/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #ifndef AV1_COMMON_OBMC_H_ #define AV1_COMMON_OBMC_H_ #if CONFIG_MOTION_VAR typedef void (*overlappable_nb_visitor_t)(MACROBLOCKD *xd, int rel_mi_pos, uint8_t nb_mi_size, MODE_INFO *nb_mi, void *fun_ctxt); static INLINE void foreach_overlappable_nb_above(const AV1_COMMON *cm, MACROBLOCKD *xd, int mi_col, int nb_max, overlappable_nb_visitor_t fun, void *fun_ctxt) { if (!xd->up_available) return; int nb_count = 0; // prev_row_mi points into the mi array, starting at the beginning of the // previous row. MODE_INFO **prev_row_mi = xd->mi - mi_col - 1 * xd->mi_stride; const int end_col = AOMMIN(mi_col + xd->n8_w, cm->mi_cols); uint8_t mi_step; for (int above_mi_col = mi_col; above_mi_col < end_col && nb_count < nb_max; above_mi_col += mi_step) { MODE_INFO **above_mi = prev_row_mi + above_mi_col; mi_step = AOMMIN(mi_size_wide[above_mi[0]->mbmi.sb_type], mi_size_wide[BLOCK_64X64]); #if CONFIG_CHROMA_SUB8X8 // If we're considering a block with width 4, it should be treated as // half of a pair of blocks with chroma information in the second. Move // above_mi_col back to the start of the pair if needed, set above_mbmi // to point at the block with chroma information, and set mi_step to 2 to // step over the entire pair at the end of the iteration. if (mi_step == 1) { above_mi_col &= ~1; above_mi = prev_row_mi + above_mi_col + 1; mi_step = 2; } #endif // CONFIG_CHROMA_SUB8X8 MB_MODE_INFO *above_mbmi = &above_mi[0]->mbmi; if (is_neighbor_overlappable(above_mbmi)) { ++nb_count; fun(xd, above_mi_col - mi_col, AOMMIN(xd->n8_w, mi_step), *above_mi, fun_ctxt); } } } static INLINE void foreach_overlappable_nb_left(const AV1_COMMON *cm, MACROBLOCKD *xd, int mi_row, int nb_max, overlappable_nb_visitor_t fun, void *fun_ctxt) { if (!xd->left_available) return; int nb_count = 0; // prev_col_mi points into the mi array, starting at the top of the // previous column MODE_INFO **prev_col_mi = xd->mi - 1 - mi_row * xd->mi_stride; const int end_row = AOMMIN(mi_row + xd->n8_h, cm->mi_rows); uint8_t mi_step; for (int left_mi_row = mi_row; left_mi_row < end_row && nb_count < nb_max; left_mi_row += mi_step) { MODE_INFO **left_mi = prev_col_mi + left_mi_row * xd->mi_stride; mi_step = AOMMIN(mi_size_high[left_mi[0]->mbmi.sb_type], mi_size_high[BLOCK_64X64]); #if CONFIG_CHROMA_SUB8X8 if (mi_step == 1) { left_mi_row &= ~1; left_mi = prev_col_mi + (left_mi_row + 1) * xd->mi_stride; mi_step = 2; } #endif // CONFIG_CHROMA_SUB8X8 MB_MODE_INFO *left_mbmi = &left_mi[0]->mbmi; if (is_neighbor_overlappable(left_mbmi)) { ++nb_count; fun(xd, left_mi_row - mi_row, AOMMIN(xd->n8_h, mi_step), *left_mi, fun_ctxt); } } } #endif // CONFIG_MOTION_VAR #endif // AV1_COMMON_OBMC_H_