// Check a Touch object's attributes for existence and correct type // TA: 1.1.2, 1.1.3 function check_Touch_object(t) { assert_equals(Object.prototype.toString.call(t), "[object Touch]", "touch is of type Touch"); [ ["long", "identifier"], ["EventTarget", "target"], ["long", "screenX"], ["long", "screenY"], ["long", "clientX"], ["long", "clientY"], ["long", "pageX"], ["long", "pageY"], ["long", "radiusX"], ["long", "radiusY"], ["long", "rotationAngle"], ["long", "force"], ].forEach(function(attr) { var type = attr[0]; var name = attr[1]; // existence check assert_true(name in t, name + " attribute in Touch object"); // type check switch (type) { case "long": assert_equals(typeof t[name], "number", name + " attribute of type long"); break; case "EventTarget": // An event target is some type of Element assert_true(t[name] instanceof Element, "EventTarget must be an Element."); break; default: break; } }); } // Check a TouchList object's attributes and methods for existence and proper type // Also make sure all of the members of the list are Touch objects // TA: 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.5, 1.2.6 function check_TouchList_object(tl) { assert_equals(Object.prototype.toString.call(tl), "[object TouchList]", "touch list is of type TouchList"); [ ["unsigned long", "length"], ["function", "item"], ].forEach(function(attr) { var type = attr[0]; var name = attr[1]; // existence check assert_true(name in tl, name + " attribute in TouchList"); // type check switch (type) { case "unsigned long": assert_equals(typeof tl[name], "number", name + " attribute of type long"); break; case "function": assert_equals(typeof tl[name], "function", name + " attribute of type function"); break; default: break; } }); // Each member of tl should be a proper Touch object for (var i = 0; i < tl.length; i++) { check_Touch_object(tl.item(i)); } // TouchList.item(x) should return null if x is >= TouchList.length var t = tl.item(tl.length); assert_equals(t, null, "TouchList.item returns null if the index is >= the length of the list"); } // Check a TouchEvent event's attributes for existence and proper type // Also check that each of the event's TouchList objects are valid // TA: 1.{3,4,5}.1.1, 1.{3,4,5}.1.2 function check_TouchEvent(ev) { assert_true(ev instanceof TouchEvent, ev.type + " event is a TouchEvent event"); [ ["TouchList", "touches"], ["TouchList", "targetTouches"], ["TouchList", "changedTouches"], ["boolean", "altKey"], ["boolean", "metaKey"], ["boolean", "ctrlKey"], ["boolean", "shiftKey"], ].forEach(function(attr) { var type = attr[0]; var name = attr[1]; // existence check assert_true(name in ev, name + " attribute in " + ev.type + " event"); // type check switch (type) { case "boolean": assert_equals(typeof ev[name], "boolean", name + " attribute of type boolean"); break; case "TouchList": assert_equals(Object.prototype.toString.call(ev[name]), "[object TouchList]", name + " attribute of type TouchList"); break; default: break; } }); }