// The implementation of the [HTTP/2 Header Compression][http2-compression] spec is separated from // the 'integration' part which handles HEADERS and PUSH_PROMISE frames. The compression itself is // implemented in the first part of the file, and consists of three classes: `HeaderTable`, // `HeaderSetDecompressor` and `HeaderSetCompressor`. The two latter classes are // [Transform Stream][node-transform] subclasses that operate in [object mode][node-objectmode]. // These transform chunks of binary data into `[name, value]` pairs and vice versa, and store their // state in `HeaderTable` instances. // // The 'integration' part is also implemented by two [Transform Stream][node-transform] subclasses // that operate in [object mode][node-objectmode]: the `Compressor` and the `Decompressor`. These // provide a layer between the [framer](framer.html) and the // [connection handling component](connection.html). // // [node-transform]: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_transform // [node-objectmode]: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_new_stream_readable_options // [http2-compression]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7541 exports.HeaderTable = HeaderTable; exports.HuffmanTable = HuffmanTable; exports.HeaderSetCompressor = HeaderSetCompressor; exports.HeaderSetDecompressor = HeaderSetDecompressor; exports.Compressor = Compressor; exports.Decompressor = Decompressor; var TransformStream = require('stream').Transform; var assert = require('assert'); var util = require('util'); // Header compression // ================== // The HeaderTable class // --------------------- // The [Header Table] is a component used to associate headers to index values. It is basically an // ordered list of `[name, value]` pairs, so it's implemented as a subclass of `Array`. // In this implementation, the Header Table and the [Static Table] are handled as a single table. // [Header Table]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7541#section-2.3.2 // [Static Table]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7541#section-2.3.1 function HeaderTable(log, limit) { var self = HeaderTable.staticTable.map(entryFromPair); self._log = log; self._limit = limit || DEFAULT_HEADER_TABLE_LIMIT; self._staticLength = self.length; self._size = 0; self._enforceLimit = HeaderTable.prototype._enforceLimit; self.add = HeaderTable.prototype.add; self.setSizeLimit = HeaderTable.prototype.setSizeLimit; return self; } function entryFromPair(pair) { var entry = pair.slice(); entry._size = size(entry); return entry; } // The encoder decides how to update the header table and as such can control how much memory is // used by the header table. To limit the memory requirements on the decoder side, the header table // size is bounded. // // * The default header table size limit is 4096 bytes. // * The size of an entry is defined as follows: the size of an entry is the sum of its name's // length in bytes, of its value's length in bytes and of 32 bytes. // * The size of a header table is the sum of the size of its entries. var DEFAULT_HEADER_TABLE_LIMIT = 4096; function size(entry) { return (new Buffer(entry[0] + entry[1], 'utf8')).length + 32; } // The `add(index, entry)` can be used to [manage the header table][tablemgmt]: // [tablemgmt]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7541#section-4 // // * it pushes the new `entry` at the beggining of the table // * before doing such a modification, it has to be ensured that the header table size will stay // lower than or equal to the header table size limit. To achieve this, entries are evicted from // the end of the header table until the size of the header table is less than or equal to // `(this._limit - entry.size)`, or until the table is empty. // // <---------- Index Address Space ----------> // <-- Static Table --> <-- Header Table --> // +---+-----------+---+ +---+-----------+---+ // | 0 | ... | k | |k+1| ... | n | // +---+-----------+---+ +---+-----------+---+ // ^ | // | V // Insertion Point Drop Point HeaderTable.prototype._enforceLimit = function _enforceLimit(limit) { var droppedEntries = []; while ((this._size > 0) && (this._size > limit)) { var dropped = this.pop(); this._size -= dropped._size; droppedEntries.unshift(dropped); } return droppedEntries; }; HeaderTable.prototype.add = function(entry) { var limit = this._limit - entry._size; var droppedEntries = this._enforceLimit(limit); if (this._size <= limit) { this.splice(this._staticLength, 0, entry); this._size += entry._size; } return droppedEntries; }; // The table size limit can be changed externally. In this case, the same eviction algorithm is used HeaderTable.prototype.setSizeLimit = function setSizeLimit(limit) { this._limit = limit; this._enforceLimit(this._limit); }; // [The Static Table](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7541#section-2.3.1) // ------------------ // The table is generated with feeding the table from the spec to the following sed command: // // sed -re "s/\s*\| [0-9]+\s*\| ([^ ]*)/ [ '\1'/g" -e "s/\|\s([^ ]*)/, '\1'/g" -e 's/ \|/],/g' HeaderTable.staticTable = [ [ ':authority' , '' ], [ ':method' , 'GET' ], [ ':method' , 'POST' ], [ ':path' , '/' ], [ ':path' , '/index.html' ], [ ':scheme' , 'http' ], [ ':scheme' , 'https' ], [ ':status' , '200' ], [ ':status' , '204' ], [ ':status' , '206' ], [ ':status' , '304' ], [ ':status' , '400' ], [ ':status' , '404' ], [ ':status' , '500' ], [ 'accept-charset' , '' ], [ 'accept-encoding' , 'gzip, deflate'], [ 'accept-language' , '' ], [ 'accept-ranges' , '' ], [ 'accept' , '' ], [ 'access-control-allow-origin' , '' ], [ 'age' , '' ], [ 'allow' , '' ], [ 'authorization' , '' ], [ 'cache-control' , '' ], [ 'content-disposition' , '' ], [ 'content-encoding' , '' ], [ 'content-language' , '' ], [ 'content-length' , '' ], [ 'content-location' , '' ], [ 'content-range' , '' ], [ 'content-type' , '' ], [ 'cookie' , '' ], [ 'date' , '' ], [ 'etag' , '' ], [ 'expect' , '' ], [ 'expires' , '' ], [ 'from' , '' ], [ 'host' , '' ], [ 'if-match' , '' ], [ 'if-modified-since' , '' ], [ 'if-none-match' , '' ], [ 'if-range' , '' ], [ 'if-unmodified-since' , '' ], [ 'last-modified' , '' ], [ 'link' , '' ], [ 'location' , '' ], [ 'max-forwards' , '' ], [ 'proxy-authenticate' , '' ], [ 'proxy-authorization' , '' ], [ 'range' , '' ], [ 'referer' , '' ], [ 'refresh' , '' ], [ 'retry-after' , '' ], [ 'server' , '' ], [ 'set-cookie' , '' ], [ 'strict-transport-security' , '' ], [ 'transfer-encoding' , '' ], [ 'user-agent' , '' ], [ 'vary' , '' ], [ 'via' , '' ], [ 'www-authenticate' , '' ] ]; // The HeaderSetDecompressor class // ------------------------------- // A `HeaderSetDecompressor` instance is a transform stream that can be used to *decompress a // single header set*. Its input is a stream of binary data chunks and its output is a stream of // `[name, value]` pairs. // // Currently, it is not a proper streaming decompressor implementation, since it buffer its input // until the end os the stream, and then processes the whole header block at once. util.inherits(HeaderSetDecompressor, TransformStream); function HeaderSetDecompressor(log, table) { TransformStream.call(this, { objectMode: true }); this._log = log.child({ component: 'compressor' }); this._table = table; this._chunks = []; } // `_transform` is the implementation of the [corresponding virtual function][_transform] of the // TransformStream class. It collects the data chunks for later processing. // [_transform]: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_transform_transform_chunk_encoding_callback HeaderSetDecompressor.prototype._transform = function _transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { this._chunks.push(chunk); callback(); }; // `execute(rep)` executes the given [header representation][representation]. // [representation]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7541#section-6 // The *JavaScript object representation* of a header representation: // // { // name: String || Integer, // string literal or index // value: String || Integer, // string literal or index // index: Boolean // with or without indexing // } // // *Important:* to ease the indexing of the header table, indexes start at 0 instead of 1. // // Examples: // // Indexed: // { name: 2 , value: 2 , index: false } // Literal: // { name: 2 , value: 'X', index: false } // without indexing // { name: 2 , value: 'Y', index: true } // with indexing // { name: 'A', value: 'Z', index: true } // with indexing, literal name HeaderSetDecompressor.prototype._execute = function _execute(rep) { this._log.trace({ key: rep.name, value: rep.value, index: rep.index }, 'Executing header representation'); var entry, pair; if (rep.contextUpdate) { this._table.setSizeLimit(rep.newMaxSize); } // * An _indexed representation_ entails the following actions: // * The header field corresponding to the referenced entry is emitted else if (typeof rep.value === 'number') { var index = rep.value; entry = this._table[index]; pair = entry.slice(); this.push(pair); } // * A _literal representation_ that is _not added_ to the header table entails the following // action: // * The header is emitted. // * A _literal representation_ that is _added_ to the header table entails the following further // actions: // * The header is added to the header table. // * The header is emitted. else { if (typeof rep.name === 'number') { pair = [this._table[rep.name][0], rep.value]; } else { pair = [rep.name, rep.value]; } if (rep.index) { entry = entryFromPair(pair); this._table.add(entry); } this.push(pair); } }; // `_flush` is the implementation of the [corresponding virtual function][_flush] of the // TransformStream class. The whole decompressing process is done in `_flush`. It gets called when // the input stream is over. // [_flush]: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_transform_flush_callback HeaderSetDecompressor.prototype._flush = function _flush(callback) { var buffer = concat(this._chunks); // * processes the header representations buffer.cursor = 0; while (buffer.cursor < buffer.length) { this._execute(HeaderSetDecompressor.header(buffer)); } callback(); }; // The HeaderSetCompressor class // ----------------------------- // A `HeaderSetCompressor` instance is a transform stream that can be used to *compress a single // header set*. Its input is a stream of `[name, value]` pairs and its output is a stream of // binary data chunks. // // It is a real streaming compressor, since it does not wait until the header set is complete. // // The compression algorithm is (intentionally) not specified by the spec. Therefore, the current // compression algorithm can probably be improved in the future. util.inherits(HeaderSetCompressor, TransformStream); function HeaderSetCompressor(log, table) { TransformStream.call(this, { objectMode: true }); this._log = log.child({ component: 'compressor' }); this._table = table; this.push = TransformStream.prototype.push.bind(this); } HeaderSetCompressor.prototype.send = function send(rep) { this._log.trace({ key: rep.name, value: rep.value, index: rep.index }, 'Emitting header representation'); if (!rep.chunks) { rep.chunks = HeaderSetCompressor.header(rep); } rep.chunks.forEach(this.push); }; // `_transform` is the implementation of the [corresponding virtual function][_transform] of the // TransformStream class. It processes the input headers one by one: // [_transform]: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_transform_transform_chunk_encoding_callback HeaderSetCompressor.prototype._transform = function _transform(pair, encoding, callback) { var name = pair[0].toLowerCase(); var value = pair[1]; var entry, rep; // * tries to find full (name, value) or name match in the header table var nameMatch = -1, fullMatch = -1; for (var droppedIndex = 0; droppedIndex < this._table.length; droppedIndex++) { entry = this._table[droppedIndex]; if (entry[0] === name) { if (entry[1] === value) { fullMatch = droppedIndex; break; } else if (nameMatch === -1) { nameMatch = droppedIndex; } } } var mustNeverIndex = ((name === 'cookie' && value.length < 20) || (name === 'set-cookie' && value.length < 20) || name === 'authorization'); if (fullMatch !== -1 && !mustNeverIndex) { this.send({ name: fullMatch, value: fullMatch, index: false }); } // * otherwise, it will be a literal representation (with a name index if there's a name match) else { entry = entryFromPair(pair); var indexing = (entry._size < this._table._limit / 2) && !mustNeverIndex; if (indexing) { this._table.add(entry); } this.send({ name: (nameMatch !== -1) ? nameMatch : name, value: value, index: indexing, mustNeverIndex: mustNeverIndex, contextUpdate: false }); } callback(); }; // `_flush` is the implementation of the [corresponding virtual function][_flush] of the // TransformStream class. It gets called when there's no more header to compress. The final step: // [_flush]: https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_transform_flush_callback HeaderSetCompressor.prototype._flush = function _flush(callback) { callback(); }; // [Detailed Format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7541#section-5) // ----------------- // ### Integer representation ### // // The algorithm to represent an integer I is as follows: // // 1. If I < 2^N - 1, encode I on N bits // 2. Else, encode 2^N - 1 on N bits and do the following steps: // 1. Set I to (I - (2^N - 1)) and Q to 1 // 2. While Q > 0 // 1. Compute Q and R, quotient and remainder of I divided by 2^7 // 2. If Q is strictly greater than 0, write one 1 bit; otherwise, write one 0 bit // 3. Encode R on the next 7 bits // 4. I = Q HeaderSetCompressor.integer = function writeInteger(I, N) { var limit = Math.pow(2,N) - 1; if (I < limit) { return [new Buffer([I])]; } var bytes = []; if (N !== 0) { bytes.push(limit); } I -= limit; var Q = 1, R; while (Q > 0) { Q = Math.floor(I / 128); R = I % 128; if (Q > 0) { R += 128; } bytes.push(R); I = Q; } return [new Buffer(bytes)]; }; // The inverse algorithm: // // 1. Set I to the number coded on the lower N bits of the first byte // 2. If I is smaller than 2^N - 1 then return I // 2. Else the number is encoded on more than one byte, so do the following steps: // 1. Set M to 0 // 2. While returning with I // 1. Let B be the next byte (the first byte if N is 0) // 2. Read out the lower 7 bits of B and multiply it with 2^M // 3. Increase I with this number // 4. Increase M by 7 // 5. Return I if the most significant bit of B is 0 HeaderSetDecompressor.integer = function readInteger(buffer, N) { var limit = Math.pow(2,N) - 1; var I = buffer[buffer.cursor] & limit; if (N !== 0) { buffer.cursor += 1; } if (I === limit) { var M = 0; do { I += (buffer[buffer.cursor] & 127) << M; M += 7; buffer.cursor += 1; } while (buffer[buffer.cursor - 1] & 128); } return I; }; // ### Huffman Encoding ### function HuffmanTable(table) { function createTree(codes, position) { if (codes.length === 1) { return [table.indexOf(codes[0])]; } else { position = position || 0; var zero = []; var one = []; for (var i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) { var string = codes[i]; if (string[position] === '0') { zero.push(string); } else { one.push(string); } } return [createTree(zero, position + 1), createTree(one, position + 1)]; } } this.tree = createTree(table); this.codes = table.map(function(bits) { return parseInt(bits, 2); }); this.lengths = table.map(function(bits) { return bits.length; }); } HuffmanTable.prototype.encode = function encode(buffer) { var result = []; var space = 8; function add(data) { if (space === 8) { result.push(data); } else { result[result.length - 1] |= data; } } for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { var byte = buffer[i]; var code = this.codes[byte]; var length = this.lengths[byte]; while (length !== 0) { if (space >= length) { add(code << (space - length)); code = 0; space -= length; length = 0; } else { var shift = length - space; var msb = code >> shift; add(msb); code -= msb << shift; length -= space; space = 0; } if (space === 0) { space = 8; } } } if (space !== 8) { add(this.codes[256] >> (this.lengths[256] - space)); } return new Buffer(result); }; HuffmanTable.prototype.decode = function decode(buffer) { var result = []; var subtree = this.tree; for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { var byte = buffer[i]; for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) { var bit = (byte & 128) ? 1 : 0; byte = byte << 1; subtree = subtree[bit]; if (subtree.length === 1) { result.push(subtree[0]); subtree = this.tree; } } } return new Buffer(result); }; // The initializer arrays for the Huffman tables are generated with feeding the tables from the // spec to this sed command: // // sed -e "s/^.* [|]//g" -e "s/|//g" -e "s/ .*//g" -e "s/^/ '/g" -e "s/$/',/g" HuffmanTable.huffmanTable = new HuffmanTable([ '1111111111000', '11111111111111111011000', '1111111111111111111111100010', '1111111111111111111111100011', '1111111111111111111111100100', '1111111111111111111111100101', '1111111111111111111111100110', '1111111111111111111111100111', '1111111111111111111111101000', '111111111111111111101010', '111111111111111111111111111100', '1111111111111111111111101001', '1111111111111111111111101010', '111111111111111111111111111101', '1111111111111111111111101011', '1111111111111111111111101100', '1111111111111111111111101101', '1111111111111111111111101110', '1111111111111111111111101111', '1111111111111111111111110000', '1111111111111111111111110001', '1111111111111111111111110010', '111111111111111111111111111110', '1111111111111111111111110011', '1111111111111111111111110100', '1111111111111111111111110101', '1111111111111111111111110110', '1111111111111111111111110111', '1111111111111111111111111000', '1111111111111111111111111001', '1111111111111111111111111010', '1111111111111111111111111011', '010100', '1111111000', '1111111001', '111111111010', '1111111111001', '010101', '11111000', '11111111010', '1111111010', '1111111011', '11111001', '11111111011', '11111010', '010110', '010111', '011000', '00000', '00001', '00010', '011001', '011010', '011011', '011100', '011101', '011110', '011111', '1011100', '11111011', '111111111111100', '100000', '111111111011', '1111111100', '1111111111010', '100001', '1011101', '1011110', '1011111', '1100000', '1100001', '1100010', '1100011', '1100100', '1100101', '1100110', '1100111', '1101000', '1101001', '1101010', '1101011', '1101100', '1101101', '1101110', '1101111', '1110000', '1110001', 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'111111111111111111111110000', '11111111111111111111101110', '111111111111111111111111111111' ]); // ### String literal representation ### // // Literal **strings** can represent header names or header values. There's two variant of the // string encoding: // // String literal with Huffman encoding: // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 1 | Value Length Prefix (7) | // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | Value Length (0-N bytes) | // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // ... // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | Huffman Encoded Data |Padding| // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // // String literal without Huffman encoding: // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 0 | Value Length Prefix (7) | // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | Value Length (0-N bytes) | // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // ... // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | Field Bytes Without Encoding | // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ HeaderSetCompressor.string = function writeString(str) { str = new Buffer(str, 'utf8'); var huffman = HuffmanTable.huffmanTable.encode(str); if (huffman.length < str.length) { var length = HeaderSetCompressor.integer(huffman.length, 7); length[0][0] |= 128; return length.concat(huffman); } else { length = HeaderSetCompressor.integer(str.length, 7); return length.concat(str); } }; HeaderSetDecompressor.string = function readString(buffer) { var huffman = buffer[buffer.cursor] & 128; var length = HeaderSetDecompressor.integer(buffer, 7); var encoded = buffer.slice(buffer.cursor, buffer.cursor + length); buffer.cursor += length; return (huffman ? HuffmanTable.huffmanTable.decode(encoded) : encoded).toString('utf8'); }; // ### Header represenations ### // The JavaScript object representation is described near the // `HeaderSetDecompressor.prototype._execute()` method definition. // // **All binary header representations** start with a prefix signaling the representation type and // an index represented using prefix coded integers: // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 1 | Index (7+) | Indexed Representation // +---+---------------------------+ // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 0 | 1 | Index (6+) | // +---+---+---+-------------------+ Literal w/ Indexing // | Value Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ w/ Indexed Name // | Value String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 0 | 1 | 0 | // +---+---+---+-------------------+ // | Name Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ Literal w/ Indexing // | Name String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ w/ New Name // | Value Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ // | Value String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Index (4+) | // +---+---+---+-------------------+ Literal w/o Incremental Indexing // | Value Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ w/ Indexed Name // | Value String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | // +---+---+---+-------------------+ // | Name Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ Literal w/o Incremental Indexing // | Name String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ w/ New Name // | Value Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ // | Value String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | Index (4+) | // +---+---+---+-------------------+ Literal never indexed // | Value Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ w/ Indexed Name // | Value String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ // // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ // | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | // +---+---+---+-------------------+ // | Name Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ Literal never indexed // | Name String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ w/ New Name // | Value Length (8+) | // +-------------------------------+ // | Value String (Length octets) | // +-------------------------------+ // // The **Indexed Representation** consists of the 1-bit prefix and the Index that is represented as // a 7-bit prefix coded integer and nothing else. // // After the first bits, **all literal representations** specify the header name, either as a // pointer to the Header Table (Index) or a string literal. When the string literal representation // is used, the Index is set to 0 and the string literal starts at the second byte. // // For **all literal representations**, the specification of the header value comes next. It is // always represented as a string. var representations = { indexed : { prefix: 7, pattern: 0x80 }, literalIncremental : { prefix: 6, pattern: 0x40 }, contextUpdate : { prefix: 0, pattern: 0x20 }, literalNeverIndexed : { prefix: 4, pattern: 0x10 }, literal : { prefix: 4, pattern: 0x00 } }; HeaderSetCompressor.header = function writeHeader(header) { var representation, buffers = []; if (header.contextUpdate) { representation = representations.contextUpdate; } else if (typeof header.value === 'number') { representation = representations.indexed; } else if (header.index) { representation = representations.literalIncremental; } else if (header.mustNeverIndex) { representation = representations.literalNeverIndexed; } else { representation = representations.literal; } if (representation === representations.contextUpdate) { buffers.push(HeaderSetCompressor.integer(header.newMaxSize, 5)); } else if (representation === representations.indexed) { buffers.push(HeaderSetCompressor.integer(header.value + 1, representation.prefix)); } else { if (typeof header.name === 'number') { buffers.push(HeaderSetCompressor.integer(header.name + 1, representation.prefix)); } else { buffers.push(HeaderSetCompressor.integer(0, representation.prefix)); buffers.push(HeaderSetCompressor.string(header.name)); } buffers.push(HeaderSetCompressor.string(header.value)); } buffers[0][0][0] |= representation.pattern; return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], buffers); // array of arrays of buffers -> array of buffers }; HeaderSetDecompressor.header = function readHeader(buffer) { var representation, header = {}; var firstByte = buffer[buffer.cursor]; if (firstByte & 0x80) { representation = representations.indexed; } else if (firstByte & 0x40) { representation = representations.literalIncremental; } else if (firstByte & 0x20) { representation = representations.contextUpdate; } else if (firstByte & 0x10) { representation = representations.literalNeverIndexed; } else { representation = representations.literal; } header.value = header.name = -1; header.index = false; header.contextUpdate = false; header.newMaxSize = 0; header.mustNeverIndex = false; if (representation === representations.contextUpdate) { header.contextUpdate = true; header.newMaxSize = HeaderSetDecompressor.integer(buffer, 5); } else if (representation === representations.indexed) { header.value = header.name = HeaderSetDecompressor.integer(buffer, representation.prefix) - 1; } else { header.name = HeaderSetDecompressor.integer(buffer, representation.prefix) - 1; if (header.name === -1) { header.name = HeaderSetDecompressor.string(buffer); } header.value = HeaderSetDecompressor.string(buffer); header.index = (representation === representations.literalIncremental); header.mustNeverIndex = (representation === representations.literalNeverIndexed); } return header; }; // Integration with HTTP/2 // ======================= // This section describes the interaction between the compressor/decompressor and the rest of the // HTTP/2 implementation. The `Compressor` and the `Decompressor` makes up a layer between the // [framer](framer.html) and the [connection handling component](connection.html). They let most // frames pass through, except HEADERS and PUSH_PROMISE frames. They convert the frames between // these two representations: // // { { // type: 'HEADERS', type: 'HEADERS', // flags: {}, flags: {}, // stream: 1, <===> stream: 1, // headers: { data: Buffer // N1: 'V1', } // N2: ['V1', 'V2', ...], // // ... // } // } // // There are possibly several binary frame that belong to a single non-binary frame. var MAX_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 16384; // The Compressor class // -------------------- // The Compressor transform stream is basically stateless. util.inherits(Compressor, TransformStream); function Compressor(log, type) { TransformStream.call(this, { objectMode: true }); this._log = log.child({ component: 'compressor' }); assert((type === 'REQUEST') || (type === 'RESPONSE')); this._table = new HeaderTable(this._log); this.tableSizeChangePending = false; this.lowestTableSizePending = 0; this.tableSizeSetting = DEFAULT_HEADER_TABLE_LIMIT; } // Changing the header table size Compressor.prototype.setTableSizeLimit = function setTableSizeLimit(size) { this._table.setSizeLimit(size); if (!this.tableSizeChangePending || size < this.lowestTableSizePending) { this.lowestTableSizePending = size; } this.tableSizeSetting = size; this.tableSizeChangePending = true; }; // `compress` takes a header set, and compresses it using a new `HeaderSetCompressor` stream // instance. This means that from now on, the advantages of streaming header encoding are lost, // but the API becomes simpler. Compressor.prototype.compress = function compress(headers) { var compressor = new HeaderSetCompressor(this._log, this._table); if (this.tableSizeChangePending) { if (this.lowestTableSizePending < this.tableSizeSetting) { compressor.send({contextUpdate: true, newMaxSize: this.lowestTableSizePending, name: "", value: "", index: 0}); } compressor.send({contextUpdate: true, newMaxSize: this.tableSizeSetting, name: "", value: "", index: 0}); this.tableSizeChangePending = false; } var colonHeaders = []; var nonColonHeaders = []; // To ensure we send colon headers first for (var name in headers) { if (name.trim()[0] === ':') { colonHeaders.push(name); } else { nonColonHeaders.push(name); } } function compressHeader(name) { var value = headers[name]; name = String(name).toLowerCase(); // * To allow for better compression efficiency, the Cookie header field MAY be split into // separate header fields, each with one or more cookie-pairs. if (name == 'cookie') { if (!(value instanceof Array)) { value = [value]; } value = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], value.map(function(cookie) { return String(cookie).split(';').map(trim); })); } if (value instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) { compressor.write([name, String(value[i])]); } } else { compressor.write([name, String(value)]); } } colonHeaders.forEach(compressHeader); nonColonHeaders.forEach(compressHeader); compressor.end(); var chunk, chunks = []; while (chunk = compressor.read()) { chunks.push(chunk); } return concat(chunks); }; // When a `frame` arrives Compressor.prototype._transform = function _transform(frame, encoding, done) { // * and it is a HEADERS or PUSH_PROMISE frame // * it generates a header block using the compress method // * cuts the header block into `chunks` that are not larger than `MAX_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE` // * for each chunk, it pushes out a chunk frame that is identical to the original, except // the `data` property which holds the given chunk, the type of the frame which is always // CONTINUATION except for the first frame, and the END_HEADERS/END_PUSH_STREAM flag that // marks the last frame and the END_STREAM flag which is always false before the end if (frame.type === 'HEADERS' || frame.type === 'PUSH_PROMISE') { var buffer = this.compress(frame.headers); // This will result in CONTINUATIONs from a PUSH_PROMISE being 4 bytes shorter than they could // be, but that's not the end of the world, and it prevents us from going over MAX_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE // on the initial PUSH_PROMISE frame. var adjustment = frame.type === 'PUSH_PROMISE' ? 4 : 0; var chunks = cut(buffer, MAX_HTTP_PAYLOAD_SIZE - adjustment); for (var i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { var chunkFrame; var first = (i === 0); var last = (i === chunks.length - 1); if (first) { chunkFrame = util._extend({}, frame); chunkFrame.flags = util._extend({}, frame.flags); chunkFrame.flags['END_' + frame.type] = last; } else { chunkFrame = { type: 'CONTINUATION', flags: { END_HEADERS: last }, stream: frame.stream }; } chunkFrame.data = chunks[i]; this.push(chunkFrame); } } // * otherwise, the frame is forwarded without taking any action else { this.push(frame); } done(); }; // The Decompressor class // ---------------------- // The Decompressor is a stateful transform stream, since it has to collect multiple frames first, // and the decoding comes after unifying the payload of those frames. // // If there's a frame in progress, `this._inProgress` is `true`. The frames are collected in // `this._frames`, and the type of the frame and the stream identifier is stored in `this._type` // and `this._stream` respectively. util.inherits(Decompressor, TransformStream); function Decompressor(log, type) { TransformStream.call(this, { objectMode: true }); this._log = log.child({ component: 'compressor' }); assert((type === 'REQUEST') || (type === 'RESPONSE')); this._table = new HeaderTable(this._log); this._inProgress = false; this._base = undefined; } // Changing the header table size Decompressor.prototype.setTableSizeLimit = function setTableSizeLimit(size) { this._table.setSizeLimit(size); }; // `decompress` takes a full header block, and decompresses it using a new `HeaderSetDecompressor` // stream instance. This means that from now on, the advantages of streaming header decoding are // lost, but the API becomes simpler. Decompressor.prototype.decompress = function decompress(block) { var decompressor = new HeaderSetDecompressor(this._log, this._table); decompressor.end(block); var seenNonColonHeader = false; var headers = {}; var pair; while (pair = decompressor.read()) { var name = pair[0]; var value = pair[1]; var isColonHeader = (name.trim()[0] === ':'); if (seenNonColonHeader && isColonHeader) { this.emit('error', 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'); return headers; } seenNonColonHeader = !isColonHeader; if (name in headers) { if (headers[name] instanceof Array) { headers[name].push(value); } else { headers[name] = [headers[name], value]; } } else { headers[name] = value; } } // * If there are multiple Cookie header fields after decompression, these MUST be concatenated // into a single octet string using the two octet delimiter of 0x3B, 0x20 (the ASCII // string "; "). if (('cookie' in headers) && (headers['cookie'] instanceof Array)) { headers['cookie'] = headers['cookie'].join('; '); } return headers; }; // When a `frame` arrives Decompressor.prototype._transform = function _transform(frame, encoding, done) { // * and the collection process is already `_inProgress`, the frame is simply stored, except if // it's an illegal frame if (this._inProgress) { if ((frame.type !== 'CONTINUATION') || (frame.stream !== this._base.stream)) { this._log.error('A series of HEADER frames were not continuous'); this.emit('error', 'PROTOCOL_ERROR'); return; } this._frames.push(frame); } // * and the collection process is not `_inProgress`, but the new frame's type is HEADERS or // PUSH_PROMISE, a new collection process begins else if ((frame.type === 'HEADERS') || (frame.type === 'PUSH_PROMISE')) { this._inProgress = true; this._base = util._extend({}, frame); this._frames = [frame]; } // * otherwise, the frame is forwarded without taking any action else { this.push(frame); } // * When the frame signals that it's the last in the series, the header block chunks are // concatenated, the headers are decompressed, and a new frame gets pushed out with the // decompressed headers. if (this._inProgress && (frame.flags.END_HEADERS || frame.flags.END_PUSH_PROMISE)) { var buffer = concat(this._frames.map(function(frame) { return frame.data; })); try { var headers = this.decompress(buffer); } catch(error) { this._log.error({ err: error }, 'Header decompression error'); this.emit('error', 'COMPRESSION_ERROR'); return; } this.push(util._extend(this._base, { headers: headers })); this._inProgress = false; } done(); }; // Helper functions // ================ // Concatenate an array of buffers into a new buffer function concat(buffers) { var size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { size += buffers[i].length; } var concatenated = new Buffer(size); for (var cursor = 0, j = 0; j < buffers.length; cursor += buffers[j].length, j++) { buffers[j].copy(concatenated, cursor); } return concatenated; } // Cut `buffer` into chunks not larger than `size` function cut(buffer, size) { var chunks = []; var cursor = 0; do { var chunkSize = Math.min(size, buffer.length - cursor); chunks.push(buffer.slice(cursor, cursor + chunkSize)); cursor += chunkSize; } while(cursor < buffer.length); return chunks; } function trim(string) { return string.trim(); }