/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
 * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

 * Test that functions throw the appropriate exceptions.

"use strict";

var EXISTING_FILE = do_get_file("xpcshell.ini").path;

// Tests on |open|

add_test_pair(function test_typeerror() {
  let exn;
  try {
    let fd = yield OS.File.open("/tmp", {no_such_key: 1});
    do_print("Fd: " + fd);
  } catch (ex) {
    exn = ex;
  do_print("Exception: " + exn);
  do_check_true(exn.constructor.name == "TypeError");

// Tests on |read|

add_test_pair(function* test_bad_encoding() {
  do_print("Testing with a wrong encoding");
  try {
    yield OS.File.read(EXISTING_FILE, { encoding: "baby-speak-encoded" });
    do_throw("Should have thrown with an ex.becauseInvalidArgument");
  } catch (ex if ex.becauseInvalidArgument) {
    do_print("Wrong encoding caused the correct exception");

  try {
    yield OS.File.read(EXISTING_FILE, { encoding: 4 });
    do_throw("Should have thrown a TypeError");
  } catch (ex if ex.constructor.name == "TypeError") {
    // Note that TypeError doesn't carry across compartments
    do_print("Non-string encoding caused the correct exception");

add_test_pair(function* test_bad_compression() {
  do_print("Testing with a non-existing compression");
  try {
    yield OS.File.read(EXISTING_FILE, { compression: "mmmh-crunchy" });
    do_throw("Should have thrown with an ex.becauseInvalidArgument");
  } catch (ex if ex.becauseInvalidArgument) {
    do_print("Wrong encoding caused the correct exception");

  do_print("Testing with a bad type for option compression");
  try {
    yield OS.File.read(EXISTING_FILE, { compression: 5 });
    do_throw("Should have thrown a TypeError");
  } catch (ex if ex.constructor.name == "TypeError") {
    // Note that TypeError doesn't carry across compartments
    do_print("Non-string encoding caused the correct exception");

add_test_pair(function* test_bad_bytes() {
  do_print("Testing with a bad type for option bytes");
  try {
    yield OS.File.read(EXISTING_FILE, { bytes: "five" });
    do_throw("Should have thrown a TypeError");
  } catch (ex if ex.constructor.name == "TypeError") {
    // Note that TypeError doesn't carry across compartments
    do_print("Non-number bytes caused the correct exception");

add_test_pair(function* read_non_existent() {
  do_print("Testing with a non-existent file");
  try {
    yield OS.File.read("I/do/not/exist");
    do_throw("Should have thrown with an ex.becauseNoSuchFile");
  } catch (ex if ex.becauseNoSuchFile) {
    do_print("Correct exceptions");

function run_test() {