/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Start by getting an empty directory. var dir = do_get_profile(); dir.append("temp"); dir.create(dir.DIRECTORY_TYPE, -1); var path = dir.path + "/"; // Now create some sample entries. var file = dir.clone(); file.append("test_file"); file.create(file.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, -1); file = dir.clone(); file.append("other_file"); file.create(file.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, -1); dir.append("test_dir"); dir.create(dir.DIRECTORY_TYPE, -1); var gListener = { onSearchResult: function(aSearch, aResult) { // Check that we got same search string back. do_check_eq(aResult.searchString, "test"); // Check that the search succeeded. do_check_eq(aResult.searchResult, aResult.RESULT_SUCCESS); // Check that we got two results. do_check_eq(aResult.matchCount, 2); // Check that the first result is the directory we created. do_check_eq(aResult.getValueAt(0), "test_dir"); // Check that the first result has directory style. do_check_eq(aResult.getStyleAt(0), "directory"); // Check that the second result is the file we created. do_check_eq(aResult.getValueAt(1), "test_file"); // Check that the second result has file style. do_check_eq(aResult.getStyleAt(1), "file"); } }; function run_test() { Components.classes["@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=file"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteSearch) .startSearch("test", path, null, gListener); }