/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include "./aom_config.h" #include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "test/codec_factory.h" #include "test/encode_test_driver.h" #include "test/i420_video_source.h" #include "test/util.h" #include "test/y4m_video_source.h" #include "aom/aom_codec.h" namespace { class DatarateTestLarge : public ::libaom_test::EncoderTest, public ::libaom_test::CodecTestWith2Params { public: DatarateTestLarge() : EncoderTest(GET_PARAM(0)) {} protected: virtual ~DatarateTestLarge() {} virtual void SetUp() { InitializeConfig(); SetMode(GET_PARAM(1)); set_cpu_used_ = GET_PARAM(2); ResetModel(); } virtual void ResetModel() { last_pts_ = 0; bits_in_buffer_model_ = cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz; frame_number_ = 0; tot_frame_number_ = 0; first_drop_ = 0; num_drops_ = 0; // Denoiser is off by default. denoiser_on_ = 0; bits_total_ = 0; denoiser_offon_test_ = 0; denoiser_offon_period_ = -1; } virtual void PreEncodeFrameHook(::libaom_test::VideoSource *video, ::libaom_test::Encoder *encoder) { if (video->frame() == 0) encoder->Control(AOME_SET_CPUUSED, set_cpu_used_); if (denoiser_offon_test_) { ASSERT_GT(denoiser_offon_period_, 0) << "denoiser_offon_period_ is not positive."; if ((video->frame() + 1) % denoiser_offon_period_ == 0) { // Flip denoiser_on_ periodically denoiser_on_ ^= 1; } } encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_NOISE_SENSITIVITY, denoiser_on_); const aom_rational_t tb = video->timebase(); timebase_ = static_cast(tb.num) / tb.den; duration_ = 0; } virtual void FramePktHook(const aom_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt) { // Time since last timestamp = duration. aom_codec_pts_t duration = pkt->data.frame.pts - last_pts_; if (duration > 1) { // If first drop not set and we have a drop set it to this time. if (!first_drop_) first_drop_ = last_pts_ + 1; // Update the number of frame drops. num_drops_ += static_cast(duration - 1); // Update counter for total number of frames (#frames input to encoder). // Needed for setting the proper layer_id below. tot_frame_number_ += static_cast(duration - 1); } // Add to the buffer the bits we'd expect from a constant bitrate server. bits_in_buffer_model_ += static_cast( duration * timebase_ * cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 1000); // Buffer should not go negative. ASSERT_GE(bits_in_buffer_model_, 0) << "Buffer Underrun at frame " << pkt->data.frame.pts; const size_t frame_size_in_bits = pkt->data.frame.sz * 8; // Update the total encoded bits. bits_total_ += frame_size_in_bits; // Update the most recent pts. last_pts_ = pkt->data.frame.pts; ++frame_number_; ++tot_frame_number_; } virtual void EndPassHook(void) { duration_ = (last_pts_ + 1) * timebase_; // Effective file datarate: effective_datarate_ = (bits_total_ / 1000.0) / duration_; } aom_codec_pts_t last_pts_; double timebase_; int frame_number_; // Counter for number of non-dropped/encoded frames. int tot_frame_number_; // Counter for total number of input frames. int64_t bits_total_; double duration_; double effective_datarate_; int set_cpu_used_; int64_t bits_in_buffer_model_; aom_codec_pts_t first_drop_; int num_drops_; int denoiser_on_; int denoiser_offon_test_; int denoiser_offon_period_; }; // Check basic rate targeting for VBR mode. TEST_P(DatarateTestLarge, BasicRateTargetingVBR) { cfg_.rc_min_quantizer = 0; cfg_.rc_max_quantizer = 63; cfg_.g_error_resilient = 0; cfg_.rc_end_usage = AOM_VBR; cfg_.g_lag_in_frames = 0; ::libaom_test::I420VideoSource video("hantro_collage_w352h288.yuv", 352, 288, 30, 1, 0, 140); for (int i = 400; i <= 800; i += 400) { cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = i; ResetModel(); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(RunLoop(&video)); ASSERT_GE(effective_datarate_, cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 0.75) << " The datarate for the file is lower than target by too much!"; ASSERT_LE(effective_datarate_, cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 1.25) << " The datarate for the file is greater than target by too much!"; } } // Check basic rate targeting for CBR, TEST_P(DatarateTestLarge, BasicRateTargeting) { cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 500; cfg_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 500; cfg_.rc_buf_sz = 1000; cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 1; cfg_.rc_min_quantizer = 0; cfg_.rc_max_quantizer = 63; cfg_.rc_end_usage = AOM_CBR; cfg_.g_lag_in_frames = 0; ::libaom_test::I420VideoSource video("hantro_collage_w352h288.yuv", 352, 288, 30, 1, 0, 140); for (int i = 150; i < 800; i += 400) { cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = i; ResetModel(); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(RunLoop(&video)); ASSERT_GE(effective_datarate_, cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 0.85) << " The datarate for the file is lower than target by too much!"; ASSERT_LE(effective_datarate_, cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 1.15) << " The datarate for the file is greater than target by too much!"; } } // Check basic rate targeting for CBR. TEST_P(DatarateTestLarge, BasicRateTargeting444) { ::libaom_test::Y4mVideoSource video("rush_hour_444.y4m", 0, 140); cfg_.g_profile = 1; cfg_.g_timebase = video.timebase(); cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 500; cfg_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 500; cfg_.rc_buf_sz = 1000; cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 1; cfg_.rc_min_quantizer = 0; cfg_.rc_max_quantizer = 63; cfg_.rc_end_usage = AOM_CBR; for (int i = 250; i < 900; i += 400) { cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = i; ResetModel(); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(RunLoop(&video)); ASSERT_GE(static_cast(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate), effective_datarate_ * 0.85) << " The datarate for the file exceeds the target by too much!"; ASSERT_LE(static_cast(cfg_.rc_target_bitrate), effective_datarate_ * 1.15) << " The datarate for the file missed the target!" << cfg_.rc_target_bitrate << " " << effective_datarate_; } } // Check that (1) the first dropped frame gets earlier and earlier // as the drop frame threshold is increased, and (2) that the total number of // frame drops does not decrease as we increase frame drop threshold. // Use a lower qp-max to force some frame drops. TEST_P(DatarateTestLarge, ChangingDropFrameThresh) { cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 500; cfg_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 500; cfg_.rc_buf_sz = 1000; cfg_.rc_undershoot_pct = 20; cfg_.rc_undershoot_pct = 20; cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 10; cfg_.rc_min_quantizer = 0; cfg_.rc_max_quantizer = 50; cfg_.rc_end_usage = AOM_CBR; cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 200; cfg_.g_lag_in_frames = 0; // TODO(marpan): Investigate datarate target failures with a smaller keyframe // interval (128). cfg_.kf_max_dist = 9999; ::libaom_test::I420VideoSource video("hantro_collage_w352h288.yuv", 352, 288, 30, 1, 0, 100); const int kDropFrameThreshTestStep = 30; aom_codec_pts_t last_drop = 140; int last_num_drops = 0; for (int i = 40; i < 100; i += kDropFrameThreshTestStep) { cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = i; ResetModel(); ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(RunLoop(&video)); ASSERT_GE(effective_datarate_, cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 0.85) << " The datarate for the file is lower than target by too much!"; ASSERT_LE(effective_datarate_, cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 1.15) << " The datarate for the file is greater than target by too much!"; ASSERT_LE(first_drop_, last_drop) << " The first dropped frame for drop_thresh " << i << " > first dropped frame for drop_thresh " << i - kDropFrameThreshTestStep; ASSERT_GE(num_drops_, last_num_drops * 0.85) << " The number of dropped frames for drop_thresh " << i << " < number of dropped frames for drop_thresh " << i - kDropFrameThreshTestStep; last_drop = first_drop_; last_num_drops = num_drops_; } } AV1_INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE(DatarateTestLarge, ::testing::Values(::libaom_test::kOnePassGood, ::libaom_test::kRealTime), ::testing::Range(2, 9, 2)); } // namespace