/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIDOMElement;
interface nsIAutoCompleteInput;

[scriptable, uuid(bd3c2662-a988-41ab-8c94-c15ed0e6ac7d)]
interface nsIAutoCompletePopup : nsISupports
   * The input object that the popup is currently bound to
  readonly attribute nsIAutoCompleteInput input;

   * An alternative value to be used when text is entered, rather than the
   * value of the selected item
  readonly attribute AString overrideValue;

   * The index of the result item that is currently selected
  attribute long selectedIndex;

   * Indicates if the popup is currently open
  readonly attribute boolean popupOpen;

   * Bind the popup to an input object and display it with the given coordinates
   * @param input - The input object that the popup will be bound to
   * @param element - The element that the popup will be aligned with
  void openAutocompletePopup(in nsIAutoCompleteInput input, in nsIDOMElement element);

   * Close the popup and detach from the bound input
  void closePopup();

   * Instruct the result view to repaint itself to reflect the most current
   * underlying data
   * @param reason - The reason the popup needs to be invalidated, one of the
   *        INVALIDATE_REASON consts.
  void invalidate(in unsigned short reason);

   * Possible values of invalidate()'s 'reason' argument.
  const unsigned short INVALIDATE_REASON_NEW_RESULT = 0;
  const unsigned short INVALIDATE_REASON_DELETE = 1;

   * Change the selection relative to the current selection and make sure
   * the newly selected row is visible
   * @param reverse - Select a row above the current selection
   * @param page - Select a row that is a full visible page from the current selection
   * @return The currently selected result item index
  void selectBy(in boolean reverse, in boolean page);