/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var Path = OS.Constants.Path; add_task(function* init() { do_get_profile(); }); add_task(function* reset_before_launching() { do_print("Reset without launching OS.File, it shouldn't break"); yield OS.File.resetWorker(); }); add_task(function* transparent_reset() { for (let i = 1; i < 3; ++i) { do_print("Do stome stuff before and after " + i + " reset(s), " + "it shouldn't break"); let CONTENT = "some content " + i; let path = OS.Path.join(Path.profileDir, "tmp"); yield OS.File.writeAtomic(path, CONTENT); for (let j = 0; j < i; ++j) { yield OS.File.resetWorker(); } let data = yield OS.File.read(path); let string = (new TextDecoder()).decode(data); do_check_eq(string, CONTENT); } }); add_task(function* file_open_cannot_reset() { let TEST_FILE = OS.Path.join(Path.profileDir, "tmp-" + Math.random()); do_print("Leaking file descriptor " + TEST_FILE + ", we shouldn't be able to reset"); let openedFile = yield OS.File.open(TEST_FILE, { create: true} ); let thrown = false; try { yield OS.File.resetWorker(); } catch (ex if ex.message.indexOf(OS.Path.basename(TEST_FILE)) != -1 ) { thrown = true; } do_check_true(thrown); do_print("Closing the file, we should now be able to reset"); yield openedFile.close(); yield OS.File.resetWorker(); }); add_task(function* dir_open_cannot_reset() { let TEST_DIR = yield OS.File.getCurrentDirectory(); do_print("Leaking directory " + TEST_DIR + ", we shouldn't be able to reset"); let iterator = new OS.File.DirectoryIterator(TEST_DIR); let thrown = false; try { yield OS.File.resetWorker(); } catch (ex if ex.message.indexOf(OS.Path.basename(TEST_DIR)) != -1 ) { thrown = true; } do_check_true(thrown); do_print("Closing the directory, we should now be able to reset"); yield iterator.close(); yield OS.File.resetWorker(); }); add_task(function* race_against_itself() { do_print("Attempt to get resetWorker() to race against itself"); // Arbitrary operation, just to wake up the worker try { yield OS.File.read("/foo"); } catch (ex) { } let all = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { all.push(OS.File.resetWorker()); } yield Promise.all(all); }); add_task(function* finish_with_a_reset() { do_print("Reset without waiting for the result"); // Arbitrary operation, just to wake up the worker try { yield OS.File.read("/foo"); } catch (ex) { } // Now reset /*don't yield*/ OS.File.resetWorker(); }); function run_test() { run_next_test(); }