/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ let global = this; function run_test() { var allTests = []; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { // Generate two wrappers of each test function that invoke the original test with an // appropriate privacy context. var pub = eval('var f = function* ' + tests[i].name + '() { yield tests[' + i + ']({ usePrivateBrowsing: false }); }; f'); var priv = eval('var f = function* ' + tests[i].name + '_private() { yield tests[' + i + ']({ usePrivateBrowsing: true }); }; f'); allTests.push(pub); allTests.push(priv); } allTests = allTests.concat(specialTests); runAsyncTests(allTests); } var tests = [ function* observerForName_set(context) { yield set("a.com", "foo", 1, context); let args = yield on("Set", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [["a.com", "foo", 1, context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [["a.com", "foo", 1, context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); yield setGlobal("foo", 2, context); args = yield on("Set", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [[null, "foo", 2, context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [[null, "foo", 2, context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); }, function* observerForName_remove(context) { yield set("a.com", "foo", 1, context); yield setGlobal("foo", 2, context); yield cps.removeByDomainAndName("a.com", "bogus", context, makeCallback()); let args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, []); observerArgsOK(args.null, []); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); yield cps.removeByDomainAndName("a.com", "foo", context, makeCallback()); args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [["a.com", "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [["a.com", "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); yield cps.removeGlobal("foo", context, makeCallback()); args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [[null, "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [[null, "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); }, function* observerForName_removeByDomain(context) { yield set("a.com", "foo", 1, context); yield set("b.a.com", "bar", 2, context); yield setGlobal("foo", 3, context); yield cps.removeByDomain("bogus", context, makeCallback()); let args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, []); observerArgsOK(args.null, []); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); yield cps.removeBySubdomain("a.com", context, makeCallback()); args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [["a.com", "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [["a.com", "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing], ["b.a.com", "bar", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, [["b.a.com", "bar", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); yield cps.removeAllGlobals(context, makeCallback()); args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [[null, "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [[null, "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); }, function* observerForName_removeAllDomains(context) { yield set("a.com", "foo", 1, context); yield setGlobal("foo", 2, context); yield set("b.com", "bar", 3, context); yield cps.removeAllDomains(context, makeCallback()); let args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [["a.com", "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [["a.com", "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing], ["b.com", "bar", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, [["b.com", "bar", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); }, function* observerForName_removeByName(context) { yield set("a.com", "foo", 1, context); yield set("a.com", "bar", 2, context); yield setGlobal("foo", 3, context); yield cps.removeByName("bogus", context, makeCallback()); let args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, []); observerArgsOK(args.null, []); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); yield cps.removeByName("foo", context, makeCallback()); args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", null, "bar"]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [["a.com", "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing], [null, "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [["a.com", "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing], [null, "foo", context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); }, function* removeObserverForName(context) { let args = yield on("Set", ["foo", null, "bar"], true); cps.removeObserverForName("foo", args.foo.observer); yield set("a.com", "foo", 1, context); yield wait(); observerArgsOK(args.foo, []); observerArgsOK(args.null, [["a.com", "foo", 1, context.usePrivateBrowsing]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); args.reset(); cps.removeObserverForName(null, args.null.observer); yield set("a.com", "foo", 2, context); yield wait(); observerArgsOK(args.foo, []); observerArgsOK(args.null, []); observerArgsOK(args.bar, []); args.reset(); }, ]; // These tests are for functionality that doesn't behave the same way in private and public // contexts, so the expected results cannot be automatically generated like the previous tests. var specialTests = [ function* observerForName_removeAllDomainsSince() { yield setWithDate("a.com", "foo", 1, 100, null); yield setWithDate("b.com", "foo", 2, 200, null); yield setWithDate("c.com", "foo", 3, 300, null); yield setWithDate("a.com", "bar", 1, 0, null); yield setWithDate("b.com", "bar", 2, 100, null); yield setWithDate("c.com", "bar", 3, 200, null); yield setGlobal("foo", 2, null); yield cps.removeAllDomainsSince(200, null, makeCallback()); let args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", "bar", null]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [["b.com", "foo", false], ["c.com", "foo", false]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, [["c.com", "bar", false]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [["b.com", "foo", false], ["c.com", "bar", false], ["c.com", "foo", false]]); }, function* observerForName_removeAllDomainsSince_private() { let context = {usePrivateBrowsing: true}; yield setWithDate("a.com", "foo", 1, 100, context); yield setWithDate("b.com", "foo", 2, 200, context); yield setWithDate("c.com", "foo", 3, 300, context); yield setWithDate("a.com", "bar", 1, 0, context); yield setWithDate("b.com", "bar", 2, 100, context); yield setWithDate("c.com", "bar", 3, 200, context); yield setGlobal("foo", 2, context); yield cps.removeAllDomainsSince(200, context, makeCallback()); let args = yield on("Removed", ["foo", "bar", null]); observerArgsOK(args.foo, [["a.com", "foo", true], ["b.com", "foo", true], ["c.com", "foo", true]]); observerArgsOK(args.bar, [["a.com", "bar", true], ["b.com", "bar", true], ["c.com", "bar", true]]); observerArgsOK(args.null, [["a.com", "foo", true], ["a.com", "bar", true], ["b.com", "foo", true], ["b.com", "bar", true], ["c.com", "foo", true], ["c.com", "bar", true]]); }, ];