/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* * Tests the requestAutocomplete user interface. */ "use strict"; /** * Open the requestAutocomplete UI and test that selecting a profile results in * the correct data being sent back to the opener. */ add_task(function* test_select_profile() { // Request an e-mail address. let { uiWindow, promiseResult } = yield FormAutofillTest.showUI( TestData.requestEmailOnly); // Accept the dialog. let acceptButton = uiWindow.document.getElementById("accept"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(acceptButton, {}, uiWindow); let result = yield promiseResult; Assert.equal(result.fields.length, 1); Assert.equal(result.fields[0].section, ""); Assert.equal(result.fields[0].addressType, ""); Assert.equal(result.fields[0].contactType, ""); Assert.equal(result.fields[0].fieldName, "email"); Assert.equal(result.fields[0].value, "email@example.org"); }); /** * Open the requestAutocomplete UI and cancel the dialog. */ add_task(function* test_cancel() { // Request an e-mail address. let { uiWindow, promiseResult } = yield FormAutofillTest.showUI( TestData.requestEmailOnly); // Cancel the dialog. let acceptButton = uiWindow.document.getElementById("cancel"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(acceptButton, {}, uiWindow); let result = yield promiseResult; Assert.ok(result.canceled); }); add_task(terminationTaskFn);