/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved * * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent. */ #include #include #include #include "aom_util/debug_util.h" #define QUEUE_MAX_SIZE 2000000 static int result_queue[QUEUE_MAX_SIZE]; #if CONFIG_DAALA_EC static int nsymbs_queue[QUEUE_MAX_SIZE]; static aom_cdf_prob cdf_queue[QUEUE_MAX_SIZE][16]; #else static int prob_queue[QUEUE_MAX_SIZE]; #endif static int queue_r = 0; static int queue_w = 0; static int queue_prev_w = -1; static int skip_r = 0; static int skip_w = 0; static int frame_idx_w = 0; static int frame_idx_r = 0; void bitstream_queue_set_frame_write(int frame_idx) { frame_idx_w = frame_idx; } int bitstream_queue_get_frame_write(void) { return frame_idx_w; } void bitstream_queue_set_frame_read(int frame_idx) { frame_idx_r = frame_idx; } int bitstream_queue_get_frame_read(void) { return frame_idx_r; } void bitstream_queue_set_skip_write(int skip) { skip_w = skip; } void bitstream_queue_set_skip_read(int skip) { skip_r = skip; } void bitstream_queue_record_write(void) { queue_prev_w = queue_w; } void bitstream_queue_reset_write(void) { queue_w = queue_prev_w; } int bitstream_queue_get_write(void) { return queue_w; } int bitstream_queue_get_read(void) { return queue_r; } void bitstream_queue_pop(int *result, #if CONFIG_DAALA_EC aom_cdf_prob *cdf, int *nsymbs) { #else int *prob) { #endif // CONFIG_DAALA_EC if (!skip_r) { if (queue_w == queue_r) { printf("buffer underflow queue_w %d queue_r %d\n", queue_w, queue_r); assert(0); } *result = result_queue[queue_r]; #if CONFIG_DAALA_EC *nsymbs = nsymbs_queue[queue_r]; memcpy(cdf, cdf_queue[queue_r], *nsymbs * sizeof(*cdf)); #else *prob = prob_queue[queue_r]; #endif // CONFIG_DAALA_EC queue_r = (queue_r + 1) % QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; } } void bitstream_queue_push(int result, #if CONFIG_DAALA_EC const aom_cdf_prob *cdf, int nsymbs) { #else int prob) { #endif // CONFIG_DAALA_EC if (!skip_w) { result_queue[queue_w] = result; #if CONFIG_DAALA_EC nsymbs_queue[queue_w] = nsymbs; memcpy(cdf_queue[queue_w], cdf, nsymbs * sizeof(*cdf)); #else prob_queue[queue_w] = prob; #endif // CONFIG_DAALA_EC queue_w = (queue_w + 1) % QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; if (queue_w == queue_r) { printf("buffer overflow queue_w %d queue_r %d\n", queue_w, queue_r); assert(0); } } }