var assert = require('assert'); // The Stream class // ================ // Stream is a [Duplex stream]( // subclass that implements the [HTTP/2 Stream]( // concept. It has two 'sides': one that is used by the user to send/receive data (the `stream` // object itself) and one that is used by a Connection to read/write frames to/from the other peer // (`stream.upstream`). var Duplex = require('stream').Duplex; exports.Stream = Stream; // Public API // ---------- // * **new Stream(log, connection)**: create a new Stream // // * **Event: 'headers' (headers)**: signals incoming headers // // * **Event: 'promise' (stream, headers)**: signals an incoming push promise // // * **Event: 'priority' (priority)**: signals a priority change. `priority` is a number between 0 // (highest priority) and 2^31-1 (lowest priority). Default value is 2^30. // // * **Event: 'error' (type)**: signals an error // // * **headers(headers)**: send headers // // * **promise(headers): Stream**: promise a stream // // * **priority(priority)**: set the priority of the stream. Priority can be changed by the peer // too, but once it is set locally, it can not be changed remotely. // // * **reset(error)**: reset the stream with an error code // // * **upstream**: a [Flow](flow.js) that is used by the parent connection to write/read frames // that are to be sent/arrived to/from the peer and are related to this stream. // // Headers are always in the [regular node.js header format][1]. // [1]: // Constructor // ----------- // The main aspects of managing the stream are: function Stream(log, connection) {; // * logging this._log = log.child({ component: 'stream', s: this }); // * receiving and sending stream management commands this._initializeManagement(); // * sending and receiving frames to/from the upstream connection this._initializeDataFlow(); // * maintaining the state of the stream (idle, open, closed, etc.) and error detection this._initializeState(); this.connection = connection; } Stream.prototype = Object.create(Duplex.prototype, { constructor: { value: Stream } }); // Managing the stream // ------------------- // the default stream priority is 2^30 var DEFAULT_PRIORITY = Math.pow(2, 30); var MAX_PRIORITY = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; // PUSH_PROMISE and HEADERS are forwarded to the user through events. Stream.prototype._initializeManagement = function _initializeManagement() { this._resetSent = false; this._priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY; this._letPeerPrioritize = true; }; Stream.prototype.promise = function promise(headers) { var stream = new Stream(this._log, this.connection); stream._priority = Math.min(this._priority + 1, MAX_PRIORITY); this._pushUpstream({ type: 'PUSH_PROMISE', flags: {}, stream:, promised_stream: stream, headers: headers }); return stream; }; Stream.prototype._onPromise = function _onPromise(frame) { this.emit('promise', frame.promised_stream, frame.headers); }; Stream.prototype.headers = function headers(headers) { this._pushUpstream({ type: 'HEADERS', flags: {}, stream:, headers: headers }); }; Stream.prototype._onHeaders = function _onHeaders(frame) { if (frame.priority !== undefined) { this.priority(frame.priority, true); } this.emit('headers', frame.headers); }; Stream.prototype.priority = function priority(priority, peer) { if ((peer && this._letPeerPrioritize) || !peer) { if (!peer) { this._letPeerPrioritize = false; var lastFrame = this.upstream.getLastQueuedFrame(); if (lastFrame && ((lastFrame.type === 'HEADERS') || (lastFrame.type === 'PRIORITY'))) { lastFrame.priority = priority; } else { this._pushUpstream({ type: 'PRIORITY', flags: {}, stream:, priority: priority }); } } this._log.debug({ priority: priority }, 'Changing priority'); this.emit('priority', priority); this._priority = priority; } }; Stream.prototype._onPriority = function _onPriority(frame) { this.priority(frame.priority, true); }; // Resetting the stream. Normally, an endpoint SHOULD NOT send more than one RST_STREAM frame for // any stream. Stream.prototype.reset = function reset(error) { if (!this._resetSent) { this._resetSent = true; this._pushUpstream({ type: 'RST_STREAM', flags: {}, stream:, error: error }); } }; // Specify an alternate service for the origin of this stream Stream.prototype.altsvc = function altsvc(host, port, protocolID, maxAge, origin) { var stream; if (origin) { stream = 0; } else { stream =; } this._pushUpstream({ type: 'ALTSVC', flags: {}, stream: stream, host: host, port: port, protocolID: protocolID, origin: origin, maxAge: maxAge }); }; // Data flow // --------- // The incoming and the generated outgoing frames are received/transmitted on the `this.upstream` // [Flow](flow.html). The [Connection](connection.html) object instantiating the stream will read // and write frames to/from it. The stream itself is a regular [Duplex stream][1], and is used by // the user to write or read the body of the request. // [1]: // upstream side stream user side // // +------------------------------------+ // | | // +------------------+ | // | upstream | | // | | | // +--+ | +--| // read() | | _send() | _write() | | write(buf) // <--------------|B |<--------------|--------------| B|<------------ // | | | | | // frames +--+ | +--| buffers // | | | | | // -------------->|B |---------------|------------->| B|------------> // write(frame) | | _receive() | _read() | | read() // +--+ | +--| // | | | // | | | // +------------------+ | // | | // +------------------------------------+ // // B: input or output buffer var Flow = require('./flow').Flow; Stream.prototype._initializeDataFlow = function _initializeDataFlow() { = undefined; this._ended = false; this.upstream = new Flow(); this.upstream._log = this._log; this.upstream._send = this._send.bind(this); this.upstream._receive = this._receive.bind(this); this.upstream.write = this._writeUpstream.bind(this); this.upstream.on('error', this.emit.bind(this, 'error')); this.on('finish', this._finishing); }; Stream.prototype._pushUpstream = function _pushUpstream(frame) { this.upstream.push(frame); this._transition(true, frame); }; // Overriding the upstream's `write` allows us to act immediately instead of waiting for the input // queue to empty. This is important in case of control frames. Stream.prototype._writeUpstream = function _writeUpstream(frame) { this._log.debug({ frame: frame }, 'Receiving frame'); var moreNeeded =, frame); // * Transition to a new state if that's the effect of receiving the frame this._transition(false, frame); // * If it's a control frame. Call the appropriate handler method. if (frame.type === 'HEADERS') { if (this._processedHeaders && !frame.flags['END_STREAM']) { this.emit('error', 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'); } this._processedHeaders = true; this._onHeaders(frame); } else if (frame.type === 'PUSH_PROMISE') { this._onPromise(frame); } else if (frame.type === 'PRIORITY') { this._onPriority(frame); } else if (frame.type === 'ALTSVC') { // TODO } else if (frame.type === 'BLOCKED') { // TODO } // * If it's an invalid stream level frame, emit error else if ((frame.type !== 'DATA') && (frame.type !== 'WINDOW_UPDATE') && (frame.type !== 'RST_STREAM')) { this._log.error({ frame: frame }, 'Invalid stream level frame'); this.emit('error', 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'); } return moreNeeded; }; // The `_receive` method (= `upstream._receive`) gets called when there's an incoming frame. Stream.prototype._receive = function _receive(frame, ready) { // * If it's a DATA frame, then push the payload into the output buffer on the other side. // Call ready when the other side is ready to receive more. if (!this._ended && (frame.type === 'DATA')) { var moreNeeded = this.push(; if (!moreNeeded) { this._receiveMore = ready; } } // * Any frame may signal the end of the stream with the END_STREAM flag if (!this._ended && (frame.flags.END_STREAM || (frame.type === 'RST_STREAM'))) { this.push(null); this._ended = true; } // * Postpone calling `ready` if `push()` returned a falsy value if (this._receiveMore !== ready) { ready(); } }; // The `_read` method is called when the user side is ready to receive more data. If there's a // pending write on the upstream, then call its pending ready callback to receive more frames. Stream.prototype._read = function _read() { if (this._receiveMore) { var receiveMore = this._receiveMore; delete this._receiveMore; receiveMore(); } }; // The `write` method gets called when there's a write request from the user. Stream.prototype._write = function _write(buffer, encoding, ready) { // * Chunking is done by the upstream Flow. var moreNeeded = this._pushUpstream({ type: 'DATA', flags: {}, stream:, data: buffer }); // * Call ready when upstream is ready to receive more frames. if (moreNeeded) { ready(); } else { this._sendMore = ready; } }; // The `_send` (= `upstream._send`) method is called when upstream is ready to receive more frames. // If there's a pending write on the user side, then call its pending ready callback to receive more // writes. Stream.prototype._send = function _send() { if (this._sendMore) { var sendMore = this._sendMore; delete this._sendMore; sendMore(); } }; // When the stream is finishing (the user calls `end()` on it), then we have to set the `END_STREAM` // flag on the last frame. If there's no frame in the queue, or if it doesn't support this flag, // then we create a 0 length DATA frame. We could do this all the time, but putting the flag on an // existing frame is a nice optimization. var emptyBuffer = new Buffer(0); Stream.prototype._finishing = function _finishing() { var endFrame = { type: 'DATA', flags: { END_STREAM: true }, stream:, data: emptyBuffer }; var lastFrame = this.upstream.getLastQueuedFrame(); if (lastFrame && ((lastFrame.type === 'DATA') || (lastFrame.type === 'HEADERS'))) { this._log.debug({ frame: lastFrame }, 'Marking last frame with END_STREAM flag.'); lastFrame.flags.END_STREAM = true; this._transition(true, endFrame); } else { this._pushUpstream(endFrame); } }; // [Stream States]( // ---------------- // // +--------+ // PP | | PP // ,--------| idle |--------. // / | | \ // v +--------+ v // +----------+ | +----------+ // | | | H | | // ,---| reserved | | | reserved |---. // | | (local) | v | (remote) | | // | +----------+ +--------+ +----------+ | // | | ES | | ES | | // | | H ,-------| open |-------. | H | // | | / | | \ | | // | v v +--------+ v v | // | +----------+ | +----------+ | // | | half | | | half | | // | | closed | | R | closed | | // | | (remote) | | | (local) | | // | +----------+ | +----------+ | // | | v | | // | | ES / R +--------+ ES / R | | // | `----------->| |<-----------' | // | R | closed | R | // `-------------------->| |<--------------------' // +--------+ // Streams begin in the IDLE state and transitions happen when there's an incoming or outgoing frame Stream.prototype._initializeState = function _initializeState() { this.state = 'IDLE'; this._initiated = undefined; this._closedByUs = undefined; this._closedWithRst = undefined; this._processedHeaders = false; }; // Only `_setState` should change `this.state` directly. It also logs the state change and notifies // interested parties using the 'state' event. Stream.prototype._setState = function transition(state) { assert(this.state !== state); this._log.debug({ from: this.state, to: state }, 'State transition'); this.state = state; this.emit('state', state); }; // A state is 'active' if the stream in that state counts towards the concurrency limit. Streams // that are in the "open" state, or either of the "half closed" states count toward this limit. function activeState(state) { return ((state === 'HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL') || (state === 'HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE') || (state === 'OPEN')); } // `_transition` is called every time there's an incoming or outgoing frame. It manages state // transitions, and detects stream errors. A stream error is always caused by a frame that is not // allowed in the current state. Stream.prototype._transition = function transition(sending, frame) { var receiving = !sending; var connectionError; var streamError; var DATA = false, HEADERS = false, PRIORITY = false, ALTSVC = false, BLOCKED = false; var RST_STREAM = false, PUSH_PROMISE = false, WINDOW_UPDATE = false; switch(frame.type) { case 'DATA' : DATA = true; break; case 'HEADERS' : HEADERS = true; break; case 'PRIORITY' : PRIORITY = true; break; case 'RST_STREAM' : RST_STREAM = true; break; case 'PUSH_PROMISE' : PUSH_PROMISE = true; break; case 'WINDOW_UPDATE': WINDOW_UPDATE = true; break; case 'ALTSVC' : ALTSVC = true; break; case 'BLOCKED' : BLOCKED = true; break; } var previousState = this.state; switch (this.state) { // All streams start in the **idle** state. In this state, no frames have been exchanged. // // * Sending or receiving a HEADERS frame causes the stream to become "open". // // When the HEADERS frame contains the END_STREAM flags, then two state transitions happen. case 'IDLE': if (HEADERS) { this._setState('OPEN'); if (frame.flags.END_STREAM) { this._setState(sending ? 'HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL' : 'HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE'); } this._initiated = sending; } else if (sending && RST_STREAM) { this._setState('CLOSED'); } else if (PRIORITY) { /* No state change */ } else { connectionError = 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'; } break; // A stream in the **reserved (local)** state is one that has been promised by sending a // PUSH_PROMISE frame. // // * The endpoint can send a HEADERS frame. This causes the stream to open in a "half closed // (remote)" state. // * Either endpoint can send a RST_STREAM frame to cause the stream to become "closed". This // releases the stream reservation. // * An endpoint may receive PRIORITY frame in this state. // * An endpoint MUST NOT send any other type of frame in this state. case 'RESERVED_LOCAL': if (sending && HEADERS) { this._setState('HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE'); } else if (RST_STREAM) { this._setState('CLOSED'); } else if (PRIORITY) { /* No state change */ } else { connectionError = 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'; } break; // A stream in the **reserved (remote)** state has been reserved by a remote peer. // // * Either endpoint can send a RST_STREAM frame to cause the stream to become "closed". This // releases the stream reservation. // * Receiving a HEADERS frame causes the stream to transition to "half closed (local)". // * An endpoint MAY send PRIORITY frames in this state to reprioritize the stream. // * Receiving any other type of frame MUST be treated as a stream error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. case 'RESERVED_REMOTE': if (RST_STREAM) { this._setState('CLOSED'); } else if (receiving && HEADERS) { this._setState('HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL'); } else if (BLOCKED || PRIORITY) { /* No state change */ } else { connectionError = 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'; } break; // The **open** state is where both peers can send frames. In this state, sending peers observe // advertised stream level flow control limits. // // * From this state either endpoint can send a frame with a END_STREAM flag set, which causes // the stream to transition into one of the "half closed" states: an endpoint sending a // END_STREAM flag causes the stream state to become "half closed (local)"; an endpoint // receiving a END_STREAM flag causes the stream state to become "half closed (remote)". // * Either endpoint can send a RST_STREAM frame from this state, causing it to transition // immediately to "closed". case 'OPEN': if (frame.flags.END_STREAM) { this._setState(sending ? 'HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL' : 'HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE'); } else if (RST_STREAM) { this._setState('CLOSED'); } else { /* No state change */ } break; // A stream that is **half closed (local)** cannot be used for sending frames. // // * A stream transitions from this state to "closed" when a frame that contains a END_STREAM // flag is received, or when either peer sends a RST_STREAM frame. // * An endpoint MAY send or receive PRIORITY frames in this state to reprioritize the stream. // * WINDOW_UPDATE can be sent by a peer that has sent a frame bearing the END_STREAM flag. case 'HALF_CLOSED_LOCAL': if (RST_STREAM || (receiving && frame.flags.END_STREAM)) { this._setState('CLOSED'); } else if (BLOCKED || ALTSVC || receiving || PRIORITY || (sending && WINDOW_UPDATE)) { /* No state change */ } else { connectionError = 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'; } break; // A stream that is **half closed (remote)** is no longer being used by the peer to send frames. // In this state, an endpoint is no longer obligated to maintain a receiver flow control window // if it performs flow control. // // * If an endpoint receives additional frames for a stream that is in this state it MUST // respond with a stream error of type STREAM_CLOSED. // * A stream can transition from this state to "closed" by sending a frame that contains a // END_STREAM flag, or when either peer sends a RST_STREAM frame. // * An endpoint MAY send or receive PRIORITY frames in this state to reprioritize the stream. // * A receiver MAY receive a WINDOW_UPDATE frame on a "half closed (remote)" stream. case 'HALF_CLOSED_REMOTE': if (RST_STREAM || (sending && frame.flags.END_STREAM)) { this._setState('CLOSED'); } else if (BLOCKED || ALTSVC || sending || PRIORITY || (receiving && WINDOW_UPDATE)) { /* No state change */ } else { connectionError = 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'; } break; // The **closed** state is the terminal state. // // * An endpoint MUST NOT send frames on a closed stream. An endpoint that receives a frame // after receiving a RST_STREAM or a frame containing a END_STREAM flag on that stream MUST // treat that as a stream error of type STREAM_CLOSED. // * WINDOW_UPDATE, PRIORITY or RST_STREAM frames can be received in this state for a short // period after a frame containing an END_STREAM flag is sent. Until the remote peer receives // and processes the frame bearing the END_STREAM flag, it might send either frame type. // Endpoints MUST ignore WINDOW_UPDATE frames received in this state, though endpoints MAY // choose to treat WINDOW_UPDATE frames that arrive a significant time after sending // END_STREAM as a connection error of type PROTOCOL_ERROR. // * If this state is reached as a result of sending a RST_STREAM frame, the peer that receives // the RST_STREAM might have already sent - or enqueued for sending - frames on the stream // that cannot be withdrawn. An endpoint that sends a RST_STREAM frame MUST ignore frames that // it receives on closed streams after it has sent a RST_STREAM frame. An endpoint MAY choose // to limit the period over which it ignores frames and treat frames that arrive after this // time as being in error. // * An endpoint might receive a PUSH_PROMISE frame after it sends RST_STREAM. PUSH_PROMISE // causes a stream to become "reserved". If promised streams are not desired, a RST_STREAM // can be used to close any of those streams. case 'CLOSED': if (PRIORITY || (sending && RST_STREAM) || (receiving && WINDOW_UPDATE) || (receiving && this._closedByUs && (this._closedWithRst || RST_STREAM || ALTSVC))) { /* No state change */ } else { streamError = 'STREAM_CLOSED'; } break; } // Noting that the connection was closed by the other endpoint. It may be important in edge cases. // For example, when the peer tries to cancel a promised stream, but we already sent every data // on it, then the stream is in CLOSED state, yet we want to ignore the incoming RST_STREAM. if ((this.state === 'CLOSED') && (previousState !== 'CLOSED')) { this._closedByUs = sending; this._closedWithRst = RST_STREAM; } // Sending/receiving a PUSH_PROMISE // // * Sending a PUSH_PROMISE frame marks the associated stream for later use. The stream state // for the reserved stream transitions to "reserved (local)". // * Receiving a PUSH_PROMISE frame marks the associated stream as reserved by the remote peer. // The state of the stream becomes "reserved (remote)". if (PUSH_PROMISE && !connectionError && !streamError) { /* This assertion must hold, because _transition is called immediately when a frame is written to the stream. If it would be called when a frame gets out of the input queue, the state of the reserved could have been changed by then. */ assert(frame.promised_stream.state === 'IDLE', frame.promised_stream.state); frame.promised_stream._setState(sending ? 'RESERVED_LOCAL' : 'RESERVED_REMOTE'); frame.promised_stream._initiated = sending; } // Signaling how sending/receiving this frame changes the active stream count (-1, 0 or +1) if (this._initiated) { var change = (activeState(this.state) - activeState(previousState)); if (sending) { frame.count_change = change; } else { frame.count_change(change); } } else if (sending) { frame.count_change = 0; } // Common error handling. if (connectionError || streamError) { var info = { error: connectionError, frame: frame, state: this.state, closedByUs: this._closedByUs, closedWithRst: this._closedWithRst }; // * When sending something invalid, throwing an exception, since it is probably a bug. if (sending) { this._log.error(info, 'Sending illegal frame.'); return this.emit('error', new Error('Sending illegal frame (' + frame.type + ') in ' + this.state + ' state.')); } // * In case of a serious problem, emitting and error and letting someone else handle it // (e.g. closing the connection) // * When receiving something invalid, sending an RST_STREAM using the `reset` method. // This will automatically cause a transition to the CLOSED state. else { this._log.error(info, 'Received illegal frame.'); if (connectionError) { this.emit('connectionError', connectionError); } else { this.reset(streamError); this.emit('error', streamError); } } } }; // Bunyan serializers // ------------------ exports.serializers = {}; var nextId = 0; exports.serializers.s = function(stream) { if (!('_id' in stream)) { stream._id = nextId; nextId += 1; } return stream._id; };