   dom utilities
   The purpose of this module is to abstract DOM functions away from the main parsing modules of the library.
   It was created so the file can be replaced in node.js environment to make use of different types of light weight node.js DOM's
   such as 'cherrio.js'. It also contains a number of DOM utilities which are used throughout the parser such as: 'getDescendant'

   Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Glenn Jones. All Rights Reserved.
   MIT License: https://raw.github.com/glennjones/microformat-shiv/master/license.txt
   Dependencies  utilities.js


var Modules = (function (modules) {

    modules.domUtils = {

        // blank objects for DOM
        document: null,
        rootNode: null,

         * gets DOMParser object
         * @return {Object || undefined}
        getDOMParser: function () {
            if (typeof DOMParser === undefined) {
                try {
                    return Components.classes["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/domparser;1"]
                } catch (e) {
                    return undefined;
            } else {
                return new DOMParser();

         * configures what are the base DOM objects for parsing
         * @param  {Object} options
         * @return {DOM Node} node
        getDOMContext: function( options ){

            // if a node is passed
                this.rootNode = options.node;

            // if a html string is passed
                //var domParser = new DOMParser();
                var domParser = this.getDOMParser();
                this.rootNode = domParser.parseFromString( options.html, 'text/html' );

            // find top level document from rootnode
            if(this.rootNode !== null){
                if(this.rootNode.nodeType === 9){
                    this.document = this.rootNode;
                    this.rootNode = modules.domUtils.querySelector(this.rootNode, 'html');
                    // if it's DOM node get parent DOM Document
                    this.document = modules.domUtils.ownerDocument(this.rootNode);

            // use global document object
            if(!this.rootNode && document){
                this.rootNode = modules.domUtils.querySelector(document, 'html');
                this.document = document;

            if(this.rootNode && this.document){
                return {document: this.document, rootNode: this.rootNode};

            return {document: null, rootNode: null};

        * gets the first DOM node
        * @param  {Dom Document}
        * @return {DOM Node} node
        getTopMostNode: function( node ){
            //var doc = this.ownerDocument(node);
            //if(doc && doc.nodeType && doc.nodeType === 9 && doc.documentElement){
            //  return doc.documentElement;
            return node;

         * abstracts DOM ownerDocument
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @return {Dom Document}
        ownerDocument: function(node){
            return node.ownerDocument;

         * abstracts DOM textContent
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @return {String}
        textContent: function(node){
                return node.textContent;
            }else if(node.innerText){
                return node.innerText;
            return '';

         * abstracts DOM innerHTML
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @return {String}
        innerHTML: function(node){
            return node.innerHTML;

         * abstracts DOM hasAttribute
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {String} attributeName
         * @return {Boolean}
        hasAttribute: function(node, attributeName) {
            return node.hasAttribute(attributeName);

         * does an attribute contain a value
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {String} attributeName
         * @param  {String} value
         * @return {Boolean}
        hasAttributeValue: function(node, attributeName, value) {
            return (this.getAttributeList(node, attributeName).indexOf(value) > -1);

         * abstracts DOM getAttribute
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {String} attributeName
         * @return {String || null}
        getAttribute: function(node, attributeName) {
            return node.getAttribute(attributeName);

         * abstracts DOM setAttribute
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {String} attributeName
         * @param  {String} attributeValue
        setAttribute: function(node, attributeName, attributeValue){
            node.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);

         * abstracts DOM removeAttribute
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {String} attributeName
        removeAttribute: function(node, attributeName) {

         * abstracts DOM getElementById
         * @param  {DOM Node || DOM Document} node
         * @param  {String} id
         * @return {DOM Node}
        getElementById: function(docNode, id) {
            return docNode.querySelector( '#' + id );

         * abstracts DOM querySelector
         * @param  {DOM Node || DOM Document} node
         * @param  {String} selector
         * @return {DOM Node}
        querySelector: function(docNode, selector) {
            return docNode.querySelector( selector );

         * get value of a Node attribute as an array
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {String} attributeName
         * @return {Array}
        getAttributeList: function(node, attributeName) {
            var out = [],

            attList = node.getAttribute(attributeName);
            if(attList && attList !== '') {
                if(attList.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
                    out = attList.split(' ');
                } else {
            return out;

         * gets all child nodes with a given attribute
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {String} attributeName
         * @return {NodeList}
        getNodesByAttribute: function(node, attributeName) {
            var selector = '[' + attributeName + ']';
            return node.querySelectorAll(selector);

         * gets all child nodes with a given attribute containing a given value
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {String} attributeName
         * @return {DOM NodeList}
        getNodesByAttributeValue: function(rootNode, name, value) {
            var arr = [],
                x = 0,
                out = [];

            arr = this.getNodesByAttribute(rootNode, name);
            if(arr) {
                i = arr.length;
                while(x < i) {
                    if(this.hasAttributeValue(arr[x], name, value)) {
            return out;

         * gets attribute value from controlled list of tags
         * @param  {Array} tagNames
         * @param  {String} attributeName
         * @return {String || null}
        getAttrValFromTagList: function(node, tagNames, attributeName) {
            var i = tagNames.length;

            while(i--) {
                if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() === tagNames[i]) {
                    var attrValue = this.getAttribute(node, attributeName);
                    if(attrValue && attrValue !== '') {
                        return attrValue;
            return null;

         * get node if it has no siblings. CSS equivalent is :only-child
         * @param  {DOM Node} rootNode
         * @param  {Array} tagNames
         * @return {DOM Node || null}
        getSingleDescendant: function(node){
            return this.getDescendant( node, null, false );

         * get node if it has no siblings of the same type. CSS equivalent is :only-of-type
         * @param  {DOM Node} rootNode
         * @param  {Array} tagNames
         * @return {DOM Node || null}
        getSingleDescendantOfType: function(node, tagNames){
            return this.getDescendant( node, tagNames, true );

         * get child node limited by presence of siblings - either CSS :only-of-type or :only-child
         * @param  {DOM Node} rootNode
         * @param  {Array} tagNames
         * @return {DOM Node || null}
        getDescendant: function( node, tagNames, onlyOfType ){
            var i = node.children.length,
                countAll = 0,
                countOfType = 0,
                out = null;

            while(i--) {
                child = node.children[i];
                if(child.nodeType === 1) {
                        // count just only-of-type
                        if(this.hasTagName(child, tagNames)){
                            out = child;
                        // count all elements
                        out = child;
            if(onlyOfType === true){
                return (countOfType === 1)? out : null;
                return (countAll === 1)? out : null;

         * is a node one of a list of tags
         * @param  {DOM Node} rootNode
         * @param  {Array} tagNames
         * @return {Boolean}
        hasTagName: function(node, tagNames){
            var i = tagNames.length;
            while(i--) {
                if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() === tagNames[i]) {
                    return true;
            return false;

         * abstracts DOM appendChild
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @param  {DOM Node} childNode
         * @return {DOM Node}
        appendChild: function(node, childNode){
            return node.appendChild(childNode);

         * abstracts DOM removeChild
         * @param  {DOM Node} childNode
         * @return {DOM Node || null}
        removeChild: function(childNode){
            if (childNode.parentNode) {
                return childNode.parentNode.removeChild(childNode);
                return null;

         * abstracts DOM cloneNode
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @return {DOM Node}
        clone: function(node) {
            var newNode = node.cloneNode(true);
            return newNode;

         * gets the text of a node
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @return {String}
        getElementText: function( node ){
            if(node && node.data){
                return node.data;
                return '';

         * gets the attributes of a node - ordered by sequence in html
         * @param  {DOM Node} node
         * @return {Array}
        getOrderedAttributes: function( node ){
            var nodeStr = node.outerHTML,
                attrs = [];

            for (var i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) {
                var attr = node.attributes[i];
                    attr.indexNum = nodeStr.indexOf(attr.name);

                attrs.push( attr );
            return attrs.sort( modules.utils.sortObjects( 'indexNum' ) );

         * decodes html entities in given text
         * @param  {DOM Document} doc
         * @param  String} text
         * @return {String}
        decodeEntities: function( doc, text ){
            //return text;
            return doc.createTextNode( text ).nodeValue;

         * clones a DOM document
         * @param  {DOM Document} document
         * @return {DOM Document}
        cloneDocument: function( document ){
            var newNode,
                newDocument = null;

            if( this.canCloneDocument( document )){
                newDocument = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
                newNode = newDocument.importNode( document.documentElement, true );
                newDocument.replaceChild(newNode, newDocument.querySelector('html'));
            return (newNode && newNode.nodeType && newNode.nodeType === 1)? newDocument : document;

         * can environment clone a DOM document
         * @param  {DOM Document} document
         * @return {Boolean}
        canCloneDocument: function( document ){
            return (document && document.importNode && document.implementation && document.implementation.createHTMLDocument);

         * get the child index of a node. Used to create a node path
         *   @param  {DOM Node} node
         *   @return {Int}
        getChildIndex: function (node) {
            var parent = node.parentNode,
                i = -1,
            while (parent && (child = parent.childNodes[++i])){
                 if (child === node){
                     return i;
            return -1;

         * get a node's path
         *   @param  {DOM Node} node
         *   @return {Array}
        getNodePath: function  (node) {
            var parent = node.parentNode,
                path = [],
                index = this.getChildIndex(node);

          if(parent && (path = this.getNodePath(parent))){
               if(index > -1){
          return path;

         * get a node from a path.
         *   @param  {DOM document} document
         *   @param  {Array} path
         *   @return {DOM Node}
        getNodeByPath: function (document, path) {
            var node = document.documentElement,
                i = 0,
          while ((index = path[++i]) > -1){
              node = node.childNodes[index];
          return node;

         * get an array/nodeList of child nodes
         *   @param  {DOM node} node
         *   @return {Array}
        getChildren: function( node ){
            return node.children;

         * create a node
         *   @param  {String} tagName
         *   @return {DOM node}
        createNode: function( tagName ){
            return this.document.createElement(tagName);

         * create a node with text content
         *   @param  {String} tagName
         *   @param  {String} text
         *   @return {DOM node}
        createNodeWithText: function( tagName, text ){
            var node = this.document.createElement(tagName);
            node.innerHTML = text;
            return node;


    return modules;

} (Modules || {}));