/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm", this); Cu.import("resource://testing-common/AppData.jsm", this); function run_test() { run_next_test(); } function compare_paths(ospath, key) { let file; try { file = Services.dirsvc.get(key, Components.interfaces.nsIFile); } catch(ex) {} if (file) { do_check_true(!!ospath); do_check_eq(ospath, file.path); } else { do_print("WARNING: " + key + " is not defined. Test may not be testing anything!"); do_check_false(!!ospath); } } // Some path constants aren't set up until the profile is available. This // test verifies that behavior. add_task(function* test_before_after_profile() { do_check_null(OS.Constants.Path.profileDir); do_check_null(OS.Constants.Path.localProfileDir); do_check_null(OS.Constants.Path.userApplicationDataDir); do_get_profile(); do_check_true(!!OS.Constants.Path.profileDir); do_check_true(!!OS.Constants.Path.localProfileDir); // UAppData is still null because the xpcshell profile doesn't set it up. // This test is mostly here to fail in case behavior of do_get_profile() ever // changes. We want to know if our assumptions no longer hold! do_check_null(OS.Constants.Path.userApplicationDataDir); yield makeFakeAppDir(); do_check_true(!!OS.Constants.Path.userApplicationDataDir); // FUTURE: verify AppData too (bug 964291). }); // Test simple paths add_task(function* test_simple_paths() { do_check_true(!!OS.Constants.Path.tmpDir); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.tmpDir, "TmpD"); }); // Test presence of paths that only exist on Desktop platforms add_task(function* test_desktop_paths() { if (OS.Constants.Sys.Name == "Android" || OS.Constants.Sys.Name == "Gonk") { return; } do_check_true(!!OS.Constants.Path.desktopDir); do_check_true(!!OS.Constants.Path.homeDir); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.homeDir, "Home"); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.desktopDir, "Desk"); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.userApplicationDataDir, "UAppData"); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.winAppDataDir, "AppData"); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.winStartMenuProgsDir, "Progs"); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.macUserLibDir, "ULibDir"); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.macLocalApplicationsDir, "LocApp"); compare_paths(OS.Constants.Path.macTrashDir, "Trsh"); }); // Open libxul add_task(function* test_libxul() { ctypes.open(OS.Constants.Path.libxul); do_print("Linked to libxul"); });