var expect = require('chai').expect; var util = require('./util'); var Connection = require('../lib/protocol/connection').Connection; var settings = { SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: 100, SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE: 100000 }; var MAX_PRIORITY = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; var MAX_RANDOM_PRIORITY = 10; function randomPriority() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (MAX_RANDOM_PRIORITY + 1)); } function expectPriorityOrder(priorities) { priorities.forEach(function(bucket, priority) { bucket.forEach(function(stream) { expect(stream._priority); }); }); } describe('connection.js', function() { describe('Connection class', function() { describe('method ._insert(stream)', function() { it('should insert the stream in _streamPriorities in a place determined by stream._priority', function() { var streams = []; var connection = Object.create(Connection.prototype, { _streamPriorities: { value: streams }}); var streamCount = 10; for (var i = 0; i < streamCount; i++) { var stream = { _priority: randomPriority() }; connection._insert(stream, stream._priority); expect(connection._streamPriorities[stream._priority]).to.include(stream); } expectPriorityOrder(connection._streamPriorities); }); }); describe('method ._reprioritize(stream)', function() { it('should eject and then insert the stream in _streamPriorities in a place determined by stream._priority', function() { var streams = []; var connection = Object.create(Connection.prototype, { _streamPriorities: { value: streams }}); var streamCount = 10; var oldPriority, newPriority, stream; for (var i = 0; i < streamCount; i++) { oldPriority = randomPriority(); while ((newPriority = randomPriority()) === oldPriority); stream = { _priority: oldPriority }; connection._insert(stream, oldPriority); connection._reprioritize(stream, newPriority); stream._priority = newPriority; expect(connection._streamPriorities[newPriority]).to.include(stream); expect(connection._streamPriorities[oldPriority] || []).to.not.include(stream); } expectPriorityOrder(streams); }); }); describe('invalid operation', function() { describe('unsolicited ping answer', function() { it('should be ignored', function() { var connection = new Connection(util.log, 1, settings); connection._receivePing({ stream: 0, type: 'PING', flags: { 'PONG': true }, data: new Buffer(8) }); }); }); }); }); describe('test scenario', function() { var c, s; beforeEach(function() { c = new Connection(util.log.child({ role: 'client' }), 1, settings); s = new Connection(util.log.child({ role: 'client' }), 2, settings); c.pipe(s).pipe(c); }); describe('connection setup', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { setTimeout(function() { // If there are no exception until this, then we're done done(); }, 10); }); }); describe('sending/receiving a request', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { // Request and response data var request_headers = { ':method': 'GET', ':path': '/' }; var request_data = new Buffer(0); var response_headers = { ':status': '200' }; var response_data = new Buffer('12345678', 'hex'); // Setting up server s.on('stream', function(server_stream) { server_stream.on('headers', function(headers) { expect(headers).to.deep.equal(request_headers); server_stream.headers(response_headers); server_stream.end(response_data); }); }); // Sending request var client_stream = c.createStream(); client_stream.headers(request_headers); client_stream.end(request_data); // Waiting for answer done = util.callNTimes(2, done); client_stream.on('headers', function(headers) { expect(headers).to.deep.equal(response_headers); done(); }); client_stream.on('data', function(data) { expect(data).to.deep.equal(response_data); done(); }); }); }); describe('server push', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { var request_headers = { ':method': 'get', ':path': '/' }; var response_headers = { ':status': '200' }; var push_request_headers = { ':method': 'get', ':path': '/x' }; var push_response_headers = { ':status': '200' }; var response_content = new Buffer(10); var push_content = new Buffer(10); done = util.callNTimes(5, done); s.on('stream', function(response) { response.headers(response_headers); var pushed = response.promise(push_request_headers); pushed.headers(push_response_headers); pushed.end(push_content); response.end(response_content); }); var request = c.createStream(); request.headers(request_headers); request.end(); request.on('headers', function(headers) { expect(headers).to.deep.equal(response_headers); done(); }); request.on('data', function(data) { expect(data).to.deep.equal(response_content); done(); }); request.on('promise', function(pushed, headers) { expect(headers).to.deep.equal(push_request_headers); pushed.on('headers', function(headers) { expect(headers).to.deep.equal(response_headers); done(); }); pushed.on('data', function(data) { expect(data).to.deep.equal(push_content); done(); }); pushed.on('end', done); }); }); }); describe('ping from client', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { { done(); }); }); }); describe('ping from server', function() { it('should work as expected', function(done) { { done(); }); }); }); describe('creating two streams and then using them in reverse order', function() { it('should not result in non-monotonous local ID ordering', function() { var s1 = c.createStream(); var s2 = c.createStream(); s2.headers({ ':method': 'get', ':path': '/' }); s1.headers({ ':method': 'get', ':path': '/' }); }); }); describe('creating two promises and then using them in reverse order', function() { it('should not result in non-monotonous local ID ordering', function(done) { s.on('stream', function(response) { response.headers({ ':status': '200' }); var p1 = s.createStream(); var p2 = s.createStream(); response.promise(p2, { ':method': 'get', ':path': '/p2' }); response.promise(p1, { ':method': 'get', ':path': '/p1' }); p2.headers({ ':status': '200' }); p1.headers({ ':status': '200' }); }); var request = c.createStream(); request.headers({ ':method': 'get', ':path': '/' }); done = util.callNTimes(2, done); request.on('promise', function() { done(); }); }); }); describe('closing the connection on one end', function() { it('should result in closed streams on both ends', function(done) { done = util.callNTimes(2, done); c.on('end', done); s.on('end', done); c.close(); }); }); }); });