import os import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import urlparse from wptrunner.update.sync import LoadManifest from wptrunner.update.tree import get_unique_name from wptrunner.update.base import Step, StepRunner, exit_clean, exit_unclean from .tree import Commit, GitTree, Patch import github from .github import GitHub def rewrite_patch(patch, strip_dir): """Take a Patch and convert to a different repository by stripping a prefix from the file paths. Also rewrite the message to remove the bug number and reviewer, but add a bugzilla link in the summary. :param patch: the Patch to convert :param strip_dir: the path prefix to remove """ if not strip_dir.startswith("/"): strip_dir = "/%s"% strip_dir new_diff = [] line_starts = ["diff ", "+++ ", "--- ", "rename from ", "rename to "] for line in patch.diff.split("\n"): for start in line_starts: if line.startswith(start): new_diff.append(line.replace(strip_dir, "").encode("utf8")) break else: new_diff.append(line) new_diff = "\n".join(new_diff) assert new_diff != patch return Patch(,, rewrite_message(patch), new_diff) def rewrite_message(patch): rest = patch.message.body if patch.message.bug is not None: return "\n".join([patch.message.summary, patch.message.body, "", "Upstreamed from" % patch.message.bug]) return "\n".join([patch.message.full_summary, rest]) class SyncToUpstream(Step): """Sync local changes to upstream""" def create(self, state): if not state.kwargs["upstream"]: return if not isinstance(state.local_tree, GitTree): self.logger.error("Cannot sync with upstream from a non-Git checkout.") return exit_clean try: import requests except ImportError: self.logger.error("Upstream sync requires the requests module to be installed") return exit_clean if not state.sync_tree: os.makedirs(state.sync["path"]) state.sync_tree = GitTree(root=state.sync["path"]) kwargs = state.kwargs with state.push(["local_tree", "sync_tree", "tests_path", "metadata_path", "sync"]): state.token = kwargs["token"] runner = SyncToUpstreamRunner(self.logger, state) class CheckoutBranch(Step): """Create a branch in the sync tree pointing at the last upstream sync commit and check it out""" provides = ["branch"] def create(self, state):"Updating sync tree from %s" % state.sync["remote_url"]) state.branch = state.sync_tree.unique_branch_name( "outbound_update_%s" % state.old_manifest.rev) state.sync_tree.update(state.sync["remote_url"], state.sync["branch"], state.branch) state.sync_tree.checkout(state.old_manifest.rev, state.branch, force=True) class GetLastSyncCommit(Step): """Find the gecko commit at which we last performed a sync with upstream.""" provides = ["last_sync_path", "last_sync_commit"] def create(self, state):"Looking for last sync commit") state.last_sync_path = os.path.join(state.metadata_path, "mozilla-sync") with open(state.last_sync_path) as f: last_sync_sha1 = state.last_sync_commit = Commit(state.local_tree, last_sync_sha1) if not state.local_tree.contains_commit(state.last_sync_commit): self.logger.error("Could not find last sync commit %s" % last_sync_sha1) return exit_clean"Last sync to web-platform-tests happened in %s" % state.last_sync_commit.sha1) class GetBaseCommit(Step): """Find the latest upstream commit on the branch that we are syncing with""" provides = ["base_commit"] def create(self, state): state.base_commit = state.sync_tree.get_remote_sha1(state.sync["remote_url"], state.sync["branch"]) self.logger.debug("New base commit is %s" % state.base_commit.sha1) class LoadCommits(Step): """Get a list of commits in the gecko tree that need to be upstreamed""" provides = ["source_commits", "has_backouts"] def create(self, state): state.source_commits = state.local_tree.log(state.last_sync_commit, state.tests_path) update_regexp = re.compile("Bug \d+ - Update web-platform-tests to revision [0-9a-f]{40}") state.has_backouts = False for i, commit in enumerate(state.source_commits[:]): if update_regexp.match(commit.message.text): # This is a previous update commit so ignore it state.source_commits.remove(commit) continue elif commit.message.backouts: #TODO: Add support for collapsing backouts state.has_backouts = True elif not commit.message.bug: self.logger.error("Commit %i (%s) doesn't have an associated bug number." % (i + 1, commit.sha1)) return exit_unclean self.logger.debug("Source commits: %s" % state.source_commits) class SelectCommits(Step): """Provide a UI to select which commits to upstream""" def create(self, state): while True: commits = state.source_commits[:] for i, commit in enumerate(commits): print "%i:\t%s" % (i, commit.message.summary) remove = raw_input("Provide a space-separated list of any commits numbers to remove from the list to upstream:\n").strip() remove_idx = set() for item in remove.split(" "): try: item = int(item) except: continue if item < 0 or item >= len(commits): continue remove_idx.add(item) keep_commits = [(i,cmt) for i,cmt in enumerate(commits) if i not in remove_idx] #TODO: consider printed removed commits print "Selected the following commits to keep:" for i, commit in keep_commits: print "%i:\t%s" % (i, commit.message.summary) confirm = raw_input("Keep the above commits? y/n\n").strip().lower() if confirm == "y": state.source_commits = [item[1] for item in keep_commits] break class MovePatches(Step): """Convert gecko commits into patches against upstream and commit these to the sync tree.""" provides = ["commits_loaded"] def create(self, state): if not hasattr(state, "commits_loaded"): state.commits_loaded = 0 strip_path = os.path.relpath(state.tests_path, state.local_tree.root) self.logger.debug("Stripping patch %s" % strip_path) if not hasattr(state, "patch"): state.patch = None for commit in state.source_commits[state.commits_loaded:]: i = state.commits_loaded + 1"Moving commit %i: %s" % (i, commit.message.full_summary)) stripped_patch = None if state.patch: filename, stripped_patch = state.patch if not os.path.exists(filename): stripped_patch = None else: with open(filename) as f: stripped_patch.diff = state.patch = None if not stripped_patch: patch = commit.export_patch(state.tests_path) stripped_patch = rewrite_patch(patch, strip_path) if not stripped_patch.diff:"Skipping empty patch") state.commits_loaded = i continue try: state.sync_tree.import_patch(stripped_patch) except: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".diff") as f: f.write(stripped_patch.diff) print """Patch failed to apply. Diff saved in %s Fix this file so it applies and run with --continue""" % state.patch = (, stripped_patch) print state.patch sys.exit(1) state.commits_loaded = i raw_input("Check for differences with upstream") class RebaseCommits(Step): """Rebase commits from the current branch on top of the upstream destination branch. This step is particularly likely to fail if the rebase generates merge conflicts. In that case the conflicts can be fixed up locally and the sync process restarted with --continue. """ def create(self, state):"Rebasing local commits") continue_rebase = False # Check if there's a rebase in progress if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(state.sync_tree.root, ".git", "rebase-merge")) or os.path.exists(os.path.join(state.sync_tree.root, ".git", "rebase-apply"))): continue_rebase = True try: state.sync_tree.rebase(state.base_commit, continue_rebase=continue_rebase) except subprocess.CalledProcessError:"Rebase failed, fix merge and run %s again with --continue" % sys.argv[0]) raise"Rebase successful") class CheckRebase(Step): """Check if there are any commits remaining after rebase""" provides = ["rebased_commits"] def create(self, state): state.rebased_commits = state.sync_tree.log(state.base_commit) if not state.rebased_commits:"Nothing to upstream, exiting") return exit_clean class MergeUpstream(Step): """Run steps to push local commits as seperate PRs and merge upstream.""" provides = ["merge_index", "gh_repo"] def create(self, state): gh = GitHub(state.token) if "merge_index" not in state: state.merge_index = 0 org, name = urlparse.urlsplit(state.sync["remote_url"]).path[1:].split("/") if name.endswith(".git"): name = name[:-4] state.gh_repo = gh.repo(org, name) for commit in state.rebased_commits[state.merge_index:]: with state.push(["gh_repo", "sync_tree"]): state.commit = commit pr_merger = PRMergeRunner(self.logger, state) rv = if rv is not None: return rv state.merge_index += 1 class UpdateLastSyncCommit(Step): """Update the gecko commit at which we last performed a sync with upstream.""" provides = [] def create(self, state):"Updating last sync commit") with open(state.last_sync_path, "w") as f: f.write(state.local_tree.rev) # This gets added to the patch later on class MergeLocalBranch(Step): """Create a local branch pointing at the commit to upstream""" provides = ["local_branch"] def create(self, state): branch_prefix = "sync_%s" % state.commit.sha1 local_branch = state.sync_tree.unique_branch_name(branch_prefix) state.sync_tree.create_branch(local_branch, state.commit) state.local_branch = local_branch class MergeRemoteBranch(Step): """Get an unused remote branch name to use for the PR""" provides = ["remote_branch"] def create(self, state): remote_branch = "sync_%s" % state.commit.sha1 branches = [ref[len("refs/heads/"):] for sha1, ref in state.sync_tree.list_remote(state.gh_repo.url) if ref.startswith("refs/heads")] state.remote_branch = get_unique_name(branches, remote_branch) class PushUpstream(Step): """Push local branch to remote""" def create(self, state):"Pushing commit upstream") state.sync_tree.push(state.gh_repo.url, state.local_branch, state.remote_branch) class CreatePR(Step): """Create a PR for the remote branch""" provides = ["pr"] def create(self, state):"Creating a PR") commit = state.commit = state.gh_repo.create_pr(commit.message.full_summary, state.remote_branch, "master", commit.message.body if commit.message.body else "") class PRAddComment(Step): """Add an issue comment indicating that the code has been reviewed already""" def create(self, state):"Code reviewed upstream.") class MergePR(Step): """Merge the PR""" def create(self, state):"Merging PR") class PRDeleteBranch(Step): """Delete the remote branch""" def create(self, state):"Deleting remote branch") state.sync_tree.push(state.gh_repo.url, "", state.remote_branch) class SyncToUpstreamRunner(StepRunner): """Runner for syncing local changes to upstream""" steps = [LoadManifest, CheckoutBranch, GetLastSyncCommit, GetBaseCommit, LoadCommits, SelectCommits, MovePatches, RebaseCommits, CheckRebase, MergeUpstream, UpdateLastSyncCommit] class PRMergeRunner(StepRunner): """(Sub)Runner for creating and merging a PR""" steps = [ MergeLocalBranch, MergeRemoteBranch, PushUpstream, CreatePR, PRAddComment, MergePR, PRDeleteBranch, ]