This test validates handling of the hkern element.

In all instances, a text element matching a font with hkern is displayed along with reference markers showing the expected glyph positioning.

The 'fontA' cell shows the string "12" with "fontA" for which there in a kerning pair defined with u1="1" and u2="2".

The 'fontB' cell shows the string "12" with "fontB" for which there in a kerning pair defined with g1="gl_1" and g2="gl_2", where "gl_1" has unicode="1" and "gl_2" has unicode="2".

The 'fontC' cell shows the string "1234" with "fontC" were the same kerning pair uses u1/u2 to match "12" and g1/g2 to match "34".

The 'fontD' cell shows the string "1234" with "fontD" were the same kerning pair uses u1/u2 to match "12" and "34" (u1/u2 are lists of character vales).

The 'fontE' cell shows the string "1234" with "fontE" were the same kerning pair uses g1/g2 to match "12" and "34" (g1/g2 are lists of names).

The 'fontF' cell shows the string "1234" with "fontF" were the same kerning pair uses u1/u2 to match "12" and "34" (u1/u2 are unicode ranges).

The 'fontG' cell shows the string "12" with "fontG" were for which there is a kerning pair with u1 matching "1" and g2 matching "gl_2".

Run the test. No interaction required.

The test is passed if for each of the seven subtests there is a series of black squares whose lower-left corner aligns with the centre of the corresponding small, red square as shown in the reference graphic.

$RCSfile: fonts-kern-01-t.svg,v $ <hkern> font A u1="1" u2="2" 12 font B g1="gl_1" g2="gl_2" 12 font C u1="1" u2="2" g1="gl_3" g2="gl_4" 1234 font D u1="1,3" u2="2,4" 1234 font E g1="gl_1,gl_3" g2="gl_2,gl_4" 1234 font F u1="U+003?" u2="U+0031-34" 1234 font G u1="1" g2="gl_2" 12 $Revision: 1.7 $