/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ // This tool is a gadget for offline probability training. // A binary executable aom_entropy_optimizer will be generated in tools/. It // parses a binary file consisting of counts written in the format of // FRAME_COUNTS in entropymode.h, and computes optimized probability tables // and CDF tables, which will be written to a new c file optimized_probs.c // according to format in the codebase. // // Command line: ./aom_entropy_optimizer [directory of the count file] // // The input file can either be generated by encoding a single clip by // turning on entropy_stats experiment, or be collected at a larger scale at // which a python script which will be provided soon can be used to aggregate // multiple stats output. #include #include #include "./aom_config.h" #include "av1/common/entropymode.h" #if CONFIG_ALT_INTRA #if CONFIG_SMOOTH_HV const aom_tree_index av1_intra_mode_tree[TREE_SIZE(INTRA_MODES)] = { -DC_PRED, 2, /* 0 = DC_NODE */ -TM_PRED, 4, /* 1 = TM_NODE */ -V_PRED, 6, /* 2 = V_NODE */ 8, 12, /* 3 = COM_NODE */ -H_PRED, 10, /* 4 = H_NODE */ -D135_PRED, -D117_PRED, /* 5 = D135_NODE */ -D45_PRED, 14, /* 6 = D45_NODE */ -D63_PRED, 16, /* 7 = D63_NODE */ -D153_PRED, 18, /* 8 = D153_NODE */ -D207_PRED, 20, /* 9 = D207_NODE */ -SMOOTH_PRED, 22, /* 10 = SMOOTH_NODE */ -SMOOTH_V_PRED, -SMOOTH_H_PRED /* 11 = SMOOTH_V_NODE */ }; #else const aom_tree_index av1_intra_mode_tree[TREE_SIZE(INTRA_MODES)] = { -DC_PRED, 2, /* 0 = DC_NODE */ -TM_PRED, 4, /* 1 = TM_NODE */ -V_PRED, 6, /* 2 = V_NODE */ 8, 12, /* 3 = COM_NODE */ -H_PRED, 10, /* 4 = H_NODE */ -D135_PRED, -D117_PRED, /* 5 = D135_NODE */ -D45_PRED, 14, /* 6 = D45_NODE */ -D63_PRED, 16, /* 7 = D63_NODE */ -D153_PRED, 18, /* 8 = D153_NODE */ -D207_PRED, -SMOOTH_PRED, /* 9 = D207_NODE */ }; #endif // CONFIG_SMOOTH_HV #else const aom_tree_index av1_intra_mode_tree[TREE_SIZE(INTRA_MODES)] = { -DC_PRED, 2, /* 0 = DC_NODE */ -TM_PRED, 4, /* 1 = TM_NODE */ -V_PRED, 6, /* 2 = V_NODE */ 8, 12, /* 3 = COM_NODE */ -H_PRED, 10, /* 4 = H_NODE */ -D135_PRED, -D117_PRED, /* 5 = D135_NODE */ -D45_PRED, 14, /* 6 = D45_NODE */ -D63_PRED, 16, /* 7 = D63_NODE */ -D153_PRED, -D207_PRED /* 8 = D153_NODE */ }; #endif // CONFIG_ALT_INTRA #define SPACES_PER_TAB 2 typedef unsigned int aom_count_type; // A log file recording parsed counts static FILE *logfile; // TODO(yuec): make it a command line option // Optimized probabilities will be stored in probs[]. static unsigned int optimize_tree_probs(const aom_tree_index *tree, unsigned int idx, const unsigned int *counts, aom_prob *probs) { const int l = tree[idx]; const unsigned int left_count = (l <= 0) ? counts[-l] : optimize_tree_probs(tree, l, counts, probs); const int r = tree[idx + 1]; const unsigned int right_count = (r <= 0) ? counts[-r] : optimize_tree_probs(tree, r, counts, probs); probs[idx >> 1] = get_binary_prob(left_count, right_count); return left_count + right_count; } static int parse_stats(aom_count_type **ct_ptr, FILE *const probsfile, int tabs, int dim_of_cts, int *cts_each_dim, const aom_tree_index *tree, int flatten_last_dim) { if (dim_of_cts < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "The dimension of a counts vector should be at least 1!\n"); return 1; } if (dim_of_cts == 1) { const int total_modes = cts_each_dim[0]; aom_count_type *counts1d = *ct_ptr; aom_prob *probs = aom_malloc(sizeof(*probs) * (total_modes - 1)); if (probs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocating prob array failed!\n"); return 1; } (*ct_ptr) += total_modes; if (tree != NULL) { optimize_tree_probs(tree, 0, counts1d, probs); } else { assert(total_modes == 2); probs[0] = get_binary_prob(counts1d[0], counts1d[1]); } if (tabs > 0) fprintf(probsfile, "%*c", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); for (int k = 0; k < total_modes - 1; ++k) { if (k == total_modes - 2) fprintf(probsfile, " %3d ", probs[k]); else fprintf(probsfile, " %3d,", probs[k]); fprintf(logfile, "%d ", counts1d[k]); } fprintf(logfile, "%d\n", counts1d[total_modes - 1]); } else if (dim_of_cts == 2 && flatten_last_dim) { assert(cts_each_dim[1] == 2); for (int k = 0; k < cts_each_dim[0]; ++k) { if (k == cts_each_dim[0] - 1) { fprintf(probsfile, " %3d ", get_binary_prob((*ct_ptr)[0], (*ct_ptr)[1])); } else { fprintf(probsfile, " %3d,", get_binary_prob((*ct_ptr)[0], (*ct_ptr)[1])); } fprintf(logfile, "%d %d\n", (*ct_ptr)[0], (*ct_ptr)[1]); (*ct_ptr) += 2; } } else { for (int k = 0; k < cts_each_dim[0]; ++k) { int tabs_next_level; if (dim_of_cts == 2 || (dim_of_cts == 3 && flatten_last_dim)) { fprintf(probsfile, "%*c{", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); tabs_next_level = 0; } else { fprintf(probsfile, "%*c{\n", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); tabs_next_level = tabs + 1; } if (parse_stats(ct_ptr, probsfile, tabs_next_level, dim_of_cts - 1, cts_each_dim + 1, tree, flatten_last_dim)) { return 1; } if (dim_of_cts == 2 || (dim_of_cts == 3 && flatten_last_dim)) { if (k == cts_each_dim[0] - 1) fprintf(probsfile, "}\n"); else fprintf(probsfile, "},\n"); } else { if (k == cts_each_dim[0] - 1) fprintf(probsfile, "%*c}\n", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); else fprintf(probsfile, "%*c},\n", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); } } } return 0; } // This function parses the stats of a syntax, either binary or multi-symbol, // in different contexts, and writes the optimized probability table to // probsfile. // counts: pointer of the first count element in counts array // probsfile: output file // dim_of_cts: number of dimensions of counts array // cts_each_dim: an array storing size of each dimension of counts array // tree: binary tree for a multi-symbol syntax, or NULL for a binary one // flatten_last_dim: for a binary syntax, if flatten_last_dim is 0, probs in // different contexts will be written separately, e.g., // {{p1}, {p2}, ...}; // otherwise will be grouped together at the second last // dimension, i.e., // {p1, p2, ...}. // prefix: declaration header for the entropy table static void optimize_entropy_table(aom_count_type *counts, FILE *const probsfile, int dim_of_cts, int *cts_each_dim, const aom_tree_index *tree, int flatten_last_dim, char *prefix) { aom_count_type *ct_ptr = counts; assert(!flatten_last_dim || cts_each_dim[dim_of_cts - 1] == 2); fprintf(probsfile, "%s = {\n", prefix); if (parse_stats(&ct_ptr, probsfile, 1, dim_of_cts, cts_each_dim, tree, flatten_last_dim)) { fprintf(probsfile, "Optimizer failed!\n"); } fprintf(probsfile, "};\n\n"); fprintf(logfile, "\n"); } static int counts_to_cdf(const aom_count_type *counts, aom_cdf_prob *cdf, int modes) { int64_t *csum = aom_malloc(sizeof(*csum) * modes); if (csum == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocating csum array failed!\n"); return 1; } csum[0] = counts[0]; for (int i = 1; i < modes; ++i) csum[i] = counts[i] + csum[i - 1]; int64_t sum = csum[modes - 1]; int64_t round_shift = sum >> 1; for (int i = 0; i < modes; ++i) { if (sum <= 0) cdf[i] = CDF_PROB_TOP; else cdf[i] = (csum[i] * CDF_PROB_TOP + round_shift) / sum; } return 0; } static int parse_counts_for_cdf_opt(aom_count_type **ct_ptr, FILE *const probsfile, int tabs, int dim_of_cts, int *cts_each_dim) { if (dim_of_cts < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "The dimension of a counts vector should be at least 1!\n"); return 1; } if (dim_of_cts == 1) { const int total_modes = cts_each_dim[0]; aom_count_type *counts1d = *ct_ptr; aom_cdf_prob *cdfs = aom_malloc(sizeof(*cdfs) * total_modes); if (cdfs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocating cdf array failed!\n"); return 1; } counts_to_cdf(counts1d, cdfs, total_modes); (*ct_ptr) += total_modes; if (tabs > 0) fprintf(probsfile, "%*c", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); for (int k = 0; k < total_modes; ++k) fprintf(probsfile, " AOM_ICDF(%d),", cdfs[k]); fprintf(probsfile, " 0 "); } else { for (int k = 0; k < cts_each_dim[0]; ++k) { int tabs_next_level; if (dim_of_cts == 2) fprintf(probsfile, "%*c{", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); else fprintf(probsfile, "%*c{\n", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); tabs_next_level = dim_of_cts == 2 ? 0 : tabs + 1; if (parse_counts_for_cdf_opt(ct_ptr, probsfile, tabs_next_level, dim_of_cts - 1, cts_each_dim + 1)) { return 1; } if (dim_of_cts == 2) { if (k == cts_each_dim[0] - 1) fprintf(probsfile, "}\n"); else fprintf(probsfile, "},\n"); } else { if (k == cts_each_dim[0] - 1) fprintf(probsfile, "%*c}\n", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); else fprintf(probsfile, "%*c},\n", tabs * SPACES_PER_TAB, ' '); } } } return 0; } static void optimize_cdf_table(aom_count_type *counts, FILE *const probsfile, int dim_of_cts, int *cts_each_dim, char *prefix) { aom_count_type *ct_ptr = counts; fprintf(probsfile, "%s = {\n", prefix); if (parse_counts_for_cdf_opt(&ct_ptr, probsfile, 1, dim_of_cts, cts_each_dim)) { fprintf(probsfile, "Optimizer failed!\n"); } fprintf(probsfile, "};\n\n"); } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the input stats file!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } FILE *const statsfile = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if (statsfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open input file!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } FRAME_COUNTS fc; fread(&fc, sizeof(FRAME_COUNTS), 1, statsfile); FILE *const probsfile = fopen("optimized_probs.c", "w"); if (probsfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create output file for optimized entropy tables!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } logfile = fopen("aom_entropy_optimizer_parsed_counts.log", "w"); if (logfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create log file for parsed counts!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } int cts_each_dim[10]; /* Intra mode (keyframe luma) */ cts_each_dim[0] = INTRA_MODES; cts_each_dim[1] = INTRA_MODES; cts_each_dim[2] = INTRA_MODES; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.kf_y_mode[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, av1_intra_mode_tree, 0, "const aom_prob av1_kf_y_mode_prob[INTRA_MODES][INTRA_MODES]" "[INTRA_MODES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.kf_y_mode[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, "const aom_cdf_prob\n" "av1_kf_y_mode_cdf[INTRA_MODES][INTRA_MODES][CDF_SIZE(INTRA_MODES)]"); /* Intra mode (non-keyframe luma) */ cts_each_dim[0] = BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS; cts_each_dim[1] = INTRA_MODES; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.y_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_intra_mode_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_if_y_probs[BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS]" "[INTRA_MODES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.y_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_if_y_mode_cdf[BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS][CDF_SIZE(INTRA_MODES)]"); /* Intra mode (chroma) */ cts_each_dim[0] = INTRA_MODES; cts_each_dim[1] = UV_INTRA_MODES; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.uv_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_intra_mode_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_uv_probs[INTRA_MODES]" "[UV_INTRA_MODES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.uv_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_uv_mode_cdf[INTRA_MODES][CDF_SIZE(UV_INTRA_MODES)]"); /* Partition */ cts_each_dim[0] = PARTITION_CONTEXTS; #if CONFIG_EXT_PARTITION_TYPES cts_each_dim[1] = EXT_PARTITION_TYPES; // TODO(yuec): Wrong prob for context = 0, because the old tree is used optimize_entropy_table(&fc.partition[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_ext_partition_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_partition_probs" "[PARTITION_CONTEXTS][EXT_PARTITION_TYPES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.partition[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_partition_cdf[PARTITION_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(EXT_" "PARTITION_TYPES)]"); #else cts_each_dim[1] = PARTITION_TYPES; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.partition[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_partition_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_partition_probs" "[PARTITION_CONTEXTS][PARTITION_TYPES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.partition[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_partition_cdf[PARTITION_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(PARTITION_TYPES)]"); #endif /* Interpolation filter */ cts_each_dim[0] = SWITCHABLE_FILTER_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = SWITCHABLE_FILTERS; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.switchable_interp[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_switchable_interp_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob \n" "default_switchable_interp_prob[SWITCHABLE_FILTER_CONTEXTS]" "[SWITCHABLE_FILTERS - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.switchable_interp[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_switchable_interp_cdf[SWITCHABLE_FILTER_CONTEXTS]" "[CDF_SIZE(SWITCHABLE_FILTERS)]"); /* Blockzero */ cts_each_dim[0] = TX_SIZES; cts_each_dim[1] = PLANE_TYPES; cts_each_dim[2] = REF_TYPES; cts_each_dim[3] = BLOCKZ_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[4] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.blockz_count[0][0][0][0][0], probsfile, 5, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob av1_default_blockzero_probs[TX_SIZES]" "[PLANE_TYPES][REF_TYPES][BLOCKZ_CONTEXTS]"); /* Motion vector referencing */ cts_each_dim[0] = NEWMV_MODE_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.newmv_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_newmv_prob[NEWMV_MODE_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.newmv_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_newmv_cdf[NEWMV_MODE_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); cts_each_dim[0] = ZEROMV_MODE_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.zeromv_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_zeromv_prob[ZEROMV_MODE_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.zeromv_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_zeromv_cdf[ZEROMV_MODE_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); cts_each_dim[0] = REFMV_MODE_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.refmv_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_refmv_prob[REFMV_MODE_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.refmv_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_refmv_cdf[REFMV_MODE_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); cts_each_dim[0] = DRL_MODE_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.drl_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_drl_prob[DRL_MODE_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.drl_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_drl_cdf[DRL_MODE_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); /* ext_inter experiment */ #if CONFIG_EXT_INTER /* New compound mode */ cts_each_dim[0] = INTER_MODE_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = INTER_COMPOUND_MODES; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.inter_compound_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_inter_compound_mode_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_inter_compound_mode_probs\n" "[INTER_MODE_CONTEXTS][INTER_COMPOUND_MODES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.inter_compound_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_inter_compound_mode_cdf[INTER_MODE_CONTEXTS][CDF_" "SIZE(INTER_COMPOUND_MODES)]"); #if CONFIG_COMPOUND_SINGLEREF /* Compound singleref mode */ cts_each_dim[0] = INTER_MODE_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = INTER_SINGLEREF_COMP_MODES; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.inter_singleref_comp_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_inter_singleref_comp_mode_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_inter_singleref_comp_mode_probs\n" "[INTER_MODE_CONTEXTS][INTER_SINGLEREF_COMP_MODES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.inter_singleref_comp_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_inter_singleref_comp_mode_cdf[INTER_MODE_" "CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(INTER_SINGLEREF_COMP_MODES)]"); #endif #if CONFIG_INTERINTRA /* Interintra */ cts_each_dim[0] = BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.interintra[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_interintra_prob[BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.interintra[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_interintra_cdf[BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); cts_each_dim[0] = BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS; cts_each_dim[1] = INTERINTRA_MODES; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.interintra_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_interintra_mode_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob " "default_interintra_mode_prob[BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS][INTERINTRA_MODES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.interintra_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_interintra_mode_cdf[BLOCK_SIZE_GROUPS][CDF_SIZE(" "INTERINTRA_MODES)]"); cts_each_dim[0] = BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.wedge_interintra[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_wedge_interintra_prob[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.wedge_interintra[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_wedge_interintra_cdf[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif /* Compound type */ cts_each_dim[0] = BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; cts_each_dim[1] = COMPOUND_TYPES; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.compound_interinter[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_compound_type_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_compound_type_probs" "[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL][COMPOUND_TYPES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.compound_interinter[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_compound_type_cdf[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL][CDF_SIZE(COMPOUND_TYPES)]"); #endif /* motion_var and warped_motion experiments */ #if CONFIG_MOTION_VAR || CONFIG_WARPED_MOTION cts_each_dim[0] = BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; cts_each_dim[1] = MOTION_MODES; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.motion_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_motion_mode_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_motion_mode_prob[BLOCK_SIZES]" "[MOTION_MODES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.motion_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_motion_mode_cdf[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL][CDF_SIZE(MOTION_MODES)]"); #if CONFIG_MOTION_VAR && CONFIG_WARPED_MOTION cts_each_dim[0] = BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.obmc[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_obmc_prob[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.obmc[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_obmc_cdf[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif // CONFIG_MOTION_VAR && CONFIG_WARPED_MOTION #endif // CONFIG_MOTION_VAR || CONFIG_WARPED_MOTION /* Intra/inter flag */ cts_each_dim[0] = INTRA_INTER_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.intra_inter[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_intra_inter_p" "[INTRA_INTER_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.intra_inter[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_intra_inter_cdf[INTRA_INTER_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); /* Single/comp ref flag */ cts_each_dim[0] = COMP_INTER_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.comp_inter[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_comp_inter_p" "[COMP_INTER_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.comp_inter[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_comp_inter_cdf[COMP_INTER_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); /* ext_comp_refs experiment */ #if CONFIG_EXT_COMP_REFS cts_each_dim[0] = COMP_REF_TYPE_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.comp_ref_type[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_comp_ref_type_p[COMP_REF_TYPE_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.comp_ref_type[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_comp_ref_type_cdf[COMP_REF_TYPE_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); cts_each_dim[0] = UNI_COMP_REF_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = UNIDIR_COMP_REFS - 1; cts_each_dim[2] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.uni_comp_ref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob\n" "default_uni_comp_ref_p[UNI_COMP_REF_CONTEXTS][UNIDIR_COMP_REFS - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.uni_comp_ref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_uni_comp_ref_cdf[UNI_COMP_REF_CONTEXTS][UNIDIR_" "COMP_REFS - 1][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif /* Reference frame (single ref) */ cts_each_dim[0] = REF_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = SINGLE_REFS - 1; cts_each_dim[2] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.single_ref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_single_ref_p[REF_CONTEXTS]" "[SINGLE_REFS - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.single_ref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_single_ref_cdf[REF_CONTEXTS][SINGLE_REFS - 1][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #if CONFIG_EXT_REFS /* ext_refs experiment */ cts_each_dim[0] = REF_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = FWD_REFS - 1; cts_each_dim[2] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.comp_ref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_comp_ref_p[REF_CONTEXTS][FWD_REFS - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.comp_ref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_comp_ref_cdf[REF_CONTEXTS][FWD_REFS - 1][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); cts_each_dim[0] = REF_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = BWD_REFS - 1; cts_each_dim[2] = 2; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.comp_bwdref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob " "default_comp_bwdref_p[REF_CONTEXTS][BWD_REFS - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.comp_bwdref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_comp_bwdref_cdf[REF_CONTEXTS][BWD_REFS - 1][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #else /* Reference frame (compound refs) */ cts_each_dim[0] = REF_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = COMP_REFS - 1; cts_each_dim[2] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.comp_ref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_comp_ref_p[REF_CONTEXTS]" "[COMP_REFS - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.comp_ref[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_comp_ref_cdf[REF_CONTEXTS][COMP_REFS - 1][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif // CONFIG_EXT_REFS /* Compound single ref inter mode */ #if CONFIG_EXT_INTER && CONFIG_COMPOUND_SINGLEREF cts_each_dim[0] = COMP_INTER_MODE_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.comp_inter_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob " "default_comp_inter_mode_p[COMP_INTER_MODE_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.comp_inter_mode[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_comp_inter_mode_cdf[COMP_INTER_MODE_CONTEXTS][" "CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif /* Transform size */ // TODO(yuec): av1_tx_size_tree has variable sizes, so needs special handling #if CONFIG_RECT_TX_EXT && (CONFIG_EXT_TX || CONFIG_VAR_TX) cts_each_dim[0] = 2; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.quarter_tx_size[0], probsfile, 1, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_quarter_tx_size_prob"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.quarter_tx_size[0], probsfile, 1, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob default_quarter_tx_size_cdf[CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif #if CONFIG_VAR_TX cts_each_dim[0] = TXFM_PARTITION_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.txfm_partition[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob " "default_txfm_partition_probs[TXFM_PARTITION_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.txfm_partition[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob\n" "default_txfm_partition_cdf[TXFM_PARTITION_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif /* Skip flag */ cts_each_dim[0] = SKIP_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.skip[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_skip_probs[SKIP_CONTEXTS]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.skip[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_skip_cdfs[SKIP_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); /* intrabc experiment */ #if CONFIG_INTRABC cts_each_dim[0] = 2; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.intrabc[0], probsfile, 1, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "INTRABC_PROB_DEFAULT"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.intrabc[0], probsfile, 1, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob default_intrabc_cdf[CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif /* delta_q experiment */ #if CONFIG_DELTA_Q cts_each_dim[0] = DELTA_Q_PROBS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.delta_q[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_delta_q_probs[DELTA_Q_PROBS]"); #if CONFIG_EXT_DELTA_Q cts_each_dim[0] = DELTA_LF_PROBS; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.delta_lf[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_delta_lf_probs[DELTA_LF_PROBS]"); #endif #endif /* Transform type */ #if CONFIG_EXT_TX // TODO(yuec): different trees are used depending on selected ext tx set #else // TODO(yuec): intra_ext_tx use different trees depending on the context cts_each_dim[0] = EXT_TX_SIZES; cts_each_dim[1] = TX_TYPES; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.inter_ext_tx[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_ext_tx_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob default_inter_ext_tx_prob" "[EXT_TX_SIZES][TX_TYPES - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.inter_ext_tx[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_inter_ext_tx_prob[EXT_TX_SIZES][CDF_SIZE(TX_" "TYPES)]"); #endif /* supertx experiment */ #if CONFIG_SUPERTX cts_each_dim[0] = PARTITION_SUPERTX_CONTEXTS; cts_each_dim[1] = TX_SIZES; cts_each_dim[2] = 2; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.supertx[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob\n" "default_supertx_prob[PARTITION_SUPERTX_CONTEXTS][TX_SIZES]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.supertx[0][0][0], probsfile, 3, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_supertx_cdf[PARTITION_SUPERTX_CONTEXTS][TX_SIZES]" "[CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif /* ext_intra experiment */ #if CONFIG_EXT_INTRA #if CONFIG_INTRA_INTERP cts_each_dim[0] = INTRA_FILTERS + 1; cts_each_dim[1] = INTRA_FILTERS; optimize_entropy_table( &fc.intra_filter[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, av1_intra_filter_tree, 0, "static const aom_prob\n" "default_intra_filter_probs[INTRA_FILTERS + 1][INTRA_FILTERS - 1]"); optimize_cdf_table(&fc.intra_filter[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob " "default_intra_filter_cdf[INTRA_FILTERS + " "1][CDF_SIZE(INTRA_FILTERS)]"); #endif #endif /* filter_intra experiment */ #if CONFIG_FILTER_INTRA cts_each_dim[0] = PLANE_TYPES; cts_each_dim[1] = 2; optimize_entropy_table(&fc.filter_intra[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, NULL, 1, "static const aom_prob default_filter_intra_probs[2]"); optimize_cdf_table( &fc.filter_intra[0][0], probsfile, 2, cts_each_dim, "static const aom_cdf_prob default_filter_intra_cdf[2][CDF_SIZE(2)]"); #endif fclose(statsfile); fclose(logfile); fclose(probsfile); return 0; }