/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * A test to ensure that OS.File.setPermissions and * OS.File.prototype.setPermissions are all working correctly. * (see bug 1001849) * These functions are currently Unix-specific. The manifest skips * the test on Windows. */ /** * Helper function for test logging: prints a POSIX file permission mode as an * octal number, with a leading '0' per C (not JS) convention. When the * numeric value is 0o777 or lower, it is padded on the left with zeroes to * four digits wide. * Sample outputs: 0022, 0644, 04755. */ function format_mode(mode) { if (mode <= 0o777) { return ("0000" + mode.toString(8)).slice(-4); } else { return "0" + mode.toString(8); } } const _umask = OS.Constants.Sys.umask; do_print("umask: " + format_mode(_umask)); /** * Compute the mode that a file should have after applying the umask, * whatever it happens to be. */ function apply_umask(mode) { return mode & ~_umask; } // Sequence of setPermission parameters and expected file mode. The first test // checks the permissions when the file is first created. var testSequence = [ [null, apply_umask(0o600)], [{ unixMode: 0o4777 }, apply_umask(0o4777)], [{ unixMode: 0o4777, unixHonorUmask: false }, 0o4777], [{ unixMode: 0o4777, unixHonorUmask: true }, apply_umask(0o4777)], [undefined, apply_umask(0o600)], [{ unixMode: 0o666 }, apply_umask(0o666)], [{ unixMode: 0o600 }, apply_umask(0o600)], [{ unixMode: 0 }, 0], [{}, apply_umask(0o600)], ]; // Test application to paths. add_task(function* test_path_setPermissions() { let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.tmpDir, "test_osfile_async_setPermissions_path.tmp"); yield OS.File.writeAtomic(path, new Uint8Array(1)); try { for (let [options, expectedMode] of testSequence) { if (options !== null) { do_print("Setting permissions to " + JSON.stringify(options)); yield OS.File.setPermissions(path, options); } let stat = yield OS.File.stat(path); do_check_eq(format_mode(stat.unixMode), format_mode(expectedMode)); } } finally { yield OS.File.remove(path); } }); // Test application to open files. add_task(function* test_file_setPermissions() { let path = OS.Path.join(OS.Constants.Path.tmpDir, "test_osfile_async_setPermissions_file.tmp"); yield OS.File.writeAtomic(path, new Uint8Array(1)); try { let fd = yield OS.File.open(path, { write: true }); try { for (let [options, expectedMode] of testSequence) { if (options !== null) { do_print("Setting permissions to " + JSON.stringify(options)); yield fd.setPermissions(options); } let stat = yield fd.stat(); do_check_eq(format_mode(stat.unixMode), format_mode(expectedMode)); } } finally { yield fd.close(); } } finally { yield OS.File.remove(path); } }); function run_test() { run_next_test(); }