Test that elements with conditional processing attributes that evaluate to true do not render if their parent contains conditional processing attributes that evaluate to false.

The test has a 'g' element with its 'requiredFeatures' attribute set to an arbitrary feature string that would cause the attribute's requirement test to fail. A red 'rect' element is a child node of the 'g' element. The 'rect' element has the 'requiredFeatures' attribute set to a supported feature string. 'http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#ConditionalProcessing' was chosen as a valid feature string to reduce dependencies on other SVG features.

Run the test. No interaction required.

The test passed if there is no red visible on the page.

$RCSfile: struct-cond-overview-04-f.svg,v $ $Revision: 1.3 $ DRAFT