The 'getItem', 'replaceItem', and 'removeItem' operations of the 'SVGNumberList' interface raise the 'INDEX_SIZE_ERR' exception when the specified index number is greater than the number of items in the list.

Retrieve a 'SVGNumberList' object by getting the 'baseVal' attribute from the 'rotate' object of a 'SVGTextElement'. Attempt to call 'getItem', 'replaceItem', and 'removeItem' with an index larger than the number of items in the list. For each of these operations, verify there was an exception of type 'INDEX_SIZE_ERR' thrown.

Test passes if there is no red visible on the page.

$RCSfile: types-dom-svgnumberlist-01-f.svg,v $ FAIL PASS $Revision: 1.5 $ DRAFT