/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L // rand_r() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "av1/encoder/bgsprite.h" #include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h" #include "./aom_scale_rtcd.h" #include "av1/common/mv.h" #include "av1/common/warped_motion.h" #include "av1/encoder/encoder.h" #include "av1/encoder/global_motion.h" #include "av1/encoder/mathutils.h" #include "av1/encoder/temporal_filter.h" /* Blending Modes: * 0 = Median * 1 = Mean */ #define BGSPRITE_BLENDING_MODE 1 /* Interpolation for panorama alignment sampling: * 0 = Nearest neighbor * 1 = Bilinear */ #define BGSPRITE_INTERPOLATION 0 #define TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM 3 typedef struct { #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH uint16_t y; uint16_t u; uint16_t v; #else uint8_t y; uint8_t u; uint8_t v; #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH } YuvPixel; // Maps to convert from matrix form to param vector form. static const int params_to_matrix_map[] = { 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 1, 6, 7 }; static const int matrix_to_params_map[] = { 2, 5, 0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 }; // Convert the parameter array to a 3x3 matrix form. static void params_to_matrix(const double *const params, double *target) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARAMDIM - 1; i++) { assert(params_to_matrix_map[i] < MAX_PARAMDIM - 1); target[i] = params[params_to_matrix_map[i]]; } target[8] = 1; } // Convert a 3x3 matrix to a parameter array form. static void matrix_to_params(const double *const matrix, double *target) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PARAMDIM - 1; i++) { assert(matrix_to_params_map[i] < MAX_PARAMDIM - 1); target[i] = matrix[matrix_to_params_map[i]]; } } // Do matrix multiplication on params. static void multiply_params(double *const m1, double *const m2, double *target) { double m1_matrix[MAX_PARAMDIM]; double m2_matrix[MAX_PARAMDIM]; double result[MAX_PARAMDIM]; params_to_matrix(m1, m1_matrix); params_to_matrix(m2, m2_matrix); multiply_mat(m2_matrix, m1_matrix, result, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM); matrix_to_params(result, target); } // Finds x and y limits of a single transformed image. // Width and height are the size of the input video. static void find_frame_limit(int width, int height, const double *const transform, int *x_min, int *x_max, int *y_min, int *y_max) { double transform_matrix[MAX_PARAMDIM]; double xy_matrix[3] = { 0, 0, 1 }; double uv_matrix[3] = { 0 }; // Macro used to update frame limits based on transformed coordinates. #define UPDATELIMITS(u, v, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) \ { \ if ((int)ceil(u) > *x_max) { \ *x_max = (int)ceil(u); \ } \ if ((int)floor(u) < *x_min) { \ *x_min = (int)floor(u); \ } \ if ((int)ceil(v) > *y_max) { \ *y_max = (int)ceil(v); \ } \ if ((int)floor(v) < *y_min) { \ *y_min = (int)floor(v); \ } \ } params_to_matrix(transform, transform_matrix); xy_matrix[0] = 0; xy_matrix[1] = 0; multiply_mat(transform_matrix, xy_matrix, uv_matrix, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, 1); *x_max = (int)ceil(uv_matrix[0]); *x_min = (int)floor(uv_matrix[0]); *y_max = (int)ceil(uv_matrix[1]); *y_min = (int)floor(uv_matrix[1]); xy_matrix[0] = width; xy_matrix[1] = 0; multiply_mat(transform_matrix, xy_matrix, uv_matrix, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, 1); UPDATELIMITS(uv_matrix[0], uv_matrix[1], x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max); xy_matrix[0] = width; xy_matrix[1] = height; multiply_mat(transform_matrix, xy_matrix, uv_matrix, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, 1); UPDATELIMITS(uv_matrix[0], uv_matrix[1], x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max); xy_matrix[0] = 0; xy_matrix[1] = height; multiply_mat(transform_matrix, xy_matrix, uv_matrix, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, 1); UPDATELIMITS(uv_matrix[0], uv_matrix[1], x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max); #undef UPDATELIMITS } // Finds x and y limits for arrays. Also finds the overall max and minimums static void find_limits(int width, int height, const double **const params, int num_frames, int *x_min, int *x_max, int *y_min, int *y_max, int *pano_x_min, int *pano_x_max, int *pano_y_min, int *pano_y_max) { *pano_x_max = INT_MIN; *pano_x_min = INT_MAX; *pano_y_max = INT_MIN; *pano_y_min = INT_MAX; for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; ++i) { find_frame_limit(width, height, (const double *const)params[i], &x_min[i], &x_max[i], &y_min[i], &y_max[i]); if (x_max[i] > *pano_x_max) { *pano_x_max = x_max[i]; } if (x_min[i] < *pano_x_min) { *pano_x_min = x_min[i]; } if (y_max[i] > *pano_y_max) { *pano_y_max = y_max[i]; } if (y_min[i] < *pano_y_min) { *pano_y_min = y_min[i]; } } } // Inverts a 3x3 matrix that is in the parameter form. static void invert_params(const double *const params, double *target) { double temp[MAX_PARAMDIM] = { 0 }; params_to_matrix(params, temp); // Find determinant of matrix (expansion by minors). const double det = temp[0] * ((temp[4] * temp[8]) - (temp[5] * temp[7])) - temp[1] * ((temp[3] * temp[8]) - (temp[5] * temp[6])) + temp[2] * ((temp[3] * temp[7]) - (temp[4] * temp[6])); assert(det != 0); // inverse is transpose of cofactor * 1/det. double inverse[MAX_PARAMDIM] = { 0 }; inverse[0] = (temp[4] * temp[8] - temp[7] * temp[5]) / det; inverse[1] = (temp[2] * temp[7] - temp[1] * temp[8]) / det; inverse[2] = (temp[1] * temp[5] - temp[2] * temp[4]) / det; inverse[3] = (temp[5] * temp[6] - temp[3] * temp[8]) / det; inverse[4] = (temp[0] * temp[8] - temp[2] * temp[6]) / det; inverse[5] = (temp[3] * temp[2] - temp[0] * temp[5]) / det; inverse[6] = (temp[3] * temp[7] - temp[6] * temp[4]) / det; inverse[7] = (temp[6] * temp[1] - temp[0] * temp[7]) / det; inverse[8] = (temp[0] * temp[4] - temp[3] * temp[1]) / det; matrix_to_params(inverse, target); } #if BGSPRITE_BLENDING_MODE == 0 // swaps two YuvPixels. static void swap_yuv(YuvPixel *a, YuvPixel *b) { const YuvPixel temp = *b; *b = *a; *a = temp; } // Partitions array to find pivot index in qselect. static int partition(YuvPixel arr[], int left, int right, int pivot_idx) { YuvPixel pivot = arr[pivot_idx]; // Move pivot to the end. swap_yuv(&arr[pivot_idx], &arr[right]); int p_idx = left; for (int i = left; i < right; ++i) { if (arr[i].y <= pivot.y) { swap_yuv(&arr[i], &arr[p_idx]); p_idx++; } } swap_yuv(&arr[p_idx], &arr[right]); return p_idx; } // Returns the kth element in array, partially sorted in place (quickselect). static YuvPixel qselect(YuvPixel arr[], int left, int right, int k) { if (left >= right) { return arr[left]; } unsigned int seed = (int)time(NULL); int pivot_idx = left + rand_r(&seed) % (right - left + 1); pivot_idx = partition(arr, left, right, pivot_idx); if (k == pivot_idx) { return arr[k]; } else if (k < pivot_idx) { return qselect(arr, left, pivot_idx - 1, k); } else { return qselect(arr, pivot_idx + 1, right, k); } } #endif // BGSPRITE_BLENDING_MODE == 0 // Stitches images together to create ARF and stores it in 'panorama'. static void stitch_images(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG **const frames, const int num_frames, const int center_idx, const double **const params, const int *const x_min, const int *const x_max, const int *const y_min, const int *const y_max, int pano_x_min, int pano_x_max, int pano_y_min, int pano_y_max, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *panorama) { const int width = pano_x_max - pano_x_min + 1; const int height = pano_y_max - pano_y_min + 1; // Create temp_pano[y][x][num_frames] stack of pixel values YuvPixel ***temp_pano = aom_malloc(height * sizeof(*temp_pano)); for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { temp_pano[i] = aom_malloc(width * sizeof(**temp_pano)); for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) { temp_pano[i][j] = aom_malloc(num_frames * sizeof(***temp_pano)); } } // Create count[y][x] to count how many values in stack for median filtering int **count = aom_malloc(height * sizeof(*count)); for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { count[i] = aom_calloc(width, sizeof(**count)); // counts initialized to 0 } // Re-sample images onto panorama (pre-median filtering). const int x_offset = -pano_x_min; const int y_offset = -pano_y_min; const int frame_width = frames[0]->y_width; const int frame_height = frames[0]->y_height; for (int i = 0; i < num_frames; ++i) { // Find transforms from panorama coordinate system back to single image // coordinate system for sampling. int transformed_width = x_max[i] - x_min[i] + 1; int transformed_height = y_max[i] - y_min[i] + 1; double transform_matrix[MAX_PARAMDIM]; double transform_params[MAX_PARAMDIM - 1]; invert_params(params[i], transform_params); params_to_matrix(transform_params, transform_matrix); #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH const uint16_t *y_buffer16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(frames[i]->y_buffer); const uint16_t *u_buffer16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(frames[i]->u_buffer); const uint16_t *v_buffer16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(frames[i]->v_buffer); #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH for (int y = 0; y < transformed_height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < transformed_width; ++x) { // Do transform. double xy_matrix[3] = { x + x_min[i], y + y_min[i], 1 }; double uv_matrix[3] = { 0 }; multiply_mat(transform_matrix, xy_matrix, uv_matrix, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, TRANSFORM_MAT_DIM, 1); // Coordinates used for nearest neighbor interpolation. int image_x = (int)round(uv_matrix[0]); int image_y = (int)round(uv_matrix[1]); // Temporary values for bilinear interpolation double interpolated_yvalue = 0.0; double interpolated_uvalue = 0.0; double interpolated_vvalue = 0.0; double interpolated_fraction = 0.0; int interpolation_count = 0; #if BGSPRITE_INTERPOLATION == 1 // Coordintes used for bilinear interpolation. double x_base; double y_base; double x_decimal = modf(uv_matrix[0], &x_base); double y_decimal = modf(uv_matrix[1], &y_base); if ((x_decimal > 0.2 && x_decimal < 0.8) || (y_decimal > 0.2 && y_decimal < 0.8)) { for (int u = 0; u < 2; ++u) { for (int v = 0; v < 2; ++v) { int interp_x = (int)x_base + u; int interp_y = (int)y_base + v; if (interp_x >= 0 && interp_x < frame_width && interp_y >= 0 && interp_y < frame_height) { interpolation_count++; interpolated_fraction += fabs(u - x_decimal) * fabs(v - y_decimal); int ychannel_idx = interp_y * frames[i]->y_stride + interp_x; int uvchannel_idx = (interp_y >> frames[i]->subsampling_y) * frames[i]->uv_stride + (interp_x >> frames[i]->subsampling_x); #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH if (frames[i]->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) { interpolated_yvalue += (1 - fabs(u - x_decimal)) * (1 - fabs(v - y_decimal)) * y_buffer16[ychannel_idx]; interpolated_uvalue += (1 - fabs(u - x_decimal)) * (1 - fabs(v - y_decimal)) * u_buffer16[uvchannel_idx]; interpolated_vvalue += (1 - fabs(u - x_decimal)) * (1 - fabs(v - y_decimal)) * v_buffer16[uvchannel_idx]; } else { #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH interpolated_yvalue += (1 - fabs(u - x_decimal)) * (1 - fabs(v - y_decimal)) * frames[i]->y_buffer[ychannel_idx]; interpolated_uvalue += (1 - fabs(u - x_decimal)) * (1 - fabs(v - y_decimal)) * frames[i]->u_buffer[uvchannel_idx]; interpolated_vvalue += (1 - fabs(u - x_decimal)) * (1 - fabs(v - y_decimal)) * frames[i]->v_buffer[uvchannel_idx]; #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH } #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH } } } } #endif // BGSPRITE_INTERPOLATION == 1 if (BGSPRITE_INTERPOLATION && interpolation_count > 2) { if (interpolation_count != 4) { interpolated_yvalue /= interpolated_fraction; interpolated_uvalue /= interpolated_fraction; interpolated_vvalue /= interpolated_fraction; } int pano_x = x + x_min[i] + x_offset; int pano_y = y + y_min[i] + y_offset; #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH if (frames[i]->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) { temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].y = (uint16_t)interpolated_yvalue; temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].u = (uint16_t)interpolated_uvalue; temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].v = (uint16_t)interpolated_vvalue; } else { #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].y = (uint8_t)interpolated_yvalue; temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].u = (uint8_t)interpolated_uvalue; temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].v = (uint8_t)interpolated_vvalue; #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH } #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH ++count[pano_y][pano_x]; } else if (image_x >= 0 && image_x < frame_width && image_y >= 0 && image_y < frame_height) { // Place in panorama stack. int pano_x = x + x_min[i] + x_offset; int pano_y = y + y_min[i] + y_offset; int ychannel_idx = image_y * frames[i]->y_stride + image_x; int uvchannel_idx = (image_y >> frames[i]->subsampling_y) * frames[i]->uv_stride + (image_x >> frames[i]->subsampling_x); #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH if (frames[i]->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) { temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].y = y_buffer16[ychannel_idx]; temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].u = u_buffer16[uvchannel_idx]; temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].v = v_buffer16[uvchannel_idx]; } else { #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].y = frames[i]->y_buffer[ychannel_idx]; temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].u = frames[i]->u_buffer[uvchannel_idx]; temp_pano[pano_y][pano_x][count[pano_y][pano_x]].v = frames[i]->v_buffer[uvchannel_idx]; #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH } #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH ++count[pano_y][pano_x]; } } } } #if BGSPRITE_BLENDING_MODE == 1 // Apply mean filtering and store result in temp_pano[y][x][0]. for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if (count[y][x] == 0) { // Just make the pixel black. // TODO(toddnguyen): Color the pixel with nearest neighbor } else { // Find uint32_t y_sum = 0; uint32_t u_sum = 0; uint32_t v_sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count[y][x]; ++i) { y_sum += temp_pano[y][x][i].y; u_sum += temp_pano[y][x][i].u; v_sum += temp_pano[y][x][i].v; } const uint32_t unsigned_count = (uint32_t)count[y][x]; #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH if (panorama->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) { temp_pano[y][x][0].y = (uint16_t)OD_DIVU(y_sum, unsigned_count); temp_pano[y][x][0].u = (uint16_t)OD_DIVU(u_sum, unsigned_count); temp_pano[y][x][0].v = (uint16_t)OD_DIVU(v_sum, unsigned_count); } else { #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH temp_pano[y][x][0].y = (uint8_t)OD_DIVU(y_sum, unsigned_count); temp_pano[y][x][0].u = (uint8_t)OD_DIVU(u_sum, unsigned_count); temp_pano[y][x][0].v = (uint8_t)OD_DIVU(v_sum, unsigned_count); #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH } #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH } } } #else // Apply median filtering using quickselect. for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { if (count[y][x] == 0) { // Just make the pixel black. // TODO(toddnguyen): Color the pixel with nearest neighbor } else { // Find const int median_idx = (int)floor(count[y][x] / 2); YuvPixel median = qselect(temp_pano[y][x], 0, count[y][x] - 1, median_idx); // Make the median value the 0th index for UV subsampling later temp_pano[y][x][0] = median; assert(median.y == temp_pano[y][x][0].y && median.u == temp_pano[y][x][0].u && median.v == temp_pano[y][x][0].v); } } } #endif // BGSPRITE_BLENDING_MODE == 1 // NOTE(toddnguyen): Right now the ARF in the cpi struct is fixed size at // the same size as the frames. For now, we crop the generated panorama. // assert(panorama->y_width < width && panorama->y_height < height); const int crop_x_offset = x_min[center_idx] + x_offset; const int crop_y_offset = y_min[center_idx] + y_offset; #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH if (panorama->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) { // Use median Y value. uint16_t *pano_y_buffer16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(panorama->y_buffer); for (int y = 0; y < panorama->y_height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < panorama->y_width; ++x) { const int ychannel_idx = y * panorama->y_stride + x; if (count[y + crop_y_offset][x + crop_x_offset] > 0) { pano_y_buffer16[ychannel_idx] = temp_pano[y + crop_y_offset][x + crop_x_offset][0].y; } else { pano_y_buffer16[ychannel_idx] = 0; } } } // UV subsampling with median UV values uint16_t *pano_u_buffer16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(panorama->u_buffer); uint16_t *pano_v_buffer16 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(panorama->v_buffer); for (int y = 0; y < panorama->uv_height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < panorama->uv_width; ++x) { uint32_t avg_count = 0; uint32_t u_sum = 0; uint32_t v_sum = 0; // Look at surrounding pixels for subsampling for (int s_x = 0; s_x < panorama->subsampling_x + 1; ++s_x) { for (int s_y = 0; s_y < panorama->subsampling_y + 1; ++s_y) { int y_sample = crop_y_offset + (y << panorama->subsampling_y) + s_y; int x_sample = crop_x_offset + (x << panorama->subsampling_x) + s_x; if (y_sample > 0 && y_sample < height && x_sample > 0 && x_sample < width && count[y_sample][x_sample] > 0) { u_sum += temp_pano[y_sample][x_sample][0].u; v_sum += temp_pano[y_sample][x_sample][0].v; avg_count++; } } } const int uvchannel_idx = y * panorama->uv_stride + x; if (avg_count != 0) { pano_u_buffer16[uvchannel_idx] = (uint16_t)OD_DIVU(u_sum, avg_count); pano_v_buffer16[uvchannel_idx] = (uint16_t)OD_DIVU(v_sum, avg_count); } else { pano_u_buffer16[uvchannel_idx] = 0; pano_v_buffer16[uvchannel_idx] = 0; } } } } else { #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH // Use median Y value. for (int y = 0; y < panorama->y_height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < panorama->y_width; ++x) { const int ychannel_idx = y * panorama->y_stride + x; if (count[y + crop_y_offset][x + crop_x_offset] > 0) { panorama->y_buffer[ychannel_idx] = temp_pano[y + crop_y_offset][x + crop_x_offset][0].y; } else { panorama->y_buffer[ychannel_idx] = 0; } } } // UV subsampling with median UV values for (int y = 0; y < panorama->uv_height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < panorama->uv_width; ++x) { uint16_t avg_count = 0; uint16_t u_sum = 0; uint16_t v_sum = 0; // Look at surrounding pixels for subsampling for (int s_x = 0; s_x < panorama->subsampling_x + 1; ++s_x) { for (int s_y = 0; s_y < panorama->subsampling_y + 1; ++s_y) { int y_sample = crop_y_offset + (y << panorama->subsampling_y) + s_y; int x_sample = crop_x_offset + (x << panorama->subsampling_x) + s_x; if (y_sample > 0 && y_sample < height && x_sample > 0 && x_sample < width && count[y_sample][x_sample] > 0) { u_sum += temp_pano[y_sample][x_sample][0].u; v_sum += temp_pano[y_sample][x_sample][0].v; avg_count++; } } } const int uvchannel_idx = y * panorama->uv_stride + x; if (avg_count != 0) { panorama->u_buffer[uvchannel_idx] = (uint8_t)OD_DIVU(u_sum, avg_count); panorama->v_buffer[uvchannel_idx] = (uint8_t)OD_DIVU(v_sum, avg_count); } else { panorama->u_buffer[uvchannel_idx] = 0; panorama->v_buffer[uvchannel_idx] = 0; } } } #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH } #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) { aom_free(temp_pano[i][j]); } aom_free(temp_pano[i]); aom_free(count[i]); } aom_free(count); aom_free(temp_pano); } int av1_background_sprite(AV1_COMP *cpi, int distance) { YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *frames[MAX_LAG_BUFFERS] = { NULL }; static const double identity_params[MAX_PARAMDIM - 1] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; const int frames_after_arf = av1_lookahead_depth(cpi->lookahead) - distance - 1; int frames_fwd = (cpi->oxcf.arnr_max_frames - 1) >> 1; int frames_bwd; // Define the forward and backwards filter limits for this arnr group. if (frames_fwd > frames_after_arf) frames_fwd = frames_after_arf; if (frames_fwd > distance) frames_fwd = distance; frames_bwd = frames_fwd; #if CONFIG_EXT_REFS const GF_GROUP *const gf_group = &cpi->twopass.gf_group; if (gf_group->rf_level[gf_group->index] == GF_ARF_LOW) { cpi->alt_ref_buffer = av1_lookahead_peek(cpi->lookahead, distance)->img; cpi->is_arf_filter_off[gf_group->arf_update_idx[gf_group->index]] = 1; frames_fwd = 0; frames_bwd = 0; } else { cpi->is_arf_filter_off[gf_group->arf_update_idx[gf_group->index]] = 0; } #endif // CONFIG_EXT_REFS const int start_frame = distance + frames_fwd; const int frames_to_stitch = frames_bwd + 1 + frames_fwd; // Get frames to be included in background sprite. for (int frame = 0; frame < frames_to_stitch; ++frame) { const int which_buffer = start_frame - frame; struct lookahead_entry *buf = av1_lookahead_peek(cpi->lookahead, which_buffer); frames[frames_to_stitch - 1 - frame] = &buf->img; } YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG temp_bg; memset(&temp_bg, 0, sizeof(temp_bg)); aom_alloc_frame_buffer(&temp_bg, frames[0]->y_width, frames[0]->y_height, frames[0]->subsampling_x, frames[0]->subsampling_y, #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH frames[0]->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH, #endif frames[0]->border, 0); aom_yv12_copy_frame(frames[0], &temp_bg); temp_bg.bit_depth = frames[0]->bit_depth; // Allocate empty arrays for parameters between frames. double **params = aom_malloc(frames_to_stitch * sizeof(*params)); for (int i = 0; i < frames_to_stitch; ++i) { params[i] = aom_malloc(sizeof(identity_params)); memcpy(params[i], identity_params, sizeof(identity_params)); } // Use global motion to find affine transformations between frames. // params[i] will have the transform from frame[i] to frame[i-1]. // params[0] will have the identity matrix because it has no previous frame. TransformationType model = AFFINE; int inliers_by_motion[RANSAC_NUM_MOTIONS]; for (int frame = 0; frame < frames_to_stitch - 1; ++frame) { const int global_motion_ret = compute_global_motion_feature_based( model, frames[frame + 1], frames[frame], #if CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH cpi->common.bit_depth, #endif // CONFIG_HIGHBITDEPTH inliers_by_motion, params[frame + 1], RANSAC_NUM_MOTIONS); // Quit if global motion had an error. if (global_motion_ret == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < frames_to_stitch; ++i) { aom_free(params[i]); } aom_free(params); return 1; } } // Compound the transformation parameters. for (int i = 1; i < frames_to_stitch; ++i) { multiply_params(params[i - 1], params[i], params[i]); } // Compute frame limits for final stitched images. int pano_x_max = INT_MIN; int pano_x_min = INT_MAX; int pano_y_max = INT_MIN; int pano_y_min = INT_MAX; int *x_max = aom_malloc(frames_to_stitch * sizeof(*x_max)); int *x_min = aom_malloc(frames_to_stitch * sizeof(*x_min)); int *y_max = aom_malloc(frames_to_stitch * sizeof(*y_max)); int *y_min = aom_malloc(frames_to_stitch * sizeof(*y_min)); find_limits(cpi->initial_width, cpi->initial_height, (const double **const)params, frames_to_stitch, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, &pano_x_min, &pano_x_max, &pano_y_min, &pano_y_max); // Center panorama on the ARF. const int center_idx = frames_bwd; assert(center_idx >= 0 && center_idx < frames_to_stitch); // Recompute transformations to adjust to center image. // Invert center image's transform. double inverse[MAX_PARAMDIM - 1] = { 0 }; invert_params(params[center_idx], inverse); // Multiply the inverse to all transformation parameters. for (int i = 0; i < frames_to_stitch; ++i) { multiply_params(inverse, params[i], params[i]); } // Recompute frame limits for new adjusted center. find_limits(cpi->initial_width, cpi->initial_height, (const double **const)params, frames_to_stitch, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, &pano_x_min, &pano_x_max, &pano_y_min, &pano_y_max); // Stitch Images. stitch_images(frames, frames_to_stitch, center_idx, (const double **const)params, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, pano_x_min, pano_x_max, pano_y_min, pano_y_max, &temp_bg); // Apply temporal filter. av1_temporal_filter(cpi, &temp_bg, distance); // Free memory. aom_free_frame_buffer(&temp_bg); for (int i = 0; i < frames_to_stitch; ++i) { aom_free(params[i]); } aom_free(params); aom_free(x_max); aom_free(x_min); aom_free(y_max); aom_free(y_min); return 0; }