extern crate pkg_config; extern crate gcc; use std::env; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; macro_rules! t { ($e:expr) => (match $e { Ok(n) => n, Err(e) => panic!("\n{} failed with {}\n", stringify!($e), e), }) } fn main() { let host = env::var("HOST").unwrap(); let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap(); // Don't run pkg-config if we're linking statically (we'll build below) and // also don't run pkg-config on OSX. That'll end up printing `-L /usr/lib` // which wreaks havoc with linking to an OpenSSL in /usr/local/lib (e.g. // homebrew) let want_static = env::var("LIBZ_SYS_STATIC").unwrap_or(String::new()) == "1"; if !want_static && !(host.contains("apple") && target.contains("apple")) && pkg_config::find_library("zlib").is_ok() { return } // Practically all platforms come with libz installed already, but MSVC is // one of those sole platforms that doesn't! if target.contains("msvc") { build_msvc_zlib(&target); } else if (target.contains("musl") || target != host || want_static) && !target.contains("windows-gnu") && !target.contains("android") { build_zlib(); } else { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=z"); } } fn build_zlib() { let src = env::current_dir().unwrap().join("src/zlib-1.2.8"); let dst = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let build = dst.join("build"); t!(fs::create_dir_all(&build)); cp_r(&src, &build); let compiler = gcc::Config::new().get_compiler(); let mut cflags = OsString::new(); for arg in compiler.args() { cflags.push(arg); cflags.push(" "); } run(Command::new("./configure") .current_dir(&build) .env("CC", compiler.path()) .env("CFLAGS", cflags)); run(Command::new("make") .current_dir(&build) .arg("libz.a")); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst.join("lib"))); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst.join("include"))); t!(fs::copy(build.join("libz.a"), dst.join("lib/libz.a"))); t!(fs::copy(build.join("zlib.h"), dst.join("include/zlib.h"))); t!(fs::copy(build.join("zconf.h"), dst.join("include/zconf.h"))); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=z"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}/lib", dst.to_string_lossy()); println!("cargo:root={}", dst.to_string_lossy()); println!("cargo:include={}/include", dst.to_string_lossy()); } fn cp_r(dir: &Path, dst: &Path) { for entry in t!(fs::read_dir(dir)) { let entry = t!(entry); let path = entry.path(); let dst = dst.join(path.file_name().unwrap()); if t!(fs::metadata(&path)).is_file() { t!(fs::copy(path, dst)); } else { t!(fs::create_dir_all(&dst)); cp_r(&path, &dst); } } } fn build_msvc_zlib(target: &str) { let src = t!(env::current_dir()).join("src/zlib-1.2.8"); let dst = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst.join("lib"))); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst.join("include"))); t!(fs::create_dir_all(dst.join("build"))); cp_r(&src, &dst.join("build")); let nmake = gcc::windows_registry::find(target, "nmake.exe"); let mut nmake = nmake.unwrap_or(Command::new("nmake.exe")); run(nmake.current_dir(dst.join("build")) .arg("/nologo") .arg("/f") .arg(src.join("win32/Makefile.msc")) .arg("zlib.lib")); for file in t!(fs::read_dir(&dst.join("build"))) { let file = t!(file).path(); if let Some(s) = file.file_name().and_then(|s| s.to_str()) { if s.ends_with(".h") { t!(fs::copy(&file, dst.join("include").join(s))); } } } t!(fs::copy(dst.join("build/zlib.lib"), dst.join("lib/zlib.lib"))); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=zlib"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}/lib", dst.to_string_lossy()); println!("cargo:root={}", dst.to_string_lossy()); println!("cargo:include={}/include", dst.to_string_lossy()); } fn run(cmd: &mut Command) { println!("running: {:?}", cmd); let status = match cmd.status() { Ok(s) => s, Err(e) => panic!("failed to run: {}", e), }; if !status.success() { panic!("failed to run successfully: {}", status); } }