/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #ifndef AV1_AV1_IFACE_COMMON_H_ #define AV1_AV1_IFACE_COMMON_H_ #include "aom_ports/mem.h" static void yuvconfig2image(aom_image_t *img, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *yv12, void *user_priv) { /* aom_img_wrap() doesn't allow specifying independent strides for * the Y, U, and V planes, nor other alignment adjustments that * might be representable by a YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG, so we just * initialize all the fields. */ int bps; if (!yv12->subsampling_y) { if (!yv12->subsampling_x) { img->fmt = AOM_IMG_FMT_I444; bps = 24; } else { img->fmt = AOM_IMG_FMT_I422; bps = 16; } } else { img->fmt = AOM_IMG_FMT_I420; bps = 12; } img->cp = yv12->color_primaries; img->tc = yv12->transfer_characteristics; img->mc = yv12->matrix_coefficients; img->monochrome = yv12->monochrome; img->csp = yv12->chroma_sample_position; img->range = yv12->color_range; img->bit_depth = 8; img->w = yv12->y_width; img->h = yv12->y_height; img->d_w = yv12->y_crop_width; img->d_h = yv12->y_crop_height; img->r_w = yv12->render_width; img->r_h = yv12->render_height; img->x_chroma_shift = yv12->subsampling_x; img->y_chroma_shift = yv12->subsampling_y; img->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y] = yv12->y_buffer; img->planes[AOM_PLANE_U] = yv12->u_buffer; img->planes[AOM_PLANE_V] = yv12->v_buffer; img->planes[AOM_PLANE_ALPHA] = NULL; img->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y] = yv12->y_stride; img->stride[AOM_PLANE_U] = yv12->uv_stride; img->stride[AOM_PLANE_V] = yv12->uv_stride; img->stride[AOM_PLANE_ALPHA] = yv12->y_stride; if (yv12->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) { // aom_image_t uses byte strides and a pointer to the first byte // of the image. img->fmt = (aom_img_fmt_t)(img->fmt | AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH); img->bit_depth = yv12->bit_depth; img->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y] = (uint8_t *)CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(yv12->y_buffer); img->planes[AOM_PLANE_U] = (uint8_t *)CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(yv12->u_buffer); img->planes[AOM_PLANE_V] = (uint8_t *)CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(yv12->v_buffer); img->planes[AOM_PLANE_ALPHA] = NULL; img->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y] = 2 * yv12->y_stride; img->stride[AOM_PLANE_U] = 2 * yv12->uv_stride; img->stride[AOM_PLANE_V] = 2 * yv12->uv_stride; img->stride[AOM_PLANE_ALPHA] = 2 * yv12->y_stride; } img->bps = bps; img->user_priv = user_priv; img->img_data = yv12->buffer_alloc; img->img_data_owner = 0; img->self_allocd = 0; } static aom_codec_err_t image2yuvconfig(const aom_image_t *img, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *yv12) { yv12->y_buffer = img->planes[AOM_PLANE_Y]; yv12->u_buffer = img->planes[AOM_PLANE_U]; yv12->v_buffer = img->planes[AOM_PLANE_V]; yv12->y_crop_width = img->d_w; yv12->y_crop_height = img->d_h; yv12->render_width = img->r_w; yv12->render_height = img->r_h; yv12->y_width = img->w; yv12->y_height = img->h; yv12->uv_width = img->x_chroma_shift == 1 ? (1 + yv12->y_width) / 2 : yv12->y_width; yv12->uv_height = img->y_chroma_shift == 1 ? (1 + yv12->y_height) / 2 : yv12->y_height; yv12->uv_crop_width = yv12->uv_width; yv12->uv_crop_height = yv12->uv_height; yv12->y_stride = img->stride[AOM_PLANE_Y]; yv12->uv_stride = img->stride[AOM_PLANE_U]; yv12->color_primaries = img->cp; yv12->transfer_characteristics = img->tc; yv12->matrix_coefficients = img->mc; yv12->monochrome = img->monochrome; yv12->chroma_sample_position = img->csp; yv12->color_range = img->range; if (img->fmt & AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) { // In aom_image_t // planes point to uint8 address of start of data // stride counts uint8s to reach next row // In YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG // y_buffer, u_buffer, v_buffer point to uint16 address of data // stride and border counts in uint16s // This means that all the address calculations in the main body of code // should work correctly. // However, before we do any pixel operations we need to cast the address // to a uint16 ponter and double its value. yv12->y_buffer = CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(yv12->y_buffer); yv12->u_buffer = CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(yv12->u_buffer); yv12->v_buffer = CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(yv12->v_buffer); yv12->y_stride >>= 1; yv12->uv_stride >>= 1; yv12->flags = YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH; } else { yv12->flags = 0; } yv12->border = (yv12->y_stride - img->w) / 2; yv12->subsampling_x = img->x_chroma_shift; yv12->subsampling_y = img->y_chroma_shift; return AOM_CODEC_OK; } #endif // AV1_AV1_IFACE_COMMON_H_