import functools import os import random import shutil import subprocess import tempfile from datetime import datetime class OpenSSL(object): def __init__(self, logger, binary, base_path, conf_path, hosts, duration, base_conf_path=None): """Context manager for interacting with OpenSSL. Creates a config file for the duration of the context. :param logger: stdlib logger or python structured logger :param binary: path to openssl binary :param base_path: path to directory for storing certificates :param conf_path: path for configuration file storing configuration data :param hosts: list of hosts to include in configuration (or None if not generating host certificates) :param duration: Certificate duration in days""" self.base_path = base_path self.binary = binary self.conf_path = conf_path self.base_conf_path = base_conf_path self.logger = logger self.proc = None self.cmd = [] self.hosts = hosts self.duration = duration def __enter__(self): with open(self.conf_path, "w") as f: f.write(get_config(self.base_path, self.hosts, self.duration)) return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): os.unlink(self.conf_path) def log(self, line): if hasattr(self.logger, "process_output"): self.logger.process_output( if self.proc is not None else None, line.decode("utf8", "replace"), command=" ".join(self.cmd)) else: self.logger.debug(line) def __call__(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): """Run a command using OpenSSL in the current context. :param cmd: The openssl subcommand to run :param *args: Additional arguments to pass to the command """ self.cmd = [self.binary, cmd] if cmd != "x509": self.cmd += ["-config", self.conf_path] self.cmd += list(args) env = os.environ.copy() if self.base_conf_path is not None: env["OPENSSL_CONF"] = self.base_conf_path.encode("utf8") self.proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) stdout, stderr = self.proc.communicate() self.log(stdout) if self.proc.returncode != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(self.proc.returncode, self.cmd, output=stdout) self.cmd = [] self.proc = None return stdout def make_subject(common_name, country=None, state=None, locality=None, organization=None, organization_unit=None): args = [("country", "C"), ("state", "ST"), ("locality", "L"), ("organization", "O"), ("organization_unit", "OU"), ("common_name", "CN")] rv = [] for var, key in args: value = locals()[var] if value is not None: rv.append("/%s=%s" % (key, value.replace("/", "\\/"))) return "".join(rv) def make_alt_names(hosts): rv = [] for name in hosts: rv.append("DNS:%s" % name) return ",".join(rv) def get_config(root_dir, hosts, duration=30): if hosts is None: san_line = "" else: san_line = "subjectAltName = %s" % make_alt_names(hosts) if os.path.sep == "\\": # This seems to be needed for the Shining Light OpenSSL on # Windows, at least. root_dir = root_dir.replace("\\", "\\\\") rv = """[ ca ] default_ca = CA_default [ CA_default ] dir = %(root_dir)s certs = $dir new_certs_dir = $certs crl_dir = $dir%(sep)scrl database = $dir%(sep)sindex.txt private_key = $dir%(sep)scakey.pem certificate = $dir%(sep)scacert.pem serial = $dir%(sep)sserial crldir = $dir%(sep)scrl crlnumber = $dir%(sep)scrlnumber crl = $crldir%(sep)scrl.pem RANDFILE = $dir%(sep)sprivate%(sep)s.rand x509_extensions = usr_cert name_opt = ca_default cert_opt = ca_default default_days = %(duration)d default_crl_days = %(duration)d default_md = sha256 preserve = no policy = policy_anything copy_extensions = copy [ policy_anything ] countryName = optional stateOrProvinceName = optional localityName = optional organizationName = optional organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied emailAddress = optional [ req ] default_bits = 2048 default_keyfile = privkey.pem distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name attributes = req_attributes x509_extensions = v3_ca # Passwords for private keys if not present they will be prompted for # input_password = secret # output_password = secret string_mask = utf8only req_extensions = v3_req [ req_distinguished_name ] countryName = Country Name (2 letter code) countryName_default = AU countryName_min = 2 countryName_max = 2 stateOrProvinceName = State or Province Name (full name) stateOrProvinceName_default = localityName = Locality Name (eg, city) 0.organizationName = Organization Name 0.organizationName_default = Web Platform Tests organizationalUnitName = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) #organizationalUnitName_default = commonName = Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) commonName_max = 64 emailAddress = Email Address emailAddress_max = 64 [ req_attributes ] [ usr_cert ] basicConstraints=CA:false subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid,issuer [ v3_req ] basicConstraints = CA:FALSE keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth %(san_line)s [ v3_ca ] basicConstraints = CA:true subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer:always keyUsage = keyCertSign """ % {"root_dir": root_dir, "san_line": san_line, "duration": duration, "sep": os.path.sep.replace("\\", "\\\\")} return rv class OpenSSLEnvironment(object): ssl_enabled = True def __init__(self, logger, openssl_binary="openssl", base_path=None, password="web-platform-tests", force_regenerate=False, duration=30, base_conf_path=None): """SSL environment that creates a local CA and host certificate using OpenSSL. By default this will look in base_path for existing certificates that are still valid and only create new certificates if there aren't any. This behaviour can be adjusted using the force_regenerate option. :param logger: a stdlib logging compatible logger or mozlog structured logger :param openssl_binary: Path to the OpenSSL binary :param base_path: Path in which certificates will be stored. If None, a temporary directory will be used and removed when the server shuts down :param password: Password to use :param force_regenerate: Always create a new certificate even if one already exists. """ self.logger = logger self.temporary = False if base_path is None: base_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.temporary = True self.base_path = os.path.abspath(base_path) self.password = password self.force_regenerate = force_regenerate self.duration = duration self.base_conf_path = base_conf_path self.path = None self.binary = openssl_binary self.openssl = None self._ca_cert_path = None self._ca_key_path = None self.host_certificates = {} def __enter__(self): if not os.path.exists(self.base_path): os.makedirs(self.base_path) path = functools.partial(os.path.join, self.base_path) with open(path("index.txt"), "w"): pass with open(path("serial"), "w") as f: serial = "%x" % random.randint(0, 1000000) if len(serial) % 2: serial = "0" + serial f.write(serial) self.path = path return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.temporary: shutil.rmtree(self.base_path) def _config_openssl(self, hosts): conf_path = self.path("openssl.cfg") return OpenSSL(self.logger, self.binary, self.base_path, conf_path, hosts, self.duration, self.base_conf_path) def ca_cert_path(self): """Get the path to the CA certificate file, generating a new one if needed""" if self._ca_cert_path is None and not self.force_regenerate: self._load_ca_cert() if self._ca_cert_path is None: self._generate_ca() return self._ca_cert_path def _load_ca_cert(self): key_path = self.path("cakey.pem") cert_path = self.path("cacert.pem") if self.check_key_cert(key_path, cert_path, None):"Using existing CA cert") self._ca_key_path, self._ca_cert_path = key_path, cert_path def check_key_cert(self, key_path, cert_path, hosts): """Check that a key and cert file exist and are valid""" if not os.path.exists(key_path) or not os.path.exists(cert_path): return False with self._config_openssl(hosts) as openssl: end_date_str = openssl("x509", "-noout", "-enddate", "-in", cert_path).split("=", 1)[1].strip() # Not sure if this works in other locales end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date_str, "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z") # Should have some buffer here e.g. 1 hr if end_date < return False #TODO: check the key actually signed the cert. return True def _generate_ca(self): path = self.path"Generating new CA in %s" % self.base_path) key_path = path("cakey.pem") req_path = path("careq.pem") cert_path = path("cacert.pem") with self._config_openssl(None) as openssl: openssl("req", "-batch", "-new", "-newkey", "rsa:2048", "-keyout", key_path, "-out", req_path, "-subj", make_subject("web-platform-tests"), "-passout", "pass:%s" % self.password) openssl("ca", "-batch", "-create_serial", "-keyfile", key_path, "-passin", "pass:%s" % self.password, "-selfsign", "-extensions", "v3_ca", "-in", req_path, "-out", cert_path) os.unlink(req_path) self._ca_key_path, self._ca_cert_path = key_path, cert_path def host_cert_path(self, hosts): """Get a tuple of (private key path, certificate path) for a host, generating new ones if necessary. hosts must be a list of all hosts to appear on the certificate, with the primary hostname first.""" hosts = tuple(hosts) if hosts not in self.host_certificates: if not self.force_regenerate: key_cert = self._load_host_cert(hosts) else: key_cert = None if key_cert is None: key, cert = self._generate_host_cert(hosts) else: key, cert = key_cert self.host_certificates[hosts] = key, cert return self.host_certificates[hosts] def _load_host_cert(self, hosts): host = hosts[0] key_path = self.path("%s.key" % host) cert_path = self.path("%s.pem" % host) # TODO: check that this cert was signed by the CA cert if self.check_key_cert(key_path, cert_path, hosts):"Using existing host cert") return key_path, cert_path def _generate_host_cert(self, hosts): host = hosts[0] if self._ca_key_path is None: self._generate_ca() ca_key_path = self._ca_key_path assert os.path.exists(ca_key_path) path = self.path req_path = path("wpt.req") cert_path = path("%s.pem" % host) key_path = path("%s.key" % host)"Generating new host cert") with self._config_openssl(hosts) as openssl: openssl("req", "-batch", "-newkey", "rsa:2048", "-keyout", key_path, "-in", ca_key_path, "-nodes", "-out", req_path) openssl("ca", "-batch", "-in", req_path, "-passin", "pass:%s" % self.password, "-subj", make_subject(host), "-out", cert_path) os.unlink(req_path) return key_path, cert_path