _fillForm(form, autofillForm, clobberUsername, clobberPassword, userTriggered, foundLogins, recipes, {inputElement} = {}) { if (form instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLFormElement) { throw new Error("_fillForm should only be called with FormLike objects"); } log("_fillForm", form.elements); let ignoreAutocomplete = true; // Will be set to one of AUTOFILL_RESULT in the `try` block. let autofillResult = -1; const AUTOFILL_RESULT = { FILLED: 0, NO_PASSWORD_FIELD: 1, PASSWORD_DISABLED_READONLY: 2, NO_LOGINS_FIT: 3, NO_SAVED_LOGINS: 4, EXISTING_PASSWORD: 5, EXISTING_USERNAME: 6, MULTIPLE_LOGINS: 7, NO_AUTOFILL_FORMS: 8, AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF: 9, INSECURE: 10, }; try { // Nothing to do if we have no matching logins available, // and there isn't a need to show the insecure form warning. if (foundLogins.length == 0 && (InsecurePasswordUtils.isFormSecure(form) || !LoginHelper.showInsecureFieldWarning)) { // We don't log() here since this is a very common case. autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.NO_SAVED_LOGINS; return; } // Heuristically determine what the user/pass fields are // We do this before checking to see if logins are stored, // so that the user isn't prompted for a master password // without need. var [usernameField, passwordField, ignored] = this._getFormFields(form, false, recipes); // If we have a password inputElement parameter and it's not // the same as the one heuristically found, use the parameter // one instead. if (inputElement) { if (inputElement.type == "password") { passwordField = inputElement; if (!clobberUsername) { usernameField = null; } } else if (LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(inputElement)) { usernameField = inputElement; } else { throw new Error("Unexpected input element type."); } } // Need a valid password field to do anything. if (passwordField == null) { log("not filling form, no password field found"); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.NO_PASSWORD_FIELD; return; } // If the password field is disabled or read-only, there's nothing to do. if (passwordField.disabled || passwordField.readOnly) { log("not filling form, password field disabled or read-only"); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.PASSWORD_DISABLED_READONLY; return; } // Attach autocomplete stuff to the username field, if we have // one. This is normally used to select from multiple accounts, // but even with one account we should refill if the user edits. // We would also need this attached to show the insecure login // warning, regardless of saved login. if (usernameField) { this._formFillService.markAsLoginManagerField(usernameField); } // Nothing to do if we have no matching logins available. // Only insecure pages reach this block and logs the same // telemetry flag. if (foundLogins.length == 0) { // We don't log() here since this is a very common case. autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.NO_SAVED_LOGINS; return; } // Prevent autofilling insecure forms. if (!userTriggered && !LoginHelper.insecureAutofill && !InsecurePasswordUtils.isFormSecure(form)) { log("not filling form since it's insecure"); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.INSECURE; return; } var isAutocompleteOff = false; if (this._isAutocompleteDisabled(form) || this._isAutocompleteDisabled(usernameField) || this._isAutocompleteDisabled(passwordField)) { isAutocompleteOff = true; } // Discard logins which have username/password values that don't // fit into the fields (as specified by the maxlength attribute). // The user couldn't enter these values anyway, and it helps // with sites that have an extra PIN to be entered (bug 391514) var maxUsernameLen = Number.MAX_VALUE; var maxPasswordLen = Number.MAX_VALUE; // If attribute wasn't set, default is -1. if (usernameField && usernameField.maxLength >= 0) maxUsernameLen = usernameField.maxLength; if (passwordField.maxLength >= 0) maxPasswordLen = passwordField.maxLength; var logins = foundLogins.filter(function (l) { var fit = (l.username.length <= maxUsernameLen && l.password.length <= maxPasswordLen); if (!fit) log("Ignored", l.username, "login: won't fit"); return fit; }, this); if (logins.length == 0) { log("form not filled, none of the logins fit in the field"); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.NO_LOGINS_FIT; return; } // Don't clobber an existing password. if (passwordField.value && !clobberPassword) { log("form not filled, the password field was already filled"); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.EXISTING_PASSWORD; return; } // Select a login to use for filling in the form. var selectedLogin; if (!clobberUsername && usernameField && (usernameField.value || usernameField.disabled || usernameField.readOnly)) { // If username was specified in the field, it's disabled or it's readOnly, only fill in the // password if we find a matching login. var username = usernameField.value.toLowerCase(); let matchingLogins = logins.filter(l => l.username.toLowerCase() == username); if (matchingLogins.length == 0) { log("Password not filled. None of the stored logins match the username already present."); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.EXISTING_USERNAME; return; } // If there are multiple, and one matches case, use it for (let l of matchingLogins) { if (l.username == usernameField.value) { selectedLogin = l; } } // Otherwise just use the first if (!selectedLogin) { selectedLogin = matchingLogins[0]; } } else if (logins.length == 1) { selectedLogin = logins[0]; } else { // We have multiple logins. Handle a special case here, for sites // which have a normal user+pass login *and* a password-only login // (eg, a PIN). Prefer the login that matches the type of the form // (user+pass or pass-only) when there's exactly one that matches. let matchingLogins; if (usernameField) matchingLogins = logins.filter(l => l.username); else matchingLogins = logins.filter(l => !l.username); if (matchingLogins.length != 1) { log("Multiple logins for form, so not filling any."); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.MULTIPLE_LOGINS; return; } selectedLogin = matchingLogins[0]; } // We will always have a selectedLogin at this point. if (!autofillForm) { log("autofillForms=false but form can be filled"); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.NO_AUTOFILL_FORMS; return; } if (isAutocompleteOff && !ignoreAutocomplete) { log("Not filling the login because we're respecting autocomplete=off"); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF; return; } // Fill the form if (usernameField) { // Don't modify the username field if it's disabled or readOnly so we preserve its case. let disabledOrReadOnly = usernameField.disabled || usernameField.readOnly; let userNameDiffers = selectedLogin.username != usernameField.value; // Don't replace the username if it differs only in case, and the user triggered // this autocomplete. We assume that if it was user-triggered the entered text // is desired. let userEnteredDifferentCase = userTriggered && userNameDiffers && usernameField.value.toLowerCase() == selectedLogin.username.toLowerCase(); if (!disabledOrReadOnly && !userEnteredDifferentCase && userNameDiffers) { usernameField.setUserInput(selectedLogin.username); } } let doc = form.ownerDocument; if (passwordField.value != selectedLogin.password) { passwordField.setUserInput(selectedLogin.password); let autoFilledLogin = { guid: selectedLogin.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo).guid, username: selectedLogin.username, usernameField: usernameField ? Cu.getWeakReference(usernameField) : null, password: selectedLogin.password, passwordField: Cu.getWeakReference(passwordField), }; log("Saving autoFilledLogin", autoFilledLogin.guid, "for", form.rootElement); this.stateForDocument(doc).fillsByRootElement.set(form.rootElement, autoFilledLogin); } log("_fillForm succeeded"); autofillResult = AUTOFILL_RESULT.FILLED; let win = doc.defaultView; let messageManager = messageManagerFromWindow(win); messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("LoginStats:LoginFillSuccessful"); } finally { if (autofillResult == -1) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-unsafe-finally throw new Error("_fillForm: autofillResult must be specified"); } if (!userTriggered) { // Ignore fills as a result of user action for this probe. Services.telemetry.getHistogramById("PWMGR_FORM_AUTOFILL_RESULT").add(autofillResult); if (usernameField) { let focusedElement = this._formFillService.focusedInput; if (usernameField == focusedElement && autofillResult !== AUTOFILL_RESULT.FILLED) { log("_fillForm: Opening username autocomplete popup since the form wasn't autofilled"); this._formFillService.showPopup(); } } } if (usernameField) { log("_fillForm: Attaching event listeners to usernameField"); usernameField.addEventListener("focus", observer); usernameField.addEventListener("contextmenu", observer); } Services.obs.notifyObservers(form.rootElement, "passwordmgr-processed-form", null); } }, /** * Given a field, determine whether that field was last filled as a username * field AND whether the username is still filled in with the username AND * whether the associated password field has the matching password. * * @note This could possibly be unified with getFieldContext but they have * slightly different use cases. getFieldContext looks up recipes whereas this * method doesn't need to since it's only returning a boolean based upon the * recipes used for the last fill (in _fillForm). * * @param {HTMLInputElement} aUsernameField element contained in a FormLike * cached in _formLikeByRootElement. * @returns {Boolean} whether the username and password fields still have the * last-filled values, if previously filled. */ _isLoginAlreadyFilled(aUsernameField) { let formLikeRoot = FormLikeFactory.findRootForField(aUsernameField); // Look for the existing FormLike. let existingFormLike = this._formLikeByRootElement.get(formLikeRoot); if (!existingFormLike) { throw new Error("_isLoginAlreadyFilled called with a username field with " + "no rootElement FormLike"); } log("_isLoginAlreadyFilled: existingFormLike", existingFormLike); let filledLogin = this.stateForDocument(aUsernameField.ownerDocument).fillsByRootElement.get(formLikeRoot); if (!filledLogin) { return false; } // Unpack the weak references. let autoFilledUsernameField = filledLogin.usernameField ? filledLogin.usernameField.get() : null; let autoFilledPasswordField = filledLogin.passwordField.get(); // Check username and password values match what was filled. if (!autoFilledUsernameField || autoFilledUsernameField != aUsernameField || autoFilledUsernameField.value != filledLogin.username || !autoFilledPasswordField || autoFilledPasswordField.value != filledLogin.password) { return false; } return true; }, /** * Verify if a field is a valid login form field and * returns some information about it's FormLike. * * @param {Element} aField * A form field we want to verify. * * @returns {Object} an object with information about the * FormLike username and password field * or null if the passed field is invalid. */ getFieldContext(aField) { // If the element is not a proper form field, return null. if (!(aField instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement) || (aField.type != "password" && !LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(aField)) || !aField.ownerDocument) { return null; } let form = LoginFormFactory.createFromField(aField); let doc = aField.ownerDocument; let messageManager = messageManagerFromWindow(doc.defaultView); let recipes = messageManager.sendSyncMessage("RemoteLogins:findRecipes", { formOrigin: LoginUtils._getPasswordOrigin(doc.documentURI), })[0]; let [usernameField, newPasswordField] = this._getFormFields(form, false, recipes); // If we are not verifying a password field, we want // to use aField as the username field. if (aField.type != "password") { usernameField = aField; } return { usernameField: { found: !!usernameField, disabled: usernameField && (usernameField.disabled || usernameField.readOnly), }, passwordField: { found: !!newPasswordField, disabled: newPasswordField && (newPasswordField.disabled || newPasswordField.readOnly), }, }; }, }; var LoginUtils = { /** * Get the parts of the URL we want for identification. * Strip out things like the userPass portion */ _getPasswordOrigin(uriString, allowJS) { var realm = ""; try { var uri = Services.io.newURI(uriString, null, null); if (allowJS && uri.scheme == "javascript") return "javascript:"; // Build this manually instead of using prePath to avoid including the userPass portion. realm = uri.scheme + "://" + uri.hostPort; } catch (e) { // bug 159484 - disallow url types that don't support a hostPort. // (although we handle "javascript:..." as a special case above.) log("Couldn't parse origin for", uriString, e); realm = null; } return realm; }, _getActionOrigin(form) { var uriString = form.action; // A blank or missing action submits to where it came from. if (uriString == "") uriString = form.baseURI; // ala bug 297761 return this._getPasswordOrigin(uriString, true); }, }; // nsIAutoCompleteResult implementation function UserAutoCompleteResult(aSearchString, matchingLogins, {isSecure, messageManager, isPasswordField}) { function loginSort(a, b) { var userA = a.username.toLowerCase(); var userB = b.username.toLowerCase(); if (userA < userB) return -1; if (userA > userB) return 1; return 0; } function findDuplicates(loginList) { let seen = new Set(); let duplicates = new Set(); for (let login of loginList) { if (seen.has(login.username)) { duplicates.add(login.username); } seen.add(login.username); } return duplicates; } this._showInsecureFieldWarning = (!isSecure && LoginHelper.showInsecureFieldWarning) ? 1 : 0; this.searchString = aSearchString; this.logins = matchingLogins.sort(loginSort); this.matchCount = matchingLogins.length + this._showInsecureFieldWarning; this._messageManager = messageManager; this._stringBundle = Services.strings.createBundle("chrome://passwordmgr/locale/passwordmgr.properties"); this._dateAndTimeFormatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, { day: "numeric", month: "short", year: "numeric" }); this._isPasswordField = isPasswordField; this._duplicateUsernames = findDuplicates(matchingLogins); if (this.matchCount > 0) { this.searchResult = Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_SUCCESS; this.defaultIndex = 0; } } UserAutoCompleteResult.prototype = { QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference]), // private logins : null, // Allow autoCompleteSearch to get at the JS object so it can // modify some readonly properties for internal use. get wrappedJSObject() { return this; }, // Interfaces from idl... searchString : null, searchResult : Ci.nsIAutoCompleteResult.RESULT_NOMATCH, defaultIndex : -1, errorDescription : "", matchCount : 0, getValueAt(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.matchCount) { throw new Error("Index out of range."); } if (this._showInsecureFieldWarning && index === 0) { return ""; } let selectedLogin = this.logins[index - this._showInsecureFieldWarning]; return this._isPasswordField ? selectedLogin.password : selectedLogin.username; }, getLabelAt(index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.matchCount) { throw new Error("Index out of range."); } if (this._showInsecureFieldWarning && index === 0) { return this._stringBundle.GetStringFromName("insecureFieldWarningDescription") + " " + this._stringBundle.GetStringFromName("insecureFieldWarningLearnMore"); } let that = this; function getLocalizedString(key, formatArgs) { if (formatArgs) { return that._stringBundle.formatStringFromName(key, formatArgs, formatArgs.length); } return that._stringBundle.GetStringFromName(key); } let login = this.logins[index - this._showInsecureFieldWarning]; let username = login.username; // If login is empty or duplicated we want to append a modification date to it. if (!username || this._duplicateUsernames.has(username)) { if (!username) { username = getLocalizedString("noUsername"); } let meta = login.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); let time = this._dateAndTimeFormatter.format(new Date(meta.timePasswordChanged)); username = getLocalizedString("loginHostAge", [username, time]); } return username; }, getCommentAt(index) { return ""; }, getStyleAt(index) { if (index == 0 && this._showInsecureFieldWarning) { return "insecureWarning"; } return "login"; }, getImageAt(index) { return ""; }, getFinalCompleteValueAt(index) { return this.getValueAt(index); }, removeValueAt(index, removeFromDB) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.matchCount) { throw new Error("Index out of range."); } if (this._showInsecureFieldWarning && index === 0) { // Ignore the warning message item. return; } if (this._showInsecureFieldWarning) { index--; } var [removedLogin] = this.logins.splice(index, 1); this.matchCount--; if (this.defaultIndex > this.logins.length) this.defaultIndex--; if (removeFromDB) { if (this._messageManager) { let vanilla = LoginHelper.loginToVanillaObject(removedLogin); this._messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("RemoteLogins:removeLogin", { login: vanilla }); } else { Services.logins.removeLogin(removedLogin); } } } }; /** * A factory to generate FormLike objects that represent a set of login fields * which aren't necessarily marked up with a <form> element. */ var LoginFormFactory = { /** * Create a LoginForm object from a <form>. * * @param {HTMLFormElement} aForm * @return {LoginForm} * @throws Error if aForm isn't an HTMLFormElement */ createFromForm(aForm) { let formLike = FormLikeFactory.createFromForm(aForm); formLike.action = LoginUtils._getActionOrigin(aForm); let state = LoginManagerContent.stateForDocument(formLike.ownerDocument); state.loginFormRootElements.add(formLike.rootElement); log("adding", formLike.rootElement, "to loginFormRootElements for", formLike.ownerDocument); LoginManagerContent._formLikeByRootElement.set(formLike.rootElement, formLike); return formLike; }, /** * Create a LoginForm object from a password or username field. * * If the field is in a <form>, construct the LoginForm from the form. * Otherwise, create a LoginForm with a rootElement (wrapper) according to * heuristics. Currently all <input> not in a <form> are one LoginForm but this * shouldn't be relied upon as the heuristics may change to detect multiple * "forms" (e.g. registration and login) on one page with a <form>. * * Note that two LoginForms created from the same field won't return the same LoginForm object. * Use the `rootElement` property on the LoginForm as a key instead. * * @param {HTMLInputElement} aField - a password or username field in a document * @return {LoginForm} * @throws Error if aField isn't a password or username field in a document */ createFromField(aField) { if (!(aField instanceof Ci.nsIDOMHTMLInputElement) || (aField.type != "password" && !LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(aField)) || !aField.ownerDocument) { throw new Error("createFromField requires a password or username field in a document"); } if (aField.form) { return this.createFromForm(aField.form); } let formLike = FormLikeFactory.createFromField(aField); formLike.action = LoginUtils._getPasswordOrigin(aField.ownerDocument.baseURI); log("Created non-form FormLike for rootElement:", aField.ownerDocument.documentElement); let state = LoginManagerContent.stateForDocument(formLike.ownerDocument); state.loginFormRootElements.add(formLike.rootElement); log("adding", formLike.rootElement, "to loginFormRootElements for", formLike.ownerDocument); LoginManagerContent._formLikeByRootElement.set(formLike.rootElement, formLike); return formLike; }, };