/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsISupports.idl" #include "nsIObserver.idl" interface imgIRequest; interface nsICancelable; interface nsIPrincipal; interface nsIURI; %{C++ #define ALERT_NOTIFICATION_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/alert-notification;1" %} [scriptable, uuid(a71a637d-de1d-47c6-a8d2-c60b2596f471)] interface nsIAlertNotificationImageListener : nsISupports { /** * Called when the image finishes loading. * * @param aUserData An opaque parameter passed to |loadImage|. * @param aRequest The image request. */ void onImageReady(in nsISupports aUserData, in imgIRequest aRequest); /** * Called if the alert doesn't have an image, or if the image request times * out or fails. * * @param aUserData An opaque parameter passed to |loadImage|. */ void onImageMissing(in nsISupports aUserData); }; [scriptable, uuid(cf2e4cb6-4b8f-4eca-aea9-d51a8f9f7a50)] interface nsIAlertNotification : nsISupports { /** Initializes an alert notification. */ void init([optional] in AString aName, [optional] in AString aImageURL, [optional] in AString aTitle, [optional] in AString aText, [optional] in boolean aTextClickable, [optional] in AString aCookie, [optional] in AString aDir, [optional] in AString aLang, [optional] in AString aData, [optional] in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, [optional] in boolean aInPrivateBrowsing, [optional] in boolean aRequireInteraction); /** * The name of the notification. On Android, the name is hashed and used as * a notification ID. Notifications will replace previous notifications with * the same name. */ readonly attribute AString name; /** * A URL identifying the image to put in the alert. The OS X backend limits * the amount of time it will wait for the image to load to six seconds. After * that time, the alert will show without an image. */ readonly attribute AString imageURL; /** The title for the alert. */ readonly attribute AString title; /** The contents of the alert. */ readonly attribute AString text; /** * Controls the click behavior. If true, the alert listener will be notified * when the user clicks on the alert. */ readonly attribute boolean textClickable; /** * An opaque cookie that will be passed to the alert listener for each * callback. */ readonly attribute AString cookie; /** * Bidi override for the title and contents. Valid values are "auto", "ltr", * or "rtl". Ignored if the backend doesn't support localization. */ readonly attribute AString dir; /** * Language of the title and text. Ignored if the backend doesn't support * localization. */ readonly attribute AString lang; /** * A Base64-encoded structured clone buffer containing data associated with * this alert. Only used for web notifications. Chrome callers should use a * cookie instead. */ readonly attribute AString data; /** * The principal of the page that created the alert. Used for IPC security * checks, and to determine whether the alert is actionable. */ readonly attribute nsIPrincipal principal; /** * The URI of the page that created the alert. |null| if the alert is not * actionable. */ readonly attribute nsIURI URI; /** * Controls the image loading behavior. If true, the image request will be * loaded anonymously (without cookies or authorization tokens). */ readonly attribute boolean inPrivateBrowsing; /** * Indicates that the notification should remain readily available until * the user activates or dismisses the notification. */ readonly attribute boolean requireInteraction; /** * Indicates whether this alert should show the source string and action * buttons. False for system alerts (which can omit the principal), or * expanded, system, and null principals. */ readonly attribute boolean actionable; /** * The host and port of the originating page, or an empty string if the alert * is not actionable. */ readonly attribute AString source; /** * Loads the image associated with this alert. * * @param aTimeout The number of milliseconds to wait before cancelling the * image request. If zero, there is no timeout. * @param aListener An |nsIAlertNotificationImageListener| implementation, * notified when the image loads. The listener is kept alive * until the request completes. * @param aUserData An opaque parameter passed to the listener's methods. * Not used by the libnotify backend, but the OS X backend * passes the pending notification. */ nsICancelable loadImage(in unsigned long aTimeout, in nsIAlertNotificationImageListener aListener, [optional] in nsISupports aUserData); }; [scriptable, uuid(f7a36392-d98b-4141-a7d7-4e46642684e3)] interface nsIAlertsService : nsISupports { void showPersistentNotification(in AString aPersistentData, in nsIAlertNotification aAlert, [optional] in nsIObserver aAlertListener); void showAlert(in nsIAlertNotification aAlert, [optional] in nsIObserver aAlertListener); /** * Initializes and shows an |nsIAlertNotification| with the given parameters. * * @param aAlertListener Used for callbacks. May be null if the caller * doesn't care about callbacks. * @see nsIAlertNotification for descriptions of all other parameters. * @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE If the notification cannot be displayed. * * The following arguments will be passed to the alertListener's observe() * method: * subject - null * topic - "alertfinished" when the alert goes away * "alertdisablecallback" when alerts should be disabled for the principal * "alertsettingscallback" when alert settings should be opened * "alertclickcallback" when the text is clicked * "alertshow" when the alert is shown * data - the value of the cookie parameter passed to showAlertNotification. * * @note Depending on current circumstances (if the user's in a fullscreen * application, for instance), the alert might not be displayed at all. * In that case, if an alert listener is passed in it will receive the * "alertfinished" notification immediately. */ void showAlertNotification(in AString aImageURL, in AString aTitle, in AString aText, [optional] in boolean aTextClickable, [optional] in AString aCookie, [optional] in nsIObserver aAlertListener, [optional] in AString aName, [optional] in AString aDir, [optional] in AString aLang, [optional] in AString aData, [optional] in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, [optional] in boolean aInPrivateBrowsing, [optional] in boolean aRequireInteraction); /** * Close alerts created by the service. * * @param aName The name of the notification to close. If no name * is provided then only a notification created with * no name (if any) will be closed. */ void closeAlert([optional] in AString aName, [optional] in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal); }; [scriptable, uuid(c5d63e3a-259d-45a8-b964-8377967cb4d2)] interface nsIAlertsDoNotDisturb : nsISupports { /** * Toggles a manual Do Not Disturb mode for the service to reduce the amount * of disruption that alerts cause the user. * This may mean only displaying them in a notification tray/center or not * displaying them at all. If a system backend already supports a similar * feature controlled by the user, enabling this may not have any impact on * code to show an alert. e.g. on OS X, the system will take care not * disrupting a user if we simply create a notification like usual. */ attribute bool manualDoNotDisturb; }; [scriptable, uuid(fc6d7f0a-0cf6-4268-8c71-ab640842b9b1)] interface nsIAlertsIconData : nsISupports { /** * Shows an alert with an icon. Web notifications use the favicon of the * page that created the alert. If the favicon is not in the Places database, * |aIconSize| will be zero. */ void showAlertWithIconData(in nsIAlertNotification aAlert, [optional] in nsIObserver aAlertListener, [optional] in uint32_t aIconSize, [const, array, size_is(aIconSize)] in uint8_t aIconData); }; [scriptable, uuid(f3c82915-bf60-41ea-91ce-6c46b22e381a)] interface nsIAlertsIconURI : nsISupports { /** * Shows an alert with an icon URI. Web notifications use |moz-anno:| * URIs to reference favicons from Places. If the page doesn't have a * favicon, |aIconURI| will be |null|. */ void showAlertWithIconURI(in nsIAlertNotification aAlert, [optional] in nsIObserver aAlertListener, [optional] in nsIURI aIconURI); };