/*! dates These functions are based on microformats implied rules for parsing date fragments from text. They are not generalist date utilities and should only be used with the isodate.js module of this library. Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Glenn Jones. All Rights Reserved. MIT License: https://raw.github.com/glennjones/microformat-shiv/master/license.txt Dependencies utilities.js, isodate.js */ var Modules = (function (modules) { modules.dates = { /** * does text contain am * * @param {String} text * @return {Boolean} */ hasAM: function( text ) { text = text.toLowerCase(); return(text.indexOf('am') > -1 || text.indexOf('a.m.') > -1); }, /** * does text contain pm * * @param {String} text * @return {Boolean} */ hasPM: function( text ) { text = text.toLowerCase(); return(text.indexOf('pm') > -1 || text.indexOf('p.m.') > -1); }, /** * remove am and pm from text and return it * * @param {String} text * @return {String} */ removeAMPM: function( text ) { return text.replace('pm', '').replace('p.m.', '').replace('am', '').replace('a.m.', ''); }, /** * simple test of whether ISO date string is a duration i.e. PY17M or PW12 * * @param {String} text * @return {Boolean} */ isDuration: function( text ) { if(modules.utils.isString( text )){ text = text.toLowerCase(); if(modules.utils.startWith(text, 'p') ){ return true; } } return false; }, /** * is text a time or timezone * i.e. HH-MM-SS or z+-HH-MM-SS 08:43 | 15:23:00:0567 | 10:34pm | 10:34 p.m. | +01:00:00 | -02:00 | z15:00 | 0843 * * @param {String} text * @return {Boolean} */ isTime: function( text ) { if(modules.utils.isString(text)){ text = text.toLowerCase(); text = modules.utils.trim( text ); // start with timezone char if( text.match(':') && ( modules.utils.startWith(text, 'z') || modules.utils.startWith(text, '-') || modules.utils.startWith(text, '+') )) { return true; } // has ante meridiem or post meridiem if( text.match(/^[0-9]/) && ( this.hasAM(text) || this.hasPM(text) )) { return true; } // contains time delimiter but not datetime delimiter if( text.match(':') && !text.match(/t|\s/) ) { return true; } // if it's a number of 2, 4 or 6 chars if(modules.utils.isNumber(text)){ if(text.length === 2 || text.length === 4 || text.length === 6){ return true; } } } return false; }, /** * parses a time from text and returns 24hr time string * i.e. 5:34am = 05:34:00 and 1:52:04p.m. = 13:52:04 * * @param {String} text * @return {String} */ parseAmPmTime: function( text ) { var out = text, times = []; // if the string has a text : or am or pm if(modules.utils.isString(out)) { //text = text.toLowerCase(); text = text.replace(/[ ]+/g, ''); if(text.match(':') || this.hasAM(text) || this.hasPM(text)) { if(text.match(':')) { times = text.split(':'); } else { // single number text i.e. 5pm times[0] = text; times[0] = this.removeAMPM(times[0]); } // change pm hours to 24hr number if(this.hasPM(text)) { if(times[0] < 12) { times[0] = parseInt(times[0], 10) + 12; } } // add leading zero's where needed if(times[0] && times[0].length === 1) { times[0] = '0' + times[0]; } // rejoin text elements together if(times[0]) { text = times.join(':'); } } } // remove am/pm strings return this.removeAMPM(text); }, /** * overlays a time on a date to return the union of the two * * @param {String} date * @param {String} time * @param {String} format ( Modules.ISODate profile format ) * @return {Object} Modules.ISODate */ dateTimeUnion: function(date, time, format) { var isodate = new modules.ISODate(date, format), isotime = new modules.ISODate(); isotime.parseTime(this.parseAmPmTime(time), format); if(isodate.hasFullDate() && isotime.hasTime()) { isodate.tH = isotime.tH; isodate.tM = isotime.tM; isodate.tS = isotime.tS; isodate.tD = isotime.tD; return isodate; } else { if(isodate.hasFullDate()){ return isodate; } return new modules.ISODate(); } }, /** * concatenate an array of date and time text fragments to create an ISODate object * used for microformat value and value-title rules * * @param {Array} arr ( Array of Strings ) * @param {String} format ( Modules.ISODate profile format ) * @return {Object} Modules.ISODate */ concatFragments: function (arr, format) { var out = new modules.ISODate(), i = 0, value = ''; // if the fragment already contains a full date just return it once if(arr[0].toUpperCase().match('T')) { return new modules.ISODate(arr[0], format); }else{ for(i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { value = arr[i]; // date pattern if( value.charAt(4) === '-' && out.hasFullDate() === false ){ out.parseDate(value); } // time pattern if( (value.indexOf(':') > -1 || modules.utils.isNumber( this.parseAmPmTime(value) )) && out.hasTime() === false ) { // split time and timezone var items = this.splitTimeAndZone(value); value = items[0]; // parse any use of am/pm value = this.parseAmPmTime(value); out.parseTime(value); // parse any timezone if(items.length > 1){ out.parseTimeZone(items[1], format); } } // timezone pattern if(value.charAt(0) === '-' || value.charAt(0) === '+' || value.toUpperCase() === 'Z') { if( out.hasTimeZone() === false ){ out.parseTimeZone(value); } } } return out; } }, /** * parses text by splitting it into an array of time and timezone strings * * @param {String} text * @return {Array} Modules.ISODate */ splitTimeAndZone: function ( text ){ var out = [text], chars = ['-','+','z','Z'], i = chars.length; while (i--) { if(text.indexOf(chars[i]) > -1){ out[0] = text.slice( 0, text.indexOf(chars[i]) ); out.push( text.slice( text.indexOf(chars[i]) ) ); break; } } return out; } }; return modules; } (Modules || {}));