/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; const WONTDIE_BODY = String.raw` import signal import struct import sys import time signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN) def spin(): while True: try: signal.pause() except AttributeError: time.sleep(5) while True: rawlen = sys.stdin.read(4) if len(rawlen) == 0: spin() msglen = struct.unpack('@I', rawlen)[0] msg = sys.stdin.read(msglen) sys.stdout.write(struct.pack('@I', msglen)) sys.stdout.write(msg) `; const SCRIPTS = [ { name: "wontdie", description: "a native app that does not exit when stdin closes or on SIGTERM", script: WONTDIE_BODY.replace(/^ {2}/gm, ""), }, ]; add_task(function* setup() { yield setupHosts(SCRIPTS); }); // Test that an unresponsive native application still gets killed eventually add_task(function* test_unresponsive_native_app() { // XXX expose GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN_TIME as a pref and reduce it // just for this test? function background() { let port = browser.runtime.connectNative("wontdie"); const MSG = "echo me"; // bounce a message to make sure the process actually starts port.onMessage.addListener(msg => { browser.test.assertEq(msg, MSG, "Received echoed message"); browser.test.sendMessage("ready"); }); port.postMessage(MSG); } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ background, manifest: { applications: {gecko: {id: ID}}, permissions: ["nativeMessaging"], }, }); yield extension.startup(); yield extension.awaitMessage("ready"); let procCount = yield getSubprocessCount(); equal(procCount, 1, "subprocess is running"); let exitPromise = waitForSubprocessExit(); yield extension.unload(); yield exitPromise; procCount = yield getSubprocessCount(); equal(procCount, 0, "subprocess was succesfully killed"); });