var expect = require('chai').expect; var util = require('./util'); var stream = require('../lib/protocol/stream'); var Stream = stream.Stream; function createStream() { var stream = new Stream(util.log, null); stream.upstream._window = Infinity; return stream; } // Execute a list of commands and assertions var recorded_events = ['state', 'error', 'window_update', 'headers', 'promise']; function execute_sequence(stream, sequence, done) { if (!done) { done = sequence; sequence = stream; stream = createStream(); } var outgoing_frames = []; var emit = stream.emit, events = []; stream.emit = function(name) { if (recorded_events.indexOf(name) !== -1) { events.push({ name: name, data:, 1) }); } return emit.apply(this, arguments); }; var commands = [], checks = []; sequence.forEach(function(step) { if ('method' in step || 'incoming' in step || 'outgoing' in step || 'wait' in step || 'set_state' in step) { commands.push(step); } if ('outgoing' in step || 'event' in step || 'active' in step) { checks.push(step); } }); var activeCount = 0; function count_change(change) { activeCount += change; } function execute(callback) { var command = commands.shift(); if (command) { if ('method' in command) { var value = stream[].apply(stream, command.method.arguments); if (command.method.ret) { command.method.ret(value); } execute(callback); } else if ('incoming' in command) { command.incoming.count_change = count_change; stream.upstream.write(command.incoming); execute(callback); } else if ('outgoing' in command) { outgoing_frames.push(; execute(callback); } else if ('set_state' in command) { stream.state = command.set_state; execute(callback); } else if ('wait' in command) { setTimeout(execute.bind(null, callback), command.wait); } else { throw new Error('Invalid command', command); } } else { setTimeout(callback, 5); } } function check() { checks.forEach(function(check) { if ('outgoing' in check) { var frame = outgoing_frames.shift(); for (var key in check.outgoing) { expect(frame)[key]); } count_change(frame.count_change); } else if ('event' in check) { var event = events.shift(); expect(;, index) { expect([index]).to.deep.equal(data); }); } else if ('active' in check) { expect(activeCount); } else { throw new Error('Invalid check', check); } }); done(); } setImmediate(execute.bind(null, check)); } var example_frames = [ { type: 'PRIORITY', flags: {}, priority: 1 }, { type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, settings: {} }, { type: 'RST_STREAM', flags: {}, error: 'CANCEL' }, { type: 'HEADERS', flags: {}, headers: {}, priority: undefined }, { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {}, promised_stream: new Stream(util.log, null) } ]; var invalid_incoming_frames = { IDLE: [ { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, settings: {} }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {} }, { type: 'RST_STREAM', flags: {}, error: 'CANCEL' } ], RESERVED_LOCAL: [ { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'HEADERS', flags: {}, headers: {}, priority: undefined }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {} }, { type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, settings: {} } ], RESERVED_REMOTE: [ { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {} }, { type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, settings: {} } ], OPEN: [ ], HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL: [ ], HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE: [ { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'HEADERS', flags: {}, headers: {}, priority: undefined }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {} } ] }; var invalid_outgoing_frames = { IDLE: [ { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, settings: {} }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {} } ], RESERVED_LOCAL: [ { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {} }, { type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, settings: {} } ], RESERVED_REMOTE: [ { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'HEADERS', flags: {}, headers: {}, priority: undefined }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {} }, { type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, settings: {} } ], OPEN: [ ], HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL: [ { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'HEADERS', flags: {}, headers: {}, priority: undefined }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {} } ], HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE: [ ], CLOSED: [ { type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, settings: {} }, { type: 'HEADERS', flags: {}, headers: {}, priority: undefined }, { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: new Buffer(5) }, { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, headers: {}, promised_stream: new Stream(util.log, null) } ] }; describe('stream.js', function() { describe('Stream class', function() { describe('._transition(sending, frame) method', function() { it('should emit error, and answer RST_STREAM for invalid incoming frames', function() { Object.keys(invalid_incoming_frames).forEach(function(state) { invalid_incoming_frames[state].forEach(function(invalid_frame) { var stream = createStream(); var connectionErrorHappened = false; stream.state = state; stream.once('connectionError', function() { connectionErrorHappened = true; }); stream._transition(false, invalid_frame); expect(connectionErrorHappened); }); }); // CLOSED state as a result of incoming END_STREAM (or RST_STREAM) var stream = createStream(); stream.headers({}); stream.end(); stream.upstream.write({ type: 'HEADERS', headers:{}, flags: { END_STREAM: true }, count_change: util.noop }); example_frames.slice(2).forEach(function(invalid_frame) { invalid_frame.count_change = util.noop; expect(stream._transition.bind(stream, false, invalid_frame)).to.throw('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.'); }); // CLOSED state as a result of outgoing END_STREAM stream = createStream(); stream.upstream.write({ type: 'HEADERS', headers:{}, flags: { END_STREAM: true }, count_change: util.noop }); stream.headers({}); stream.end(); example_frames.slice(3).forEach(function(invalid_frame) { invalid_frame.count_change = util.noop; expect(stream._transition.bind(stream, false, invalid_frame)).to.throw('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.'); }); }); it('should throw exception for invalid outgoing frames', function() { Object.keys(invalid_outgoing_frames).forEach(function(state) { invalid_outgoing_frames[state].forEach(function(invalid_frame) { var stream = createStream(); stream.state = state; expect(stream._transition.bind(stream, true, invalid_frame)).to.throw(Error); }); }); }); it('should close the stream when there\'s an incoming or outgoing RST_STREAM', function() { [ 'RESERVED_LOCAL', 'RESERVED_REMOTE', 'OPEN', 'HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL', 'HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE' ].forEach(function(state) { [true, false].forEach(function(sending) { var stream = createStream(); stream.state = state; stream._transition(sending, { type: 'RST_STREAM', flags: {} }); expect(stream.state)'CLOSED'); }); }); }); it('should ignore any incoming frame after sending reset', function() { var stream = createStream(); stream.reset(); example_frames.forEach(stream._transition.bind(stream, false)); }); it('should ignore certain incoming frames after closing the stream with END_STREAM', function() { var stream = createStream(); stream.upstream.write({ type: 'HEADERS', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, headers:{} }); stream.headers({}); stream.end(); example_frames.slice(0,3).forEach(function(frame) { frame.count_change = util.noop; stream._transition(false, frame); }); }); }); }); describe('test scenario', function() { describe('sending request', function() { it('should trigger the appropriate state transitions and outgoing frames', function(done) { execute_sequence([ { method : { name: 'headers', arguments: [{ ':path': '/' }] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { }, headers: { ':path': '/' } } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['OPEN'] } }, { wait : 5 }, { method : { name: 'end', arguments: [] } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL'] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: new Buffer(0) } }, { wait : 10 }, { incoming: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { }, headers: { ':status': 200 } } }, { incoming: { type: 'DATA' , flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: new Buffer(5) } }, { event : { name: 'headers', data: [{ ':status': 200 }] } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['CLOSED'] } }, { active : 0 } ], done); }); }); describe('answering request', function() { it('should trigger the appropriate state transitions and outgoing frames', function(done) { var payload = new Buffer(5); execute_sequence([ { incoming: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { }, headers: { ':path': '/' } } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['OPEN'] } }, { event : { name: 'headers', data: [{ ':path': '/' }] } }, { wait : 5 }, { incoming: { type: 'DATA', flags: { }, data: new Buffer(5) } }, { incoming: { type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: new Buffer(10) } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE'] } }, { wait : 5 }, { method : { name: 'headers', arguments: [{ ':status': 200 }] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { }, headers: { ':status': 200 } } }, { wait : 5 }, { method : { name: 'end', arguments: [payload] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: payload } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['CLOSED'] } }, { active : 0 } ], done); }); }); describe('sending push stream', function() { it('should trigger the appropriate state transitions and outgoing frames', function(done) { var payload = new Buffer(5); var pushStream; execute_sequence([ // receiving request { incoming: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, headers: { ':path': '/' } } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['OPEN'] } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE'] } }, { event : { name: 'headers', data: [{ ':path': '/' }] } }, // sending response headers { wait : 5 }, { method : { name: 'headers', arguments: [{ ':status': '200' }] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { }, headers: { ':status': '200' } } }, // sending push promise { method : { name: 'promise', arguments: [{ ':path': '/' }], ret: function(str) { pushStream = str; } } }, { outgoing: { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: { }, headers: { ':path': '/' } } }, // sending response data { method : { name: 'end', arguments: [payload] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: payload } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['CLOSED'] } }, { active : 0 } ], function() { // initial state of the promised stream expect(pushStream.state).to.equal('RESERVED_LOCAL'); execute_sequence(pushStream, [ // push headers { wait : 5 }, { method : { name: 'headers', arguments: [{ ':status': '200' }] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { }, headers: { ':status': '200' } } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE'] } }, // push data { method : { name: 'end', arguments: [payload] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: payload } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['CLOSED'] } }, { active : 1 } ], done); }); }); }); describe('receiving push stream', function() { it('should trigger the appropriate state transitions and outgoing frames', function(done) { var payload = new Buffer(5); var original_stream = createStream(); var promised_stream = createStream(); done = util.callNTimes(2, done); execute_sequence(original_stream, [ // sending request headers { method : { name: 'headers', arguments: [{ ':path': '/' }] } }, { method : { name: 'end', arguments: [] } }, { outgoing: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, headers: { ':path': '/' } } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['OPEN'] } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL'] } }, // receiving response headers { wait : 10 }, { incoming: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { }, headers: { ':status': 200 } } }, { event : { name: 'headers', data: [{ ':status': 200 }] } }, // receiving push promise { incoming: { type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: { }, headers: { ':path': '/2.html' }, promised_stream: promised_stream } }, { event : { name: 'promise', data: [promised_stream, { ':path': '/2.html' }] } }, // receiving response data { incoming: { type: 'DATA' , flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: payload } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['CLOSED'] } }, { active : 0 } ], done); execute_sequence(promised_stream, [ // initial state of the promised stream { event : { name: 'state', data: ['RESERVED_REMOTE'] } }, // push headers { wait : 10 }, { incoming: { type: 'HEADERS', flags: { END_STREAM: false }, headers: { ':status': 200 } } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL'] } }, { event : { name: 'headers', data: [{ ':status': 200 }] } }, // push data { incoming: { type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: payload } }, { event : { name: 'state', data: ['CLOSED'] } }, { active : 0 } ], done); }); }); }); describe('bunyan formatter', function() { describe('`s`', function() { var format = stream.serializers.s; it('should assign a unique ID to each frame', function() { var stream1 = createStream(); var stream2 = createStream(); expect(format(stream1)); expect(format(stream2)); expect(format(stream1)); }); }); }); });