/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm"); Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); var Path = OS.Path; var profileDir; do_register_cleanup(function() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.osfile.log", false); }); function run_test() { run_next_test(); } /** * Test OS.File.makeDir */ add_task(function init() { // Set up profile. We create the directory in the profile, because the profile // is removed after every test run. do_get_profile(); profileDir = OS.Constants.Path.profileDir; Services.prefs.setBoolPref("toolkit.osfile.log", true); }); /** * Basic use */ add_task(function* test_basic() { let dir = Path.join(profileDir, "directory"); // Sanity checking for the test do_check_false((yield OS.File.exists(dir))); // Make a directory yield OS.File.makeDir(dir); //check if the directory exists yield OS.File.stat(dir); // Make a directory that already exists, this should succeed yield OS.File.makeDir(dir); // Make a directory with ignoreExisting yield OS.File.makeDir(dir, {ignoreExisting: true}); // Make a directory with ignoreExisting false let exception = null; try { yield OS.File.makeDir(dir, {ignoreExisting: false}); } catch (ex) { exception = ex; } do_check_true(!!exception); do_check_true(exception instanceof OS.File.Error); do_check_true(exception.becauseExists); }); // Make a root directory that already exists add_task(function* test_root() { if (OS.Constants.Win) { yield OS.File.makeDir("C:"); yield OS.File.makeDir("C:\\"); } else { yield OS.File.makeDir("/"); } }); /** * Creating subdirectories */ add_task(function test_option_from() { let dir = Path.join(profileDir, "a", "b", "c"); // Sanity checking for the test do_check_false((yield OS.File.exists(dir))); // Make a directory yield OS.File.makeDir(dir, {from: profileDir}); //check if the directory exists yield OS.File.stat(dir); // Make a directory that already exists, this should succeed yield OS.File.makeDir(dir); // Make a directory with ignoreExisting yield OS.File.makeDir(dir, {ignoreExisting: true}); // Make a directory with ignoreExisting false let exception = null; try { yield OS.File.makeDir(dir, {ignoreExisting: false}); } catch (ex) { exception = ex; } do_check_true(!!exception); do_check_true(exception instanceof OS.File.Error); do_check_true(exception.becauseExists); // Make a directory without |from| and fail let dir2 = Path.join(profileDir, "g", "h", "i"); exception = null; try { yield OS.File.makeDir(dir2); } catch (ex) { exception = ex; } do_check_true(!!exception); do_check_true(exception instanceof OS.File.Error); do_check_true(exception.becauseNoSuchFile); // Test edge cases on paths let dir3 = Path.join(profileDir, "d", "", "e", "f"); do_check_false((yield OS.File.exists(dir3))); yield OS.File.makeDir(dir3, {from: profileDir}); do_check_true((yield OS.File.exists(dir3))); let dir4; if (OS.Constants.Win) { // Test that we can create a directory recursively even // if we have too many "\\". dir4 = profileDir + "\\\\g"; } else { dir4 = profileDir + "////g"; } do_check_false((yield OS.File.exists(dir4))); yield OS.File.makeDir(dir4, {from: profileDir}); do_check_true((yield OS.File.exists(dir4))); });