var expect = require('chai').expect; var util = require('./util'); var Flow = require('../lib/protocol/flow').Flow; var MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 16384; function createFlow(log) { var flowControlId = util.random(10, 100); var flow = new Flow(flowControlId); flow._log = util.log.child(log || {}); return flow; } describe('flow.js', function() { describe('Flow class', function() { var flow; beforeEach(function() { flow = createFlow(); }); describe('._receive(frame, callback) method', function() { it('is called when there\'s a frame in the input buffer to be consumed', function(done) { var frame = { type: 'PRIORITY', flags: {}, priority: 1 }; flow._receive = function _receive(receivedFrame, callback) { expect(receivedFrame).to.equal(frame); callback(); }; flow.write(frame, done); }); it('has to be overridden by the child class, otherwise it throws', function() { expect(flow._receive.bind(flow)).to.throw(Error); }); }); describe('._send() method', function() { it('is called when the output buffer should be filled with more frames and the flow' + 'control queue is empty', function() { var notFlowControlledFrame = { type: 'PRIORITY', flags: {}, priority: 1 }; flow._send = function _send() { this.push(notFlowControlledFrame); }; expect(; flow._window = 0; flow._queue.push({ type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: { length: 1 } }); var frame =; while (frame.type === notFlowControlledFrame.type) frame =; expect(frame.type).to.equal('BLOCKED'); expect(; }); it('has to be overridden by the child class, otherwise it throws', function() { expect(flow._send.bind(flow)).to.throw(Error); }); }); describe('._increaseWindow(size) method', function() { it('should increase `this._window` by `size`', function() { flow._send = util.noop; flow._window = 0; var increase1 = util.random(0,100); var increase2 = util.random(0,100); flow._increaseWindow(increase1); flow._increaseWindow(increase2); expect(flow._window).to.equal(increase1 + increase2); flow._increaseWindow(Infinity); expect(flow._window).to.equal(Infinity); }); it('should emit error when increasing with a finite `size` when `_window` is infinite', function() { flow._send = util.noop; flow._increaseWindow(Infinity); var increase = util.random(1,100); expect(flow._increaseWindow.bind(flow, increase)).to.throw('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.'); }); it('should emit error when `_window` grows over the window limit', function() { var WINDOW_SIZE_LIMIT = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; flow._send = util.noop; flow._window = 0; flow._increaseWindow(WINDOW_SIZE_LIMIT); expect(flow._increaseWindow.bind(flow, 1)).to.throw('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event.'); }); }); describe('.read() method', function() { describe('when the flow control queue is not empty', function() { it('should return the first item in the queue if the window is enough', function() { var priorityFrame = { type: 'PRIORITY', flags: {}, priority: 1 }; var dataFrame = { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: { length: 10 } }; flow._send = util.noop; flow._window = 10; flow._queue = [priorityFrame, dataFrame]; expect(; expect(; }); it('should also split DATA frames when needed', function() { var buffer = new Buffer(10); var dataFrame = { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, stream: util.random(0, 100), data: buffer }; flow._send = util.noop; flow._window = 5; flow._queue = [dataFrame]; var expectedFragment = { flags: {}, type: 'DATA', stream:, data: buffer.slice(0,5) }; expect(; expect(; }); }); }); describe('.push(frame) method', function() { it('should push `frame` into the output queue or the flow control queue', function() { var priorityFrame = { type: 'PRIORITY', flags: {}, priority: 1 }; var dataFrame = { type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: { length: 10 } }; flow._window = 10; flow.push(dataFrame); // output queue flow.push(dataFrame); // flow control queue, because of depleted window flow.push(priorityFrame); // flow control queue, because it's not empty expect(; expect(flow._queue[0]); expect(flow._queue[1]); }); }); describe('.write() method', function() { it('call with a DATA frame should trigger sending WINDOW_UPDATE if remote flow control is not' + 'disabled', function(done) { flow._window = 100; flow._send = util.noop; flow._receive = function(frame, callback) { callback(); }; var buffer = new Buffer(util.random(10, 100)); flow.write({ type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: buffer }); flow.once('readable', function() { expect({ type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, stream: flow._flowControlId, window_size: buffer.length }); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('test scenario', function() { var flow1, flow2; beforeEach(function() { flow1 = createFlow({ flow: 1 }); flow2 = createFlow({ flow: 2 }); flow1._flowControlId = flow2._flowControlId; flow1._send = flow2._send = util.noop; flow1._receive = flow2._receive = function(frame, callback) { callback(); }; }); describe('sending a large data stream', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { // Sender side var frameNumber = util.random(5, 8); var input = []; flow1._send = function _send() { if (input.length >= frameNumber) { this.push({ type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: new Buffer(0) }); this.push(null); } else { var buffer = new Buffer(util.random(1000, 100000)); input.push(buffer); this.push({ type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: buffer }); } }; // Receiver side var output = []; flow2._receive = function _receive(frame, callback) { if (frame.type === 'DATA') { expect(; output.push(; } if (frame.flags.END_STREAM) { this.emit('end_stream'); } callback(); }; // Checking results flow2.on('end_stream', function() { input = util.concat(input); output = util.concat(output); expect(input).to.deep.equal(output); done(); }); // Start piping flow1.pipe(flow2).pipe(flow1); }); }); describe('when running out of window', function() { it('should send a BLOCKED frame', function(done) { // Sender side var frameNumber = util.random(5, 8); var input = []; flow1._send = function _send() { if (input.length >= frameNumber) { this.push({ type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, data: new Buffer(0) }); this.push(null); } else { var buffer = new Buffer(util.random(1000, 100000)); input.push(buffer); this.push({ type: 'DATA', flags: {}, data: buffer }); } }; // Receiver side // Do not send WINDOW_UPDATESs except when the other side sends BLOCKED var output = []; flow2._restoreWindow = util.noop; flow2._receive = function _receive(frame, callback) { if (frame.type === 'DATA') { expect(; output.push(; } if (frame.flags.END_STREAM) { this.emit('end_stream'); } if (frame.type === 'BLOCKED') { setTimeout(function() { this._push({ type: 'WINDOW_UPDATE', flags: {}, stream: this._flowControlId, window_size: this._received }); this._received = 0; }.bind(this), 20); } callback(); }; // Checking results flow2.on('end_stream', function() { input = util.concat(input); output = util.concat(output); expect(input).to.deep.equal(output); done(); }); // Start piping flow1.pipe(flow2).pipe(flow1); }); }); }); });